WM 26 Predictions

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Well. Yesterday made it a fuck of a lot easier to predict the WM card. I'll take a stab at guessing the outcomes of the matches as well. I don't wanna completely skate by.

Batista (Champion) vs. Cena for the WWE Title

Batista gave Cena the match yesterday on Raw after a blatant DQ. And I believe that McMahon will explain it as "I'm a businessman. You are the best business decision when it comes to who will face Batista." Either that, or Batista just wanted to kick Cena in the balls.

Cena won't win. Batista will win, and this will drag out the McMahon/Cena feud. Have it wrap up at Survivor Series, where Cena has a team go up against McMahon's hired hands.

Edge vs. Chris Jericho (Champion) for the World Heavyweight Championship

This will be your "go home happy" match. Cena may not be winning, but Edge definitely will. McMahon has said before that he likes Edge as the champion that's being chased, and I see no reason to change it up now. This will open Edge up to a feud with Christian, who will most likely win our MITB match.

Money in the Bank

Christian wins. They will have other stupid fucks in here, and Kane will be your obligatory ring general. Other than that, Christian wins. Oh, and Benjamin jumps off of a really high ladder, only for Bourne to do his Shooting Star Flippy Shit on to him. Clusterfuck.

Triple H vs. Sheamus

Sheamus got boos, I swear. And then he got beat by Triple H in the chamber. Sheamus will fuck with Triple H, and Triple H will get tired of it. BAM, match at Mania. If you want to solidify the rule of a heel with the crowd, have him face Triple H at Mania.

Oh yeah. And have Sheamus WIN. That would be so completely bad ass.

HBK vs. Taker II Career vs. Streak

Taker wins. HBK takes a few years off then comes back as the Commish of Raw. Taker takes a few months off because he drained himself during the match and the druids take him to the back. I don't know why the man wants to keep wrestling with a plastic hip, but fuck. Let him.

Taker wins only to lose his streak against SWAGGER the next year.

Hart vs. McMahon Street Fight

Yeah, a street fight. It's the only way to give Hart a match without him dying. Hart completely dominates, to. He pretty much has to dominate, because he can't take very many bumps. Hart wins after making McMahon tap out to the Sharpshooter.

Orton vs. Legacy

Oh yes. Oh fuck yes. Orton turned face this past Raw and took it to Legacy before they could betray him. At Mania he'll be faced with a handicap match against the men. He will win. And he will be magnificent.

FUCK that's a stacked card. Do we really need more matches?

Alright. There will be a shitty Divas match. Some comedy match involving Santino and a really fat man, like Show. The tag titles might see some love, but I doubt Miz/Show will lose them. The IC and US titles will not be defended, because those champions will most likely be in the MITB match.

This Mania is going to be a good Mania.
Pretty much the same as everyone else predictions, just a few tweaks.

WWE Championship: Batista (c) w/ Vince VS. John Cena w/ Bret Hart
Stone Cold will also make himself the special guest referee when he guest hosts raw a couple weeks prior. The night ends with Cena, Hart, Austin Standing in the ring.

Steak VS. Career: Undertaker VS. HBK
No idea how this will end.

World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho(c) VS. Edge
Jericho retains.

No DQ Match: HHH VS. Sheamus
Sheamus wins.

Legacy Triple Threat: Randy Orton w/ Bob Orton VS. Ted Dibiase Jr w/ Ted Dibiase VS. Cody Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes
I think this is the best way to do this match. You cant just have Orton VS Dibiase w/ Cody, It makes Cody look weak, and i don't think a handicap match is really all that exciting either. Orton wins

Hair VS. Mask: CM Punk VS. Rey Mysterio
I've seen this on a ton of other cards and it sounds like the best fit for both guys. Mysterio wins

Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat: Drew Mcntyre (c) VS John Morrison VS R-Truth
None of these guys need to be in the MITB match, they won't win anyway. This is a better fit for them. Mcntyre retains but all 3 look good.

WWE Unified Tag Team Titles: Miz & Big Show (c) VS Cryme Time VS. Hart Dynasty VS. MVP & Mark Henry
Kind of a lame match actually, but there really isn't a good feud to put up against Miz & Big Show. I don't think they will put MVP in MITB so that leaves this for him. It will be good to get the Hart Dynasty and Cryme Time involved in the tag title battle though.

MITB Ladder Match: Christian VS. Kane VS. Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler VS. Shelton Benjamin VS. Yoshi Tatsu VS. Jack Swagger VS. Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan gets in due to winning the inter promotional battle royal held before the show. This match is pretty much meaningless since Raw and Smackdown will both probably have MITB matches at the ppv in July. I think Kane should win. I'd like to see him back in the main event.

Free for All Battle Royal: Carlito, Chavo, Chris Masters, Evan Bourne, Primo, Santino, William Regal, Zach Ryder, Charlie Hass, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Great Khali, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, Matt Hardy, Mike Knox, Daniel Bryan, Darren Young,David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel,Michael Tarver, Skip Sheffield,Wade Barrett, Abraham Washington,Caylen Croft, Goldust,The Hurricane,Trent Barreta,Vance Archer,Vladimir Kozlov
Winner gets final spot in the MITB ladder match. I think it should come down to Daniel Bryan, Ezekiel Jackson, and Vladmir Kozlof. I know most people hate Kozlof but they really can develop him into a pretty good heel, the dude is pretty scary. Bryan steals the win.
Edge vs Jericho I really can't see Edge winning at WM. This is a perfect chance to have a great feud and it should run over for a couple of PPVs. Get personal like HBK vs Jericho did. Plus Jericho just won the belt, i hate seeing the title change hands a bunch of times. Play to Jericho's ego a bit about how he was the star of the tag team. Hell Vickie could get involved somehow. And with Edge just comming back, it would just be better if took a few times before he beat Jericho for the belt.

HBK vs Taker What I would LOVE to see.....Taker wins and ends HBK's "career" because Bret Hart comes out and screws him over. Maybe HHH comes down first to help HBK but Hart stops him and helps the Undertaker out. Would make sense since Taker berated Vince about the ScrewJob on Raw already. Or if not Hart himself, someone from the Hart Dynasty, help give them a push and some great heat.

Orton vs Dibiase vs Cody I would much rather see Orton vs Ted but it looks like its going to be a three way. I would love to see Ted win thanks to some "new" associate hired buy his dad, the Million Dollar Man. Afterwards, while Orton is past out thanks to the Million Dollar Dream, he gets a $100 bill shoved down his throat.

HHH vs Sheamus Sheamus wins. Again though I would like to see someone from the Hart Dynasty interfere to "screw" HHH.

Hart vs Vince Street Fight w/Stone Cold special ref Somebody tries to help out vince, maybe HHH or Batista, but Stone Cold puts kabash on that plan and helps to set up Hart putting Vince in the Sharpshooter.

Money in the Bank Christian wins. Since I don't think Edge will win I will go against the popular thought and say that Christian will cash in at WM but against the winner of Cena-Batista match which in this case would be Batista so he could feel the same fate that Cena did at EC.

Drew McIntyre vs John Morrison for the IC belt The IC belt has to be defended since it took so long to put it back on WM. If it wasn't for the MIB, I would love to see this as ladder match. Morrision wins.

CM Punk vs Mysterio Hair vs Mask This match is already brewing thanks to Punks beat down of Rey on Smackdown. Mysterio wins cuz that mask will never come off again since he hated it when Bischoff did it to all the luchadores in WCW.

Cena vs Batista Like I said earlier, Batista wins but Christians cashes in the MIB.
I do not want to list a whole card but I'll list some matches.

Orton vs Rhodes vs Dibiase Triple Threat
If they want Cody and Ted to look weak a handicap match is the way to go.
I feel a Triple Threat is a good choice. They all seem to have some sort of beef with each other so they should all face off. It would be interesting to see who would team up first and how long that would last. First match of the night, Cody Rhodes wins for the shock.

Batista/McMahon vs Cena/Hart Tag match for the WWE Championship
I don't think Bret can have a decent match,and him and Vince seem to be involved in the Cena/Batista story. If Cena and Hart win Cena gets the belt. Same for the Batista McMahon team. Cena wins when Vince taps to the Sharpshooter, While Cena and Batista battle it out in the crowd.

Jericho vs Edge for the World Title
Blah Blah Blah.......Edge wins, Then Christian's music hits (Hopefully he wins the MITB). He dose not challenge Edge right away tho. They just stare each other down.

