Wrestlemania 28: Undertaker vs. Triple H - Hell in a Cell

The Brain

King Of The Ring

Well it’s official. We knew the match was coming but the Hell in a Cell stipulation certainly spices things up. I have been dead seat against this match. I didn’t want to see Taker vs. HHH for a third time at mania. I have however wanted to see the two of them in Hell in a Cell for quite some time. Up until HIAC became a ppv in 2009 there had never been a HAIC without either Taker or HHH. Somehow they never met each other in the cell. I am definitely looking forward to this match a hell of a lot more than I was.
I love it. I don't know how they're going to get the Cell to hang in the open arena, but they'll find a way. I don't think HHH will win, but I'm kinda flip-flopped making a decision, my odds are probably 65%-35%, Undertaker. Anyway, do you think this has a chance of being bigger than Cena vs Rock, I think it does, because I've never been a Rock fan, I think they're putting the two most overrated stars in WWE history and having a match with them, but that's my opinion. So, are you more excited for Cena, Rock. Or HHH, Undertaker?
I marked out! This is what I wanted. I wasn't completely opposed to taker vs hhh 3 but I've been saying that hell in a cell would give it that interesting edge. I think everyone has been wanting these two to fight in the cell, regardless of whether or not it was at mania, so i think a lot of people will be happy about this match up.
I'm Really looking forward to it!
Agreed. I was one of those people who wouldn't have minded seeing HHH vs Taker III anyways, but the Hell in a Cell stipulation has just blown my mind. These two are the masters of the HIAC, and I can not wait to see them fight it out, and see who really is the best at this gimmick. Seriously though, I have to ask, will there be blood? I know blood is barbaric, and stupid, and is not absolutely needed to enhance a feud, but with the way these two are going, and with it being HHH vs Taker in HIAC at Wrestlemania, I just don't see how you can NOT have blood in this match, and make it as brutal as possible. We will see I guess.
Seriously though, I have to ask, will there be blood? I know blood is barbaric, and stupid, and is not absolutely needed to enhance a feud, but with the way these two are going, and with it being HHH vs Taker in HIAC at Wrestlemania, I just don't see how you can NOT have blood in this match, and make it as brutal as possible. We will see I guess.

I remember last year when these two did the illegal chair shot, and i was blown away. With that in mind, I think there will be blood. Not a whole lot, but at least some.
I'm glad that Triple H and Undertaker will be in a Hell In A Cell match given that both of them have been in the most HIAC matches in history. But like I stated in another thread, I really wish that this won't be Taker's final match. I'm alright with it possibly being his last Wrestlemania but I really do not want his last match to not be the main event of the night. The Rock/Cena match will most likely be the main even of Wrestlemania (and rightfully so) so I'd prefer that they find another way to retire Taker..like maybe a Taker VS Kane No-DQ match at a PPV or something.
this match has two of the best competitors when it comes to hell in a cell.this is the perfect match to end this feud,bcause hell in a cell is known for the match to end it all.
but to be honest, i have no idea who is going to win this match,bcause both of them are evenly matched.if u think wm 27 was a good match, just wait till wm 28.
Man, 'Taker vs Triple H III is going to be huge. It's going to be a very special match, between two excellent performers and the Hell in a Cell stipulation adds to it immensely. This is exactly what matches like the Hell in a Cell were made for -- to be the final blow-off, the ending to a feud. All the history between Undertaker and Triple H, two other WrestleMania matches and countless other things, end at WrestleMania 28. Tonight on Raw completely changed my expectations for the match, it kicked everything into high gear. It genuinely got me excited for what will be a match of the year candidate, with ease. With a build like this, we as fans are in for one of the most emotional matches ever. Those two men will go out and tell a story, a story fittingly ending at WrestleMania.

I don't want the streak to end, but I cannot say for certain that it won't. Triple H has proven to be nearly too much for Undertaker, who made it out of WrestleMania last year by the skin of his teeth. The two masters of the Hell in a Cell match will go at it, to put an end to it all -- from a storyline standpoint, the WWE will never have had a chance such as this one to end the streak. The only question left, in all of this, is whether or not they will pull the trigger on it or if Undertaker will ride off into the sunset with a 20-0 record, a feat forever unmatched. The pipe dreams of a young up-and-comer ending the streak needed to be put to rest, that was never happening, but if anybody was ever going to do it, Triple H is the guy. I think about it like this: I don't want the streak to end, but what's it worth once Undertaker retires? His legacy is set in stone, he's always going to be one of the greatest to ever step into the squared circle, there's no debating that.

