WM 26 Predictions

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Rey Mysterio v CM Punk- I think Punk will pick up the win in this one as it will set up a storyline involving Rey in the Straight Edge Society, otherwise what would be the point of this stipulation?

Randy Orton v Cody Rhodes v Ted Dibiase- I believe Orton will win as WWE will be looking to build momentum for his face turn they are currently teasing. Although, I would like to see Rhodes win...

Big Show and The Miz v R-Truth and John Morrison- I see The Miz and Big Show retaining here as it seems WWE are contempt to have Big Show wrestling in a tag team, it seems to be his niche these days. Plus, Miz and Show haven't really held the belts for an extendted period of time and that coupled with the fact that Morrison and Truth is an even more random team than Miz and Show makes be believe the titles aren't changing hands here.

Triple H v Sheamus- I think Triple H will put Sheamus over in this one in an attempt to make him a star. Hunter won the title last year so it's time for him to put someone else over at Wrestlemania this year.

Bret Hart v Vince McMahon- This will be the feel good match of the night in my opinion and that means Bret Hart wins here. This makes sense as Bret needs his revenge for the Screwjob and all that jazz...

Money in the Bank Ladder Match- I predict that Drew McIntyre will win this year. Creative and Vince seem to be strongly behind him and they bent over backwards storyline wise to get him in this match which indicates that he will probably be winning.

The Undertaker v Shawn Michaels- I feel strongly that The Undertaker will win here and keep the streak in tact. As much as I would love for Michaels to win and end it, it aint happening I'm afraid...

Chris Jericho v Edge- I see Edge winning this one. Typically when you're a big star like Edge and you get injured, you come back and win the Royal Rumble and then you go to Wrestlemania and win the title. I see this happening on Sunday...

Batista v John Cena- I believe that Batista will win here. Originally I felt Cena would but I think they'll give Batista an extended run with the belt. Of course I could be totally wrong in thinking this but I just feel picking Cena to win is too obvious.
1 Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge-World Heavyweight Championship
Edge would probably be the favorite to win and i'd assume (coming off a fresh Royal Rumble win) would win. This match to me isn't wrestlemania material.

2 The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

No Doubt, Undertaker will win. But Shawn Michaels and Undertaker both should retire to each other. that dont make sense i know but if shawn retires, who will retire the undertaker?? no one is good enough, not even HHH.

3 Batista (c) vs. John Cena-WWE Championship
Batista is my vote and probably will win. Everyone is sick of orton, HHH and cena as the champions. Batista is my prediction. That way he could feud with Orton and HHH. Perfect!

4 Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston Money in the Bank ladder match
Who the hell do you think? Christian. Everyone on this site agrees he deserves a chance and is the favorite. Come on Christian! Kane or Benjamin are my second and third choices.

5 Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon No Holds Barred match

Bret Hart. Just so he can continue doing things for the WWE

6 ShoMiz (The Big Show and The Miz) (c) vs. John Morrison and R-Truth-Unified WWE Tag Team Championship

ShoMiz is a better team. We'd all love to see morrison and truth win but i love the miz's charisma.

7 Triple H vs. Sheamus
My vote is HHH but Shamus needs to win to solidify his presents in the WWE and to stay in the main event spot light.

8 Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

Please Randy... Teach them boys that rookies are snot nose brats. (unless your Daniel Bryan GO BRYAN!)

9 Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Mysterio needs to win to defend his family. like when eddie gurrerro faced him at summerslam 2005 for the custody of domanic.

This years wrestlemania is one of the best since mania 17. Can't wait...

Money in the Bank the 6th. Nice! A solid line-up should present a good match but it's not certain. I'll go with Christian because i don't think McIntyre's ready and don't see anyone else getting the push.

ShoMiz vs. Morrison & Truth
ShoMiz should take this but by some slight miracle the throw together challengers may make it out with the belts. Put your money on ShoMiz to retain though.

Legacy Three-Way
Orton looks like he has this one in the bag but I wouldn't count Rhodes or DiBiase out just yet. They may have a trick up there sleeves (or trunks in this case).

Punk vs. Mysterio
I'll go with Punk for storyline purposes and because he's currently amazing. This is the match i'm most looking forward to suprisingly.

Triple H vs. Sheamus
To put it simply, Sheamus needs to win and because he's Hunter's boy i think he will. Look for a beatdown post match as well.

Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart
Come on does anyone actually expect Vince to walk out the winer? He's never won at Mania before and he never will. bret will get his redemption via the Sharpshooter. Plus (hopefully) blood (It is Vince wrestling after all).

Chris Jericho vs. Edge
One of the heels is walking out of this PPV with the title and I think it's Jericho. Should be a good match. I see the Codebreaker taking out the Spear here.

Undertaker vs. Michaels
The closer we get to the PPV the more convinced I get that Taker is gonna win clean. Shawn just doesn't A: need to win & B: Have enough to win. Taker to win in 20 mins.

Batista vs. Cena
Cena has been killed every week since Elimination Chamber and usually that indicates a Cena win so i count on that but Batista may pull this out, I doubt it though.

Shoukld be a fun show overall. Epic stuff:)
Here are my predictions for this coming wrestlemania26:
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio- Rey Mysterio hands down, could you really see him in the society? also I expect mysterio to undergo surgery so probably a brutal post-match beatdown or post mania beatdown is expected to write mysterio off as he recovers from surgery.
Money In the Bank- there are three possible winners namely: Chrisitan, McIntyre and Kingston. Allow me to make a case for each competitor.
Christian- Of all the participants he has the biggest fanbase and I think he is long due for a run at the main event scene in the wwe seeing as Edge and Jericho are in a feud and what would be better than to have Christian join in?
Kofi Kingston- he was the last to qualify and is my sleeper pick in this contest. Maybe his push will resume come this Sunday.
McIntyre-well the way he qualified makes you think that he is the weakest of all the participants and has lost 3 matches in four weeks so WWE is making us think that he has no chance in hell to win, that is the reason right there! They always like to make unlikeliest of wrestlers to win.

Triple H vs Sheamus- Sheamus will win. I think Triple H will have no problem putting over this guy since he is Sheamus and Triple H are pals also this would make Sheamus look legit without the WWE title around his waist.

SHowMiz vs Truth and Morrison- probably ShowMiz will win because in the build-up of this match the challengers always seem to get the upper hand so I expect ShowMiz to come out on top. The WWE is just trying to make the Truth and Morrison tandem look legit challengers pretty much what they did for Cryme Tyme when they were contending against Jeri-Show, so I expect the same result here.

Legacy Triple threat- Randy Orton will win, those two guys, for me, are just not over yet as heels for them to win this Sunday.

Bret Hart vs Vince Mcmahon-they made this feud to get people to see Bret finally get his revenge on Vince so of all the matches I am 100% sure Bret will win this fight.

Edge vs Jericho- Edge will win to not make his Rumble victory a wasted opportunity and probably have Christian come in and cash in the MitB right after Edge's victory.

Cena vs Batista- Batista will win, because Majority of Cena's matches at WrestleMania resulted in victories so I expect this time around they'll book Cena to lose this Sunday to prolong this feud and to make Cena's eventual victory sweeter.

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels- Taker will win because Shawn has been long considering retirement and what better way to go out than in Wrestlemania against a fellow legend. Also why build a streak for 17 years and break it?

So those are my predictions for Wrestlemania 26.
John Morrison and R-Truth (Black Magic and The White Shadow) vs. The Miz and Big Show (Shomiz) - I think the WWE has really made a huge mistake with this match. This match is really wasting the talents of John Morrison and The Miz because they could be doing something else. I think that John Morrison and R-Truth are a tag team that was put together at the last minute and the reason they've been getting so much momentum lately is because they have to look formidable vs. Shomiz. (By the way, I thought the promo by Truth and Morrison on Smackdown was HORRIBLE).
ShoMiz retains the Titles

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon NO HOLDS BARRED
I'm guessing that we're in for a twist in this one. I doubt the WWE would really pit Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon and expect it to be entertaining hitting eachother in the back with chairs and taunting. Also, Mr. McMahon's brief comments on RAW implied that he would have some backup in this match. (By the way, Hart's promo wasn't that good to me either. He referred to Wrestlemania being "Next Week" opposed to "This Sunday" numerous times). They've got to add something into this match and I think Vince is going to make that happen. However, I think someone will also come to the aid of Bret Hart and Hart will win via Sharpshooter.
Bret Screws Vince

