Wasn't New Jack suppose to be the one who stabbed John Cena in 2004?

For one New Jack (as stated) is a rough worker. Can you imagine him colliding with say JBL

LOL. JBL wouldn't do SHIT to New Jack. Since Joey Styles humiliated and owned that asshole, I bet you he is ALOT less stiff in the ring should he decide to get back in it. But I agree with the general consensus, if Vince had hired him he wouldn't have lasted long.
Carlito explained what happened on Konnan's radio podcast a few weeks ago, he never mentioned New Jack. It was Carlito's bodyguard Jesus, that's it. I don't think Vince had any interest then or now to bring in that loose cannon called New Jack. He is too much of a hazard, and I don't think New Jack has any interest in coming to WWE then or now...
I just spent the last couple of minutes trying to search for your New Jack theory. The only rumblings I found were all formed by New Jack in some of his "interviews". No offense but taking New Jack for his word is like saying every politician is a saint. The guy spreads more nonsense than Clinton's interns did legs... Unfortunately your claims have no validity or proof. So- FAIL

Had New Jack been thought of Vince would have immediately killed it. For one New Jack (as stated) is a rough worker. Can you imagine him colliding with say JBL or Hardcore Holly or another "stiff worker" who doesn't take anything from anyone?

In the 2005 documentary Forever Hardcore, New Jack claimed that he had intentionally thrown Grimes too hard in the hopes that he would hit the ring post and for Grimes to be injured or killed

In February 2012, a video surfaced on YouTube showing New Jack "shooting" on his opponent during an Indy match. New Jack had apparently told his short-haired opponent to take a pin fall, so when he kicked out of the pin by New Jack's long-haired cohort, out of perceived disrespect New Jack gave an unprotected chair shot directly to his opponent as he was being held back by the cohort. He then spills out of the ring, seemingly knocked out cold. Fans begin to realize something is wrong and call for the match as New Jack's cohort breaks kayfabe to check on him while blood begins to pool from his head. New Jack then picks him up and gives him stiff back shots as they go to the back.

Does that really sound like someone you want in the WWE? Or for that matter the kind of person Vince would have wanted in the WWE?

I was at that show where New Jack gave him the chair shot. He kept telling them to "go home' which obviously meant to end the match. The long hair guy, kept telling the guy that was supposed to be pinned, to kick out. So inreality, it was the long haired guy(Reggie Brown) fault. New jack had said earlier, if there is blood in the ring, he will not wrestle in it... The guy that took the chair shot, saw it coming, didn't take precautions as well, to protect himself. Either way, I have never read, or heard that New Jack was coming to the WWE.....
During that time, at indy shows (IWA-MS for me )New Jack mentioned that he was contacted to be that guy.

True story.

And please, stop with all the New Jack hate. Yeah he isn't technical but the guy is entertaining as fuck. Mad charisma, and the dude came talk. I'll listen to all his bullshit stories and documentaries anytime.
During that time, at indy shows (IWA-MS for me)New Jack mentioned that he was contacted to be that guy.

True story.
You have common wrestling sence I see! John Cena getting "stabbed" in a club. It's not like it's not in New Jack's character not to be linked to that. If New Jack was suppose to be the guy who "stabbed" John Cena in that nightclub. His WWE career most likely would have been short lived. But the door could have still been left open for New Jack to appear at a "ECW One Night Stand" in the future.

To all the people who are throwing salt on New Jack's name in wrestling. Cut the guy a break! It's bad enough that he doesn't get enough breaks in wrestling period, going back to why New Jack is the way he is.
I wouldn't doubt that the mention of bringing New Jack in happened. I'm sure in the creative brainstorming, they mention bringing lots of people in. I'm pretty sure they knew that New Jack is too much of a liability to bring in to the WWE though. He's notorious for trying to actually hurt his opponents.

As for the throwing of Grimes off the scaffold, in all honesty I don't know if New Jack's comments were a work or shoot. By him saying he was trying to kill Grimes there, you get the feeling that when New Jack wrestles it's real. If he was like "whoops, that was an accident," it'd just be another wrestling stunt gone wrong. That doesn't sound like a big deal to most wrestlers, but New Jack is a shitty wrestler. His selling point is in how he can convince you that his matches are real. You take that away and he's no longer able to draw on the indy circuit.
A lot of you guys say you don't take New Jack's word on anything yet you are quick to jump on a side comment he made about killing Vic. Do you think New Jack was serious when he said he wanted to kill Vic? Do you think he is that dumb to say that and mean it while being recorded for a video that will be all over the internet?

If it were a real concern, there would have been police charges brought in.

I know New Jack is violent in the ring but only to those who show disrespect. I don't remember anyone complaining when Umaga wrecked Steve-O live on raw for laughing at him.

The guy helped put ECW on the map, so shut up and give the man respect.
The guy helped put ECW on the map, so shut up and give the man respect.
New Jack didnt help put ECW on the map but he did play a huge part in earning ECW the reputation (with some wrestling fans) as violent garbage. He would have never made it in the WWE because he cant hit people for real and use weapons in every match.
As much as I find New Jack entertaining, and I do- his shoot interviews are great, he would never have been hired by WWE.

The man is legitimately dangerous in the ring, and has little respect for the safety and wellbeing of his opponents- he just beats the shit out of people. The skill in wrestling is make the moves look devastating without actually hurting the other guy, New Jack doesn't follow this.

I just do not think he would be the sort of man Vince would ever want to hire. It's well known how he chose to slice Mass Transit's head down to the bone after Transit asked Jack to get him colour, and Jack felt disrespected by the kid. He tried to seriously injure Vic Grimes in XPW, he stabbed people with forks in matches. New Jack is not WWE-friendly, not even during the Attitude Era. He doesn't wrestle, he is a thug.

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