If HBK vs Taker dose go down I hope its the final match on the card this year. last year the crowd seemed dead after that match.(no pun intended)

Sadly we will see some shitty band that only 6% of the fans will care for and some stupid comedy skits.Silly me, How could I forget A Divas match.
Well lets start with the obvious:

Edge vs Jericho for the World Title, which i personally cannot wait to see

Cena vs Batista for WWE Title, im torn on whether this is a good idea or not, just doesnt feel right without triple h in a main event

Undertaker vs Shawn, bye bye shawn!

Money In the Bank, always brilliant!

Now for the unknown, i think itll be:

Triple H vs Sheamus, i think this is a pretty pointless unattractive match, sheamus to win tho i reckon

Randy Orton vs Ted, ted winning this after a Cody screw over

Punk vs Mysterio, to open the night, gd match, but wudda loved to see punk higher up the card this year!

I suppose there will be a crappy womens title match too

Anddd i think theres still chance of a bret/vince "fight" happening

All in all i think its shaping up to be much better than wrestlemania 25!
Dark United States Championship Match

MVP vs. Matt Hardy

Unified Tag Team Championship Match

Big Show and The Miz vs. The Hart Dynasty

Intercontinental Championship Match

Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio

Singles Match

Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk

Tag Team Match

Edge and Christian vs. Cryme Tyme (w/Cody Rhodes)

Grudge Match

Ted DiBiase vs. Randy Orton

Loser Retires Match

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Chris Jericho vs. Edge

Career Threatening Match

The Undertaker vs. John Morrison

WWE Championship Match

Batista vs. John Cena

This is the card I wanted to see about 1 week ago,not much has changed.John Morrison will most likely be part of Money In The Bank and now It's Taker wrestling Shawn Michaels.But this is the card I want to see.

MVP vs. Matt Hardy-This would be a dark match but it is mainly there to get them doing something and put on a solid dark match.

Big Show and The Miz vs. The Hart Dynasty-This would get The Hart Dynasty doing somethnig and it doesn't matter how green they look.The purpose of this is a solid match and finally show a tag match at Wrestlemania

Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio-Not going to happen because of the very predictable Hair vs. Mask match but It would be a solid match and maybe Rey would be able to get some charisma out of Drew.This could be another builer not taking too long.

Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk-This could be a solid 15 minute match of high flying ariels and solid ground work that's not going to happen,but they could fit in a mini fued between the two and they can both work a match.

Edge and Christian vs. Cryme Tyme-I was thinking Cryme Tyme as a heel here with Cody Rhodes as manager to fit him in somewhere.Edge and Christian are awesome and I really want to see a reunion so it fit together.This would be an entertainig ten minute match ending with a popular Edge pinfall

Ted DiBiase vs. Randy Orton-This is the easiest fued to build I have seen and they can put on a great match.This would be so great if it happens and because of Legacy the match builds itself.About 25 minutes for this match.

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels-This would be a revisit to the fued in 2004 and it would mean a different retirement opponent for HBK instead of the doomed match with The Undertaker (which is happening anyway).This would be a good match they have good chemistry in a good half hour match.

Chris Jericho vs. Edge-Once again the match promotes itself and they are both great workers and they are going to steal the show.Half hour match and this will be so great.

The Undertaker vs. John Morrison-This match is to get Morrison over,give him a push and get Underkaer retired.20 minute match as a result of Taker's injuries.They would put on a decent match.

Batista vs. John Cena-They have promoted this match well and if they put some good storytelling in this should be a minor classic.

PS:No Money In The Bank because 1 week ago It didn't seem like there would be a Money In The Bank match.
WWE Title: Batista (c) vs. John Cena. This match is going to go back and forth about 15-20 minutes with cena looking like he is going to win the championship at the end only to be screwed by vince. This sets up stories later with both cena/batista and cena/vince feuds. WINNER - Batista

World Title: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge. This match is going to be the best on the card. I can see this one going 20-25 minutes easy if not longer. Jericho has held titles for 4 -5 weeks at a time before dropping it and since Edge hasn't had that WM moment yet he will beat Jericho. WINNER - Edge

Street Fight: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon. Everybody knows that the current hurt leg storyline will lead to this match. Bret is in better shape then many think and everybody wants him to get his revenge on vince. Bret will do his best to carry McMahon in this match leading to Vince tapping out at the 15 minute mark or a la stone cold - passed out in the sharpshooter. Either way Bret gets his revenge with many fans happy. WINNER - Bret Hart
(oh yeah with those thinking bret/vince will be added to the wwe championship with bret winning the title - Yes I would personally love it but Bret won't do it its not in his character to be handed a title. He knows better and he is right)

Career vs Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker II. This match is going to be great but will not duplicate last year's spectacle. Im not saying they still can't perform its just that it is my guess that there will be interference that decides the outcome. Just like last year it will go back and forth with each kicking out of each others finishers but this time Triple H comes down to help Shawn kick out and distract Taker and also making Shawn angry cause he wants to beat taker by himself (setting up a HHH/HBK feud later). This angers Undertaker where he then attacks Triple H. Shawn then takes advantage and it looks like he is going to end Undertaker's streak with Sweet Chin Music in the corner. Only to be stopped/tripped by..... Bret Hart. With the distraction when shawn turns around boom Tombstone which leads to Undertaker applying Hell's Gate with Shawn tapping out. This would let him get his revenge on vince and shawn the same night and forcing bret to be the one who cost Shawn his career by tapping out the same way that Shawn did years ago. 20-25 minute match. WINNER - The Undertaker

Number 1 Contender's Match: Triple H vs. Sheamus. Sheamus is going to blame Triple H for costing him the title at EC and since they are friends backstage Triple H is going to help boost sheamus as a main eventer in this match. Triple H has done it with randy and batista and now its sheamus's turn. Triple H will control the match and make this match sell but in the end sheamus will win in controversial manner in 15-20 minutes. WINNER - Sheamus

MITB Ladder Match: Christian vs. Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourne vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jack Swagger. Ok putting 8 superstars in this kind of match is stupid and ******ed but it puts more names on the card to fill holes. It will last about 15 minutes with Christian winning and helping establish him as a new main eventer for 2010. WINNER - Christian

Handicap Match: Randy Orton vs. Legacy. Everybody thinks its going to be a triple threat but I don't think it makes sense. With it being 2 on 1 Orton actually has a chance of losing. Match last about twelve minutes with Orton pinning DiBiase after an RKO. WINNER - Randy Orton

Hair vs Mask Match: CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio. This will be a good match but about ten minutes in gallows will help CM Punk beat Mysterio making Mysterio lose his mask. Mysterio wretled his last years in WCW without the mask and I think he doesnt need it anymore and I dont seeing WWE dropping the whole Jesus/Prophet persona of Punk. WINNER - CM Punk

Unified Tag Team Match: Miz/Big Show (c) vs. MVP/Mark Henry. This will be the 100th time they have wrestled each other but it builds up for MVP and Henry to finally win at Mania at the twelve minute mark. WINNERS - MVP/Mark Henry. This will also prob be the free for all match.

