Worst Moment #2 - John Cena

Like many have already stated for me the most unbelievable moment of Cena's career was making Chris Benoit tap. Cena has always had a difficult time trying to make that submission look good because most of the time he locks it in, it looks like he's basically just lying on his opponent. The best time he locked it in and it looked good was when he beat HBK at WM 23 which was definitely the best match that year.

Anyway back on track when he locked in the STF on Benoit it once again suffered from the "barely looks like a submission" affect and due to this when Benoit the greatest submissionist in WWE history tapped to it I just couldn't buy it and even though it was a random through away main event from RAW, I always remember it because it was truly one of those moments where you call shenanigans because of how unrealistic is was.
Basically another Cena bashing thread. Who knew? Well I love John Cena, one of the best in the world as far as I'm concerned. Yes there are several moments where he makes me roll my eyes, but I'm still a fan. I don't care about his making Benoit tap match that probably no one even remembers besides us on the internet. It's not like there haven't been worst moments.

Pretty much the worst moments I have seen with John was when he was rapping. I got the appeal of the gimmick it was very entertaining (yet sometimes annoying), but the people who think he should have carried that gimmick into the main event are ridiculous. I cringed when he did his 2nd rap promo against the Rock last monday. The first one was awesome as he completely owned him, but this recent promo I just wasn't feeling. I just said after it was done, thank goodness he doesn't have the rap gimmick anymore.

So all in all most of his rap gimmick qualifies as his worst moments. Crazy right? As everyone would love to see him go back to it. I for one don't.
I reckon the 2010 fued with Batista was horrible, it was rushed because of Batista leaving and they made him look like Cena's bitch. I wish Batista beat him at WM and then lost it afterwards but yet again I hate Cena so very much.

This.. I didn not like this feud, I didn't even enjoy the matches! That includes the 'I Quit' match as well... It just didn't do anything for me.. How this can be one of the best feuds of last year, IDK...

I don't like the way he jokes when he cuts a promo, it's like he tries too ahrd sometimes, tries to force us to laugh, he isn't really that funny, his recent raps have been okay though, the first one being better than his recent..
I don't care about his making Benoit tap match that probably no one even remembers besides us on the internet. It's not like there haven't been worst moments.

I never said it was his worst moment because personally I've always been a major fan of Cena and am one of his biggest supporters on here and don't think he's had an atrocious moment, so I talked about what I thought was his most unbelievable was moment and for me that match ending will always stick out and I'm sure anyone who watched that encounter who isn't a mark would agree with me on that assessment. It may be four years later but it's one of those memories that sticks in your mind, well it is for me and apparently many others as well because it was pretty silly to see a submission specialist tap out to a weak looking hold.

Again to me Cena has never had a horrible moment in his career where you can say it's by far the worst thing he's done on television like lets say Triple H and the Kate Vick chronicles but Cena has had a few of those silly and hokey moments but the submission victory over Chris Benoit the best submission wrestler of all time takes the cake for being the most unrealistic.
If a wrestler is a master of submissions,does that also make him a master of not submitting himself? I don't get it. These men are human and if they are in enough pain, they will submit (even in kayfabe). Benoit simply was putting over the top man in the company just like other wrestlers put him over during his run with the belt. That's how the business works. Cena gets too much of a bad rap in my opinion. He may not be a Flair or Bret Hart in the ring but at least the man gets the fans emotionally invested in him,a lost art among today's crop of talent.
First of all Mathix, it was the rapper gimmick that got me to like Cena and THAT was the Cena I wanted to see as champion. Not to mention I think his raps were more entertaining back in 2004 and it fit his character much better than it does now.

I have warmed up to Cena a tad bit more- I mean I think as a person I like him. It's awesome how he grants wishes for sick kids and how he is so dedicated to the business. I like John Cena the person; but the John Cena in his present form on TV, I have so many issues with, it would be tempting to name just one; but if I had to, it would have to be this:

John Cena no-sold the firing by the Nexus. It was so fucking annoying. Free or Fired was shoved the fuck down our throats for the longest time and dragged out. Yet once he was fired, he no sold the entire thing. Not that this is his fault but WWE made me hate the Cena character much more. Cena has entertained me here and there. Even though I am 100% behind the Rock in this feud, his first rap and his I Bring it Via Satellite T-Shirt, not to mention eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles was alright. But no selling being fired- if Vince really needed John Cena so badly and had to have him on tv- why do this angle in the first place? The ONLY good thing about all of this was the night after Survivor Series, Miz became champion. Do you know how annoying it was to see Cena on TV even though he was fired? It would've been so much better if Nexus just ended at HIAC than to be looked like a joke like this.