I'm not saying the streak will end, not by a long shot, but if there ever was a time to do it, it's now. They've built Triple H up to be the man that put 'Taker down, but 'Taker wants to prove him wrong. The story writes itself either way, really. The two men will rise to occasion, as is expected from two future hall of famers, but what happens in the match is what everybody is looking forward to. Can the streak survive? Who knows. All I know, is that this match may very well steal the show. Rock and Cena may be the main attraction, but Undertaker vs Triple H III is going to be historic, one way or another, with the streak coming out alive or dead.
I knew it would take a lot to get me really excited for this match. They just made that happen.

Don't get me wrong, without the Cell, this still would have been a great match. This takes it to a new level of awesome. These two are known for HIAC matches, but not against one another. Perfect way to close out this particular WrestleMania feud.

I don't know if this will the last match for Taker, HHH, or both. Either way, I'm pumped.
Yeah, so here we are stuck in a situation to where Triple H and Undertaker, 2 older men who move slowly ( more so HHH ) are going to be put in a cell in the PG era with no blood, no realism, etc...

Don't get me wrong, I love HIAC matches, but they just don't fit into the PG era.

Hopefully WWE will allow blood in this match and make it look like they are actually beating the hell out of one another and this isn't another "fake" HIAC match.
As if Wrestlemania wasn't big enough. Rock and Cena is enough of a reason to buy the show on its own but now they drop this bombshell? Good heaven almighty, I'm completely envious of anybody who's going to Wrestlemania live to witness this. This Wrestlemania might just top any ppv of the last decade, its going to be awesome.

I think it was fairly certain that a lot of us we're expecting the inevitable announcement of this match,however I don't think any of us expect this. Hell in the Cell between the two who arguably live and breathe the structure,its only fitting. These two will clash in the biggest Hitc match of all time in quite possibly the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. Except this one to be physical and very much violent. This one may actually call for blood folks. I was already excited but now I'm pumped.

My only concern is placing on the card,somewhere in the middle would be nice. I'm also a bit concerned about time. Total on screen time from last year,from entrances to closure,Taker and HHH were on screen for almost a full hour. I hope this doesn't mean it will cut time from another match. Be such a shame if they cut time from say Punk and Jericho to give this more time. Ether way,I'm super excited. A potential show stealer right here.
Ever since the Undertaker has been saying he wants the two of them to be at mania so he can basically get revenge I been wanting to see this match. But this is the icing on the cake and I think these two might break all the rules. They went into an era where there was blood and they are going to finish their careers with a match that involves blood. If there isn't blood I won't be surprised, but I would be a little disappointed. But what's up with that music taker left to?

Undertaker vs HHH Part III (The End of an Era) - Hell In A Cell

Wrestlemania Record
Mathces - 19
Wins - 19
Defeats - 0
Win Rate - 100%

Hell In A Cell Record
Matches - 11
Wins - 5
Defeats - 5
No Contests - 1
Win Rate - 45.45%

Wrestlemania Record
Matches - 15
Wins - 7
Defeats - 8
Win Rate - 46.6%

Hell In A Cell Record
Matches - 8
Wins - 6
Defeats - 2
Win Rate - 75%

Now we all know Of the Undertakers impressive 100% win rate at Wrestlemania, but i thought i'd throw in some extra calculations in which to debate (purely for shits and giggles)

If we take a look at Takers HIAC Record its actually not actually as impressive as you would first imagine (considering he is the "innovator" of the match he only has a success rate of 45% whereas HHH has a 75% success rate inside the cell, but if you tie this with HHH's poor 46% Wrestlemania record compared to Takers 100% record....Now (for even more shits and giggles) lets add the two together (Wrestlemania matches/wins and HIAC matches/wins) then find an average win %......