Divas Title Match: Maryse (c) vs. Gail Kim. This match was supposed to happen at EC but then Vickie Guerrero changed it leading to this match at Mania. With all the hell Maryse has put Kim in lately it will lead to her revenge against Maryse with Gail Kim your new divas champion at about the 5 minute mark. WINNER - Gail Kim

IC Title Match: Drew McIntyre (c) vs John Morrison. Morrison too good not to be on the card so he will fight to get his IC Title back winning at the 10-12 minute mark. WINNER - John Morrison

There will also be a stupid comedy skit by Santino or Masters, alot of behind the curtain sketches and a Music Segment. Not a bad card if you ask me. All these matches might not take place but its my prediction. LOL
WWE Title: Batista (c) vs. John Cena. This match is going to go back and forth about 15-20 minutes with cena looking like he is going to win the championship at the end only to be screwed by vince. This sets up stories later with both cena/batista and cena/vince feuds. WINNER - Batista

World Title: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge. This match is going to be the best on the card. I can see this one going 20-25 minutes easy if not longer. Jericho has held titles for 4 -5 weeks at a time before dropping it and since Edge hasn't had that WM moment yet he will beat Jericho. WINNER - Edge

Street Fight: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon. Everybody knows that the current hurt leg storyline will lead to this match. Bret is in better shape then many think and everybody wants him to get his revenge on vince. Bret will do his best to carry McMahon in this match leading to Vince tapping out at the 15 minute mark or a la stone cold - passed out in the sharpshooter. Either way Bret gets his revenge with many fans happy. WINNER - Bret Hart
(oh yeah with those thinking bret/vince will be added to the wwe championship with bret winning the title - Yes I would personally love it but Bret won't do it its not in his character to be handed a title. He knows better and he is right)

Career vs Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker II. This match is going to be great but will not duplicate last year's spectacle. Im not saying they still can't perform its just that it is my guess that there will be interference that decides the outcome. Just like last year it will go back and forth with each kicking out of each others finishers but this time Triple H comes down to help Shawn kick out and distract Taker and also making Shawn angry cause he wants to beat taker by himself (setting up a HHH/HBK feud later). This angers Undertaker where he then attacks Triple H. Shawn then takes advantage and it looks like he is going to end Undertaker's streak with Sweet Chin Music in the corner. Only to be stopped/tripped by..... Bret Hart. With the distraction when shawn turns around boom Tombstone which leads to Undertaker applying Hell's Gate with Shawn tapping out. This would let him get his revenge on vince and shawn the same night and forcing bret to be the one who cost Shawn his career by tapping out the same way that Shawn did years ago. 20-25 minute match. WINNER - The Undertaker

Number 1 Contender's Match: Triple H vs. Sheamus. Sheamus is going to blame Triple H for costing him the title at EC and since they are friends backstage Triple H is going to help boost sheamus as a main eventer in this match. Triple H has done it with randy and batista and now its sheamus's turn. Triple H will control the match and make this match sell but in the end sheamus will win in controversial manner in 15-20 minutes. WINNER - Sheamus

MITB Ladder Match: Christian vs. Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourne vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jack Swagger. Ok putting 8 superstars in this kind of match is stupid and ******ed but it puts more names on the card to fill holes. It will last about 15 minutes with Christian winning and helping establish him as a new main eventer for 2010. WINNER - Christian

Handicap Match: Randy Orton vs. Legacy. Everybody thinks its going to be a triple threat but I don't think it makes sense. With it being 2 on 1 Orton actually has a chance of losing. Match last about twelve minutes with Orton pinning DiBiase after an RKO. WINNER - Randy Orton

Hair vs Mask Match: CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio. This will be a good match but about ten minutes in gallows will help CM Punk beat Mysterio making Mysterio lose his mask. Mysterio wretled his last years in WCW without the mask and I think he doesnt need it anymore and I dont seeing WWE dropping the whole Jesus/Prophet persona of Punk. WINNER - CM Punk

Unified Tag Team Match: Miz/Big Show (c) vs. MVP/Mark Henry. This will be the 100th time they have wrestled each other but it builds up for MVP and Henry to finally win at Mania at the twelve minute mark. WINNERS - MVP/Mark Henry. This will also prob be the free for all match.

Divas Title Match: Maryse (c) vs. Gail Kim. This match was supposed to happen at EC but then Vickie Guerrero changed it leading to this match at Mania. With all the hell Maryse has put Kim in lately it will lead to her revenge against Maryse with Gail Kim your new divas champion at about the 5 minute mark. WINNER - Gail Kim

IC Title Match: Drew McIntyre (c) vs John Morrison. Morrison too good not to be on the card so he will fight to get his IC Title back winning at the 10-12 minute mark. WINNER - John Morrison

There will also be a stupid comedy skit by Santino or Masters, alot of behind the curtain sketches and a Music Segment. Not a bad card if you ask me. All these matches might not take place but its my prediction. LOL

I love the card you predicted but i would like to make and it's pretty much what i was thinking except for the last three matches

First of all i would love to see A Tag Team Turmoil match for the unified tag team championship. It would be Showmiz vs the hart Dynasty vs CrymeTyme vs MVP/Mark Henry vs Kozlov/santino vs Yoshi tatsu/evan bourne: This would be a really good way to have all the mid-carders that don't get into the MITB match but still deserve a spot on the card to actually get in it.

Also how about Drew Mcintyre vs John Morrison vs R-truth for the Intercontinental Championship. I was surprised that all three guys lost their matches last night for MITB so i'm thinking that since that all three deserve to be at wrestlemania why not have all three of them wrestle for the IC title.

Finally, has much as i would love to see Gail Kim vs MAryse again, i doubt it will make the card of wrestlemania, if they have a diva's match it'S either going to be a raw vs smackdown tag match or Beth Phoenix vs Michelle McCool vs Mickie James for the Woman's championship. Out of the 2 options i would rather have the woman'S title match since these are the 3 best female wrestlers on the roster right now and would give a way better show then having a simple tag match.

One last thing since one last thing about Money in the bank, nice picks for the wrestlers you want to see in this match but let'S face it, Jack Swagger won'T be in that match and same goes for evan bourne. I love JAck Swagger as a performer but the fact is that he's hasn'T been on t.v that much since the begining of the year and i don'T remember the last time i saw him on raw.

So with tha said i probably see Ezekiel Jackson get a spot in this match since he'S the last ECW champion and they want to push him hard, the last guy i see might be Zack Ryder. The guy has been as some momemtum going out of ECW since he was on t.v every week and got to retire Tommy dreamer and the hurricane so why not having him in that match.
So far now confirmed the Wrestlemania card seems pretty solid and may well give an excellent event, now let's see.

WWE Champion Batista Vs John Cena (WWE Championship) - If it was as good as the SummerSlam the two years is a good fight. Probably not to close the show but a title match very solid. Since the Batista is doing its part to heel perfectly. Fight to last between 15 to 20 minutes, with Batista wins it.

World Heavyweight Champion "Chris Jericho vs. Edge (World Heavyweight Championship) - It might well be a classic and a battle to enter into the story. Two great wrestlers and they have an excellent work "out ring" that is excellent promos are still gives more performance to fight. I hope to close the show. Fight to last between 20 and 25 minutes to go with Edge Winner.

Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels (Career vs Streak) - 'One was one of those who did not want to see this fight, because he thought that one should not repeat such a classic. But ... With the stipulation really want to see this fight! It will be even more epic and will have even more excitement, especially with viewers, as will be two things at stake! The Undertaker's Streak incredible game in which the public does not want to end up, but then the career of Shawn Michaels that the public does not want it to end. A huge fight no doubt. Fight to last between 30 to 35 minutes, with the Undertaker would win.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match - qualified, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin and Kane. So far is going well and I think we should go further: Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy and R-Truth.

This is all we have so far and I think we will still see this:

CM Punk VS Rey Mysterio (Hair VS Mask)

Randy Orton (with Bob Orton) VS Cody Rhodes (with Dusty Rhodes) VS Ted DiBiase Jr (with Ted DIBiase)

Triple H VS Sheamus

The Miz & Big Show VS MVP & Mark Henry (Unified Tag Team Championships e US Championship)

Drew McIntyre VS John Morrison (Intercontinental Championship)

Vince McMahon VS Bret Hart with Stone Cold Special Guest Referee (Street Fight)

And a Divas Match

PS: Sorry for my bad English :(
This is my final prediction card:

1. John Cena vs Batista - confirmed

2. Chris Jericho vs Edge - confirmed

3. Undertaker vs Michaels - confirmed

4. Money in the Bank - So far we have Christian, Ziggler, Kane and Shelton Benjamin confirmed. I think Kofi Kingston is a definite addition to that, and then there's a few possibilities. I'm going to go with Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger and either Cody Rhodes or Mike Knox, but it really could be anyone,. Not much else to say really other than it is a midcard festival.

5. Triple H v Sheamus - Sheamus is too hot off the title run to go into MITB and Tripe H needs something to do. It was obvious from commentary that they wanted to build up a story between these two during EC, and with HHH eliminating Sheamus, I think it all but confirms it. It could be a decent match, and I'm glad it isn't the main event.

6. CM Punk v Rey Mysterio (Hair vs mask) - Even Stevie Wonder could see that these two are in a feud with each other, so that doesn't really need any elaboration. However, I would say that the stipulation will be what makes this Mania-esque. Rey is a luchador, and his maks is obviously a big part of that, and Punk's Straight Edge thing has centred on hair, so it's quite likely that is what we'll see.