Someone like itssoeasy123 says Cena has had so many good matches and he carries his opponents. Really? When? I haven't seen it. He hasn't carried Otunga- he squashed him and to a lesser but still great extent he squashed Riley. I have enjoyed Cena matches with Swagger, Ziggler and Punk. But whose work was I more impressed with in those matches? Hint: it wasn't Cena. Is he as bad as everyone says he is in the ring? He is limited and that's a problem. Hogan was good in Japan but limited here. But you see, the difference between a limited Orton and a limited Cena? Orton actually has a good moveset for the most part. We mostly just see Cena do his five moves of doom and the occasional bulldog or top rope leg drop.

His jokes. Ugh. It's one thing to be PG and it's another thing to make a mockery of the PG rating by doing the cringeworthy jokes on the mic that is a reason people hate the rating in the first place. For the most part it isn't funny.

No selling- Cena has been known to no sell and he has done this quite a bit since I started watching wrestling again. You need Cena in the main event at Mania? Fine. I wasn't too upset with him winning the RAW chamber (even though I would've LOVED IT if Morrison won and would take that over Cena any day of the week) but my chief complaint with that was how Cena was laid out almost the whole match and then he wins it. Like WTF.

Unless he's in the title picture, he ALWAYS upstages it and what is supposed to be the richest prize in the business always plays second fiddle to Cena unless Cena is involved somehow. Even now until this past Monday, The Miz was under the radar as all hell.

His promos seem forced. That is an issue with me. The Rock seems like a natural, while a lot of Cena's stuff seems forced.

Sooner or later, Cena has to turn heel. Once the Rock was carrying the company as the top babyface, Austin turned heel. I think it could've worked against Jeff Hardy; but Cena needs a Rock to his Austin. Once that happens, I can see him turning heel.

So yeah, I have a lot of complaints with John Cena and has made a lot of cringeworthy moments for me. I would rather see him as champ than Orton at this point; but that doesn't make things any better.
I Stopped watching wrestling from 2002-2009 so i had to do my research on who John Cena & why we was the #1 face.During the end of my research i foung only 1 thing that seemed to be embarasing for CeNa even if he didn't show it.

CeNa was a huge face at the time yet the crowd was booing this man out of the building.Then when he did his little throw his shirt to the crowd gimmick & they just kept throwing it back time after time i think that had to embaress him if not i think it might have actuAlly hurt his feelings.

First of all Mathix, it was the rapper gimmick that got me to like Cena and THAT was the Cena I wanted to see as champion. Not to mention I think his raps were more entertaining back in 2004 and it fit his character much better than it does now.

I have warmed up to Cena a tad bit more- I mean I think as a person I like him. It's awesome how he grants wishes for sick kids and how he is so dedicated to the business. I like John Cena the person; but the John Cena in his present form on TV, I have so many issues with, it would be tempting to name just one; but if I had to, it would have to be this:

John Cena no-sold the firing by the Nexus. It was so fucking annoying. Free or Fired was shoved the fuck down our throats for the longest time and dragged out. Yet once he was fired, he no sold the entire thing. Not that this is his fault but WWE made me hate the Cena character much more. Cena has entertained me here and there. Even though I am 100% behind the Rock in this feud, his first rap and his I Bring it Via Satellite T-Shirt, not to mention eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles was alright. But no selling being fired- if Vince really needed John Cena so badly and had to have him on tv- why do this angle in the first place? The ONLY good thing about all of this was the night after Survivor Series, Miz became champion. Do you know how annoying it was to see Cena on TV even though he was fired? It would've been so much better if Nexus just ended at HIAC than to be looked like a joke like this.

Someone like itssoeasy123 says Cena has had so many good matches and he carries his opponents. Really? When? I haven't seen it. He hasn't carried Otunga- he squashed him and to a lesser but still great extent he squashed Riley. I have enjoyed Cena matches with Swagger, Ziggler and Punk. But whose work was I more impressed with in those matches? Hint: it wasn't Cena. Is he as bad as everyone says he is in the ring? He is limited and that's a problem. Hogan was good in Japan but limited here. But you see, the difference between a limited Orton and a limited Cena? Orton actually has a good moveset for the most part. We mostly just see Cena do his five moves of doom and the occasional bulldog or top rope leg drop.

His jokes. Ugh. It's one thing to be PG and it's another thing to make a mockery of the PG rating by doing the cringeworthy jokes on the mic that is a reason people hate the rating in the first place. For the most part it isn't funny.

No selling- Cena has been known to no sell and he has done this quite a bit since I started watching wrestling again. You need Cena in the main event at Mania? Fine. I wasn't too upset with him winning the RAW chamber (even though I would've LOVED IT if Morrison won and would take that over Cena any day of the week) but my chief complaint with that was how Cena was laid out almost the whole match and then he wins it. Like WTF.

