Wrestlemania 27 Press Conference


Pre-Show Stalwart
On WWE.com they have posted up the enitre press conference with heavy editing done too it. On youtube you can hear the fans really express themselves on every superstar at the event. I am a New Yorker and I love NY wrestling fans the emotion they showed yesterday was unbelieveable I really enjoyed it. The Cena suck chants the Awesome chants the Hogan sucks chants, The Dixie sucks chants and the Rocky chants made this conference I want you guys to watch the WWE's version and the youtube versions of the press conference and tell me how you feel.

Me personally I enjoyed all the fans that were in attendance and I hope more fans of that nature come out for wrestlemania 27
The Press Confrence was utter craziness. I think the WWE did the right thing by editing parts out because well firstly it has to be appropriate for all viewing audiences and it must actually fit into their prescribed vision of Wrestlemania. They do not want to come of like TNA having random people turning the week before it. I think in WWE minds the faces and heels that were at the start of the feuds must remain those same faces and heels throughout, In the case of Cena it only makes sense for them to make sure that he remains a face in the eyes of the people watching the confrence. You do not want people changing their opion on wrestlers just because of the confrence and the general public is changing their opinion of the wrestlers. It makes no sense to have the Miz be the face in the match when he has been doing all the heel promos. I think it was go for the WWE to edit it before publishing it to the people.

Now as for the actual crowd, I which more crowds were like this. They were absolutely livid and they had no problem expressing their opinion. I think next year it would be wiser for the WWE to have this at an outdoor venue as this will dissipate the crowd's reactions. I think the entire point of having th confrence is to hype Mania and not start a riot so this needs to be something that they change. I think though if more crowds were like this the overall entertainment value of wrestling would increase and the overall product would be a lot better because of this connection that the fans are sharing witht the wrestlers.
The Press Confrence was utter craziness. I think the WWE did the right thing by editing parts out because well firstly it has to be appropriate for all viewing audiences and it must actually fit into their prescribed vision of Wrestlemania. They do not want to come of like TNA having random people turning the week before it. I think in WWE minds the faces and heels that were at the start of the feuds must remain those same faces and heels throughout, In the case of Cena it only makes sense for them to make sure that he remains a face in the eyes of the people watching the confrence. You do not want people changing their opion on wrestlers just because of the confrence and the general public is changing their opinion of the wrestlers. It makes no sense to have the Miz be the face in the match when he has been doing all the heel promos. I think it was go for the WWE to edit it before publishing it to the people.

I dont agree with that at all. How is a crowd at a Press Conference different from a crowd at a Live Event? How is Cena cutting a promo in the ring and getting booed different from cutting a promo at this Press Conference?

I agree with WWE editing out the cursing but for the cheering and booing, it is ridiclous. If the crowd loves The Miz then lets hear them! If they hate Cena then so be it!!!

Cena gets booed most weeks anyway, the kids love him, the adults not so much. We get that, and its common knowledge so why try and mask it. WWE would of done themselves a favour having Cena booed, it makes his character interesting - will he, wont he heel turn. Probably not but there is always doubt!
I think the WWE is silly for having a press conference where they are trying to seriously talk about Wrestlemania. Specially in a place like New York, where the fans will always let you know how they feel instead of sitting there and listening.
How could they possibly throw Michael Cole up there not in character and expect him not to get the reaction he was going to get? The man seriously could not speak.

But I think what the WWE needs to realize, is that the people that were in the audience are the real fans of their product and the type of fan that carried them when they could've easily been destroyed by WCW in the late 90's/early 2000's; and that representation that was there is generally the voice of the fanbase that cares about the wrestling part of it and not just one or two characters that they have been catering to for the past 3 years.
Were there really Hogan sucks and Dixie sucks chants? If so I find that hilarious and totally agree with at least with the Dixie sucks chants.

I think having the Press conference in NYC makes sense since that is the WWE's Homebase so to speak. I watched the Cena bit and he played off the Boos and Rocky Chants like a pro. I like Rock & Cena so if they go face to face at Mania I can't wait to see what they do.
It's sad that it has come to this. Remember when wrestling was about good vs evil and people pulled for the good guy? Rather than, "this heel has terrific mic skills and this face lacks in-ring quality and since that is what everyone on the internet tells me I'm going to choose to like Miz more so I'm not judged."

I'm not telling you to just like the good guy because well... he's the good guy. That's entirely up to you as the viewer. Watch the show the way you want to watch it. I just find it unfortunate that this is the situation we find ourselves in. The face of the company, the company that most of us have loved our whole lives, is getting boo'd practically off the mic because he's........ he's what? Boring in the ring? No sorry bad excuse. He does just as much as any face of his quality has done. Austin - news flash - mostly had the same routine in his matches. Randy Orton, hello? Rope DDT, "Vintage Orton", spaz in the ring, RKO out of no where, etc etc. Hogan? Same shit, even more boring. And I LOVE all 3 of those superstars nonetheless.

Is it Cena's mic skills? Are you... kidding? If anything it's definitely easier to get heat from a crowd than to get them to like you so for a face Cena's mic skills are definitely good. He goes toe-to-toe with The Rock on the mic for a few weeks straight now and dammit he sounds damn good doing it. His promo of him being 'fired' and 'retiring' because of Wade Barrett was one of the best promo's of the year. And again his recent segments about The Rock have been on key, to say the least.

Is it because he's 'superman'? He hasn't had the title since Sheamus took it off of him back on June 20th. What has been SO GREAT about Sheamus', Orton's, or dare I say everyone's favorite person to beat off to.. the Miz's title run? Is it a breath of fresh air? Oh definitely. No doubt. But that means we should hate Cena? I'll give you that in the Royal Rumble he did get his superman-swag back on and pretty much destroy the faction that was beating him down every week in a swift motion without getting hurt but that's bad booking... made Nexus look stupidly weak...

He busts his ass for this company, sells enough merchandise to buy a small country, has above-average in-ring ability and tells a story in the ring which allows him to put on great (in my opinion, at least) matches, he's an A+ on the mic, has a tremendous look and yet all of this equates to a bunch of insecure jackasses who feel less manly if they cheer for him to boo his ass almost out of the arena?

Take a step back and form an opinion for yourself. Don't get absorbed by various sources of media, especially the IWC. The WWE itself is media, sure. But I recognize and appreciate great talent when I see it and I see it in John Cena.
Ha, well all I can say is that THE ROCK was the STAR at the Press Conference, the reaction he received from the audience was INSANE. They started chanting Rocky even during Miz's and Cena's Speech and as soon as Cole said "This man needs no Introduction" the whole place went Nuts. ENOUGH SAID ;)

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