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Randy Orton
Orton is going to become a massive face after this one. I really don't think he needs to win this. I have 2 theories on this one. Cody and Ted will team up on Orton for the whole match but, I see Cody turning on Ted at the end and rolling him up. The reason why is I see Orton coming to Smackdown at the draft and I think Cody and Ted could then have a rivalry of their own. My other theory is that Orton simply wins this match. This match had the potential to be HUGE but, I think the WWE missed the boat with it. This rivalry had much more steam when Orton slapped DiBiase and RKO'd him on RAW a few months ago. To me, This one is also like the Unified Tag Team Match, The WWE had to make Legacy look like they were formidable and it just didn't work.
Orton beats his Proteges

Sheamus vs. Triple H
I've said this before, there is absolutely no legit reason that Triple H should win this match. At first, I hated Sheamus just like a lot of other people but, He has grown on me and a Wrestlemania win vs. The Game would be huge for him. After seeing some of the moves he has in his aresenal in the "Triple H vs. Sheamus" official thread, Sheamus can pull of a very good match and beat Triple H.
Sheamus beats HHH

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
I love what Punk has been doing on Smackdown. His promos are gold. I really thought that he was going to win this match and Mysterio would take time off for his injury but, when I heard that he would have to join the Straightedge Society if he lost, It has made me second guess what may happen. I think that Mysterio will win but he will face a brutal beatdown after the match. Thus, CM Punk will go over without Mysterio joining his Straightedge Society. OR, Punk could win this match and Mysterio will have to join the Straightedge Society. That, may also cut down his ring time and it could work out. But, I see plenty of heels winning at this years 'Mania so, I think Rey will even things out.
The Master of the 619 beats CM PUNK

Money in The Bank Ladder Match
I really want Kofi to win this match. He deserves it and he is the most over with the crowd out of everyone in this match. BUT, I think Friday Night Smackdown made it far too obvious who will win this match. I mean, Just think about this. McIntyre barely participated in this match if at all. Also, he is the one that started the chaos in this match when he attacked even though he wasn't the legal man. Also, After the match, Every other Superstar teamed up to take him out which made all the spotlight go on him. Another thing, Out of every single person in this match, He is the ONLY one who has some kind of story going into it. (Losing his 2 MITB Qualifying Matches). He's all been dubbed a "Future Champion" by Mr. McMahon. I was looking forward to the unpredictability of this match and there is still some of that but, Smackdown was a big clue who is going to win.
Drew McIntyre = Mr. Money in The Bank

Edge vs. Chris Jericho
I'm kind of puzzled with the build up to this match. Edge has gotten the upperhand in almost every confrontation that Jericho has had with him. I don't see Jericho winning this match so, I think Edge wins the World Heavyweight Title again. But, I have to say that Jericho has done some fantastic work over the last year and if we picked who DESERVED to win this match, It would be him. But, That's not what this is about. However, I don't see what Edge would do with the Title after he wins it. That's why, I think DREW MCINTYRE will cash in and win the World Heavyweight Championship after this match. It would be HUGE for him. I'm not a big fan of McIntyre but, Can you imagine what would happen if 5 years after Edge won the first ever Money in The Bank, He is screwed by the man who won it this year. This way, just like 'Mania 21 was viewed as "The Rise of the Rated R Superstar, Wrestlemania 26 will be "The Rise of Drew McIntyre" I like it.
Edge wins. Then McIntyre uses his old tricks to beat him.

John Cena vs. Batista
I'm going to admit it, I'm a Cena fan. But, I've also gotten kind of tired with what he's been doing before this rivalry. John Cena doesn't deserve to be booed as much as he is. He works through injuries, I don't think he is too political backstage (I think that Vince is the one who is pushing Cena sky high, Not Cena himself). He simply works hard. He's the face of the WWE whether you guys like it or not. The WWE needs someone to make them look good and Cena is the perfect role model for the PG Kids. And, For the people that say "he can't wrestle" WHAT ABOUT TRIPLE H? I guarantee Cena has more moves than Triple H AND Cena's matches are better. Anyways, Back to this match. I really like the way Batista as handled this. He's done a very good job of making his promos different and making his jealousy legit. However, We all know who's going to win this match. Another thing, Someone tell me how many matches Batista has won this year, Oh, I'll tell you. 2 MATCHES. That's right! Those 2 matches have been, Screwing Cena at Elimination Chamber and beating Kofi Kingston 2 weeks ago.
The Champ returns at Wrestlemania JOHN CENA

