The Springer Segment

I enjoyed it, but even as I watched, I was thinking about the negative comments I was going to read on WZ the next day.

Sure enough, look how many of you are saying it was the worst segment ever shown on WWE TV...... hell, maybe it was even the worst in the history of television.

Personally, I found it funny and original. The idea of combining a familiar TV show like Springer's with familiar characters of WWE was a fun idea.

WWE produces 5 hours of original programming each week. It would be repetitive to just do strict wrestling for you "purists." Comedy and action routines are welcome diversions to the matches......and are something WWE has done well for many years.

It still gets to me when I think how many people on this forum claim to love wrestling.....yet hate everything WWE and TNA come up with.

After all......what if Brie really is a man?:eek:

I think runjin sing put it best when he sayd that it was a BIG waste of time. Ok, IMO the 1st 5 or 6 mins were ok, but tell me, how many of us knew lil horny was going to come out as the father!! Wow. Just horrible. What's a waste of time... There could have been at least 2 matches to fill in that time slot. And I'm sorry 2 say but when sheamus has the best match of the night, there is deffinatey something wrong. Did u even hear any2 in the building going along with the round of "jerry's" at the end? Me neither. I knew it, I just KNEW it. I thought we were in for a good show but then we had 2 get the "PG" fun outta all of this ryte? Pathetic!!! This even further illustartes the point that this "PG" era is complet CRAP!!!! THANK GOD they had Miss. Mae Young to help salvage thaþ train wreck of a segment that vince cals "compelling" t.v.... Gimme a break!

Sure enough, look how many of you are saying it was the worst segment ever shown on WWE TV...... hell, maybe it was even the worst in the history of television.

Personally, I found it funny and original. The idea of combining a familiar TV show like Springer's with familiar characters of WWE was a fun idea.

WWE produces 5 hours of original programming each week. It would be repetitive to just do strict wrestling for you "purists." Comedy and action routines are welcome diversions to the matches......and are something WWE has done well for many years.

It still gets to me when I think how many people on this forum claim to love wrestling.....yet hate everything WWE and TNA come up with.

After all......what if Brie really is a man?:eek:


Wooooow!!! R u kidding me? U thought this was great?? They could have done a waay better job @ setting that scene up. 1st off, there were way 2 many ppl out the 2 feel like a "true" jerry show, 2nd, if u didn't think that that was a waste of time, then ur bud must b better than mine, kuz I got boref pretty fast. I'm not knockin WWE for everything. I LOVE the "E" its just that we as the wrestling public would like 2 have better programming, insted of being feed whatever the fuck vince wants us 2 eat. You my friend, are truly wise man..... Wait wait wait... No my friend, you are wrong. IMO, it was just horrible, horrible I tell you. HORNSWOGGLE?? Y is he still in DX gear anyway? The only good thing was that jerry is used 2 reading off of cards so he COULD'NT fuck up. And if brie bella is a man, then I guess u can call me a "homo" kuz I'd do her anyday!!!
It was awful. Is it really any wonder why wrestling is treated like a joke when the one major wrestling promotion around air shit like this? I've really enjoyed RAW in 2010 so far and that is because these skits that they had last year haven't been going on. It wasted so much time and The Jerry Springer Show is bad enough as it is. I don't want it taking up time on a wrestling show aswell!

Also, This segment had no point whatsoever, it was a complete waste of TV time. If a few storylines or matches stem from it, I could forgive it but that won't happen. I mean, the segment would have still been bad but it would at least have a reason for being written. Some weeks, WWE spend more time getting the Guest Hosts and their products over than they do their own.
All of you people complaining, shut up. The segment was a great way to pass time. I mean, would you rather see that, or two matches with Chris Masters, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Hornswoggle, etc.? If you say you'd rather watch two terrible matches than that skit then you don't deserve to be a wrestling fan. Two terrible matches vs. one skit which took up several minutes of time in a "what's going to happen now" fashion...I'll take the skit, especially when it features a heavy dose of Kelly Kelly doing what she does best...just standing there looking good.

There was nothing wrong with the segment at all. They revealed it was a joke segment, and even commented on how the fans thought it was a waste of time, which was fairly clever, it got a lot of wrestlers some face and mic time, and we didn't have to watch terrible and boring matches.

It was a good segment.
Last nights springer segment was absolutely terrible. Beyond the fact that nobody made it believable especially kelly kelly. It came off as raw trying to pucker up to jerry springer for some reason. My real complaint tho is the fact that it was just a complete waste of time. What is the wwe doing? Last week they put out one of the best raws in a looooong time it was no nonsense they put on solid matches and did alot to further storylines and get me excited about wrestlemania. This week not a single mention of hbk's breakdown not a single match to get excited about since you knew 2 of them were going to be dq'd. Possibly the biggest disaster of the night besides the springer episode was that kofi/dibiase match. That coulda been a great match for two young stars to show off their talent instead we got kofi dominating ted and ted getting in 1 offensive move and winning the match what a joke. Last weeks raw was filet mignon and this weeks was week old bologna.
I thought it was funny. But adding Cole, King, the Bellas and Hornswoggle was too much. Everyone else involved could have done the segment alot better and would have been akot funnier without those names I mentioned.

