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Wrestlemania 28: Undertaker vs. Triple H - Hell in a Cell

I wasn't really interested in seeing this match again as I was not a fan of last years at all, but the promos and the HIAC have increased my interest. From the way they are booking it I wouldn't be surprised if WWE lifted the "no blood" rule for this match, I'm far froma gore hound but I think it fits with both mens legacies.
This match could definitely be a show stealing match. I personally can't wait to see it but there is no doubt in my mind Undertaker is winning this match. He is not going to retire this year and I seen a report on here that he can go several wrestlemanias more if he only wrestles that event. I truly believe we will get the Undertaker vs Sting in the next two years it almost happened last year Sting said they were so close. But back to the topic they would be making a huge deal if this was Undertakers last match they would not be passing up a huge payday to advertise a true legends retirement.
I totally marked out when i heard this match was happening, finally the WWE are using the cell for its actual perpose, the all or nothin career threatening match. Having grown up as a huge fan of Taker and the Game, this is something i didnt think id witness again.
Im pretty sure this will be both guys last match and makes for more interest than Cena v Rock IMO, roll on April 1st :)
I am totally undecided who should win this match. At this point it does nothing for Taker or Triple H. It is a clash of the titans. At the end both men will be carried out and Taker will probably call it a career. If it goes 19-1 the haters will say Triple H slept his way to the win. If he loses he will be the only man to lose to Taker three times at Mania. If it goes 20-0 that legacy stands forever. No one on the roster will EVER achieve that feat... I just know that it will be brutal and neither man will be walking out of the arena that night.
I know it's PG but it's PPV and I think they really need to get the point across at how far these guys are willing to go in the match. Last year we finally got a chair shot to the head. I want both guys or at least Triple H to blade in this one. I think it would really add to it.
I still am not convinced that this won't be the Undertaker's last match, and that the streak will end...but if that is what was happening, I tend to think they would just have HHH win cleanly, without HBK as a special guest ref. The inclusion of HBK as the guest referee almost convinces me beyond a doubt that the Undertaker will go 20-0. The logic is simple:

HBK and HHH are best friends, ergo average fans are supposed to think that HBK will help HHH win, because that's what best friends do!

However, that isn't what is going to happen. HBK is going to count to three alright, but it will be HHH on the mat, not the Undertaker. HBK's pride can't let HHH end the streak after he couldn't. Not after HHH's remarks about how he had to supposedly defend HBK against his critics. (even though we all know that nobody was saying anything like that at all)

HBK and HHH, even when they are BFFs, have always had an intense professional rivalry, and there is no way that HBK will let HHH get one up on him by beating the Undertaker, when he couldn't.
I still am not convinced that this won't be the Undertaker's last match, and that the streak will end...but if that is what was happening, I tend to think they would just have HHH win cleanly, without HBK as a special guest ref. The inclusion of HBK as the guest referee almost convinces me beyond a doubt that the Undertaker will go 20-0. The logic is simple:

HBK and HHH are best friends, ergo average fans are supposed to think that HBK will help HHH win, because that's what best friends do!

However, that isn't what is going to happen. HBK is going to count to three alright, but it will be HHH on the mat, not the Undertaker. HBK's pride can't let HHH end the streak after he couldn't. Not after HHH's remarks about how he had to supposedly defend HBK against his critics. (even though we all know that nobody was saying anything like that at all)

HBK and HHH, even when they are BFFs, have always had an intense professional rivalry, and there is no way that HBK will let HHH get one up on him by beating the Undertaker, when he couldn't.

I understand your way of thinking...but I'm going a different route.

I believe they are trying to stack the odds against the Undertaker. They are using reverse pyschology to make you think HBK will screw his best friend HHH because of the shit that's been happening. When the moment comes, it'll be HBK turning on UT which will create another "holy shit" Wrestlemania moment and a very close near fall that will have fans jumping out of their chairs and gasping for breath. The DX high five and crotch chops will follow as the Understaker's streak is now in serious jeopardy because he now has to beat 2 men. In the end it'll be Taker overcoming the odds to keep his streak in tact.
I understand your way of thinking...but I'm going a different route.

