WM 26 Predictions

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Edge vs Jericho - Jericho wins smackdown elimination chamber, and edge challenges him.

HHH vs HBK vs Taker vs Cena - HHH wins title at elimination chamber, his tension with HBK gets addressed, HBK's need to face taker is addressed, Cena needing to be in a big mania match is addressed.

Vince vs Bret Hart - Batista special enforcer.

Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase - Dibiase elimates orton in the elimination chamber, legacy break up, wm match.

MITB - Morrison, Mcintyre, R Truth, Matt Hardy, Kingston, Sheamus, Swagger, Rhodes, Bourne and Benjamin (benjamin is always involved)
OK, here goes...

Taker-HBK. Personally, I think this match(unfortunately) HAS to happen. I see Shawn costing Taker the title at EC making him the heel, and this match will be on its way. However, I can't see it being better than last year's match.

HHH-Sheamus for WWE Title. I am not sure which one of these two goes in as champ, lets just say it's Sheamus. This is supposedly what HHH wants, so this is what HHH will get. People will complain that these two shouldn't headline Wrestlemania, but Taker-HBK and my next match will be the TRUE headliners.

Edge-Jericho for WHC. Jericho will get the belt at EC due to interference by HBK or Edge. Storyline wise, Edge wants to face Jericho. He has already lost to Taker at Mania before(as he eluded to on Raw), so maybe he will make sure that he gets his chance against Jericho. No matter how WWE gets to this match, it will be a classic. This should be the show closer.

Punk/Gallows-MizShow for Tag Titles. Not much to say here. I love the Miz. I think Punk is the best thing going on Smackdown, and maybe even the entire WWE right now. I LOVE his messiah/cult-like gimmick and he is money on the microphone. This won't be great, but it will give them something to do.

Batista/Vince-Cena/Bret. I see this being a legit tag match. Obviously, Bret is very limited in what he can do. As is Vince. In fact, ALL of these guys are pretty limited whether it's due to injury (Bret, Cena) or talent level (Vince, Batista). This will be a brawl with Cena taking most of the work for his team. With Cena coming out last night after the cameras were off, it makes this match, in some fashion, a lock.

Diva's match of some sort. This will be bathroom break/food/stretching time.

Christian-Regal for ECW Title. Not sure if this will happen, but as of now I can't think of anything else. Christian needs to drop the belt either before Mania or at Mania do he can be drafted to another show. Regal would make a good champ, especially if they are going to revamp ECW. A heel champ with a bunch of young guys chasing him makes sense.

DiBiase-Orton. This one will start to really take shape at EC when DiBiase eliminates Orton.

McIntyre-Hardy. I think that the Morrison/McIntyre matchup would be great for Mania, but that feud CANNOT keep going until Mania. Couldn't secide between Hardy or R-Truth, but just a gut feeling that Hardy will be McIntyre's next feud.

MITB-Kofi, Morrison, Kane, Bourne, Rey, R-Truth, Swagger & Yoshi. I am not 100% sure on the entrants. Kofi is pretty much a given as is Morrison I think. Kane is a solid filler as this match usually needs one large wrestler. Yoshi is the only ECW guy that makes sense to me. Shelton has been there before, and although he is great in these matches, it might be time to finally throw in the towel on Shelton. He is a fantastic athlete, but he is going nowhere. That is probably a topic for another time. Swagger has actually been impressive lately, so I would like to see him in here. Bourne just makes sense because he can pull off some great spots. Rey, because he won't have much else to do if I am right about the Tag Title match. R-Truth because he is over, for whatever reason, and can do some nice things in a match like this. Most people are picking Kofi, I will pick Morrison. Just a hunch. Now, if HBK ends up in this match...

Now, I am sure that 2 weeks from now I will probably think much differently. However, this is how I feel today.
If I were booking WM26:
World Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

We all know these two will give us another classic in the desert. On the big stage, we know they won't mail it in. These two are the standard bearers of the WWE. And the storyline WWE is building right now is potentially great: HBK obessing over his shot at Taker, getting more frantic and desperate at each road block being thrown in his way. Personally, I would have Michaels qualify for the Smackdown Elimination Chamber and have Taker drop the belt to HBK there. Instant rematch clause goes into effect, Taker/Michaels happens, Deadman goes 18-0, crowd goes apeshit ( Haters on this match, 1 question:The fuck's your damage, you smarky little shits?)