Streak vs. Career: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
I cannot wait for this match. Last year was amazing and both men have been used very seldom lately so they can be ready to give it there all at Wrestlemania. I don't see this match being the Main Event because I think the No DQ wil add a wrinkle to this match. HBK has begged for this match. He has done everything to get this match. He's basically thrown away DX just for a shot to take down The Deadman. Why would Taker and HBK cheat to win this match in the first place? HBK has claimed that he has no career if he loses. After being so close last year, I think this match will have a huge twist as well. Since both men will probably take time after this match, It makes this even more intriguing. But, If HBK is going to win, Would he just not show up on RAW after Wrestlemania? No. The more I've thought about this, The more I've started thinking about Triple H getting involved. After losing to Sheamus, Triple H can snap and interfere in HBK's match and cause HBK to lose. Just think about it, Triple H has been pretty quiet about losing the Unified Titles. The only thing I'm skeptical about is what this would to do Undertaker's Legacy. People may think that he "needed help to beat HBK" Could Undertaker turn heel?
The Streak Lives on for The Deadman, 18-0
WWE Championship - Batista (c) vs. John Cena
This outcome seems extremely obvious to me. The way they've built this is that Batista has dominated Cena so much in the past, that even Cena himself isn't sure that he can beat Batista. Which of course means that there is no way in hell that Batista beats Cena.

Winner: John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship - Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge
The outcome of this one is a little more in doubt, simply for the reason that I'm not sure they'll change both world titles in the same night. On the other hand, it would absolutely shock me if this match ended in anything other than a Spear for the Edge victory. All the promotion to this match has centered around one move, and if Edge either fails to hit the move or Jericho actually kicks out of the move, then it makes Edge look incredibly weak. So, neither of those will happen. Edge wins with the Spear.

Winner: Edge

Career vs. Streak - Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker
Being as it seems that Michaels is set to retire following WrestleMania, this match has a lost a lot of the intrigue it had whenever it was first announced. Two things are certain: 1.) It will be an amazing match, and 2.) The Undertaker will win. A Michael's win would certainly be the swerve of all swerves, but I just don't see it happening.

Winner: The Undertaker

Street Fight - Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
The most obvious outcome in a WrestleMania that is, IMO, chock-full of obvious outcomes. Bret will beat the shit out of Vince and then make him tap out to the Sharpshooter. Will this match be a technical masterpiece? No. But it's not going to soil Bret's legacy either. I expect them to have a very entertaining match, save for the 5 minute lull while they wipe the blood away.

Winner: Bret Hart

Triple H vs. Sheamus
I'm not a big Sheamus fan, but if they're going to continue his push, then it's a must that he go over here. I can easily see a scenario in which HHH wins, then Sheamus beats him at Backlash. IMO, that does nothing for him. If they want to get Sheamus the rub from HHH, then do it on the grandest stage of them all, or don't do it at all. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Hunter does the right thing for his workout buddy.

Winner: Sheamus

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes
With Orton saying that he does't respect Legacy at all, an Orton win here completely buries them, IMO. Without Orton by their side, it's crucial for Legacy to establish themselves as legitimate right now. A win over their mentor at WrestleMania does that. Losing here doesn't hurt Orton, as the odds are against him anyway. I expect them to work together at first before turning on each other. Then "the Viper will strike", and Ted will win in some cheap fashion.

Winner: Ted DiBiase

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
Nice job on deciding not to go with the Hair vs. Mask stipulation, as it would have made the winner too obvious. The outcome of this match all depends on whether Rey takes time off after WrestleMania. If he IS taking time off, he'll go over to end the feud, but possibly get viciously attacked by the SES afterwards, setting up an injury angle and keeping Punk's heat. Also, of course, setting up a return feud for Mysterio. If Rey isn't taking time off, then Punk is the pick, as it will allow the feud to continue. Going with my gut here, but I hope I'm wrong.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Everyone knows that the only two people with a chance in hell of victory are Christian and Drew McIntyre. Drew McIntyre is a guy that, unlike Sheamus, I can legitimately see as a future top guy. Christian, I think, is just too old and he's never really appealed to me as much as others. I know there are a lot of marks for Christian, but to me, he's just Edge's Jannety. I think Vince pretty much feels the same way.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Unified Tag Team Titles - ShowMiz (c) vs. Morrison and R-Truth
It would be kind of weak for Miz to get pushed so hard all year, just to job at Mania to a team that's a whole three weeks old. Personally, I can't stand R-Truth and find him to be one of the more annoying weekly fixtures on my television. As for Morrison, he has all the talent, but he outright SUCKS as a face. That promo on Smackdown was just painful to watch. Although it doesn't make a great deal of sense, he needs to turn on Truth either during or after this match. If they keep prolonging this horrific face run, it's going to kill his career.