7. Bret Hart v Vince McMahon (street fight) - I think the fact that Cena and Batista is now a confirmed singles match we will see these two face off. Vince will look like he has a chance because of Hart's injury, but obviously he won't win. It'llbe a street fight because Vince can't wrestle and Hart's old.

8. Randy Orton v Ted DiBiase - I think this will probably come to fruition tonight, but I think Rhodes will be involved in some manner. I wouldn't count out a triple threat, but I think it is more likely that we will see Rhodes be the referee and gift DiBiase the win.

9. John Morrison v Ezeikel Jackson v Drew McIntyre v R-Truth (Intercontinental title) - Three of them have failed to get into MITB for no real reason, and the other one is obviously going to have a big debut on Smackdown in the next couple of weeks. I imagine that he will make it onto Mania, so I reckon he'll win the IC title in this match up.

10. Something to do with NXT - This new show has recently debuted and I think that the WWE will want to big it up a little bit. To that end I expect to see either a battle royal or a four on four tag or something like that to showcase these guys, but it will probably be a preshow match.

11. Tag Gauntlet - Every year there is something on the card that shoehorns half the roster into it, and after having battle royals and lumberjack tag matches in the last 5 WrestleManias, perhaps it is time for something a bit different. I imagine Shomiz to be there at the end, but we'll also see some or all of Hardy/Khali, MVP/Henry, Cryme Tyme, Hart Dynasty, Carlito/Chavo, Primo/Masters, Tatsu/Goldust, Croft/Barretta, Slam Master J/Wang Yang, Finlay/Kozlov etc. etc. I think what might happen is this gauntlet on the preshow, Hardy and Khali win and then get to face Shomiz on the actual show.

12. Something shit to do with the divas - It has to happen. The battle royal was shit, so they'll probably go safe with a lumberjills match. Either Smackdown vs Raw or champions against each other or Laycool vs Mickie James and Beth Phoenix, something like that.
Ok this is what I think for the Money in the Bank, WWE Title and World Title

I would start Mania off with the Money in the Bank ladder match with Christian winning the title shot.

I would then show a shot of edge congratulating christian in the back and have a cameraman and someone to interview Christian on when he is gonna cash in the case.

Ok onto the World Title which is Edge vs Jericho. I would have Edge put in the Walls of Jericho and unable to get to the ropes. Mind you Y2J needs to be facing the ramp. Out come Christian who distracts the ref causing Y2J to release the Walls and turn his attention to Christian. Christian gets down starts to leave and Y2J turns into a Spear!!! 1-2-3 NEW CHAMP - EDGE.

I would then show a backstage segment with Edge telling Vicki see I didnt need your help to get the title back.

WWE Title match Batista vs Cena. Batista wins with the Batista Bomb. Batista gets up, SPEAR out of nowhere from Edge? Christian rolls into the ring tosses the ref. the briefcase, ring the bell, killswitch on Batista 1-2-3 new CHAMP - CHRISTIAN OR you could have Vince cost Cena the title, have edge spear or chase vince off(this helps with face turn) and Batista is then alone in ring and Christian comes into the ring through the crowd and hits the killswitch on Batista to win the title.

World Heavywieght Championship
Chris Jericho vs Edge

Edge wins title but Christian will cash in his money in they Bnk and pin Edge to win the World Heavywieght Championship

New Champion: Christian

WWE Championship
John Cena vs Batista

Cen wins with FU

New Champion: John Cena

Career vs the Streak
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker

* This is what will Happen, Who here thinks that it will be Bret that Screws Shawn? Well I Say No Because........ Triple H will Screw Shawn At WM26!

I have Taker Michaels go for 25-30 mins. then have HHH come out and give support for Shawn. Shawn Has Taker Beat with Sweet CHin Music...but Trips Pulls the Ref. out of the ring, thus screwing him, Shawn in shock looks at HHH (heel now) then turns into Taker's Tombstone. Taker Wins

Winner: The Undertaker

(Note Shawn will comeback since HHH Screws Him about 6 to 8 months later)

Shemus vs Triple H

(will happen as seen on Raw, HHH will put Sheamus over and lose to him)

Winner: Sheamus

Bret vs Vince

(shouldnt last more than a minite, Vince walks into a punch and into Sharpshooter)

Winner: Bret Hart in less than a minite.

Mask vs Hair
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk

(starting to fued on smackdown, Punk can save Rey if he unmasks, but in Return Rey will make Punk eat his own words and have Punk get shaved bald.)

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Diva Battle Royal For Ms. WM26
(Raw/Smackdown Divas are still fighting and this will settle it)

Winner: Maryse

MITB Match
Christian vs Kane vs Dolph Zigger vs MVP vs Shelton Bejamin vs Matt Hardy vs Jack Swagger vs Big Zeke Jackson

(Christian wins reasons see above)

Winner: Christian

Unified Tag Team Championship
ShowMiz vs John Morrision/R-Truth

(see Smackdown Spoilers)

Winners ShowMiz
World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho(c) vs. Edge-i think this match will be good, but i don't think good enough for the main event. i don't think creative will be able to build up this match to make it main event caliber. in the end i think Edge will win because over the last few years the babyface usually wins the main event.

WWE Championship: Batista(c) vs. John Cena-i think this match will be pretty good also. i think the build up can be good bcause of the storyline arguement Batista said last monday, which was Cena being the face of the company. i also think that this match will have more of a fan reaction then the Jericho/ Edge match. in the end i think Cena will win, but i'd much rather have Batista win because the title is switching from superstar to superstar like every ppv now a days.

Career vs. Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker-i truly hope this match is better then the one last year, because last years was absolutly AWESOME, and a follow up match should be better imo. however, idk how the build up is going to be since shawn just stated what his goal was, and i don't really see each of them interfering in eachothers matches. as for the result i have no idea who is going to win, imo i think Shawn should win and should be the guy to end the streak, but then again idk.

MITB: Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP Vs. Jack Swagger vs. (probably) Kofi Kingston-i really hope Christian wins this match because well i don't really see any of the other guys winning this match, i would like Shelton to win, but i know thats not gonna happen.

Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon-im not really excited bout this one, because of the fact thats its two old guys going at it, but i think the storyline will be good.

WWE Unified Tag Team Championships: John Morrison/R-Truth vs. ShowMiz-i personally don't like this match because i would have liked to have had Morrison have a chance at the MITB. i also don't like that they just put together two random superstars to compete for the titles.

Triple H vs. Sheamus-u can probably lock this one in for wrestlemania, i also think this will be the stipulation match of this year, this would also probably be to fill up the card, also gives Triple H and Sheamus to do.

so those r my opinons for the matches so far
I think 'Taker should win beause if he wrestles in next year's Wrestle Mania, it won't be the same. No streak to defend, the only he he left that would be going for him is a title match or a retirement match next yr. IMO, I think Kane of all people should defeat 'Taker in another retirement match (being Kane vs. 'Taker III), aiming 'Taker this time if they have him retire defeated. Probably the only one here that feels this way.
Before I get to my actual predictions I just want to say this is my first post to this board. I have been watching WWE/F, WCW, TNA, ECW (The original) for over 20 years and that Wrestlemania 26 will be my third Wrestlemania that I attending. I previously was at WM23 is Detriot and last year in Houston for WM25. I was one of the 80,000 to witness the greatest match of all time (HBK vs Undertaker) in person.

Let me run through the current card as of Raw on 3/15.

World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho vs Edge - I my opinion the best built match of WM26 so far. The story line has appeared on both RAW and Smackdown over the past few weeks and it was pre-built when Edge got hurt last year. This is basically a re-hash of the HHH comeback from a few years ago. There is no doubt in my mind that Edge win this match and the title. I am hoping this is the main event because Edge and Jericho have the potential to tear down the University of Phoenix stadium. They are two of the best wrestlers on the WWE roster today. I would also solidify Edge as the #2 face in WWE behind John Cena. As others have already noted, Edge hasn't had his WM moment and this year will be his moment.