WWE Title: Triple H vs Edge vs Sheamus

This one is actually a fresh idea. Would like to see Edge/Jericho, but not at WM. I want a long war of survival between these two. Shmoz ending at EC, double pin between Sheamus and Trips. Title is declared vacant, and you got an interesting match here. Sheamus,for his short tenure in WWE, has been overly impressive, and has the most unforgetable look this side of Andre the Giant . Trips can deliver the goods in this match,and Edge turns in MVP performances ( and is the BEST, tied with Shawn Michaels, at making his opponets look like a million bucks, going today. No arguements, won't listen.)at will. and I'd have Edge go over, working the injury comeback angle ala Trips at WM 18.

No DQ Tag Team Grudge Match: John Cena & Bret Hart vs Batista & Vince McMahon

If this match is done right, it could be really entertaining. Cena & Batista help carry the match for Vince and Bret, while those two can tell a compelling story. The real life backstory of the heat between Bret and Vince lends makes this match must see. Heard the idea of Stone Cold as guest ref, but think that would be overkill. Bret and Vince need to be centerstage on this one, and Austin would steal too much of the thunder. Finish has to be Vince tapping out in the Sharpshooter.

Ted DiBiase vs Randy Orton with Cody Rhodes

The potential breakout performance of The Million Dollar Man Jr. With a movie to promote and Legacy going nowhere, the DiBiase face turn seems the way to go. With the attack at the Rumble, Orton will stew for a bit, reassuring Legacy that all is well. Have lead up to Elimination Chamber with DiBiase bailing out Orton from a beating, then in the Chamber have Ted Jr nail Orton with Dream Street. Randy goes nuts, nails DiBiase with a RKO, banishing him from Legacy the same way Randy was booted from Evolution. Finish with Orton nailing an RKO on Ted after a back and forth match. Hey, Heels gotta shine at WM too.

Hair vs Mask Match: CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Have heard this match floated about, and I love the idea. Punk is hitting on all cylinders at the moment with the Straightedge Society angle, and he's got as much if not more heel heat as anyone in WWE right now. And Rey, of course, is the ultimate face. These two have the potential to put on a show stealing match, and the Hair vs Mask match makes for a great twist. Have Punk make disparging remarks about Rey's Wellness suspension, mocking him and the crowd about their dependence on chemicals. Rey falls on his sword, endearing himself further to the WWE Universe. Finish comes with Rey going over, and Punk going bald. To further this feud, have Punk and Gallows go Brutus the Barber on some jobbers.

Chris Jericho vs The Big Show:

The best option for two underappreciated Superstars. Jericho laments the loss of his former tag team. Show wants to move on, but getting nowhere. Both blame the other, leading to a match. They deserve better, but right now this is best match possible for them.

ECW Title: Christian vs Rob Van Dam with Guest Referee Tommy Dreamer

Total dream match here. I know that it will not happen, but it'd be a bitching match. Have RVD come back and attack ECW for losing its "Extreme". Christian comes to its rescue, with a title match ensuing. Extra bonus would be RVD bringing in Dreamer to join him, Dreamer's conscience kicks in, guest refs the throwdown. Other than that, no other ideas for ECW. But they need some sort of showcase for Christian.

WWE Women's Title & Diva's Title Unification Match: Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix vs Gail Kim vs Maryse vs Michelle McCool vs Kelly Kelly

Gotta have a Divas match, folks. Accept it. And two women's titles is one to many for me. Unify the Belts, ala the tag belts. Mickie, Beth, or Maryse going over would be fine. Could give a shit less about this match, but gotta have one at WM.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs the Miz vs Drew McIntyre vs Jack Swagger vs Shelton Benjamin vs MVP vs John Morrison

Morrison goes over, starting a main event run for the Guru of Greatness.
I know guys like Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy, etc are left out. Maybe a dark Battle Royal.
This is my booking. Sorry they weren't all fleshed out. Feel free to Cheer or Jeer them, whatever. Hope to hear some more interesting bookings.
World Championship

Undertaker (champion) vs. HBK vs. Triple H

I see this becoming a triple threat with Undertaker winning to take the streak to 18-0. Michaels challenges Edge at EC for the title shot and wins. Triple H's increased frustration with Michaels leads him to challenge Michaels and leads to the triple threat setup. Expect DX to lose the tag titles on RAW next week to increase the tension.