Overall it was NOT that bad. (remember Katie Vick??)

People claiming they cannot wait until Mar 9th, Did you guys even watch TNA AAO on sunday?? That PPV was a abortion.
Personally, I thought it was hilarious. There were a few times when the pace slowed, but Lawler and Cole's involvement was just great. When was the last time either of them have been that interesting?
Calling Brie a man was brilliant since Xfear and several others had been joking about that for about a year. It addressed rumors and joked about everything, and was self-referential and ridiculous. I loved it. It was the best comedy segment they've had in a long time. You couldn't think, you just had to turn your brain off and accept it.
I'm a wrestling fan, that's why I'm here, I'm also a Springer fan, and I must say that the segment was terrible. Jerry Springer is a funny guy, he's got zinger after zinger on his show (not PG), and there funny jokes too.

This leads me to ask if the WWE writing has really gotten this bad (TNA levels of bad writing) or if the WWE staff has some sort of PG writers block. Jokes are bad and poorly written, not just in the Springer segment, but any segment that tries to be funny.

Springer could have easily hosted the show on a more normal level, for fucks sake that his job, he hosts a show. It didn't have to be the same stupid shit, with the same recurring WWE jobbers and rejects in the ring, I was waiting for Dusty Rhodes to make his way down and have it turn into a giant disco in the middle of the ring (It would not be the first, or second time).

There is also a great post in one of the Bret Hart threads by NoFate007, depicting just how bad the writing has become, though his comparison is with how shitty the writing has been involving Bret Hart. Post 20, check it out.

The bad writing has been a trend in pro wrestling for many years now, for me the PG era has really highlighted this point, it seems like a problem that can be fixed, I just haven't seen the effort being put forth.
I personally thought it was hilarious. Instead of having five or six segments throughout the night of Jerry pretending he knows who the hell any of these people are and trying not to mess up names as he books them in matches, we get one 10 minute segment that was humorous, over the top, and just fun to watch. Did they have to go that route? Of course not. But there are a lot of far worse options that could have occurred.

Mustang Sally said it best a few posts up. WWE puts out six hours of programming every week. It seems like some people want all six hours of that to be nothing but match after match after match. Now, I have nothing against matches, I do watch wrestling for the wrestling as well. But if you are so bothered by one ten minute segment out of six hours of programming this week, or for that matter ten minutes out of a two hour show, then perhaps you are right. Perhaps RAW isn't the right show for you.
I personally thought it was hilarious. Instead of having five or six segments throughout the night of Jerry pretending he knows who the hell any of these people are and trying not to mess up names as he books them in matches, we get one 10 minute segment that was humorous, over the top, and just fun to watch. Did they have to go that route? Of course not. But there are a lot of far worse options that could have occurred.

Mustang Sally said it best a few posts up. WWE puts out six hours of programming every week. It seems like some people want all six hours of that to be nothing but match after match after match. Now, I have nothing against matches, I do watch wrestling for the wrestling as well. But if you are so bothered by one ten minute segment out of six hours of programming this week, or for that matter ten minutes out of a two hour show, then perhaps you are right. Perhaps RAW isn't the right show for you.

I hated the segment but that doesn't mean I expect match after match. Admittedly, there are some people like that but there aren't enough guys on RAW that entertain me enough in the ring to begin with.

Everything that I like about WWE at the minute has to do with angles, not matches. I'm enjoying the HBK obsession angle, Punk's SES and the Vince/Bret angle. I don't mind only four matches and a few segments if the segments are actually good and have a point. That segment to me was just another one of those WWE skits that embarasses wrestling fans.

Of course, it doesn't help that I hate Springer's awful show to begin with but hey, that's just me. All these sort of skits do for me is show why a lot of people consider wrestling a joke.
I enjoyed it, but even as I watched, I was thinking about the negative comments I was going to read on WZ the next day.

Sure enough, look how many of you are saying it was the worst segment ever shown on WWE TV...... hell, maybe it was even the worst in the history of television.

Personally, I found it funny and original. The idea of combining a familiar TV show like Springer's with familiar characters of WWE was a fun idea.

WWE produces 5 hours of original programming each week. It would be repetitive to just do strict wrestling for you "purists." Comedy and action routines are welcome diversions to the matches......and are something WWE has done well for many years.

It still gets to me when I think how many people on this forum claim to love wrestling.....yet hate everything WWE and TNA come up with.