I believe they are trying to stack the odds against the Undertaker. They are using reverse pyschology to make you think HBK will screw his best friend HHH because of the shit that's been happening. When the moment comes, it'll be HBK turning on UT which will create another "holy shit" Wrestlemania moment and a very close near fall that will have fans jumping out of their chairs and gasping for breath. The DX high five and crotch chops will follow as the Understaker's streak is now in serious jeopardy because he now has to beat 2 men. In the end it'll be Taker overcoming the odds to keep his streak in tact.

Ummm, HBK is the referee. If that was the plan, why would HBK give the 3 count if Taker was pinning HHH? If HBK turns on the Undertaker, he has no reason to give the Undertaker the victory, he would just refuse to count 3, like all crooked guest referees, ever.
Ummm, HBK is the referee. If that was the plan, why would HBK give the 3 count if Taker was pinning HHH? If HBK turns on the Undertaker, he has no reason to give the Undertaker the victory, he would just refuse to count 3, like all crooked guest referees, ever.

It's the WWE....anything is possible. What happens when a ref is knocked out? A replacement comes in. I'm sure HBK will find himself getting tombstoned and a new ref coming in. It's Hell in a Cell which means no DQ so Michaels getting his ass whooped is pretty much a given.
If Shawn wasn't take his "retreat",this year Wrestlemania can be a triple threat between HHH,Taker and Shawn this idea is an evidence to me at the place to involve HBK for this match.
I've see this at Backlash after wrestlemania
I'm personally intrigued by the mere idea that's creeped into my head of a final match for Shawn Michaels vs Triple H. Since WWE is (smartly) building massive legend feuds long term (Rock / Cena), why not consider the possibility that Shawn will count Hunter out, maybe in error, and it sets up HHH / HBK at Summer Slam.

Now the chances aren't good. HBK (unlike Flair) seems genuinely content with the decision to retire. I think he's happy being as in tact as he is, and wants to stay that way, but man what a hot ticket a final match for both men would be.
This has to win the award for most improved WWE mainevent in my opinion. The match gets better every week, they're making it as great as any fan could possibly want and I think really want to see how this Undertaker/HHH/HBK drama unfolds.
Let me first say I have wanted the streak to end since HBK/Taker 1. Last year I actually looked at my wife and said damn they are going to end it. Then the Hell's Gate 19-0. My problem with the streak is when I think Taker its not the first thing that comes to my head. He will be remembered for his staying power and great gimmick before the streak. I really want to see HHH finish the job this year. Like an above poster said, the first thing I thought when HBK was announced as ref was he would screw HHH. Perfect opportunity for a curveball there. The problem I see there is I don't think anyone Vince would want the streak to end through a combined DX effort. Its one of those situations where I can't see how Taker will win and I can't see how Taker will lose. I am very excited to say the least, and I think we are all in for a big treat inside the Cell.
I really don't like where they're going with this. I was fine with Undertaker vs Triple H 2 (3). I didn't like the announcement of it being Hell in a Cell. I liked it even less when they put in HBK as the ref. Talk about overkill.

This does not have the feel of something special that has been over 20 years in the making. This feels like a gimmick match that belongs at an event like Extreme Rules or Summerslam at best.

The truly epic memorable matches are simple one on one matches - like HBK-Taker 1. If you insist, you can make it a no DQ match, that's fine. But beyond that, it takes away from the match. And that's what I fear is going on here. :(
You know something, I was seriously starting to believe HHH as the guy, who will end the streak. The WWE has done of nice job of building up the "Taker barely survived the match at Wrestlemania 27" storyline. After all, HHH did throw everything he had at Taker. HHH really took it to Taker last year during the No Holds Barred match, and HHH is on that very short list of people, who can be considered legitimate threats to end the streak. For weeks HHH hesitated to accept the challenge, because he didn't want to be the guy to "end it." HHH knows what he has to do to end the streak. He has to destroy The Undertaker, and this decision weighed heavily on The Game's conscience for weeks.