WWE Championship

Cena (champion) vs. Batista

Cena will win the Elimination Chamber by beating Sheamus to finish the match. Cena then will get the win over Batista at WM. After Batista beat Cena cleanly at Summerslam 2008, I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena get the clean win.

Edge vs. Jericho

Wouldn't be surprised to see Michaels challenge Edge to a match at EC for the right to face the Undertaker. Michaels probably will attack Edge to get him to agree to the match. Jericho then interferes at EC, costing Edge the match and setting up Jericho vs. Edge at WM.

Bret Hart vs. Vince

Obviously Bret's health is a concern. Might see a really short match with Bret quickly locking in the sharpshooter and getting his revenge.
WM26 - Here I Go

Chris Jericho vs. Edge

The match was talked about. Jericho wins the title in the Chamber Match and then Edge will challenge him.

Sheamus vs. Triple H

The match was rumored & besides where else would Hunter be?? DUHH!!

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Don't understand why & suppose will I'll never will. They planted seeds for what looked like Cena/Taker & HBK/HHH but now they killed it. Don't want the streak to end nor do I want Shawn to lose to Taker twice. Sucks both ways. Shawn will probably somehow cost Taker the title in the Chamber pissing him off & therefore making him accept the challenge to finally stop HBK's saddness.

Batista (w/ Vince McMahon) vs. John Cena (w/ Bret Hart)

What just happened on Raw pretty much nailed that one.

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase

It was rumored & this fued will start in the Chamber. Cody could be the Ref.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

The match was talked about & no doubt we know whose gonna win this one

Big Show & The Miz vs. MVP & Mark Henry

Show & Miz will become Champs in the 3 Way on RAW next week & I can't think of any other Team that fits better.

Shelton Benjamin, Christian, Kane, John Morrison
Matt Hardy, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston & Jack Swagger

Anybody besides Truth & Swagger I would like to win this


Excuse Me, I'll be in the bathroom
After the Rumble, and the Raw following the rumble, I am convinced of the following matches:

1. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
2. John Cena w/Bret Hart vs. Batista w/ Vince McMahon
3. WWE Title: HHH vs. Sheamus
4. World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
5. Mask vs. Hair: Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
6. Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase
8. Micky James vs. Maryse

Now, I think taker michaels II is dumb and Sheamus has absolutely NO place in the main event. I also do not think Dibiase is over enough for such a huge match and that Orton would get cheered as the babyface. If Edge faces anyone other than Jericho it will be a huge disappointment to the card.

HHH vs. HBK, Taker Cena and Hart McMahon in a one on one match would be ideal, but I am always unimpressed with the final card as I think they always drop the ball.
My picks have changed a lot since I first started to predict the card a few months ago, but now some matches seems fairly obvious.

1) Intercontinental Championship (Hardcore Match): Drew McIntyre(C) VS Matt Hardy VS Finlay VS Dolph Ziggler

Reasons: Not all the mid-carders can get into MITB, so give some guys a match that means something.

2) Mask VS Hair Match: Rey Mysterio VS CM Punk (w/ Straightedge Society)

Reasons: Punk shaves his head to go with the whole "straightedge society" gimmick, Mysterio puts his mask on the line yet again.

3) Money In The Bank: Kofi Kingston VS Evan Bourne VS John Morrison VS Shelton Benjamin VS Christian (HEEL) VS Cody Rhodes VS Carlito VS The Miz

Reasons: Self-explanatory. They can all be entertaining in this match.