After all......what if Brie really is a man?:eek:


your havin a girraffe!!!! how many weeks has seamus come to ring at the end and laid everyone out? how many main events has cena v seamus or orton. bret heart comes out n gets screwed again!! its like watching repeats over n over again. i love raw and i love wwe have done for over 20 years. i travel all over the uk and spend hundreds on hotels n tickets n travel. but to be honest its absolute shite the now. i hated tna with the 6 sided ring but now it is so much better than wwe creative wise. the sooner linda loses this election thing the better then maybe just maybe we can get some real raw. if they want a prog for kids make one but dont let us adults suffer with the complete drivel thats happening now because of it. vince said "its the best god damn soap on tv" river city is better (and its really poor here in the uk). my 9 year old comes out with better creative things wwe could do than the guys that get thousands for writing it. so dont say its original each week cause it feels like groundhog day each week now

ps sorry bout the rant but a product i once loved so much is so lame now:banghead::banghead:
I loved the segment. Obviously nobody bought that Kelly was actually pregnant (do you see the body on that woman?!) but it was still hilarious. It wasn't funny because "OMG KELLY IZ PREGNANT, NOW WHO'S THE FATHAH?!" at all. It was funny because you had a bunch of normally irrelevant WWE Superstars and Divas cheating on people and calling each other transvestites. It was funny. I was giggling through the whole thing but I broke down and started crying in laughter when Khali came out. Not too much that I didn't get to see Eve's sexy ass dancing to his music though. That was awesome. That was the funniest part to me tbh. Either that, "You normally pick your girls up at recess!", or "Where do I sign up?", both of which were Springer lines. Yes, he's still got it.
All of you people complaining, shut up. The segment was a great way to pass time.
Disagree. Was a terrible way to pass time, and made me turn the television off actually. Funny thing was I tuned in at 10 o'clock to that shit show of a segment, and then proceeded to vomit and changed the station.
I mean, would you rather see that, or two matches with Chris Masters, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Hornswoggle, etc.? If you say you'd rather watch two terrible matches than that skit then you don't deserve to be a wrestling fan. Two terrible matches vs. one skit which took up several minutes of time in a "what's going to happen now" fashion...I'll take the skit, especially when it features a heavy dose of Kelly Kelly doing what she does best...just standing there looking good.
I'd rather see neither. What I'd rather see is 1 entertaining segment, or some character development. Kelly Kelly is pretty but I don't need her on camera just to smile and look good. I don't need to watch a wrestling program to see a pretty woman, and she's no prettier than any other average woman in a music video. People need to stop drooling over her and giving her props like she is the last good looking woman on television.
There was nothing wrong with the segment at all.
Yes there was. It was corny and boring.
They revealed it was a joke segment, and even commented on how the fans thought it was a waste of time, which was fairly clever, it got a lot of wrestlers some face and mic time, and we didn't have to watch terrible and boring matches.
So instead of terrible and boring matches, we get a terribly boring and unfunny segment.
It was a good segment.
I disagree.

In light of segments such as Little People's Court, you have to expect some sort of backlash from people on this board on the Springer segment. Also now with TNA confirming their move to Monday nights, people are looking into the future as to what they will do when segments like this pop up on WWE television, which is turn the channel. It accomplished nothing, and could've been used to better establish wrestlers as opposed to highlighting jobbers, and talentless divas. If you were entertained by it, kudos to you, but I felt the segment was forced, and just flat out corny. I'm glad I'll have an alternative on Monday nights in a couple of weeks.
For me, anytime Hornswoggle is involved in ANYTHING, i press the mute button.
He's done. he has nothing to offer to this business.
I thought Jerry was quite witty though, but if all the other people involved would have picked up on that, it would have been more successful.
And while Jerry Springer has nothing at all to do with wrestling, i found it entertaining.
The segnment was kind of a waste of time.But hey it started out funny,Because Santino was in it.But as it went along when Jerry Lawler got to the ring i was like holy crap this is going to suck.Then we seen the Bellas in there,Then i was like ok were the fuck is this going.As soon as i know all the WWE jobbers were in the ring.

Come on if Santino would of been the only one there just with Kelly Kelly it would of been a whole different story,It would off been funny as hell.But i guess WWE really suck at making funny parodies.
I'm going to have to agree with most of the posters in this thread. I hated that segment so much.

I'll give credit where it's due. It started out OK, and I had high hopes when Santino came out. Plus, I felt that Eve actually tried to make this good. But the rest, especially Kelly Kelly, were just bad. You could tell from the start this was fake because Kelly couldn't stop smiling, even when she was trying to be insulting. Cole sounded fake, as usual. Lawler wasn't much better, and while a lot of people found the whole recess joke directed at him funny, I just found it to be in bad taste. Santino was misused from when Cole and Lawler got involved, being pushed to the background when he should've been the center of attention. The Bella twins didn't add much of anything, Masters' part didn't make any sense, and I should've seen Hornswoggle and Young coming sooner.