And then Shawn is announced as the special guest ref. Shawn as the special guest ref will take a lot of attention away from the match between HHH and Taker, because everyone will be closely monitoring Shawn's every move. Will he try and screw Taker out of the streak? This is a question that will be on everyone's mind, and Shawn's actions and decisions will be questionable during this match. There will be a few awkward moments between all three men and we should see a few tense stare downs. Shawn is HHH's best friend, and HBK is still bitter about the back to back loses to Taker at Mania, so he might abuse his power to help HHH gain the win. But the face version of HHH's character is a proud man, so he probably wouldn't want this type of help.

Before Shawn found his way into the match, I seriously believed HHH might end the streak this year, but know those confident feelings are slowly starting to fade away. At the end of the night, I believe HBK will do the right thing. He might think about it, and he might sneak in a fast count at one point, but when it's all said and done, I think Shawn will do the right thing. Shawn deliberately screwing Taker at Mania would lead to another match between these two, for obvious reasons. But what could these two possibly do in another match? Seeing Taker VS Shawn again would just be overkill, and I wouldn't want to see another match with these two. Or if Shawn DOES actually try to screw Taker, then we could see on final match between HHH and HBK. HHH will have to live with the burden of having a cheap victory over Taker at Mania, and HHH could have some strong feelings of anger towards Michaels, because HHH will pull the "I didn't need your help to get the job done" stuff. Taker struck a nerve, when he suggested HBK was the better overall wrestler, who had the more successful career a few weeks ago. This has been a touchy subject for HBK and HHH, and this could lead to another match between these two.

The focus of Taker VS HHH has shifted away from HHH VS Taker. Throwing Shawn into the mix has caused some bitter feelings between HHH and his best friend, and there has been some serious tension between these two. On top of that, you throw in Hell In A Cell, and then you can't forget about the HHH is being forced into a position, where he will have to destroy Taker, if he wants to end the streak drama. Everything just feels way overbooked at this point, and Shawn's presence is taking a lot of focus off of the actual match.

Will this be Taker's last match? I dunno. It's still kind of tricky to tell, and I don't know if we'll all see Taker's end at Mania 28, and this an extremely tough call to make. A little while ago, and I can't remember where I saw this, but I read report about Taker's health status. The report said Taker might be able to go several more years, if he keeps up with the pattern of having only one match a year. Mark Calaway is a forty-six year old man, who's piled up a ton of serious injuries over the years, and I just can't see this happening. He might be able to hold on for that one big match with Cena at another Mania somewhere down the line. Although, Taker's body has been through hell, but No Holds Barred style stipulations can help hide any ring rust he might have, because Taker can rely on a brawling style in these type of matches.

As far as the match goes, it should be good. HHH can still go in the ring, and I won't lose faith in Taker at Mania just yet. When or if he has that one bad match at Wrestlemania, my feelings will change of course, but Taker's consistency at Mania can't be questioned, and I still think he can deliver something memorable this year. This should be a very violent and brutal match, and I expect both men to go all out here.

As far as Taker's bald head goes, I don't think it'll be a big problem here. Taker appears to be in good shape, and he should be able to provide that intimidating and mysterious presence as always. I know we're all used to seeing Taker with hair, but a bald Deadman shouldn't ruin the mystique of The Undertaker character.
Am I the only one who is predicting Taker to come out as the American Badass or something like that at Wrestlemania? Along with cutting his hair, Taker seems to have developed a real 'smartass' type attitude the past few weeks.
END OF AN ERA! What does this mean? Now before you jump the gun I understand what they mean by this in a vague sense but here's my question...

Does it imply that if Taker beats The Game then HHH is officially done? Or vice versa? Or does it mean regardless of the outcome both these guys are done.

Myself personally would hate to see either one of these guys leave. Granted there older and there's younger guys vying for a spot in the limelight but let's be honest... Any young guys in sight you see drawing as much as these guys in there own respectable fueds once or twice a year? Taker draws more in one match than any younger guy does weekly combined. I really think Taker could do this whole one match at WM thing for AT LEAST a few more years. It's one match for christs sake! But then again just one man's opinion.

So what do you think "end of an era" means?

