Worst Raw Segment

if that was the worst raw segment you've seen in ages, you haven't watched in a while. notice how i said"i respectfully disagree" and you say"are you kidding me? " this isn't a debate on miz's mic skills, go create another thread if you wanna get schooled on that subject. and i forgot about the saturn moppy thing. horrible television. kudos for remembering that1.

The Miz was purely aweful in that segment, and yes it has been the worst in ages, if you think about it how long has it been since youve seen a garbage segment on raw, well apart from santina/santino, there hasnt been one, the fact is that raw is pretty entertaining at times but has never gotten worse then the katie vic storyline which was totally in bad taste, but at the moment i say miz wins hands down until he can prove himself , remember we are debating worst raw segment its not about me hating the miz i actually like the guy.

And thanks for showing me some respect but it isnt needed.

Another one to add would have to be the jillian singing segment where ron simmons interrupts with the word damn, now that was garbage, no one really wants to see a tone death diva attempt to bust out a song while there are talent waiting their chance to get on tv
I can only pick one crappy segment? Geez....Ok the Big Show/Bossman coffin drag pissed me off the most. The 2nd Diva Search was booooooring. Vince McMahon imitating God. The illegitimate son of Vince was lame. JOHN CENA RAPPING LIVE ON RAW! THAT WAS THE WORST F"N RAP ALBUM OF ALL TIME!!!! No wonder I listen to rock and country music now.

I could go on and on but I've tried to surpress those bad memories.
The Shane McMahon testicle/car battery thing...stupid and unbelievable.

The Beaver Cleavage promos were definite channel turners, they were soooo immature.

If I can nominate one from SD!...Tough Enough 4, all of it. There was nothing wrestling related in most of those segments. Puder went into business for himself against Angle and the ref had to fake a pin. And a pro wrestling contest decided by a big glove BOXING MATCH?
How about the atrocious promo conducted by non other than The Miz this week. You draw heat by saying you have hillary duff's number? LOL. HORRIBLE. Its almost as if he was practicing the promo by himself rather than cuttting one in front of the world. 10 minutes of my life taken away from me after watching such a brutal mess.
How about the atrocious promo conducted by non other than The Miz this week. You draw heat by saying you have hillary duff's number? LOL. HORRIBLE. Its almost as if he was practicing the promo by himself rather than cuttting one in front of the world. 10 minutes of my life taken away from me after watching such a brutal mess.

Miz's promo wasn't received very well by the Live Crowd at all. You could hear crickets chirping during his promo.

But regardless, that was hardly the "Worst" promo/segment in Raw history. The bit with counting Cena out was pretty pathetic. Those segments never get a good reaction from the audience when tried in the past, so I don't know why they thought it would this time. Playing Cena's music in an attempt to fool the crowd just pissed people off even more. That thing is also overdone.

But again, hardly the worst segment, or even a contender for the worst, in Raw history.

The Shane McMahon testicle/car battery thing...stupid and unbelievable.

The Beaver Cleavage promos were definite channel turners, they were soooo immature.

That's funny. I thought Beaver Cleavage was hysterical, quite frankly and I was sad to see them end the gimmick prematurely. And nor am I "ashamed" to admit it I liked it. Definitely wasn't a channel changer to me. Didn't seem like it was to the majority of the audience either, as I didn't notice any significant ratings drop any time he came out.

When he came out during his entrance, they actually turned the TV screen black and white like "Leave it to Beaver", which I thought was pretty damn Creative. That's the Creativity that I would like to see them put back into today's product, where they think "outside the box".

Shane McMahon and the Car Battery thing I was indifferent to. It was a segment that kept people's interests though, in seeing what Kane was actually going to do.
I'm going for a angle that as soo bad everyone wipped out of their mind. It as none other then the Bossman/ Al Snow angle where it ended up in a major fight becase bossmon killed snows dog in resulted in a terriable kennel from hell match. How about the angle. How about the angle with mark henery making out with multiple women at once. How about the whole angle that brought pam anderson into wrestling as HBK's posible love intrest, she acted like a fake bitch blonde, they didnt only bring her in for one wrestlemania, they brought her in for 2. How about the angle where they had cat keep playing about unrobing herself, that as real bad since they should of had her derobe everytime. I have more but these stuck in my mind bcause they were so horriable.
What about the money give away? Did anybody besides me think that was boring? Instead of doing it 4 or 5 times a nite, how about once? It just dragged, and killed momentum. Not the worst, but honorable mention.
i agree with the million dollar mania...

i was wondering about this katie vick thing coz i didn't watch wwe back then but i just finished watching it and i actually thought that hhh's jokes and comments last year on smackdown were bad...

also the jackass/khali/boogeyman thing...i don't know if what knoxville asked about khali was real or scripted but that shouldn't have been brought up to raw

the dance off at the slammy awards last year...i turned the tv off untill it was finished...

i think that segment of ted dibiase and cody rhodes after night of champions where they talked about not paying dues and confronting jim duggan was horrible...

i really don't get why raw gets the worse segments...there are probably more but i can't think of any at the moment
What about the segment where Heidenreich was a rapist?
Poor Micheal Cole...
I think that was one of the worst segements.
I just forgot we were talking about RAW :D
Without a doubt Katie Vick. Ugh remembering this kind of crap still makes me uneasy. You'd think that if one would own a multi-milion dollar wrestling company, one would produce quality matches and storylines. But it seems that sometimes there's a loose screw in the heads of the McMahon's. This was THE worst absolute crap segment in the history of pro wrestling. This easily crowns itself as the biggest bullshit of pro wrestling.

