worst wrestling moment you have seen

Mae Young being topless at whichever event that was, i want to say it was Royal Rumble but i did best i could to erase that memory lol. After that i would say was the Mexicools, so much for removing stereotypes. You have 3 Mexicans ride into arenas across the US on lawn mowers called JUAN DEER....
After that i would say was the Mexicools, so much for removing stereotypes. You have 3 Mexicans ride into arenas across the US on lawn mowers called JUAN DEER....

While that was bad, I kinda liked it...it was time for some other stereotypes because I got two words for you:

Saba Simba....what an insult! Hell add Akeem to the list also.

But my biggest gripe has to be Rey Mysterio winning the World Title. But not because he won, but because they used Eddie Guerrero's death as the storyline/catalyst for him winning.

He(Rey) was at the point in his career that if they did the underdog storyline, used his speed and skill as an advantage over bigger guys, I would've been okay with the title run.

Outside of kayfabe: He has had a good career, his merch sales were crazy, I could've been okay with him getting the "thank you" run. But they didn't need to throw Eddie's death into the mix.
thats what i meant to say that they would of had to wait to of got word that owen was dead but as soon as they did they should of stopped the ppv if there was any way possible.

can you imagine being one of the guys who had to go out and wrestle AFTER it had happened knowing that is where one of their friends had just died.

I also nominate this as the worst moment. Owen was starting to get his own image going, no matter how stupid it might have looked.

Jeff Jarrett had an interview right after the incident and you could tell that it was affective him badly.
David Arquette and Vince Russo winning the WCW title

Two incidents that embarrased WCW that badly that they ended up going out of business. Completely shitting on everything that guys like Flair, Sting and so many others had done over the years and making a mockery and a joke out of their own Heavyweight belt, which is meant to symbolise the company. Having a magazine writer and an actor win the title was the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

The Gobblygooker

An egg hatching on Raw and a guy in a shit bird costume inside? Really? REALLY? Whoever thought that was a good idea deserved to be fired simply for suggesting it.

Obviously, the correct answer to this question is the tragic death of Owen Hart at the Over The Edge PPV, but I am making these suggestions as the 2 examples that I feel are the worst SCRIPTED incidents on a wrestling show, that defy logic and make me just wonder "why the hell are they booking this utter crap"
One of the worst wrestling moments that I can remember seeing was the Vince McMahon limo explosion incident. I remember watching that and knowing that the whole thing was completely fake and poorly done. I could've produced a more realistic car explosion incident that this one. It was just embarrassing having to have people ask me if Vince was really dead when he wasn't.

Other bad wrestling moments that I can remember these days would come from TNA also.
One of the worst wrestling moments that I can remember seeing was the Vince McMahon limo explosion incident. I remember watching that and knowing that the whole thing was completely fake and poorly done. I could've produced a more realistic car explosion incident that this one. It was just embarrassing having to have people ask me if Vince was really dead when he wasn't.

Other bad wrestling moments that I can remember these days would come from TNA also.
Wait....it was really fake looking, but people asked you (assuming they look to you as knowledgeable on wrestling) if it was real? So obviously, most people didn't think this was true.

To me, pro wrestling doing ridiculous things aren't all that bad. At least angles like that. They stir interest.
Wait....it was really fake looking, but people asked you (assuming they look to you as knowledgeable on wrestling) if it was real? So obviously, most people didn't think this was true.

To me, pro wrestling doing ridiculous things aren't all that bad. At least angles like that. They stir interest.

Well, it was young casual fans who asked me about the angle. I was also younger at the time and had found out about websites like these.

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