Wrestlemania 27 Press Conference

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Well, pretty much - according to this:


John Cena: You should be able to gather by now where this is going. I have never witnessed a wrestler be so hostilely attacked. I couldn't even hear a word Cena said through his entire conference. The only thing that i managed to comprehend Cena saying, was that "Wrestle Mania is awesome" which was only met by "AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME" which to my pleasure actually made it through the editing process and can be heard. the "Awesome chant" was a nice change better than the previous chants of "**** you cena." It was bad! i even felt the amount of disrespect Cena was being given was unwarranted. I have never seen HHH and Edge look more displeased with a crowd in my life. HHH even leaned forward grabbed his mounted mic during Cena's speech opened his mouth. However, HHH decided not to say anything and instead leaned back. "Let the man speak" can be heard in the video. Cena was flustered and hurt. His voice was cracking he was trying to maintain his composure but the crowd would not let up. It is truly amazing he managed to finish his speech, without just going "forget this" I'm certain he couldn't hear himself talk. Boring chants also managed to sneak by the editing process which can also be heard.

Bizarrely, I didn't even find this on WrestleZone.
Jesus, as a fan of Cena it frustrates me to read that. I don't know how the dude does it to be honest. Maybe if he ever turns heel he'll get the green light to fiercely intimidate (or physically assault) his detractors. :lmao:
The reaction John got was just stupid and you could tell others were pissed about it and no one deserves that.
Pretty much stopped caring about the New York wrestling scene along time ago. People like that ruin the business and give real fans in that neck of the woods a bad name.
Classy move by Triple H. While I certainly like to hear he would have been willing to put those people in their place, him actually intervening would have horrid. The top face shouldn't need to be saved from hecklers like he's some damsel in distress. It would have made Cena look like a pussy.
that's honestly Completely disrespectful. Cena does not deserve the shit he gets sometimes.
I'm watching the press conference right now. Stephanie McMahon opens it up and we get a huge "HOGAN SUCKS!" chant after she mentions him being in the first Wrestlemania. She says "He's not going to be at Wrestlemania this year though" with a smile.

I'll write some notes while I watch this thing.
Alberto looks classy as fuck in a suit. This dude's got so much charisma.
Is this really anything new? People boo the living fuck out him all the time, and New York crowds are famous for this kind of stuff.
How the fuck can these assholes like The Miz but hate John Cena? They're practically the same fucking thing; The Miz is just a shittier wrestler with the kind of wardrobe that Isaac Mizrahi envisioned when he made a line for Target.
Triple H and Steph together on the WWE screen in 2011 just looks weird, considering how long they've left her off of television for. Dueling Undertaker/Triple H chants while Hunter does his best job at imitating a politician. Triple H reveals that he's going to be the one inducting Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame. He's supposed to be at ringside for the match this Sunday too. Lame Trips promo.
Oh shit Snooki comes out. WWE editing clearly cut out a shit ton of boos. Snooki looks drunk, and she babbles about Vickie Guerrero. Want to know something scary? She sounds exactly like Cyndi Lauper did during the press for the original Wrestlemania.
Now I'm on the Cena part. WWE editing blares the music so loud that it takes over all other audio, to muffle the frenzy of boos he got. "Awesome!" chant starts up, I guess for The Miz. This has clearly been edited to hell. We do get a small "Boring" chant while Cena is talking. You guys are fucking morons, it's a press conference not a wrestling match, you chanting "boring" does nothing at all. Cena is smiling while people are apparently saying "Fuck You Cena", but it's not a loud chant. Cena says he's proud to hear the fans cheers and "other comments". Some weird sort of boos/"Awesome!" chant starts up again.

So yeah, that was edited to fuck atleast according to the live reports of people who were there. That did not in any way come off even 1/100th as bad as this thread made it seem. No tears, no cracking voice, just Cena doing his thing. WWE editing does wonders I guess.

The Rock is last. Does the whole "Finally" thing with his own WWE mic. This is more Dwayne Johnson than it is The Rock here. Big "Welcome back" chant. Someone shouts "We love you Rock!" and The Rock says "I love me too, thanks". Back into Dwayne mode he goes. Fruity Pebbles chant! Rock just cuts a promo from here basically, putting over how big Wrestlemania is. He promises to lay the smackdown and does the "If ya smell" line and that's it folks.

Cool beans. That was a nifty press conference. Where was this last year?
Going 18-0 at Wrestlemania is like winning the Super Bowl 18 times

Heard this at the press conference? Anyone else getitng sick with that analogy? If we're being honest here, given The Undertaker's competition at Wrestlemania, it's really more like winning 9 Super Bowls, and nine Pro Bowls. Just saying

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