Look, I'm all for WWE trying to make comedy. But this wasn't it.
absolutely not, we dont want more of this.

the guest hosts need to be used more for storylines. i liked when they would come out and get involved with superstars and make big decisions. not phony scripted crap like last night, although anything with mae young is always classic.
At first I thought it was going great then as soon as Micheal Cole stood up it lost momentum. Now I like Jerry Springer I've been to his shows when he was here in Chicago, and even though the segment wasn't great I think he did a nice job with his usual smart ass remarks and jokes. I think having everyone in the ring chant "Jerry" multiple times took away from the segment, it's as if they wanted the fans in the arena to chant along every second. The segement had to have Hornsoggle which I thought would happen after watching the train wreck in progress. Not the worst segement ever but pretty bad overall.
Disagree. Was a terrible way to pass time, and made me turn the television off actually. Funny thing was I tuned in at 10 o'clock to that shit show of a segment, and then proceeded to vomit and changed the station.

I'd rather see neither. What I'd rather see is 1 entertaining segment, or some character development. Kelly Kelly is pretty but I don't need her on camera just to smile and look good. I don't need to watch a wrestling program to see a pretty woman, and she's no prettier than any other average woman in a music video. People need to stop drooling over her and giving her props like she is the last good looking woman on television.

Yes there was. It was corny and boring.

So instead of terrible and boring matches, we get a terribly boring and unfunny segment.

I disagree.

In light of segments such as Little People's Court, you have to expect some sort of backlash from people on this board on the Springer segment. Also now with TNA confirming their move to Monday nights, people are looking into the future as to what they will do when segments like this pop up on WWE television, which is turn the channel. It accomplished nothing, and could've been used to better establish wrestlers as opposed to highlighting jobbers, and talentless divas. If you were entertained by it, kudos to you, but I felt the segment was forced, and just flat out corny. I'm glad I'll have an alternative on Monday nights in a couple of weeks.

I got agree with you here along with the majority. Hey if people liked the skit that's fine, but I don't think it was the greatest thing since This is Your Life with Rock and Foley. To be honest with you I thought a lot of comedy skits were ridiculous during the attitude era.

There was just really bad acting with the skit dragging on and on. Raw is trying too hard to be SNL which in reality they are pretty much the same since SNL has been boring and obnoxious lately.

I don't think the skit was worst then The Little People's court, but it dragged on. It might of been funny 10 years ago when Springer was relevant, but making fun of Springer is like making fun of Family Feud or Wheel of Fortune.

I will say this though, it was more entertaining then the rest of the show at least. I wasn't offended by it since it was pretty tame and predictable. It was just one of those skits that embarrass you to be a wrestling fan in my eyes. I mean seriously if people enjoyed it or not would you let a non wrestling fan watch it?

I would rather have someone catch me watching a snuff film over that segment.
Sure, it was funny, but was pointless. It didn't push any feuds, it didn't lead up to anything at Elimination Chamber, it didn't have anything to do with any storylines. It was slightly entertaining for maybe ten minutes then it was over and no one got anything out of it. I think with TNA coming to monday nights WWE really needs to come out with all guns blazing. Not that TNA are a legit threat yet, but I think it'd still be a good idea to cut crap like this and stick with storylines. I don't know, the whole thing with Jerry Springer as host seemed completely pointless. I mean, we barely even saw the guy other than this part.
The segment would have been better if there were less people involved but all in all, it didn't really help or hurt the show. WWE needs to work on their comedy segments and it didn't take away any time from a feud or anything because the rest of the show pretty much covered that. This was just done for ten minutes worth of laughs and it did its intended job.
It was a mess. The idea was interesting and was going good with Santino out but then it turned into a wreck with Cole, Lawler and whole bunch of other....felt cheesy and not at all funny.
I thought the Springer segment on Raw as a complete waste of time. However, when I heard that Jerry Springer was going to be the guest host, I expected some kind of segment almost exactly along the lines of what happened last night. I didn't think it was funny really, I just remember thinking that it reminded me of exactly why I stopped watching the Jerry Springer Show in my early 20s.

For the past several weeks, Raw has kept all the silliness of Hornswoggle and anything like the Springer segment last night to a bare minimum. Typically, all Hornswoggle has gotten is a few seconds on screen for much of the past month. It was really just a waste of about 12 minutes overall. I will say that it could have been worse than it actually was, it's defnitely not the worst skit that's been done on Raw. However, I think Raw has been getting along just great without segments and skits like the Springer segment.
Sure, it was kind of stupid, but aren't most wrestling segments. I thought it was mildly entertaining, and it's not like they had anything better to fill the time. Really, what else could they have possibly done there.

The acting was pretty terrible and it was beyond ridiculous, but I chuckled at a few parts. It was completely fine for what it was.

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