Folks, you're dealing with WRESTLERS not Comedians. Get over it. Sure, some wrestlers are naturally funny when they want to be. Santino of course. I'm sure some of what was said in that ring was botched. I mean, Kelly Kelly couldn't keep a straight face from the start.
All in all, it just drug on too long. It was a funny segment, and a nice way to work Springer into the show. Just shorten it up a bit.
For all you haters, keep on hatin'. Apparently you're the minority most of the time anyways.
And for certain moderators, why don't you just turn OFF the tv when WWE is on? I mean, if you can't stand it, why do you continue to watch it? Or are you truly that miserable that the only thing that brings you joy is finding new ways to shit on everyone else's twinkie? Good god.
All in all, it just drug on too long. It was a funny segment, and a nice way to work Springer into the show. Just shorten it up a bit.
For all you haters, keep on hatin'. Apparently you're the minority most of the time anyways.
And for certain moderators, why don't you just turn OFF the tv when WWE is on? I mean, if you can't stand it, why do you continue to watch it? Or are you truly that miserable that the only thing that brings you joy is finding new ways to shit on everyone else's twinkie? Good god.