Winners: ShowMiz

Divas Match
Who's even in this? And who gives a shit? The carbon copy chicks that can't wrestle and are just there for t & a doesn't work when the show NO LONGER SHOWS ANY T & A. Piss break.

Winners: The Faces
Losers: The Fans
Since I've discussed all of the matches individually, I'll use this thread as a quick run down of those, but to throw in some extra things as to not be redundant.

CM Punk vs. Mysterio: Punk wins this bad boy to drag the feud on a bit longer. Rey in the SXE should be interesting, and it will do more to solidify Punk as a strong member of the upper mid card.

The Breakup of Legacy: I'm guessing Orton is going to win this, but it's really a crap shoot. This faction breaks up, but DiBiase and Rhodes are far from ready to be effective without Orton as their leader. Possibly a young stable forming with Sheamus, but that seems like a stretch. I'm hoping for DiBiase Sr. interference.

Triple H vs. Sheamus: Two schools of thoughts. 1). Triple H wins and begins to establish a mini streak of sorts to build up to a retirment at Mania 30. 2). Triple H remembers the bullshit surrounding Wrestlemania 12 and tries to distance himself from the Warrior as much as possible, and helps solidify the Celtic Warrior for years to come.

ShowMiz vs. R-Truth and JoMo. I hope to god this match doesn't end up on the card. ShowMiz are entertaining, R-Truth is slightly, JoMo is hopeless.

Money in the Bank: If it's not McIntyre, I am going to be absolutely shocked. He's probably not the most deserving, but he's certainly the only one with the look of a future champion in this match.

Taker vs. HBK II: It's interesting to think that the WWE has thought of this match closing the show. I tend to agree with this line of thinking, simply because the emotion surrounding this match is going to kill the rest of the card. This match last year was the best Mania match I ever watched, and no reason to think that this one won't do the same thing.

Hart vs. McMahon: Simply put, a possible bloody beat down of the Boss. This has shades of Hogan/McMahon written all over it. Far from a "5 Star Classic" but certainly a guilty pleasure for years to come.

WHC: Edge comes back and does what the Rumble winner usually does, and that's win the title at Mania.

WWE Champ: Cena regains the championship, even though I really think that a dominant run by a heel Dave Batista would serve the WWE much better. i hate the typical end Mania on a high note type of deal, but the WWE is way to cautious at Mania to do anything crazy.

So all in all, a pretty stacked card. I believe that it has potential to be the best Mania of the Brand Extension Era (Mania XIX - Current). This card has a Wrestlemania 19 feel, and 19 was my personal favorite.

Last year I predicted Ricky Steamboat would steal the show, if I'm going to make that prediction this year, I'm going with Dolph Ziggler. I just have a feeling he's going to make people remember him in MitB.

Also, I'm feeling pretty good that McIntyre is going to win MitB and cash it in when Edge beats Jericho. With a MitB pay per view in the summer, there is no reason to believe that the winner is going to hold onto the briefcase for very long.
Punk vs. Mysterio - I see Punk winning this one, this has become an interesting feud and it would be silly for them to end it now. Winner: CM Punk

Orton vs. Dibiase vs. Rhodes - Even though at this point I don't think either Dibiase or Rhodes deserves a victory here but I'll go with my gut and say Dibiase wins. Winner: Ted Dibiase

MITB Ladder Match - Toughest match of the night. Even though Christian deserves to win MITB (and I hope he does, I really do) but I don't think he will. Considering how much Kingston got built over Orton I see the WWE giving him the win here and make themselves another main eventer. Not my #1 pick, but its obvious WWE is much higher on Kingston than Christian. Winner: Kofi Kingston

Showmiz vs. Morrison/R-Truth - Showmiz by a country mile. There is no way Truth/Morrison pull off the victory here, it would be idiotic for them to win. Also considering the WWE is at least trying to build the division, you might as well keep the belts on Showmiz until a team credible enough comes along. Winner: ShowMiz