Anyway people do make mistakes. But Katie Vick was a BIG mistake.
Chaz (Beaver Cleavage) being accused of beating his girlfriend. If I remember correctly it was a little ambiguous about if he was really doing it or if she was making it up, but then they dropped it completely.

What about the Blue Meanie and Stevie Richards doing the Blonde Bitch Project for like two weeks and then the angle was just dropped.

Or the year that they decided they didn't want to waste the time to the Diva Search on Raw, they were just going to do it on WWE.com. Then they proceed to air a ten minute rundown of how the Diva Search went on every show.

6, 8 or 10 diva tags where they just have four girls actually enter the ring. Save the rest of them for another time. If they can't wrestle, DON'T BOOK THEM TO WRESTLE! They could easily be doing more productive things, like managing or something.

From some of the above, Mae Young's hand (real father was the hand from The Adams Family) was disturbing but honestly less so than if they tried to claim she had a baby. Speaking of babies, what about Snitsky forcing a miscarriage of Lita's baby?

Katie Vick was meant as a joke and I was laughing from the moment Trips came in and goes, "Hi Katie, it's me... Kane" And plus this segment at least led into a ppv main event match, I believe the one where they originally unified the IC with the WHC.

The Trump/Rosie thing was supposed to help lead into the Trump/McMahon thing for wrestlemania, the HUGE mistake they made was letting this segment go on for more than like a minute or two in the ring.

The Obama/Hillary thing was a little better, with the fake Bill at ringside and Umaga squashing them but still not good.

The Miz was basically doing the Jericho vs. Goldberg feud from WCW, but The Miz is not Chris Jericho. As for his promo, I thought it was good when I heard it, but maybe I should rewatch it just to check. He'll have plenty of heat going forward, don't worry.

But the worst one I saw was definately on Smackdown when they had Hassan and his "Masked Henchmen" jump taker and strangle him with piano wire. It was on a taped show, and when word got out about it, they didn't drop it, just put a message along the bottom of the screen saying they were unable to change it in time. Also it aired like a day or two after a terrorist attack in London(?).

There's my like 40 cents.

i think having a raw divas vs smackdown divas tag match and then having all faces clear the ring is horrible knowing that only 4 of them wrestled
WOW I totally whipped out the whole blue meanie thing, other then in some old classic video game called wrestlemania 2000 where he wasnt even on tha card and yet over 25 guys were on the card yet no were to be found on the video game, steve richards was even worse since he was soo pushed down that he was sabatoged at every point in his career, this promo was teriable yet anything with meanie was bad. How about the meanie promos where he was blue dust they were the ultimateworse promos ever
I don't feel like reading through everything but from what I saw, nobody mentioned what I feel was the worst of all time. Yes Katie Vick, Big Show/Bossman's Dad, Perry Saturn and Moppy, Trump/Rosie, Al Snow and Pepper, etc... all get honorable mentions and belong in the top 10. But what about the worst of all time......


For christ sake Cena gets thrown through Bat Signals and shows up on Raw, booked to be Superman, FUs Big Show and Big Daddy V, and as someone said, would be booked to single-handedly end the war in Iraq and destroy the Taliban and find Osama bin Laden with a bent piece of glass attached to the end of a paper towel tube, etc... but GETS BEAT BY K-FED?????
Good effin God! I would go on and explain this, but you know what... I don't think I really need to. A guy that doesn't even wrestle

Hey I have a great idea Vince... let's book a one night only return of Barry Horowitz, and have him beat Randy Orton with a small package roll-up... AHhhhhhh fuck it... let's make Horowitz/Orton the headliner for WM26.
That stupid gay marriage storyline a few years back

Sorry I'm late, I got a warning elaborating on why it was stupid. Anyway I thought it was stupid because it involved fake gays and was an attempt to help spark ratings on the show.
I don't feel like reading through everything but from what I saw, nobody mentioned what I feel was the worst of all time. Yes Katie Vick, Big Show/Bossman's Dad, Perry Saturn and Moppy, Trump/Rosie, Al Snow and Pepper, etc... all get honorable mentions and belong in the top 10. But what about the worst of all time......