WWE Championship
Batista vs Cena - Very good build on this match too but the problem is they are burying Cena too much to make us believe that he won't win this match. All the lead up has been Batista destroying Cena. It will continue for 2/3 of the match at WM but in the end Cena will pull off the upset and send all the little kiddies and women home happy with another title win. (Yawn)

Career vs Streak
Undertaker vs HBK - Well for me this is the match I am both looking forward to and dreading the most. I have a really bad feeling that HBK might get the nod over Undertaker ending the streak. However I do like the rumors that either HHH or Bret interfers in this match costing HBK his career. That would make for a very interesting finish to the match. Neither Undertaker or HBK have anything to gain from this match. They are both near the end of their careers and don't need pushes. I am also very worried that both guys won't be able to put on the show they did last year. Being there in person I can that none of the 80,000 fans in Reliant Stadium were sitting down for the entire match. From start to finish it was fantastic. The amount of false-finishes was amazing. It reminded me of watching the British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team at WM2 where there was about 15 false-finishes in that match. I honestly want Undertaker to win but I honestly can accurately predict this match. However, if HBK wins we riot!

Triple H vs Sheamus - Wow, this is the piss break match. Obviously this is going to build Sheamus as bigger heel and keep him at the top level. I give HHH credit for not pushing himself into a title match this year. The build has seen Sheamus destroying Trips but I have a feeling next week on RAW we see HHH come out on top, which means that we can expect the opposite at WM and Sheamus will win this match.

Bret Hart vs Mr. McMahon - Hands down Bret is going to win. His father is being inducted, he gets his revenge after 13 years, etc. However, expect a brawl all over the stadium and more than a few run-ins for Vince. We could possibly see some Hart family members help Bret win the match also since they will be in attendance.

MITB Ladder Match - I am hoping Drew McIntrye gets pulled from this match as rumored but after reading the Smackdown spoilers for 3/19 he is still in. Lets got through each guy in the match:

Kane - He is a top mid-level guy that deserves to be at WM for his time with the company so this is his easy paycheck. He will not WIN. Good for a few choke slams and maybe a ladder spot.

Evan Bourne - Take one guess why Bourne is in this match. He is the Jeff Hardy replacement. Expect a BIG spot from him along with Shelton or Ziggler.

MVP - One of the two potentials to win this match. The problem is MVP has been getting lackluster pushes. He had good heat as a heel and then he had good pop as a face at first but now it has all died. If he wins this match, I can't see him winning a world title.

Christian - He is my pick for the winner. He of course is Mr. TLC and has the potential for a big spot. He also has the most success out of anyone in the match. He was ECW champ and maybe now Vince has been convinced he can take a shot at a world title in WWE.

Ziggler - He has been getting a half-assed Smackdown push. I think he is there to do a few spots but I honestly can't see him winning.

Shelton Benjamin - Same as Ziggler. Shelton to me is a bust. He hasn't done crap in like 10 years. Like the past few MITBs look for him to pull off some crazy ladder moves

Jack Swagger - A wild card in this match. I think the writers like this kid but I personally think he is terrible. He looks weird and I know he can't help it but the lisp just makes him sound like a moron. How can you be an effective title contender when you can't really talk on the mic. (Insert Benoit example here)

Matty Hardy - I personally see the match coming down to Hardy and Christian in the end. I know they built Jeff as a top face but I am not sure if Matt has enough of the charisma his brother has. Maybe it is time for big brother to go to the next level.

Drew? - Rumors are he might get pulled which I absolutely agree with. This is Wrestlemania. All titles should be on the line. Drew should have to defend the IC title. Perfect oppurtunity to throw an NXT guy on the card and have them pull off the big upset on the biggest stage of them all.

Unified Tag Team Match -
ShowMiz vs R-Truth/Morrison - Yawn. Like last year I think this match won't even make the PPV. I think this will get pre-show or maybe even get bumped to Smackdown after WM. Very little build-up. How is it that WWE is so bad a tag team division. There was a time in the late 80s and early 90s where tag team wrestling dominated the scene. The tag straps actually meant something and were probably the second most important title behind the Heavyweight title.

Randy Orton vs Legacy - Good long build on this match. I am guessing this is going to complete Randy's face turn. This should be an excellent match with all three young guys. Could Dibiase Sr possibly interfere to help his son? He will be in attendance.

Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk - If this is a straight match then BORING. If they make it hair vs mask then you are talking. If it goes that way I personally see Mysterio losing the mask. CM Punk is way over as a heel. He is getting massive heat and you are going to kill that if he loses this match. He wins the battle at WM but he will ultimately lose the war against Mysterio in time.

Women's Match - From the look at things on RAW we are going to see a Maryse/Michelle McCool/Layla vs Beth Phoenix/Tiffany/Eve Torres (Mickie James) match at Wrestlemania. I don't think we are going to see the women's titles defended. Instead we are going to get a 6 or 8 diva tag match. Mickie is hurt right now so she might be out but now we have Tiffany as the newest diva on Smackdown. You could also throw Gail Kim into the mix. On the heel side you have Simply Flawless. You might throw Vickie Guerrero in the mix for the comedy aspect.

IC Title Match -
Drew McIntrye vs ??? - Personally I think the title should be defended. Maybe against NXT rookie Daniel Bryan.

United States Title - Same as IC title. Miz vs ???. After losing the tag titles someone backstage should run into Miz saying that since he is still US Champ he needs to defend his belt TONIGHT. Maybe Santino would work here. Give him the belt so he has more TV time since he is way over with the audience.

Suprises - The biggest suprise that WWE could pull is the WM9 finish. (Hogan winning the title). Have the winner of MITB come out and challenge for the title right at WM and WIN. That would be the biggest shocker of the year. As I mentioned above the possibility of Bret Hart or HHH attacking HBK is also there. Bret gets his revenge or HHH for getting fed up with Shawn's b.s. and him walking away from DX and their friendship.

Well there you have it. My predicitions and thoughts for Wrestlemania 26. Overall I expect it to be a good show and it has the potential to be the best Wrestlemania I have been to. I have enjoyed the build up to the event better than the last few years.
WWE Championship Match

-Batista (c) vs. John Cena

Pretty easy to read this one. Batista's been beating up on Cena left and right leading up to the Show of Shows so it looks like another text book come back Wrestlemania win for the Dr. of Thuganomics. Is he still calling himself that?

World Heavyweight Championship Match

-Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

This one I'm not so sure about. Edge's comeback seems to be too easy of a ride to the top. All of a sudden he's this Ric Flair-esque character. He's the ultimate opportunist but the fans love him and chant "spear." Turns out, Edge can be face or heel, and he's pretty good at both. I think Edge will win, but I won't be surprised if he doesn't. I'm calling this one a toss up. Jericho might just have something up his sleeve. Who knows? But my gut says Edge.

Streak vs Career No Count Out, No DQ Match

-The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

No DQ and No count out? They forgot "both guys are too beat the hell up to continue." It would be super crappy for it to end that way, but it's the most likely of scenarios. I just don't think Undertaker's streak will come to an end. I see him going at least 20-0 before he retires and I don't think HBK is done just yet. I think Randy Orton should be the one to retire HBK anyway. Sure, he's already stepped up as a young guy, but I think he needs just THAT much more of a push towards Triple H status and that would do it. As far as Undertaker leaving...it'll have to be something where he gets to return to Death Valley because he's collected enough souls or some BS. Who knows? No one can retire him. It wouldn't be right.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

-Participants: MVP, Christian, Evan Bourne, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Jack Swagger and Matt Hardy

This one never ends the way I expect it to. But it seems a lot easier to pick this year. Swagger won't win because he just doesn't have "it." Kane won't win because, well, he's always just THAT far away from getting to the top and I don't see it happening again for him, ever. Matt Hardy...enough said. Evan Bourn is becoming a good little jobber isn't he? Do yourself a favor and jump ship to TNA and give the fans some EPIC matches with Amazing Red! Benjamin will have his usual high spots that Vince asks of him. But as long as he still sounds like Michael Jordan giving a victory speech when he's on the mic, he's never going to hold serious gold in any company. Mr. Ziggles MIGHT win, but I don't think he will because he just hasn't been used that much lately to give me the impression he'll be getting that kind of push. I think it's between MVP and Christian. I think Christian and MVP both have great mic skills and good movesets. But, for God's sake, make MVP lose the weak ass Play Maker move and have the Ballin' Elbow drop or the Player's Boot be his finisher. I give this one to Christian. He's ready to challenge Edge and I think that's the match everyone wants to see and it just makes to much sense to ignore.

Singles Match

-Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

There's going to be A LOT of interruptions in this one. But in the end, of course Bret will win. It's not going to be a technical masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. I think someone will bleed in this match too.