HHH vs. Sheamus
- I gotta go with Sheamus on this one. Sure he's fighting HHH, but heres the thing, Sheamus NEEDS to win, if he doesn't his push he has gotten over the last 5-6 months will have been for nothing, and contrary to popular belief, HHH has no problem putting over guys at Wrestlemania (and he would be willing to do it for someone he has faith in, and from what I heard HHH is high on Sheamus) Winner: Sheamus

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
- Probably the second easiest pick of the night. Bret wins without a doubt in my mind, it would make no sense for Bret NOT to win. Sure Vince screwed Bret once before, but he actually had a reason to do it, if he does it this time, not only will he be screwing Bret for no reason, he would be screwing the fans out of what they want to see and thats Bret Hart kicking the living shit out of Vince and beating him with the Sharpshooter. Vince knows thats what we want and he will deliver. Winner: Bret Hart

Edge vs. Jericho
- Now heres a match that has alot of potential to be one of the best on the card. As much as I hate to say it, Edge should be the one winning this match. Especially since this has been built since Edge first got injured I think it makes the most sense to have Edge take the victory (even though Jericho is better and deserves the W more than Edge). Winner: Edge

Batista vs. Cena - Another match where the guy that should win will not. Batista has been kicking the shit out of Cena for the last 2 months with Cena getting no offense until the week before Wrestlemania. They have built it to look like Cena has no chance of winning, and that's why he'll win. Batista deserves the win especially how he's carried himself since stealing the title from Cena, this had a great build and I feel Batista deserves alot of credit for that. Winner: John Cena (begrudgingly)

HBK vs. Taker
- I hope and pray this match goes on last, considering it may be the last match for both guys (and I'm about 99% sure this is HBKs last match) it would be a great ending to a wrestlemania to see 2 of the all time greats go at it (not to mention its the match most deserving of being the main event and thats saying something with this card). I don't see Taker's streak ending, I just don't see it, if Taker wins it should probably be his final WM appearance (finishing his streak with 2 straight victories over HBK would be the perfect feather in his Wrestlemania cap) as every other appearance after that will be kind of a letdown. Also with the rumors of HBK possibly retiring after Wrestlemania, I see Taker winning, either way this could be the best WM moment ever at the end of the match (especially if its the Main Event). Imagine 2 legends having their last match as the main event at Wrestlemania, it could be the greatest moment in WWE history (and I have a feeling it might). Winner: Undertaker

All in all this is a card I am really looking forward to (I haven't said that about a Wrestlemania in a long, long time) and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. Considering the weakest match involves HHH, this could be one of the best Wrestlemanias they ever have, one of the best cards they've put together IMO.
WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Big Show and The Miz vs. John Morrison and R-Truth
I think The Miz is a main eventer by this time next year. We all know that WWE values mic skills over in-ring abilities, and Morrison's still got a little bit of work to do as far as that's concerned. Morrison and Truth are really just a thrown together tag team so that they could both get on the card, so I can't actually see them winning or having a real solid run. I think people's prediction that Morrison will turn heel on Truth might be an accurate one.

Winners, and still champions: The Big Show and The Miz

The Money in the Bank Ladder Match
There are really only three guys I could see winning this one. Christian, McIntyre, and an outside chance of Kofi although with his booking as of late, I doubt it. I'm going to go with Christian because I think his awesome run as ECW Champion might have finally turned Vince around on him. But it certainly wouldn't shock me in the last to see Drew take it, seeing as he's the "chosen one" and seems in line for another really big and really fast push.

Winner: Christian

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
Interesting one here, my gut tells me Orton but logically I feel like one of the young guys would take it. I think a feud between the two is on the cards for the near future, so I expect them to be on the same page at first, and then gradually deteriorate and allow Orton to capitalize for the victory.

Winner: Randy Orton

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. WWE Chairman Vincent Kennedy McMahon
Easily the most predictable match on the card expect maybe Taker's match. Although Kid's idea of having Cena help Vince win would be absolutely epic, I think we all know what's really going to happen. Bret will lock Vince in the Sharpshooter, Vince will tap out like a little bitch, and the twelve years of bitterness over the Montreal Screwjob will finally be over for good.