Matches 30
Wins - 24
Defeats - 5
No Contests - 1
Win Rate (on average) - 80%

Matches -23
Wins - 13
Defeats - 10
Win Rate (on average) - 56.52%

Yes this last part might seem nonsensical to most of you and here is why i have done this...
Taker has a perfect record at WM but a not so stellar record in HIAC, as oppose to HHH who has a very impressive HIAC record to a not so great WM record, now combine the two we find that, while taker still has a better overall win rate, HHH does stand more of a chance than ever before purely based on his HIAC record. Now i know what most of you might be thinking..."records count for nothing" but look at the bigger picture, yes we all know that its scripted, but surely records such as these are there for a purpose?

HHH's WM record is almost identical to Takers HIAC record, and apart from 2 defeats (One to Batista and the other in the 6 man HIAC) HHH has an almost identical record to Takers WM record (granted not as many matches)

My point being that this could legitimately be the end of the streak! HHH is the master of the HIAC match, put him in an environment that he knows more than anyone what to do to win and he will get the job done. Taker on the other hand becomes superhuman at Wrestlemania and will not be defeated! This has the potential to be one of the alltime great HIAC and WM matches!
As much as I hate to say this, I hope this is Taker's final match.

Taker's last three Mania matches have been incredible, and now we're getting Hell in a Cell against Triple H. How can you top all of this? I don't see a single person on the roster who can send him off. I really don't trust Cena and Orton to handle a possible retirement angle, and no one else is ready to take that step up.

No matter what, I am so pumped for this match and can't wait for April 1.
I soooo called this about a month ago! These two men are synonymous with the HIAC match. They are the masters of the Cell, always have been. I just hope they allow it to be more hardcore than usual. If this match isn't at least 4 stars (rating) then it will be a failure in my eyes. It needs blood imo, but who knows if that will happen. hopefully it gets enough time as well. 25-30 minutes is crucial for this match. This doesn't mean it will take time off other important matches. It's all about time management; last year Rock's opening promo took up too much time and could've been Bryan-Sheamus for a good 10 minutes. As long as they keep the stupid promos off the show and don't give too much time to matches that don't deserve it (Lawler-Cole), then the main event matches should get enough time. I would do it like this (roughly):

Rock-Cena (28 min)
Taker-HHH (25 min)
Punk-Y2J (22 min)
Bryan-Sheamus (16 min)
I was against HHH vs Undertaker for a third time too. I thought their match last year was so overrated.

After watching their promo tonight and announcing it was going to be a HIAC match, I did get pumped up for it. These two have been in more HIAC matches than anybody else. I do think this going to be Takers last match, calling it an "end of an era" is fitting.

I wouldn't be surprised if they used blood during the match. They are building this up as a career ending war between the two. HIAC is the one match were you do miss blood imo. I think lacking blood has hurt a lot of current HIAC matches. So I wouldn't doubt they would bend the rules for these two.

This and Rock/Cena are the two main event matches that the ppv is being built around.
Hell In A Cell was the only way they could go with this match,. I stated this just after the Slammys when this match was shown to be happening again. After last years match, a normal one on one was never going to happen. It was always going to be a match that both guys are famous for and has no outside interference. Im expecting Mick Foley to get involved in the next 5 weeks, seen as HIAC with Taker made his career, and possibly shortened it and his HIAC match with HHH effectiovely ended his acreer as this was a retirement match. They will pull out all the stops for this match and YES, there will be blood. Last year they bucked the rules and went with the head chair shots, they cannot have HIAC at Wrestlemania on ppv and not have some form of blood. This match will end with both guys literally unconcious, with Takers arm draped over HHH. This could both well be both guys last match, and if done properly, both guys can leave the ring together, Taker with his 20-0 and HHH running the company.
I was really pissed that they were doing another match, but with it being HIAC it's going to be worth it. They're both guys who are sort of untouchable in the WWE, so I expect blood. I'm not usually a guy who says "no blood, this sucks" but a hell in a cell in a hate feud really calls for blood to tell the story.

I'm excited for this match and REALLY excited for Mania. This, Rock/Cena, Punk/Jericho, that's basically an hour and a half of awesome shit.

How are they going to hang the cell outdoors? Just build their big metal light hangers to hold it?
How are they going to hang the cell outdoors? Just build their big metal light hangers to hold it?

I was thinking the same thing. I can't see them being able to build a rig that will hold the Cell securely and that will match health and safety standards, and with the likelihood of wind, I can't see it swinging around above the ring. Maybe they'll just bring it in for the match.