What would you like/think will happen?
Am I the only one who is predicting Taker to come out as the American Badass or something like that at Wrestlemania? Along with cutting his hair, Taker seems to have developed a real 'smartass' type attitude the past few weeks.
No, I think this is just how he is now. I don't think he'll ever go back to American Badass. That'd be like if Kiss went on tour as the Kiss without facepaint. That's not what they pay to see. The time for drastic character evolution is pretty much over at this point. He's iconic at what he's doing. He can tweak it and maybe over time evolve it even more, but I really doubt he's going to drastically change.
I really think Taker could do this whole one match at WM thing for AT LEAST a few more years.

It's seems reasonable, doesn't it? Wouldn't you take a deal in which you work one day a year (plus a few promos in the weeks before the event) in exchange for a payday that consists of more money than most regular wage earners would see in two decades? Would 'Taker have to extend himself during that one night of work? Hell yes, he would. He can't be expected to engage in just a regular old match, not if people are going to pay to see it and look forward to it with anticipation. Mark Callaway has earned the distinction of being one of the few people on the planet who would merit this type of deal. WWE would benefit immensely by the huge build-up for an event that actually requires very little effort on the part of Undertaker, who saves it all up for one night a year.....and we benefit by getting to see 'Taker in action again.

And yes, if he does something like this, he'll do it in the persona that's made him a legend; as the dead man...... not as a biker or anything else.

Take next year, for instance. If 'Taker hadn't fought all year after WM28 but announced he was coming back to take care of business against Sting, would you buy the PPV?

I would.
It's seems reasonable, doesn't it? Wouldn't you take a deal in which you work one day a year (plus a few promos in the weeks before the event) in exchange for a payday that consists of more money than most regular wage earners would see in two decades? Would 'Taker have to extend himself during that one night of work? Hell yes, he would. He can't be expected to engage in just a regular old match, not if people are going to pay to see it and look forward to it with anticipation. Mark Callaway has earned the distinction of being one of the few people on the planet who would merit this type of deal. WWE would benefit immensely by the huge build-up for an event that actually requires very little effort on the part of Undertaker, who saves it all up for one night a year.....and we benefit by getting to see 'Taker in action again.

And yes, if he does something like this, he'll do it in the persona that's made him a legend; as the dead man...... not as a biker or anything else.

Take next year, for instance. If 'Taker hadn't fought all year after WM28 but announced he was coming back to take care of business against Sting, would you buy the PPV?

I would.

See, I have a problem with this. Undertaker coming back for a paycheck and riding off into the sunset for another year is plain annoying. The concept is fine, because afterall, a little Undertaker is much better than no Undertaker, but I really do wonder how banged up he is. Is he really that injured that he can't do a three month stint twice a year? Maybe he doesn't want to, which I respect, but if he doesn't want to, he obviously doesn't want to be in the wrestling business anymore. He only appears a few times in the lead up to Wrestlemania, missing many RAWs and I'm sure he doesn't have that big of a schedule to fill. It's just incomprehensible. If you're going to do something, do it right, no? And due to him not doing that, I've grown quite a bit of disdain for Mark Calloway, the person, as of late. Why can't he wrestle the odd match on RAW? Is he being forced into doing the Wrestlemania season? What it is? Because either he doesn't really want to be here or he's greedy. As a huge 'Taker fan, I'd be pretty pissed if we never got a last lengthy run out of he Undertake before he leaves for good.
I agree 100% with Rojan..If the Undertaker can't even commit to a few months here and there, it's time for him to just retire already. If this whole disappear for a year at a time and only come back for Wrestlemania thing happens again next year, I will be actively rooting for the streak to die. If this is what we get from Mark Calloway, where we only get to see him in the ring for two months each year, then fuck him. He is an icon, an all-time legend, but this is getting old. If that is the most he can commit to the WWE, then it's time for him be finished for good. If your injuries prevent you from wrestling for 364 of every 365 days, maybe your body is trying to tell you something.
I agree 100% with Rojan..If the Undertaker can't even commit to a few months here and there, it's time for him to just retire already. If this whole disappear for a year at a time and only come back for Wrestlemania thing happens again next year, I will be actively rooting for the streak to die. If this is what we get from Mark Calloway, where we only get to see him in the ring for two months each year, then fuck him. He is an icon, an all-time legend, but this is getting old. If that is the most he can commit to the WWE, then it's time for him be finished for good. If your injuries prevent you from wrestling for 364 of every 365 days, maybe your body is trying to tell you something.
Yea, but Taker's retirement can be made into a huge money making angle. Have some young lion go over him to "put him out of his misery". Although the way HHH and HBK have been going about things, Mania 29 will be HHH vs HBK vs Taker hell in a cell, the two that lose retire and HHH wins by pinning HBK so Taker was never beaten but retires". Because that's how fuckin stupid I think this whole HBK/HHH being injected into a goddamn Taker Mania match is.

