Would Anyone Be Interested In Doing Another Graphics Wingman Contest?

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
The reason I ask is because I feel we have many new sig makers here who have excellent work to show off. Personally, I enjoyed the first one very much and it's something I would like to do again. Originally, this contest was run by Dave, but he handed leadership over to me. The contest is really a battle of sig makers. A tag-team-sig-making battle, if you will. Every two weeks, topics are given out to teams. Throughout the following week, teams make their sigs. For 3 days after, they can be judged via polls. If you would like to sign up, please do so in this thread. Here is what you need to sign up:

  • Two sigs that you think are YOUR best.
  • Themes that you like making. (WWE, TNA, Sports, Movies, Etc.)

Should we get enough people, then you must pick a partner, you and your partner will then come up with a team name and theme song. So here's to hoping Graphics Wingman II comes to fruition!

Two sigs:


Themes: WWE, Sports, Video Games, TV.
I don't have my photoshop computer at the moment as it is getting fixed, but if my hard drive is still intact when I get it back and photoshop is present I'll gladly participate. I'll look around my request thread to see if I can find my best sigs.



I want to do this again, but it depends on when its held. School keeps me busy most of the time, but I off in a week or two.

Gotta say, its awesome we have so many people doing it this time around. Should probably be a lot more fun than the first go-around.
Just announcing that sign-ups are going to end this Sunday. So if you're reading this, and still havent signed up, now is your chance to do so. After Sunday, we will begin picking teams and stuff.
What the Hell I'm IN but just for Stinger ;)

It's dan hard to choose because i love alot of my work(Especially my curretn one) but i suppose these two are my best:


Topics: WWE,TNA, Music & Video games
Alright, sign-ups are now done. We can now move on to the process of making teams. We have 9 participants, so that means we will have 4 teams. One of these teams will have 3 people. When you form a team, make sure you post the team name, members, and theme song in this thread. Thanks for signing up everyone.
You ask someone if they want to team with you.

It's up to you.
To Angelic Diablo:

I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the competition? Maybe we could recruit someone else and be apart of the 3 people group.
To Angelic Diablo:

I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the competition? Maybe we could recruit someone else and be apart of the 3 people group.

See I asked Theo already, he has not responded.
If he choses me to be his partner then maybe we can form a three people group, or maybe it will be me and him, and sorry youll have to find someone else. Maybe. Right now Im waiting for an answer.

This competition will help you improve as a sig maker as well.

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