I really hope that WWE lets PG go for this match. It's the first time they've face each other one on one in a HIAC and I personally can't wait for it.

I'm really excited for Mania now.
I was thinking the same thing. I can't see them being able to build a rig that will hold the Cell securely and that will match health and safety standards, and with the likelihood of wind, I can't see it swinging around above the ring. Maybe they'll just bring it in for the match.

I really hope that WWE lets PG go for this match. It's the first time they've face each other one on one in a HIAC and I personally can't wait for it.

I'm really excited for Mania now.
What's the difference between building a reinforced steel overhang and hanging the cell from a steel circle that's hanging from a ceiling? Both are fairly unsafe when you think about it. They can make it work. I'm sure the cell doesn't weigh as much as they bill it up as, or maybe they'll just make a lighter cell. Probably been planning this for a while so it's not like they only have 6 weeks to build it. They've probably already built and tested the structure to make sure they can even have the match.
Undertaker vs HHH again

Taker has spent the last 4 years wrestling DX at WM, a dated 1997 gimmick, which emcompasses the lameness of this feud, and WWE's inability to create talent.

I honestly do not care, we've seen it many times before both are older, and i'm sick of the Undertaker just showing up to do one match a year, it's boring.
Hell In A Cell...once upon a time, this was one of the most legendary gimmick matches of all time...the match that was once known as "the place where careers go to die". This was before Vince killed it by ripping off TNA Lockdown and hosting his own PPV where most of, if not all of, the event's matches are contested in a HIAC cage.

I never forgave him for that, and this upcoming blockbuster of a match is one reason why. I was excited at high levels when Trips made the call for the Cell, to discover that Game/Deadman III would be contested in the match that these guys undeniably made famous (and vice-versa). I admit it. My head exploded. It felt great, like maybe we [older fans] were transported back to another time for the moment. But unfortunately for me, it felt a little...bittersweet.

I mean, like I said...Vince killed any and all of the spectacle that this gimmick ever had. Just killed it outright. Now then, if they can let PG go just for this match and let these guys return that spectacle to the once hallowed grounds within the Cell and make it "real" for us one more time, then I'll lend this it's full credence. I still plan to enjoy this match intensely along with the rest of the PPV, seeing as this is shaping up to be one of the greatest Mania's of all time.
I was against this match since it is number 3 but the HIAC will make it epic the guy that invented it and has most appearances vs the guys with the most wins
This must get brutal. If it is all about HHH ending the streak and Taker getting vengeance then it has to get extreme. WWE must learn from where they failed with the cena v kane ambulance match. It is a personal feud and should not be just about ending the match asap but hurting your opponent.

Chair,tables and blood can be used. These two are the WWE's most experienced workers and should be allowed to go out there and do what they want.
Last year HHH got fined for using a chair. Something he has been doing for years. Madness. Just let these two go out to the ring and put on a great match and make it memorable.
This is yet another perfect example as to why the WWE needs to stop with the gimmick match PPV's. I mean, how surprised were we all when the proverbial gauntlet was thrown down by Triple H and the Hell in a Cell match was announced? The initial shock value of the match's announcement is SUCH a big part of the match stipulation. Although the match doesn't always live up to the hype, the initial announcement is what sells the tickets and PPV buys (i.e. Triple H vs. Kevin Nash - Bad Blood 2003). Now, we've all gone to being underwhelmed by another Streak-rematch to completely stoked and excited since it has now taken on a shape that's bigger than the match itself and can rival every other announced match on the card.

As for the match itself, I can honestly say that I'm torn. Being that they threw in this stipulation and it's taking on the direction of possibly being Taker's swan song, I really don't know how it will all turn out.

- On one hand, many fans can make a great argument that Taker should retire at 20-0. This wouldn't disappoint me in the least bit.

- On the other hand, "time honored tradition" is EXTREMELY important to Vince. Normally, a wrestler's swan song involves him putting over a younger talent. In this case, Triple H will carry on for a long time after the Undertaker is gone.

So does it make sense to have Triple H hand the Taker his first Wrestlemania loss, considering that it's probably going to be his final match in the WWE? Honestly, this is a VERY tough one to call.

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