I don't mind Taker only showing up for part of the year, he's kinda been part time for the last like 10 years it seems. When he is around, it can't be a Kliq circle jerk though, has to at least be interesting.
¡Roján!;3775958 said:
He only appears a few times in the lead up to Wrestlemania, missing many RAWs and I'm sure he doesn't have that big of a schedule to fill. It's just incomprehensible...... As a huge 'Taker fan, I'd be pretty pissed if we never got a last lengthy run out of he Undertake before he leaves for good.

That's the point, though. In effect, he's effectively retired already, I believe. I think he submitted his resignation papers last year after Wrestlemania and told them he was finished. Maybe Vince asked him to stay on, and he refused......and they told him if he wouldn't wrestle a full-time (or even a part-time) schedule, at least come back once a year and wrestle at WM. They most likely told them they would make it worth his while, financially.

It isn't a question of what we think Mark Calloway should be doing or how much he's still capable of. It's a question that if the company doesn't accept his "once a year" terms, they don't get him at all. Vince McMahon might have been unhappy about it but realized in the end it was the best he was gonna get.

But, left on his own, Mark Calloway would already be in full retirement and we wouldn't have him at all. It doesn't matter how much longer we think he can go, it's how much longer he thinks he will.

Not to be cynical, but I doubt either Calloway or Vince McMahon is overly worried about the fans on this one. They're concerned about finances, personal and corporate.
HBK and HHH are best friends, ergo average fans are supposed to think that HBK will help HHH win, because that's what best friends do!

However, that isn't what is going to happen. HBK is going to count to three alright, but it will be HHH on the mat, not the Undertaker. HBK's pride can't let HHH end the streak after he couldn't. Not after HHH's remarks about how he had to supposedly defend HBK against his critics. (even though we all know that nobody was saying anything like that at all)

HBK and HHH, even when they are BFFs, have always had an intense professional rivalry, and there is no way that HBK will let HHH get one up on him by beating the Undertaker, when he couldn't.

Not saying you're right or wrong, but one potential argument to this came out in Shawn's promo this week when he talked about the irony of how being the ref he still has the power to end the streak.

So while you say HBK's pride can't let HHH end the streak after he couldn't do it himself, possibly HBK looks at screwing Taker as him being the one to end the streak, even if it is HHH who gets the pin. Hunter then could then flip out about how he didn't want the win like that, then HBK comes out and basically says mwahahaha I win, I ended the streak and struts on out.

I'm not going to try to call this one, but just one slant to take into consideration with that line of thinking you're going with. I hope the the streak never ends so.
I have to admit that for me personally, the addition of Shawn Michaels made this match interesting. Before that, I had little to no interest.

I think the promos have been really boring. Whenever undertaker gets on the mic and starts talking about armageddon and HHH talks about seeing fear in opponent's eyes, I roll my own because we've heard it all before. I also saw the last year's match between HHH and undertaker (on the NBC rebroadcast no less) and found it over the top, boring, and ridiculous.

As far as "the streak" goes, it's been played up so much in the last half decade or so that every year we hear the same thing, and I just don't care anymore. Yes, it's an awesome statistic, but it's hard for me to care about whether or not a guy who is now so banged up that he can only show up once a year obtains yet one more victory. It's also hard for me to care if HHH wins, because after all he's done, the concept of diminishing returns has kicked in and a win here will do little for him.

So anyway, making a short story long here, before HBK's involvement as a ref, I cared little for this match. Now it is suddenly interesting and watchable, because now the question is not just "which veteran will win this pissing contest", but "what will michaels' do?" which is a far more interesting question.

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