4) Ms. Wrestlemania II Battle Royal

Reasons: Unless we get Beth Phoenix VS Natalya, this is a definite, but I don't see that happening.

5) Ted Dibiase VS Randy Orton

Reasons: The feud's already starting.

6) WWE Championship: Sheamus(C) VS Triple H

Reasons: Triple H will get screwed at EC and do something to get a 1 on 1 rematch. And creative already has it as a go. Am I thrilled about it?...not really.

7) John Cena (w/ Bret Hart) VS Batista (w/ Vince McMahon)

Reasons: I saw this match coming from a mile away, as soon as the Rock turned down the offer. (big surprise)

8) The Undertaker VS Shawn Michaels II

Reasons: I'd rather 'Taker face Cena, but this will still be a great one again.

9) World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho(C) VS Edge

Reasons: HBK will cost Taker the title to Jericho at EC, Edge will choose Jericho.
As you all saw on Monday Night Raw, Batista helped Mr. McMahon by beating up Bret Hart. The week before that, John Cena made Vince McMahon bring Bret Hart back to Raw to confront him.

Now we are assuming, Jericho will face Edge and Undertaker faces Shawn Michaels.

There is a good chance that these two need to get into a big match so why not have them face each other with Vince and Bret in their respective corners.

I think it will be a good match and with the Bret/Vince angle alongside it I think it could be a classic.
Welp this is far as I can tell

Bret Hart / John Cena Vs Mr.Mcmahon / Batista

Apparently we are going the "representitive route" with the Bret Hart - Vince thing, which is a bit of a let down and a releif at the same time. We all want to see Vince get his ass whipper by Bret, but we dont want to see Bret getting hurt at the same time. I also think using this feud to further a program with Batista and Cena is a total waste, as Batista-Cena is absolutely big enough to sell on its own. Especially if its for the title, being that Batista went over Cena clean a couple years ago. I really hope they just use the Bret - Vince thing as a catalyst to start the feud with Cena and Batista, and not the whole thing. A Cena - Batista feud given their current characters, and various motivations behind them, could be magnificent.

WHC - Chris Jericho Vs Edge

Yea, I said it. Rather simple really. For one, this is the WWE's current longest running story arc. For two, they absolutely foreshadowed it tonight on SD, with some opening promos that spoke to bigger things occuring later. Also, when the WWE wants to get someone over 110% face, they have them go at Chris Jericho. Its also obvious to me, since they put Jericho in the elimination chamber, so clearly, they wont be resolving this feud at the EC show. I see HBK costing Taker the match somehow, and Jericho coming out on top, with a great build ensuing between Edge and Jericho after that.

HBK Vs Undertaker

they have been pretty clearly teasing a heel turn for Shawn the last couple weeks, or at least a semi heel turn. All the talk about how obsessed he is with killing the Undertaker, ending the streak. Welp, he is going to resort to the most dastardly of deeds to get it. He iwll cost Taker the title, and continue to test him, until Taker finally accepts his challenege, seeking revenge.

Ted Dibiase Vs Randy Orton

This one is more of a wild guess, but one im pretty sure about. The decension has been building for weeks, and it appears Ted is the guy they are going with for the BIG push first. I can see them having major interaction, and possibly the utter destruction of Legacy at the EC PPV.
So, NorCal, are you predicting DiBiase will win the title at, uh, Elimination Chamber? Or Orton? Or either?

Should they set up Orton/DiBiase for WrestleMania, I reckon that Orton should definitely win the belt first at Elimination Chamber. Then DiBiase should beat Orton for the belt at WrestleMania. New babyface champions - that's what WrestleMania's all about, isn't it?
I know we all have heard possible matches that have been made after Edge won the 2010 Royal Rumble and I know its hard to speculate what's going to happen being this "Elimination Chamber" pay-per-view will pretty much narrow down what WILL happen at mania. Lets way some options over the so called "planning" the WWE has made.

Edge 2010 Royal Rumble Winner:
(Possibility of facing Jericho at WM26 if Jericho becomes champion)

The whole Bret Hart Vs. McMahon might put Cena and Hart vs. McMahon and Batista together if Hart can't work a single match.

