I just spent the last couple of minutes trying to search for your New Jack theory. The only rumblings I found were all formed by New Jack in some of his "interviews". No offense but taking New Jack for his word is like saying every politician is a saint. The guy spreads more nonsense than Clinton's interns did legs... Unfortunately your claims have no validity or proof. So- FAIL
Had New Jack been thought of Vince would have immediately killed it. For one New Jack (as stated) is a rough worker. Can you imagine him colliding with say JBL or Hardcore Holly or another "stiff worker" who doesn't take anything from anyone?
In the 2005 documentary Forever Hardcore, New Jack claimed that he had intentionally thrown Grimes too hard in the hopes that he would hit the ring post and for Grimes to be injured or killed
In February 2012, a video surfaced on YouTube showing New Jack "shooting" on his opponent during an Indy match. New Jack had apparently told his short-haired opponent to take a pin fall, so when he kicked out of the pin by New Jack's long-haired cohort, out of perceived disrespect New Jack gave an unprotected chair shot directly to his opponent as he was being held back by the cohort. He then spills out of the ring, seemingly knocked out cold. Fans begin to realize something is wrong and call for the match as New Jack's cohort breaks kayfabe to check on him while blood begins to pool from his head. New Jack then picks him up and gives him stiff back shots as they go to the back.
Does that really sound like someone you want in the WWE? Or for that matter the kind of person Vince would have wanted in the WWE?