For christ sake Cena gets thrown through Bat Signals and shows up on Raw, booked to be Superman, FUs Big Show and Big Daddy V, and as someone said, would be booked to single-handedly end the war in Iraq and destroy the Taliban and find Osama bin Laden with a bent piece of glass attached to the end of a paper towel tube, etc... but GETS BEAT BY K-FED?????
Good effin God! I would go on and explain this, but you know what... I don't think I really need to. A guy that doesn't even wrestle

Hey I have a great idea Vince... let's book a one night only return of Barry Horowitz, and have him beat Randy Orton with a small package roll-up... AHhhhhhh fuck it... let's make Horowitz/Orton the headliner for WM26.

i agree with you, another similar thing which was horrible was floyd mayweather and bigshow on WM24...big show is advertised as the "world's largest athlete" and he loses to mayweather...fine, he's getting $$ in the end but c'mon. i know wrestling is scripted so if vince wants to make people believe his product, he should have made big show win to solidify him as the "world's largest athlete" and not the world's largest athlete who loses to a guy the size of mayweather
But the worst one I saw was definately on Smackdown when they had Hassan and his "Masked Henchmen" jump taker and strangle him with piano wire. It was on a taped show, and when word got out about it, they didn't drop it, just put a message along the bottom of the screen saying they were unable to change it in time. Also it aired like a day or two after a terrorist attack in London(?).

Vince is a douche. He had two days to lose that clip. He had a decent heel, getting good heat and by airing this HE KILLED IT. He could've easily had some commentator/reporter (Matthews/Cole anyone in Stamford) say that there was an act soo horrible that WWE decided not to air it. Instead we will air...(significant Raw match from Monday, PPV match, anything).

BUT HEY if you want to see what happened kids please go to WWE.com where it's unedited.

Vince wouldn't of gotten UPN wrath, the dotcom would've been flooded, and maybe Muhamaad Hassas would've stayed employed instead of scapegoated.

But back to the topic, the Boogeyman stuff was crap. I just don't find the eating of worms entertaining.
ok im not going through all the responses so I hope this one wasn't already said, but does anyone remember when cryme time brought on the bush lookalike? that was the one time i watched cryme time with confusion rather than humor.i mean it made no sense since it was nowhere near elections.
Ive gotta go with the Hornswoggle Mcmahon angle.
Say what you will, but this could have set up a major push for any number of up and comers.
Think about it Shelton Benjamin Mcmahon- VKM + Thea Vidale = The Gold Standard
Festus Mcmahon- Mae Young + VKM = The cornfed collusus
Instead we got a dwarf[that never speaks], the death of the cruiserweight division and another WM match for JBL.
Complete Garbage.
i was just watching raw and how about that singing thing with festus and jillian?...good way for festus to debut on raw...
i don't mind santino dressing as a woman and wrestling, i find it quite funny...specially when he screams but please, don't air the part when he dances like a woman...cut to comercials...
I'm going to go with a segment that was meant to be serious and not comedic (unlike most of the others) and is not the worst, but deserving of honourable mention.

You start off with a terribly acted promo in which Randy Orton demands he be fired. You've got non-wrestlers (ie. Orton's lawyer) getting mic time rather than Rhodes or DiBiase (who need personalities). Then suddenly, Shane McMahon, who is 40 years old and hasn't wrestled in two years, comes out and starts beating on the Royal Rumble winner and #1 contender.... And winning. Not only that, he's able to fight off two young, very good wrestlers and send all three running off like scalded dogs. Then he chases them and it resumes.

So a storyline that everyone hoped would be a feud of the year candidate starts with a thud and it doesn't really get better from there.

The worst though is the JR colonoscopy segment. Dear god, that was terrible. I was lucky enough not to see the Rosie/Trump match. However, I did see the contract signing segment between McMahon and Trump, and that was pretty terrible too.

Also, just about every segment in late 2005 and 2006 relating to the exploitation of the death of Eddie Guerrero (although it also includes Smackdown). When you need to drag the legacy of a wrestler as beloved as Eddie through the mud just to get Orton some heel heat, you know you have no morals.

And let's not forget about practically every segment featuring Big Dick Johnson, Al Wilson, the Diva Search or some of those Hornswoggle "comedy" segments from 2007 like when he ran through a wall (again, not just Raw).
Surprised no one has mentioned the Kane/Lita storyline.

Not even going into it's sheer stupidity but that what the majority of us believed was Jobber#18 turned out to be Snitsky and the "killing" of the "lovechild" which lead to his infamous "It's not my fault" promos and music...

And the terrible segment at the Royal Rumble with him and Heindenrich
"I like your poetry"
"I like what you do to babies"

....oh and the Hawk/alcoholic storyline they ran for LOD 2000.... horrible
But you gotta love the Edge/Lita storyline right after. After edge "stole" lita's heart from Kane, then came matt hardy. It involved a good spice of kayfabe and kept me interested for me personally. "you screwed matt!"
What about the money give away? Did anybody besides me think that was boring? Instead of doing it 4 or 5 times a nite, how about once? It just dragged, and killed momentum. Not the worst, but honorable mention.
Yeah,that sucked.I didn't get called.And btw,I thought the Teddy Long and John Morrison singing Michael Jackson was terrible.Teddy Long and Morrison are terrible singers,using little unfunny puns into their conversation.I hated that.

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