Granted if Edge doesn't face Jericho if Jericho doesn't hold the title after Elimination Chamber...then (Edge vs. Sheamus?) there were rumors about Edge moving to RAW...don't know how soon thats going to be...but that could be a possibility due to the storyline.

If Taker retains the WHC at EC, we COULD see another HBK v. Taker 2, but seeing that Taker is actually working through "nagging and serious injuries", would it be right to take the title off of him? We seen a lot of bickering about HBK's obsession with The Undertaker with HHH in the middle. HBK's frustration might lead to HBK vs. HHH at Mania. Seeing how HHH and HBK are defending their titles in the 3 way, they might pull the belts off of them and give it to Punk and Gallows. Since Punk has a program going with the "Straightedge Society", it would make sense to give them credit in capturing the belts due to HBK's frustration and it will lead into a conflict between HBK and HHH.

If Sheamus retains...where does this leave Orton?

(I personally believe Sheamus will be in WrestleMania but not as a champion, more like MITB)

Something might occur where Orton or DiBiase (shockingly) will win the WWE title at EC and this will bring a build up to them facing off at Mania.

Give your probabilities.

Edge vs Jericho (WHC)
Orton vs Dibiase (WWE title)
Cena vs Batista/Hart vs McMahon (or combination)
MITB - Morrison, Kingston, Mysterio, Sheamus, Rhodes, R-Truth (or a combination of different wrestlers).
Taker vs ? (could be Sheamus?)

Give predictions...
I've actually been thinking Cena & Brett vs Vince & Batista is a distinct possibility following this past RAW. Unless there's some divine intervention & The Rock decides to come back to face Cena, I'm going to guess we'll either see that tag match or a singles match between Cena & Batista. *IF* The Rock does make a return, where would that leave Batista? Which brings me to...

...Edge. Unless Jericho gets the belt at EC, I'd say the most probable match would be Edge vs Sheamus, who could very well might wind up defending against...

...HHH. If not Sheamus, maybe Batista? It's been a while since they've faced each other. But again, that would ride on The Rock coming back to fight Cena. The only other likely match for HHH would be against HBK, but going by all the reports, we're almost definitely getting HBK/Taker Part 2.

Which brings us to Orton. All the rumors point at Legacy imploding, resulting in Orton vs DiBiase. That hardly qualifies as a WM level match. A triple threat would be a slight improvement & it would give Cody something to do other than MITB. Personally, I'd rather see Orton vs Edge vs Sheamus for WWE title, but that's about as likely as The Rock coming back.

Then there's the talk of Rey vs Punk. I just hope they start building towards it soon, because that's got the potential to be one of the best matches on the card.

What I think the card will look like:

Vince vs Brett
Cena vs Batista
HHH vs Sheamus
Orton vs DiBiase vs Rhodes
Edge vs Jericho
HBK vs Taker
Rey vs Punk
Miz vs MVP

What I would like to see:

Vince vs Brett
Edge vs Orton vs Sheamus
HBK vs Taker
HHH vs Batista
Cena vs The Rock
Rey vs Punk
Rhodes vs DiBiase
Miz vs MVP
So, NorCal, are you predicting DiBiase will win the title at, uh, Elimination Chamber? Or Orton? Or either?

Should they set up Orton/DiBiase for WrestleMania, I reckon that Orton should definitely win the belt first at Elimination Chamber. Then DiBiase should beat Orton for the belt at WrestleMania. New babyface champions - that's what WrestleMania's all about, isn't it?

Were tthe fuck did I say anything about a title being involved? This will simply be personal, the birth of a new superstar sorta thing. No title.
Hey everyone been along time since I have postEd on here so here I go

since the end of last year I have had many diffrent ideas of what should happen but I now think I have a good card that ivehould love to see

world heavy weight championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs edge
look at the rumble when edges music hit the showed jerichos look first and it was edge who took Jericho out if the rumble, there little meetings this past Friday showed that this is the way the www is going which means Jericho wins st EC

wwe championship
sheamus (c) vs HHH
I've heard rumors this match is going go happen and have also read that people don't want the game in the main event again and I'm amthe same but on on condition he is there to give the rub to sheamus this win whould show be huge fir the up and commer and finally be taken seriouslly