Unless he's in the title picture, he ALWAYS upstages it and what is supposed to be the richest prize in the business always plays second fiddle to Cena unless Cena is involved somehow. Even now until this past Monday, The Miz was under the radar as all hell.

His promos seem forced. That is an issue with me. The Rock seems like a natural, while a lot of Cena's stuff seems forced.

Sooner or later, Cena has to turn heel. Once the Rock was carrying the company as the top babyface, Austin turned heel. I think it could've worked against Jeff Hardy; but Cena needs a Rock to his Austin. Once that happens, I can see him turning heel.

So yeah, I have a lot of complaints with John Cena and has made a lot of cringeworthy moments for me. I would rather see him as champ than Orton at this point; but that doesn't make things any better.

He didn't squash Otunga, he beat Otunga. He did squash Riley, he beat Riley.

Cena is not as bad as people say in the ring. Most of those people think doing 20 moves a match or a or you an indy star mean's your a good wrestler. He's one of the best in the business today. He carried guy's like Umaga, Khali, Morrison, Lashley, Gabriel to some of their best match's. He really know's how to work a crowd, how to get people into a match, sell's moves, has great facial expression's (yes they matter), his strikes are hit and miss sometimes (mostly hit), and he hardly botches anything!

You state how the richest prize in the business alway's seem's second fiddle to what Cena's doing. Hello! He's the top face. When being top face, you usually in the biggest fued or in the main event picture most, if not all the time.

Cena, no selling? See, here's the thing. Cena, while being the top face and the superman-like gimmick and all, is aloud to no-sell once in a while. And, has Hogan no-sold, yes! Austin, yes! Angle, yes! Jeff Hardy, yes! Many people no-sell. If's sometime's a mistake, or it sometime's fit's the guy's gimmick of a "never back down, never quit" attitude!

His joke's aren't funny becuase, to somebody like you, their not meant to be funny. Just like Hornswoggle. Their meant for the kid's. And, if you have a open-mind about wrestling and think as a mark, like me, you'll enjoy it more.
LOL at the cena bashers.

cena making benoit tap was one of the best moments, not worst.

Cena is a big strong dude and if he gets you in a submission your gona tap.

the cena firing was awful, his doctors note promo was terrible.

Cole bringing up kings mom was cringeworthy.

Just to name a few.

ps i hope i dont get banned for replying this time!

oh and why do people get mad at cena winning the chamber match after being layed out the whole time, have you not been watching miz's entire titlte reign? i dont thnik he has a clean victory other then king.
He didn't squash Otunga, he beat Otunga. He did squash Riley, he beat Riley.

Cena is not as bad as people say in the ring. Most of those people think doing 20 moves a match or a or you an indy star mean's your a good wrestler. He's one of the best in the business today. He carried guy's like Umaga, Khali, Morrison, Lashley, Gabriel to some of their best match's. He really know's how to work a crowd, how to get people into a match, sell's moves, has great facial expression's (yes they matter), his strikes are hit and miss sometimes (mostly hit), and he hardly botches anything!

You state how the richest prize in the business alway's seem's second fiddle to what Cena's doing. Hello! He's the top face. When being top face, you usually in the biggest fued or in the main event picture most, if not all the time.

Cena, no selling? See, here's the thing. Cena, while being the top face and the superman-like gimmick and all, is aloud to no-sell once in a while. And, has Hogan no-sold, yes! Austin, yes! Angle, yes! Jeff Hardy, yes! Many people no-sell. If's sometime's a mistake, or it sometime's fit's the guy's gimmick of a "never back down, never quit" attitude!

His joke's aren't funny becuase, to somebody like you, their not meant to be funny. Just like Hornswoggle. Their meant for the kid's. And, if you have a open-mind about wrestling and think as a mark, like me, you'll enjoy it more.

Cena didn't squash Otunga? What match were you watching? Otunga hardly got any offense.

You don't have to have a wide variety of a moveset to be a good wrestler; but from Cena's current moveset, I'm not impressed.

Yeah I know he is the top face but I hate seeing the top face being more important than the WWE Championship. That drives me nuts.

Cena has carried Morrison and Gabriel? Uh, what?

So you're justifying Cena no-selling? I do have an open mind about wrestling but I'm not gonna like everything (I hardly like ANYTHING) your precious John Cena does. Sorry. And I'm not gonna like Hornswoggle either. Doesn't mean I don't have an open mind about wrestling. I just don't care for them.
I agree with you. I dont remember what year it was but Brock Lesnar had Chris Benoit in the sharp shooter, and in stead of tapping out he passed out.
The "I Quit" match he had with Orton a year or two ago. It was basically Orton torturing Cena for 20 straight minutes; then John got free from the hand cuffs and beat Orton in about a minute after that. :banghead:

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