John Cena does NOT suck by any means. Think about it, what's the point of a WWE wrestler, is it to put on 5 star matches? No, is it to innovate new moves? No, has it EVER been about having the best in ring product? NO, it has ALWAYS been about selling. Selling merch, selling tix, ratings etc.
Cena gets these for WWE, that's the truest way to judge a pro wrestler, is he over. Yes Cena is massive over. "O, but they boo him because he sucks" no, you boo him because he WANTS you to boo him. That's right, Cena WANTS smart (and I use that loosely) marks to boo him. Why? Because he gets the best reactions that way, another goal of WWE. How does he do it? Well, he's a cheesey corny face that kids love and you hate, plus he puts on formulaic safe matches weekly (another goal for WWE, being safe) and on PPV he delivers with the best matches. His matches vs Umaga, HBK, and Orton were all great, he carried Khali to his best match ever that had a great story with it and how Cena beat him with the STFU.
If Cena was in ROH would he still be good? No, but the point of ROH isn't the same as WWE, there's a different criteria. Do you honestly think that a match like Aries vs Dragon would sell well with the WWE crowd? No, they'd shit all over it, just like the ROH crowd would shit all over Cena vs Orton.
Cena is an AMAZING WWE wrestler, he has the WWE main event style down perfectly, he sells a shitton of merch, he gets the loudest, most dynamic reactions, and anyone who he's associated with immediately gets the rub. Internet fans need to realize that their opinion does not matter with the WWE, why would they cater to your needs when you're not the main fanbase? That'd be stupid.
There's a reason ROH is a niche product, because the mainstream doesn't want to see 5'9" 185 pound pale Bryan Danielson work a deep story into every match, I want to see that, but I don't confuse personal preference with truth. The truth is that entertainment sells better than sport, all the proof you need is that American Idol gets higher ratings than MLB, NFL, and NBA playoffs. Only the Superbowl outdraws it, and the Superbowl is in a different category because it's just as much a social and entertainment event to hang out with friends and laugh at the commericals as it is a sporting event.
Just so you don't think I'm a mindless Cena mark (which is probably what most of you Meltzer Kool Aid drinking, "smart" mark sheep are thinking right now) just know that I have a collection of VHS/Tapes that's about 45 days long that contains WCW, WWF/E, ECW, ROH, Chikara, PWG, NOAH, AJPW, NJPW, Tourymon, Dragon Gate, CZW, and various other biographies, documentaries, best ofs, and instructional wrestling. I have been a fan for over 10 years and go to a ton of local indy events.
Bottom line, think outside the box, what makes wrestling great is it's versatility, I don't want WWE to look like ROH, I like ROH seperate from WWE, WWE is a different product, you just have to learn to understand the qualities, that's why Shelton Benjamin isn't a good wrestler in the WWE. Sure I like him, but he has 0 charisma and no character, which is what a WWE wrestler is should be all about.
Think of it this way, there are "E" standards and (for the sake of this) "ROH" standards, Shelton Benjamin is a B+ ROH wrestler and a C WWE wrestler, CM Punk was an A ROH wrestler, and has moved to the WWE and changed his style to become a B WWE wrestler.
Pro Wrestling is all about catering to your audience and Cena does that very well in the WWE, just like Bryan Danielson does a great job at what he does in ROH.
And Bean, the Droz accident was on Smackdown, we are talking about Raw right?