HBK vs taker 2
I loved there match last year and should never be done again on the big stage but cause of the first two matchs I have got I see noughing else for these two the only thing j like diffrent is the angle and the possible heel turn from hbk those two things will make it diffrent but not by much and the result will be the same

this next one will be either two one on one matchs or a tag match, I'm going with the tag angle just because of harts health so now know what match I'm talking bout

cena and Brett hart vs Batista and Vince ( no holds barred tornado stile)
this whould be Vince hiring mussel to do his work I really don't need to get into storyline cause everyone knows the history and cena will step up and rake on the boss

cm punk vs Rey ( hair vs mask match)
every knows punk is saving us bringing us to straight edge and we know Rey just had a month off if the wwe are smart they will use both in the story and we can have punk say that he knows that Rey is assamed that's why he hides behind a mask and to save him he needs to take that mask off

Ortpn vs ted
this match has been in the making and I whould love to see it and whould love to see Ted go over. The only thing I don't know is how Cody is going to get involved andhe will

money in the bank
drew vs Morrison vs christain vs kofi vs ziggler vs Shelton vs Kane
I don't know who should win this year

womans championship
Mickie (c) vs Beth vs Michell
I can see the same angle going on and then also go towards Beth with Michell saying she ahold be in the mend division and have Beth play the tweener role it whould be an awsum match

last match I was thinking if the wwe cam keep it together is mix vs MVP for the us title

tells us what u think
Wrestlemania 26 Card

WWE Championship
"WWE Champion" Sheamus VS Christian --» Why this fight? The ECW will end and the Christian should get out, nothing better than a title match at Wrestlemania

World Heavyweight Championship
"Chris Jericho VS Edge --» Jericho wins the EC and Edge challenges Jericho to a match at Wrestlemania

Single Match
Shawn Michaels VS Triple H --» I think the fight HBK VS Taker will not happen again and as the Royal Rumble Shawn Michaels Triple H eliminated and probably they will lose the titles the next Raw, there will be some kind of tension between the two, which would make a great match at Wrestlemania

Streak Match
Undertaker VS CM Punk --» I do not think everything was clear when they had their feud and nothing better than this for the fight 18-0, as the character of punk is all about to a great storyline

Legacy Match
Randy Orton VS Ted DiBiase with Cody Rhodes --» This match is almost confirmed after the attack on Randy Orton for two, you just need to know which side is Cody Rhodes turns face and joins Ted and continues on the side of Randy

No-DQ Match
John Cena with Bret Hart VS Batista with Vince McMahon --» Fighting to end the history of the Montreal Screwjob, a fight that can get to the story, but a classic for sure to stay in the history of Wrestlemania

Money in The Bank
Shelton Benjamim VS Kofi Kingston VS Carlito VS Rey Mysterio VS Morrison VS Drew McIntyre VS R-Truth VS Matt Hardy --» Nothing to say about this match

USA Championship
"Usa Champion" The Miz VS MVP --» Return the title of the USA to Wrestlemania in a match which can be quite good, with two excellent wrestlers

Women's Championship
"Women's Champion" Mickie James VS Michelle McCool VS Beth Pheonix --» Can give a good fight between these three divas

Order of battles
1. The Miz VS MVP (USA Championship) - Winner: The Miz
2. Money in the Bank - Winner: John Morrison
3. Randy Orton VS Ted - Winner: Randy Orton
4. Sheamus VS Christian (WWE Championship) - Winner: Christian
5. Mickie James VS Michelle McCool VS Beth Pheonix - Winner: Mickie James
6. Undertaker VS CM Punk - Winner: Undertaker
7. John Cena with Bret Hart VS Batista with Vince McMahon - Winner: John Cena
8. Triple H VS Shawn Michaels - Winner: Shawn Michaels
9. Chris Jericho VS Edge (World Heavyweight Championship) - Winner: Edge


PS: Sorry for my bad English
World Heavyweight Title- Jericho (c) vs. Edge- This is pretty much a foregone conclusion that this match will take place and rightfully so, Jericho has been carrying the company all year basically working 2 shows a week and deserves to main event a mania plus these two can tear the house down.

