Wrestlemania 31 main event confirmed....


Occasional Pre-Show
....Monday night raw said all that needs to be said on so many levels...for mania31

Rock is hot as hell, especially when unannounced. And Hollywood hasn't hurt in the promo department by any means, to the point the, he's still massive and proves it every time he makes his cameos, he steals the show completely. With on most occasions just a promo, but on Monday a feeler was put out by the wwe by making his segment with Rusev.

Rusev is on the big build as the Russian machine, much like brock there is a size and power build in the character, let's be honest the way they've booked brock it's gunna take a big guy/character to defeat that. And they are trying to book Rusev in the same light on the long term....but they put over the rock on this character at this time?

Mark my words. The deal is done the main event of mania 31 is what was the original 30 planning.....ROCK VS BROCK WWE TITLE.

God knows who will win all depends on what kind of contracts they lay out, but let's be honest it's all about the money and with them trying to get people to sign up to the network.....rock vs brock guaranteed.
While I think this will be a good match, the promo's will be epic between Heyman and Rock, there is a drawback.

Aren't these the two guys who have both won the titles and disappeared with them for extended periods of time. Now in Lesnar's case you have Heyman coming out and keeping it relevant, if you can call it that. When it comes to the Rock however, won't he literally have to call it in. I've heard he's been confirmed for another big budget movie and will be gone again.

Unless Rollins cashes in when he wins it, and we can have Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose feuding for it after Mania. I don't think this will be Reigns year, with his surgery and all, so might be a good way to start him off to the main event at Mania 32 in Dallas.
It's ALL about the big money pay day at mania 31. Forget the network, that would bring in big ppv revenue, and the dollar is all that counts in a corporate world which is what the wwe is now...

It will happen.
It's ALL about the big money pay day at mania 31. Forget the network, that would bring in big ppv revenue, and the dollar is all that counts in a corporate world which is what the wwe is now...

It will happen.

Oh I realize that but therein lies the problem. You see I think of Wrestlemania as the biggest show of the year, as it should be. It's the show where feuds come to an end and new ones start.

Now while I understand that you have a certified Hollywood star against a former MMA heavyweight champion for the title, but am I the only one who thinks there is something wrong there. Neither one of these guys is a full time member of the roster. The Rock used to be, Brock Lesnar never was. To showcase both of them at the same time in the same match, is a slap in the face to all the other wrestlers who have put the hours, blood, sweat and tears in over the last year.

It would be like the WWE saying, we don't think any of you are good enough to headline our biggest show of the year, get back to work and try harder. I would tell them to fuck off and find another job, but that's just me. Now yes it's a fact that they've been hit hard with injuries, the guy who won the belt last year has been out for most of this year anyway. And their number one contender for the title had to have surgery. Again unforeseeable circumstances.

Like I said, it would be a good match, promo's and all, and it's a moneymaker but it's a shame that it has to be this way if they do go down that path. Maybe I'm the only one who sees it like this, but again it's just an opinion.
Not confirmed and I doubt it will happen. Maybe as a secondary main event but not for the title. This match is going to get booed to no end. The smarks at Mania are going to treat this as Brock/Goldberg 2, especially if it is for the title. They are not going to want to see two part timers fighting over the title in the main event while their favorites just play a supporting role on the card.

Don't mistake Rock's monster pop for a surprise showing on Raw to being able to headline another Mania. He is an awesome performer, but the smarks will not accept this.

As far as PPV buys and Network subscriptions, all those extra eyes that buy will lead to a nice extra pay day. Unfortunately the embarrassment that will be the main event will turn them off to wrestling for the rest of their lives.
Doubtful. As George pointed out, smarks wouldn't accept it. I don't think there is a non full-time guy who could face Lesnar for the title and get away with it (Steve Austin could, no question, but that will never happen). I still think it ends up being Daniel Bryan vs. Lesnar.
Rock vs. Brock for the Strap would be one of, maybe the biggest, marque match up of all time. It would be a major block buster at the box office. If the E can put this match together they would be damn fools not to pull the trigger on it.

The trick would be how they structure the under card. They need three or four matches, not cluster fuck multi man contest, where the true future stars can shine. Let them steal the show. The masses and media will come for Rock and Brock but will stay for the next wave.
As big non title match, i will love Lesnar/Rock, but only as non title.
Reigns should face HHH for the title then. They can switch it in EC match easily.
I think Wrestlemania has reached a point where Savio Vega could face Zack Ryder in the main event of it and it would still sell out and break records.
Doubtful. As George pointed out, smarks wouldn't accept it. I don't think there is a non full-time guy who could face Lesnar for the title and get away with it (Steve Austin could, no question, but that will never happen). I still think it ends up being Daniel Bryan vs. Lesnar.

Thank god for the smarks than no? I mean, you guys seriously want to see Brock vs Rock for the title? Where the heck is the upside?

Having the entirety of Wrestlemania lead up to two part-timers, both of whom I know for a fact will be gone for some time after Mania, would just dampen the whole show to me, and I understand I am probably in a vast minority. Call me old-fashioned but I don't want to watch my favorite guys such as Ambrose, Bryan, Wyatt, etc. work their asses off in a mid-card role while two part-timers, who left the company in their prime, get the ultimate spotlight. Imagine if that had happened at Mania 14 or 15 or 17. Would Austin be anywhere near as huge as he is now? Would The Rock? HHH? Point is, some fans say that WWE can't build up star calibre performers for their life, while others say the performer has to basically make themself a star. The MAIN way to build up new stars is Wrestlemania. Mania is where people like Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Daniel Bryan and many others cemented themselves as special quality main eventers. Is THIS the year to waste by having Brock vs Rock as your main event when you have options such as Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Bryan, Wyatt, etc.?