Singles Match

-Triple H vs. Sheamus

This match intrigues me. This could be a very good match if it's handled properly. Physically, Sheamus is a paler, redheaded version of Triple H. I think they'll have Sheamus beat Triple H. He might attack him before the match and mess him up a little to get the advantage or something else to that degree to get it done. Then he would have beaten Cena and Triple H, the two top dogs in WWE right now. Like him or hate him, he is stepping up as a younger guy.

Unified Tag Team Championship Match

-Big Show and The Miz (c's) vs. John Morrison and R-Truth

Did R-Truth and John Morrison get paired together simply because they weren't currently involved in a feud or because one break dances and the other...does too...?(capoeira) Either way, they won't win. It would be cool to see them start feuding because they don't win and imagine the stunts they could pull off in the ring against each other! Holy crap!

Big Surprise of the night: IF Jericho beats Edge, he'll cheat to do it and Christian will cash in the MITB RIGHT after the match and take the title. The following night on Raw, Jericho will cry about it, Edge will say he was cheated and wants another shot, and a triple threat will be announced involving Edge, Chris Jericho, and Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship at the next PPV. Maybe in a Ladder or TLC match...
Ok so here we are only one week away from Wrestlemania which means the card we have now is most likely going to be the final card going into March 28. The card is pretty stacked this year and I can't wait to see the turn out for the show. Now, here are my predictions for the event:

Singles Match-if Rey loses he must join the Straight Edge Society
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk w/ Luke Gallows & Serena
Winner: Rey Mysterio

I do not see Rey Mysterio joining the Straight Edge Society.....ever. Personally, I think that this stipulation is rediculous but that's just me. Rey Msyertio will win this match, hands down.

Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase
Winner: Randy Orton

I wish I was putting Ted DiBiase's name into the Winner's column but I just don't see him getting the win here. Randy Orton was screwed by Legacy a few weeks back and has been on a rampage ever since. I see Randy picking up the win with a pinfall over Rhodes followed up by DiBiase attacking Orton. This would set up their long awaited, one-on-one feud.

Singles Match
Triple H vs Sheamus
Winner: Sheamus

Sheamus deserves this win. He has put in some quality time and effort into his career. He had a decent WWE Championship run and he is getting over with the crowd. I believe Triple H should and will let Sheamus go over.

Unified Tag Team Championships
ShowMiz (Big Show & The Miz) (C) vs John Morrison & R-Truth
Winners: ShowMiz (Big Show & The Miz)

I believe this match was put on the card just so John Morrison & R-Truth could be on the card. This will probably be a pretty cound match but Morrison and Truth won't come out on top.

No Holds Barred Match
Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon
Winner: Bret Hart

This match is quite easy to pick a winner. McMahon has put Bret through hell over the past weeks, worst than ever before.Bert Hart will be putting a beating on McMahon in this match and I can't wait!

Money In The Bank
Christian vs Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre
Winner: Drew McIntyre

Once again, I wish I was putting someone elses name in the winners bracket but I'm not. I really want Christian to win the MITB briefcase but, i have a feeling his TNA stunt is going to keep him from winning. Now I believe it is going to happen more because Drew McIntyre finally got into the MITB match. McIntyre will take this years briefcase.

Streak vs Career-No DQ, No Countout
The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Winner: Undecided

I am completely torn on this match. Undertaker's streak cannot be destroyed but Michaels career cannot be over. Before the No DQ and No Countout stipulation was put on I felt pretty positive the match would end in a double countout or something of that fashion but now, I am torn.

World Heavweight Championship
Chris Jericho (C) vs Edge
Winner: Edge

Edge has been put through injury and humiliation over the past few months. Chris Jericho has been all over his back, before he returned to the ring and since he has returned to the ring. Edge wants his championship back and he's gonna SPEAR it away from Chris Jericho come March 28.

WWE Championship
Batista (C) vs John Cena
Winner: John Cena

John Cena was screwed out of his WWE championship at Elimination Chamber after he had already won the Chamber match itself. Vince McMahon told Batista he could face Cena whenever he wanted for the WWE Championship and Batista chose that moment. Ever since that day Batista has been beating Cena down, week in and week out. John Cena will get what he rightfully deserves, the WWE Championship!!
R-Truth/Morrison vs. Showmiz For the Tag Title.
Winners: Showmiz

Meh another thrown together tag team to challenge a team that was also throw together.... remember when the tag titles were one of the main reason to order a damn PPV?!?! Oh well, I suppose it will be good, just wish I cared more. :disappointed:

Money In The Bank Match
Winner: Christian

Since there are 10 people (clusterfuck?) I will give each a reason why they aren't or are winning.
Christian- Held WWECW title for close to a year, gets some big pops, and has been on tv quite a lot... Maybe Vince and crew are finaly starting to sway towards a big Christian push?

Kofi- Wow, he was left off until last minute basically.... and he was my pick since January! Ever since they started de-pushing him I lost confidence that he would ever get a chance at stardom again... Maybe this will be the re-charge he needs to his career?

Kane- Basically here to help out and make the younger guys look better, his time has come and passed unfortunatley :sad:

Swagger- He is starting too show signs of life again, but he needs a nice big feud with another ME and actually look good! So no.

Drew- AAhh the future of rasslin, he's deffinetly gonna be a star one day.... but not yet, still needs time to grow.

Matt Hardy- HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Bourn- spot monkey of the match

Shelton- Read Bourne

MVP- hhhmmm heres the tricky one, me personally I never have liked as a face. He has deffinetly fallen since that de-push he got a while back. Second best chance to win.

Triple H vs. My felow Irishmen Sheamus
Winner: Sheamus

This will probably be a brawl for the most part... I wish people would make up there minds sometimes. You complained about the same people in the main event, then Sheamus jumps in and you complain about him? Granted I don't think he should have won the title so early... but hey you were asking for it! I think this will be a nice suprise of a match. Trips puts his buddy over.

Orton vs. Ted vs. Cody
Winners: Orton

Wow talk about complete lack of momentum for Orton going into the grand daddy of them all (A grand daddy thats only 26 might I ad) I think this has the potential to be a decent match, the build has been sufficent I guess. Ted and Cody will turn on each other sometime during the match, when that happens... Orton will strike for the 3.

Bret vs. Vince in a No Holds Barred (Used?) match

UUMMM yeah this could be one ugly spectacal we wittness here folks.... But it will still most likely be entertaining simpley because most people have been waiting for this match in about 12-13 years!! I expect Vince to pull out a bunch of tricks from his bag, but it won't work as vince taps to the sharp shooter for the emoitional win. Can we see blood for this one please? :shrug:

Jericho vs. Edge for the Big Gold Belt.

They haven't done it yet, it's bound to happen! Yes this is the year we see the MITB winner use his briefcase to cash in on a title shot after this match. It makes sense too, you have history with all three men right there, no story needed. Anyways for the match, I expect a good match here, anything below an 8/10 match will upset me really. I was gonna pick this as the main event... but the build hasen't been that great. OHS NOES NOTS THE RUNNINGS HUGS! I believe Jericho will get the pinfall on edge by the way.

CM Punk vs. Mysterio in a street Fight (If Rey looses, he must join SES)
Winner: CM Punk

I think they are gonna shock us with the result here as it would make it a couple of compelling months of story telling. As for the match.... please give them close to 20 minutes please!:worship: Bring down the house guys!

Undertaker vs. HBK 2 Streak vs. Career
Winner: Undertaker

I have been in disagreement with this match ever snce they were teasing it... and I still don't like it. 1. I really don't think they will top last year (though emotions will be of the charts for this one) 2. HBK will be coming back for wrestling appearances anyways. I think Trips is gonna come down and screw over HBK, for leaving him and DX behind. I'm sure it will be a good match, which will give HBK the opportunity to come back.

Some Divas Segment
Winner: No one, not anywhere anytime ever.

I'm sure there will be some sort of Diva fiasco going on here, if not a match, then McTaker making my ears bleed while she punches my soul. A nice piss break from all the booze I will consume this night.