WWE Title- HHH (c) vs. HBK- HHH is getting upset with HBK's obsession with the taker so this match will stem from that. I also think HHH wants a classic Wrestlemania match. He seems to be in a title match every year that stinks cause HBK has already stolen the show, see mania 21,24,25... and there other mania match basically never happened in wwe's mind.

Taker vs. Shemus. I think there would be a real chance that Shemus would win as he has already been pushed a lot and he could live off this forever. I hope taker would win but this would help built Shemus.
Edge v. Jericho (WHC) - Obvious this is going to happen, Jericho hopefully retains because you cannot put a title on him and take it away a month later. Edge can win at Backlash.

Sheamus v. HHH (WWE) - Not sure how they are going to get there but i've heard this is likely, hopefully Sheamus retains although I see HHH winning, setting up HHH v. Michaels in the future.

Hart/Cena v. McMahon/Batista - Batista was on McMahon's side against Trump and has nothing really, nor does Cena, so a rematch with the two would be great, but it's Cena's turn to win, which coincides with Hart putting the Sharpshooter on Vince for the win.

Undertaker v. Michaels - Of course it's going to happen, hopefully Taker wins.

MITB - Swagger, Kofi, Christian, McIntyre, Shelton, Punk, Miz, Morrison - Winner being Christian, who heels and challenges Edge down the road. There are loads of guys who could go in this match though.

Orton(w Cody) v. Ted - Ted getting the win and pushing into the ME picture maybe?

Rey v. Punk (hair v. Mask) - Punks wins hopefully.

Beth v. Mickie (Title) - Beth hopefully destroys Mickie.
NXT Title Match: Yoshi defeats Ryder, both of these guys stay on NXT, Yoshi wins a battle royal for title, Ryder wins #1 Contenders match, but loses at Mania

ECW Title Match: Christian keeps title and goes to Raw with it, Christian defeats Koslov, Regal, Jackson, Swagger, and MVP in Extremes Rules Match

US Title Match: Cody Rhodes defeats Orton and Dibiase in Hell in a Cell triple threat match

IC Title Match: Kane defeats McIntyre, Morrison, and Ziggler in Fatal Fourway

Divas Unification title match: Mickie James defeats Maryse

WWE Title match: Sheamus defeats HHH and HBK, HHH hits pedigree on Sheamus, HBK breaks up the pin, hits sweet chin music on HHH, turns around to big boot by Sheamus and Sheamus pins HBK. HBK walks out punching camera guys and security guards.

MITB: Punk vs Shelton vs Bourne vs JTG vs R-Truth vs Kofi, Kofi is about to grab title when HBK comes out and tips over ladder, hits sweet chin music on everyone and grabs the briefcase for the win.

Tag Team Title Match: ShowMiz defeats Gallows and Mercury. Joey returns and teams with gallows after Punk turned on Gallows hitting GTS before match starts.

Cena defeats Batista in Best of 3 Falls match. Batista gets 1st fall from Batista Bomb, Cena gets 2nd from AA, Cena counters Batista Bomb into a STFU and submits Batista for the win

Bret Hart vs McMahon in Street Fight, Batista comes out and interferes and teams with McMahon to beat up Bret, Cena comes out and makes save, and Attitude Adjusts Batista on steel steps. HBK comes and hits SCM on McMahon, Bret spits in Vince's face, punches him to bleeding, and locks in Sharpshooter, Vince submits, Bret spits in Vince's face again, and says he screwed Vince into signing a contract before the match saying the winner becomes the GM of Raw.