I get it, Rock-Brock is a huge money match, will bring in more fans for a night, will be a special moment... I don't care about any of that. As a fan, I want to see my favorite guys get their due. You wanna have Rock and Brock at Mania? Awesome I'm all for that. Have Rock face Reigns and Lesnar face Bryan or Ambrose. Than you have two marquee matches that are enjoyable to everyone in the audience and give rubs to a couple of guys who are going to be the future, instead of one that half your fanbase doesn't give a shit about and does nothing for anybody in the long run.

The Rock cuts a promo on Rusev & because he is a big scary monster, this means it's confirmed that Rock will face Brock @ WM 31? Interesting. Brock holding the belt till WM & then retaining wont work well due to his schedule being what it is & Rock winning the belt will likely have the same flaw. The WWE are likely to have the next champion actually be on its programs week to week. I dont see them repeating the formula of half on\half off champions for another year.

Problem is that your guarantee has nothing to do with Roman Reigns or at very least Daniel Bryan. One is being groomed to have a top spot & big WM payoff moment, while the other will have white hot crowd support upon his return & likely be put back in the title hunt. Then we have Rollins hovering with the MITB case & Ambrose hot on his trail. There just seem to be more people to get a shot that actually make sense instead of a very far fetched way to book two part time guys.

May as well book Sting vs Lesnar because Sting fought Vader before & Brock wears black & white on his trunks. Sting gets the belt in his only WWE match & drops it the next night to a returning Shane McMahon. It makes sense because Shane bought WCW, likes MMA & he wears belts. You heard it here first folks- its a guarantee.
i'd love to see rock vs hhh in a farewell match may be this mania or next these two should have one last match its going to be better than austin's, shawn's edge's or taker's last match.....also other than scsa, trips and steph are the only ones that can cut as good a promo with rocky as austin did......
while i can see rock beating brock then rollins cashing in at mania,i'd rather have rock squash hogan put sting with taker no one will care for these matches but they'll still be great nostalgic draws and younger guys can have their spotlights.
I think it will happen more due to the fact of the wwe's financial situation, they are going through big cost cutting due to the massive drop in share price. And no other match would gross the same amount. Brock vs Rock is the biggest money match out there, nothing would touch it, not even Austin. The title would add to this.

Part timers is a non issue...wwe don't care as long as it sells.
I wouldn't hate The Rock vs Brock Lesnar at WM31, but I don't think its where WWE will go. If they get Rock for WM31, I think we see the peoples champ return to save the people from The Authority, and we get Triple H vs The Rock. I personally would actually rather see Triple H vs The Rock. They had some amazing matches when they were both rising studs in the 90's and I think they could capture magic one more time.
Aren't these the two guys who have both won the titles and disappeared with them for extended periods of time. Now in Lesnar's case you have Heyman coming out and keeping it relevant, if you can call it that. When it comes to the Rock however, won't he literally have to call it in. I've heard he's been confirmed for another big budget movie and will be gone again.

So dirt sheets say that Brock AND Heyman are both out till Royal Rumble.

Lets not forget
During Rocks last Championship run he was still making RAW appearances and PPVs all the while doing the hollywood thing with movies and promoting them.. he was busy as hell and still found time to wrestle... just so we can bitch about him later.

Meanwhile.. Brock is at home doing jack shit.. and we don't see him on TV anywhere near as often as the Rock when he was champion.

If I had to choose between Rock and Brock as champ.

Rock > Brock 100% of the time.

But rumor has it... Rock vs HHH .. they never had a wrestlemania match have they?
Nobody wants to see Lesnar toss Hollywood Maivia around the ring like we did when he first won the Undisputed championship. I repeat. Nobody.

If anything, The Rock will be coming back to face Rusev and have another go at that Lana in his hotel room situation.
I've been thinking Rock/Brock for awhile now and Rollins cashing in that night or the following on Raw on Rocky. Would be the perfect rub for Rollins plus that solves the issue of a part time guy being champion. Win-win if you ask me considering Rock/Brock is gonna sell big time.
I love when wrestling fans turn their nose up at a potentially awesome feud because they have convinced themselves that legitimately talented national/international stars should take a backseat to the likes of Ziggler and Dean Ambrose (who I like, by the way). Stop trying to save the future of the company from your recliner and enjoy the most entertaining feuds and talent possible.
I love when wrestling fans turn their nose up at a potentially awesome feud because they have convinced themselves that legitimately talented national/international stars should take a backseat to the likes of Ziggler and Dean Ambrose (who I like, by the way). Stop trying to save the future of the company from your recliner and enjoy the most entertaining feuds and talent possible.

People like you are the worst part of the IWC. If you're just going to tell everybody to sit back, shut up, and enjoy everything the WWE puts in front of us than why are you even on a discussion forum? If you're going to write something at least back up what you say. Why is this a "potentially awesome" feud? Because two mega-stars who USED to actually wrestle for the WWE are going to have a rematch from 13 years ago, but instead this time it should be more interesting because both guys are now international stars? No, this feud will involve The Rock and Brock Lesnar appearing at maybe 4 shows from RR until Mania and leaving Paul Heyman to put this feud over. No thank you. And so you think The Rock and Brock Lesnar are legitimately talented in the ring but Ziggler and Ambrose aren't? What are you smoking man.

I'm not trying to save the company from my "recliner". I'm simply stating my opinion on rather seeing a real payoff for the show I've been waiting for all year than being stuck watching two guys who are past their prime phone it in for a paycheck and than leave immediately afterwards. Call me fucking crazy.

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