Winner: Bret "The Hitman" Hart

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Having Punk win and make Rey join the Straight Edge Society would be a really awesome storyline, but I don't see WWE going ahead with it. I think Rey wins and has his moment with his family sitting at ringside, but hopefully the angle continues after Mania as it has the potential to be great.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

WWE Champion Batista vs. John Cena
To me this one has only one possible outcome, and that is Cena winning, reclaiming his championship, and reaffirming his status as the number one man in this company. Although The Animal's idea of Batista winning and Cena continuing to lose confidence isn't a bad one, I really don't think he should be made to look like that much of a bitch. The feud hasn't been even at all so Cena needs to take this one, and I'm pretty confident that he will.

Winner, and NEW WWE Champion: John Cena

World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Although the buildup for this one hasn't really been what I had hoped for when we speculated on it for months during Edge's time injured, I still think it can be one of the best matches of the night. As much as I love Jericho, I don't see them giving him this big of a win and I think Edge finally has his big WrestleMania championship moment. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief around here, I think the guy truly does deserve it.

Winner, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

Triple H vs. Sheamus
It's certainly a nice change of pace to see Triple H involved in working with a younger guy rather than in the title picture like he always seems to be. They made the right call on the title matches this year, and this match will be much better without the high expectations of having the WWE Championship involved. With what I think will be a very face heavy Mania this year in terms of big wins, I think HHH will put over his boy Sheamus here.

Winner: Sheamus

The Undertaker's 17-0 WrestleMania Winning Streak vs. The Storied Career of the Showstopper, Shawn Michaels
I honestly would not mind this one going on last. Although I think Cena vs. Batista will, and as the major championship match it probably should, this one might have a lot more on the line. Although the outcome has never been in doubt and Michaels may very well end up coming back, if this is indeed his actual retirement, it will be a fantastic note to go out on. Michaels has given us so many great memories over the years, as a part of DX and by himself, as a mic worker and as a wrestler. He is one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time and that will be showcased when he does perhaps the greatest job of his career. The expectations are sky high, but there are two guys who can deliver and then some, it's Michaels and The Undertaker.

Winner, and 18-0 at WrestleMania: The Undertaker
MITB - For me it comes down to 3 guys: Christian, Kofi, and unfortunately McIntyre. As much as I would like to see Christian win it, I don't think it'll happen. Kofi's push kinda slowed so it makes me think McIntyre will win this somehow. Fuck.

ShoMiz (c) vs. John Morrison and R-Truth - I feel like this one will be pretty flat if it comes after MITB, so hopefully it doesn't. This match has the potential to be pretty fun though. Morrison/R-Truth are just here because they don't have anything else to do at Mania. This match is probably just to elevate ShoMiz as a legit tag team.

Orton vs DiBiase vs(?) Rhodes - I feel like this doesn't really have a Mania feel to it. We've already seen these guys face off as Legacy probably won't turn on each other. I thought it was gonna be DiBiase turning face but the fans didn't go with that plan and now Orton is slowly turning face. Even then, it would be better just to throw in their 3 HOF Dads to at least give it a Mania feel. But if WWE wants Orton as a face, gotta give him the win here.

Mysterio vs Punk - Damn, this one is gonna be fun. Aside from HBK/Taker, this will be the most technically sound match. Does Mysterio lose here to further the storyline? Or does he beat the shit out of Punk and get his revenge?

HHH vs Sheamus - We all know that HHH/Sheamus are workout buddies or something. The question is, does HHH put Sheamus over? HHH has been stepping down as of late so maybe Sheamus goes over.

Edge vs Jericho (c) - No way Jericho wins. Should be a really fun match though. Jericho is a transitional champ, and Edge winning would just complete his return.

Hart vs McMahon - Vince has never won at Mania, and what would be the point of Vince winning? That would be a big fuck up. Look for Bret to lock up the sharpshooter at the end.

Cena vs Batista (c)- The buildup has been pretty good for this one. We've never really seen the two top stars of this era go at it other than SS 08. Both world titles haven't changed at Mania since 21 so im gonna go with Batista. Maybe Vince intervening somehow.

Taker vs Michaels - I think this should go on last, because last year there was no way the WHC and WWE title matches were gonna outdo what we had just seen. If HBK was gonna break the streak he would have done it last year. I really think this will be HBK's last go round. The end of Mr. Wrestlemania's career deserves to be a WM main event. Plus they're calling this one "The most anticipated match in WM history" so why wouldn't it be the last one?

10 Diva Tag Match - Who cares? This'll probably be the dark match of the show
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