Cena vs. Batista for WWE Blingy Belt

This will be the main event of the evning, the build has been great, and the match should be entertaining. I am loving Batista as a complete ass hole right now. I don't expect a technical classic, but the fans should make it fun enough to watch. Lets hope for a good ending. ;)
Wrestlemania 26 Predictions...ooohhhh yeahhhh

John Cena vs. Batista WWE Championship
It is quite obvious that WWE makes these scenarios where the heel beats up the good guy, the good guy makes a comeback and wins at Wrestlemania, so same here: Batista has been beating up Cena for weeks, Cena will obviously win. Who do I go for? Batista
Winner: John Cena

Edge vs. Chris Jericho (c) World Championship
Edge is probably going to win, it has been a while since he held the World Title so I think the Royal Rumble will win, unless Jericho will have something up his sleeve
Winner: Edge

The Undertaker
vs. Shawn Michaels
This one will be hard to predict, and will def be the best match on the card, will it top the first one? I dont know. But I hope Shawn wins, I do not want to see him go.
But WWE wouldn't want Taker's streak to end. Hopefully Shawn will get screwed and continue a storyline from there from a person who screwed him over, and will retire against John Morrison, I need to see this match!! Please make it happen!
Winner: The Undertaker 18-0

"The Hitman" Hart vs. Mr. McMahon
Winner: Bret Hart!!

10 Man Money in The Bank Ladder
I hear Beth Pheonix might do a suprise and join the ladder match, I will mark out if she wins that would be crazy. But I am routing for Kofi Kingston to win. But I think Christian will walk out Mr. Money in the Bank
Winner: Christian

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
This match will be a amazing, hope they will tear down the house at Wrestlemania, I think Punk should win, and he will win. This storyline would be amazing, Punk wins Rey has to join S.E.S then Rey declines, and then this could be an amazing storyline.
winner: Cm Punk

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes
This is Legacy's first Wrestlemania as Singles Competitors, I think Ted will walk out the winner. I see Cody and Ted teaming up against Randy. Then at the end Cody will turn on Ted but Ted will kick out, and do his finisher and win.
Winner: Ted Dibiase

Triple H vs. Sheamus
I honestly do not care about this match, but the smart thing for WWE to do is, put Sheamus over if they want Sheamus to look legit as the next big thing in the WWE.
Winner: Sheamus

Truth&Morrison vs. ShoMiz (Tag Team Championships)

We could see both partners turn on eachother, and have Miz and Morrison somehow reform.
There will be a beatdown by JoMo on RTruth and Miz turns on Show. Then Teddy Long will announce that Morrison's partner is The Miz.
Morrison quickly pins Truth.
Winners: Miz & Morrison. (just an idea)
I'll play. Most of my picks are just gut feelings.

1.) Chris Jericho v. Edge for the WHC. Edge wins. You know, it seems like Edge always needs a title, cause without it, they have nothing else for him to do. Jericho is the better champ, but I'm hoping that he ends up on the RAW roster soon. Someone explain to me why the one guy who can talk is on the taped show, I just don't get it. Give Edge the belt, keep him on Smackdown, and let him feud with CM Punk and whoever else.

2.) Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. I want more than anything for HBK to win the match. The office has done a very good job making it a toss-up and I think it's the hardest match on the card to pick. There's just so many "I can't believe that" 's that make it tough to pick. But I'm picking Taker to win. I really hope I'm wrong.

3.) Batista vs. John Cena. This one is very, very easy. I would be absolutely shocked if John Cena doesn't win. The #1 face wins the strap again at the biggest stage of them all and every one of the Thug Nation kiddies goes home happy. It's not the biggest match on the card, but it should be the last match of the card.

4.) Money In The Bank. I think this one's easy too. I'd like to see Christian win, as I think a lot of people would, but the winner is going to be Drew McIntyre. They would not give this guy 3 qualifying matches for nothing. I'm also going to predict Drew will do nothing memorable in the match.

5.) Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon. Bret's going to win, but it would be more interesting long-term if Vince won it.

6.) ShoMiz vs. John Morrison and R-Truth. I think ShoMiz is going to win it, but I wouldn't be too surprised if the faces win, as it would make a lot of sense on many fronts. It's the second toughest match on the card to call. I'd say 60/40.

7.) Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes. Hopefully the office doesn't screw this one up. Orton should win, and pin DiBiase, and at the end of it all, Rhodes is a bigger heel, DiBiase is a face, and Orton is a bigger face.

8.) HHH vs. Sheamus. Everybody thinks Sheamus is going to get the rub and win the match, but unless HHH turns heel and helps his boy HBK win over the Taker, HHH takes time off and this is his last match for a while, or HHH and Sheamus end up on different shows in a month, I think HHH is going to win. I don't think it's the clear choice everyone thinks it is.

9.) Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk. I'm gonna pick Punk. If Rey wins, it's a waste.
OK,my pics are

Sheamus vs HHH- Its obfious that Sheamus is gona win in here and HHH is gona go on 2-3 months vacation

ShoMiz vs JoMoTruth-ShoMiz wins and then they feud until somebody else(Legacy?) interfierce and takes the titles

Bret Hart vs Vince Mcmahon-Bret wins with sharpshooter.It would be cool if he stays little longer and manages Hart Dynasty for a while but I doubt it because WWE didnt even remotely confesed that they even know each other

Punk vs Mysterio-Sadly Mysterio wins this one.I would like for CM Punk to win but I just dont see that happening at wrestlemania especially with that stupid stipulation

Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase jr vs Cody Rhodes-Ted wins this one although it would be interesting to see Cody to win just because everybody think that he is weakest link.Randy doesnt have a chance if they even remotely want Legacy(Ted and Cody) to be a contenders

MiTB-If my picks would be like 1 month ago I would sad Kofi 100% but right now I said "no chance in Hell".Kofi has been few weeks absent from TV apperances and was added into the match 6 days before the show witch tells me that they didnt know what to do with him.I would like Swagger to win this one but he has no chance.Christian is a favorite to win this one but my pics are ether Drew Mcintyre or Dolf Ziggler

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels-Taker wins,Shawn comes back after for next wrestlemania for his last match.I dont know why you think that Taker will have his streak beaten by somebody who is in probably last year of his career.I said before and i would say it again,if they didnt do it with Orton they will never do it.Taker will go to 25-0(If he retires soon he would come back every year just for wrestlemania)

Jericho vs Edge-Most interesthing match on the card because ether of them could win this one.My favorite for the win is Edge but I would like to see this forums favorite idea for Christian to win MiTB and then joins this match.

Batista vs Cena- Last match of the night.Like to see Batista win but Cena wins for sure.Too bad,if they continue the feud Cena could win on some else PPV but I dont think that is the case here especially because Batista is Smackdown star from recently and he would not go to RAW on draft and Cena would probably stay to RAW after draft so I dont thin that they will feud for much longer
1. The Miz & Big Show vs. John Morrison & R-Truth

I think this will be a pretty good match and it's great that the WWE has actually made the tag team titles mean something again. They lost some momentum when DX got them, but ShowMiz is an interesting team in which both men play their parts well. Morrison and Truth have had the momentum and while this match doesn't have an epic feel to it, that's just how it is. Every match can't be epic even at WrestleMania. I have a feeling that ShowMiz will retain here after a solid 15 minute match.

2. Money in the Bank Ladder Match

If you really think about it, this match is pretty wide open. On the surface, Christian seems to be the odds on favorite and that's actually who I'm gonna go with. However, nobody in the match this year really has any big surge of momentum going into it. With what the WWE has done with Drew McIntyre, it's not hard to think that he could win. But, I don't think he will because he would be just too obvious and it would be a total let down. I'd say that Christian and Kofi Kingston are probably the two favorites, but I'm giving Christian the win.

3. Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

I'd say Bret Hart will win, though I won't be at all surprised if someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin makes an appearance to give some aid because, since it's a street fight, Vince is going to cheat. However, this match is primarily just an opportunity to give fans a chance to watch Vince McMahon get beaten up. It's always been a crowd pleaser and it's always been a draw. Vince does it every couple of years and it's never really gotten old. It's not going to be some mat classic or clash of the titans, just a good bit of entertainment with some nostalgia.

4. Triple H vs. Sheamus

Given the fact that Stephanie is due to give birth this summer, around the same time as she's given birth to her other kids in fact, and that Triple H's quads have started to bother him, this would be a great opportunity for Sheamus. I'm predicting Sheamus to win as WWE management and Triple H are said to be high on the guy and Sheamus has proven himself a lot. Beating Triple H and "putting him out to deal with injuries" would cause Sheamus' stock to skyrocket. Otherwise, it's just a waste of a match really. It'll be a good match no matter who wins, but Triple H doesn't need the win.

5. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

This should be a very good match as both guys can work their asses off. CM Punk is among the best heels in wrestling right now and having him win this match not only does a lot for him, but it also puts Rey Mysterio in the middle of a continuing storyline that could just be plain fun to watch. Plus, it would also give Mysterio something to do and keep him in the middle of a high profile angle. I'm expecting Punk to walk out with a win.

6. Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

I think this is really the weakest match on the card. Not that I blame the WWE for that because there's just a lot of big matches on the card. But Rhodes and DiBiase just don't strike me as ready. They went over Orton in a handicap match and I think Orton will take the win here. The WWE will play the youthful arrogance angle in which both Rhodes and DiBiase will ultimately wind up preventing each other from winning. Even still, I expect it to be a solid match.

7. Batista vs. John Cena

I have a feeling that Cena is going to win this match and win the WWE Championship yet again. The WWE has played up the angle regarding Cena and Batista's history and they've used the fact that Cena has never beaten Batista to such a degree that you can't help but feel that Cena will rise to the occassion. Yep, I have a feeling that Superman will fly again. It's unfortunate because Batista is a really good heel right now and he's a great heel champion. He gave a fantastic promo last Monday and I'd just like to see him retain the title.

8. Chris Jericho vs. Edge

This match really could go either way as it seems that both of them just seem to have each other's number. I like Edge, but I personally think he's been gone for too long to just win the World Heavyweight Championship in only his 3rd or 4th match since coming back from his Achilles Tendon injury. I'm expecting a pretty good match from these two and I'm hoping that Jericho retains. There's been so much emphasis put on Edge's spear that I think Jericho will ultimately find a way to counter it.

9. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

It might not be an exaggeration when they've said that this is the most anticipated match in WrestleMania history. The build up for this match has been fantastic and there's going to be a lot of emotions attached to it no matter how it ends. If the Undertaker loses, it'll be like a part of WWE lore dying. If HBK loses, his career is said to be over. Now, we all know that "retiring" in wrestling is rather tongue in cheek. However, Shawn Michaels is at a point in his life and his career in which it's actually easy for us to picture him retiring. He's done everything that there is to do, he no longer craves to be in the spotlight, he spends a lot of time with his family, etc. If Michaels loses, I feel that there's at least a decent chance that we won't see him wrestle again for a long while. This will be a great match no matter who wins and the WWE has done a great job in making this match a toss up and the match has a much more personal feel than the one they had last year. In the end, I think Taker is going 18-0. I just don't think that The Streak will ever die. It's become a major part of the Undertaker's legacy, even though it wasn't something that was intended. The fact that The Streak wasn't planned out is part of the reason why it's so dear to a lot of fans. If the WWE is smart, this will be the match that they close the show with. Nothing else on the card will be able to touch it either in terms of performance and the emotions it'll generate. It just make sense. After all, when commentators come right out and say this is the most anticipated match in WrestleMania history, that only reinforces the idea that nothing else can follow it.
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Well I believe this one will be all Rey. It is an insult if Rey were to take off the mask (which im sure Punk would make him do if he won the match).

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes

I dont believe Cody will win. I think it is either between Orton and Ted. Mostly Ted since he is the newcomer and a win at WM would shoot him up to the top, especially if he pins Orton.

HHH vs. Sheamus

Do i really need to say anything about this. It's all HHH. But, then again. We all believed the same thing when Sheamus faced Cena and beat him....Hmmm....I still think HHH will destroy him.

ShowMiz vs. a random tag team

Need i say more...

Money In the Bank Ladder Match

CAPTAIN CHARISMA ALL THE FUCKING WAY! He left WWE because he wasn't being given that opportunity to win the title. Now he is back in, I think WWE owes him big time.

Bret Hart vs. McMahon

In an interview on Larry King live, Vince said "I never win". To me, that gives Bret a guaranteed win over him by putting him in a sharpshooter.

Edge vs. Jericho

The Royal Rumble winner has won every single time since they were given the opportunity to main event WM besides Cena and Orton. I believe Edge will get that spear he wants and 1,2,3 pin Chris for the title.

Cena vs Batista

I believe Cena will get the final laugh. Batista had his win, I feel Cena will get his win at WM and they will see who will get a second win at Over the Edge.

Now, Probably the Match of the Night...
17-0 vs. Mr. Wrestlemania

I have no clue!

I believe all these matches, besides the tag match could really be great matches.

Don't let me down WWE!!!!
Hbk vs. Taker: Undertaker wins. The streak cannot end. And Shawn needs time away. His great matches will be misssed, but overall I will not be pleased if Michaels is victorious here.

WWE Title. John Cena vs. Batista The build to this match prior to last week was unbelievable. WWE actually made me care about this storyline and match which I generally would not because I hate both of these guys. They dropped the ball by having batsita run away on raw tho. The promos by dave and john were great, but the go home angle for this match reverted some of the interst for me.. Oh ya, Cena wins.

World Title. Edge vs. Chris Jericho The build has been poor. The given stroyline ignored. And the actualy storline sucks. Yet I still have INCREDIBLE interest in seeing these two go. Two Candians for me is huge in one of the top matches at Mania. I would like to see Jericho win, and I think he will. Christian may cash in and take the belt.

No Holds Barred. Bret Hart vs. Vince Bret Wins. If he doesn't. No point to the storyline and the fans are cheated. Also a terrible booking decision. So, Bret Wins

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk CM Punk wins this match because it makes tons of sense storyline wise. These two are not done fueding and I think WWE has done a phenomenal job building most of the matches and I think Punk needs to win to further this one. Possible match of the night.

HHH vs. Seamus If HHH wins, Seamus is a goof. If HHH wins, Seamus is made to look like a jobber. If Seamus wins, NOTHING bad happens to HHH. I sincerely hope Seamus wins, and I hate Seamus. But I have somewhat changed my opinion on him with this storyline. Seamus wins.

Legacy Triple Threat. Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes This sotryline is aweful. The ball has been dropped huge. I do think Orton wins just because he needs it after being so terribly booked for the last 2 months.

Tag Team Championship. MizShow vs. John Morrison and R-Truth Who cares. MizShow retain

MITB the weakest lineup to date for this match. I can only see Christian or McIntrye winning. Booking logic would go with Mcintyre and so would Vince's lust for big men. BUT I still see Christian winning this match.

This has been an incredibly built Wrestlemania. It is the most stacked card since Wrestlemania 19. And has the chance to be the best Mania since 17. Here's hoping because last year's was an atrocity.
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
This is the only match where it's going to be really hard to make any predictions on. Because so much of it depends on who the WWE and WHC champs are at the end of the night. but I'll do it like this:

If the winners at the end of the night are;
Batista and Jericho: Then either Kofi or Christian will win it. They were obviously testing the waters between Kofi and Batista with their match last week, so I believe Kofi is the only person who could feasibly cash in on Dave. And in my opinion, if Christian wins it, he will cash it in on Jericho.

John Cena and Edge:
Drew McIntyre or Jack Swagger MIGHT win it. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Drew McIntyre wins it, But that would mean he could come out the end of the night as both IC and WWE/WHC champ. But stranger things have happened. And I'm afraid if Swagger wins it, he will come out after Cena wins, probably to be the first person ever to lose his MITB cash-in. Which would be so shitty.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
I'm gonna go against my first instinct here and say that Mysterio will win this. Cuz honestly, I want this feud to go on past mania, and that would be harder to do IMO if Rey has to join the SES.

Orton vs. Dibiase vs. Rhodes
Orton will most likely win this match. But my heart says Cody. He needs this victory more.

HHH vs. Sheamus
Sheamus obviously. He actually needs this victory and this would be a completely meaningless link in the chain of HHH's WM victories.

Mr. McMahon vs. Bret Hart
Another no brainer. Bret. Big send off, YADA YADA YADA.

ShowMiz vs. Truth & Wisdom
ShowMiz. Answer me this, what chemistry do R-truth and JoMo have? None? That's what I thought.

Taker vs. Michaels II
Look we all know the streak will never end. And the sooner we come to grips with that, the better.

Batista vs. Cena
If this match happens before Jericho vs. Edge, then Batista will win it. Vince typically sends us home happy with the actual M.E. But if this match is last and Batista STILL wins, then you'll be hearin some "SOS" if you catch my drift.

Jericho vs. Edge
Again, If this is last, then Edge will win without anyone cashing in on him. If this is last and Jericho wins, Christian will cash in.
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