Taker vs Edge vs Jericho vs Mysterio in Tables elimination match for WHC title. Jericho starts right away by ripping of Mysterio's mask. Jericho is double teamed by Mysterio and Edge. Taker sets up table in middle and goes for chokeslam on Jericho thru table but it is countered. Mysterio goes for 619 on Jericho and hits it. He goes for the senton thing from the apron, but is caught in mid air by Taker and Tombstoned thru the table. Jericho goes for Codebreaker on Edge from the top rope thru the table, Edge jumps out of the way and jericho goes thru table. Taker picks up Edge and chokeslams him thru the table. Taker wins. He turns around and Batista is there, and he sends Taker thru the table. HBK comes out with MITB and challenges Taker for the title

HBK vs Undertaker for WHC title. Taker goes under the ring and pulls out a casket and makes it a Casket Match. They each hit 2 finishers on each other, but can't put them in the casket. Taker hits another Tombstone on HBK, pulls him over to the casket, opens it, and Hornswoggle pops out and attacks Taker. Kane comes out and chokeslams hornswoggle and they leave. Taker hits a big clothsline on HBK, but falls over the rope right into the casket outside the ring. HBK goes to close the lid on Taker, but the lights go out, and Taker appears right behind HBK and shoves him into the coffin and shuts the lid for the win. HBK says after the match that he will get his revenge on Taker, and turns heel, eventually winning the title, and having a rematch with Taker at WM27.
Based on what happen on RAW this is how I see the Raw side of the card shaping up. Of course I haven't read the smackdown spoilers yet. I might watch SD if nothing else is on that night.

I see HBK vs. HHH. I think the Elimanation chamber will further tensions between the 2 and I could see HBK cause HHH the title in the Chamber. This would set-up a Heel HBK vs. Face Triple H maybe put a 2 out of 3 fall match between the 2 depending on the time frame.

Orton vs Dibase
The Chamber PPV will further this feud into Mania and I think it would be a very good match between the 2 if given enough time and probably have Cody Rhodes in the corner of Orton for this match. I could see this feud esclate into some kind of gimmick match between the 2 at Summer Slam this feud has potential to put on some great matches, and promos between the 2.

I was thinking Miz was going to defend his U.S title but with him and Show winning the tag titles I don't think its going to happen. Miz will prob. defend on Raw the following night.

Of course Cena/Hart vs. Batista/ Vinny Mac. Probably a tag match cause I don't see how hart can put on a lengthy match with Vinny Mac cause of his strokes. Unless they do a street fight. Then they can have Batista vs. Cena as a grudge match based on Vinny mac trying to get Cena out of the picture so he can rid Hart once and for all. I think we will see promos between everyone and mind games until Mania. Then after mania I think this will lead to a Cena/ McMahon fued that concludes at SummerSlam. This way Cena stays out of the title picture for a bit. Gives other wrestlers a chance at the Title instead of the same 3 or 4 guys all the time.

I think a 4 way tag match for the titles between MizShow, Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust, Trent Barreta, Caylen Croft, and Straight Edge Society.

Shameus vs. Edge with Shameus retaining. I could see Edge somehow try and cost Shameus the title at EC PPV. I can see Shameus retaining at Mania and Edge goes back to Smackdown casue technically he was on Smackdown before getting injured and with the Rumble stip. he can go after whatever title he wants. This way he can fued with Jericho at SummerSlam for the title.

Smackdown side
Jericho vs. Undertaker in a title vs. streak match. I think Taker will retain becuase HBK I think is going to run in and cost Jericho the match and then we could have HBK vs. Jericho vs. Undertaker the next PPV after Wrestle Mania forgot the name of it. This way with the injuries Undertaker has been battling he doesn't have to get pinned to lose the title and he doesn't have to carry the match much cause you have 2 very good technical wrestlers, and you could say that Michaels or Jericho "Rid the deadman once and for all."

I.C. Title
R-Truth, Kane, Drew McIntyre, Matt Hardy in a 4 way.

Swagger, Morrison, Christian, Shelton, Rey Mysterio, Kingston.

Battle Royal for NXT title or number 1 contender.
Ezekiel, Zach Ryder, Evan Bourne, Curt Hawkins, Slam Master J, Kung Fu Naki, Jimmy Yang, Hurricane, Chavo, Santino, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, Yoshi Tatsu.

The Womens title I'm not sure don't really follow the women's division, could care less about it.

All together about 10-11 matches.
Well if the PPV looks like this. It might shape up to be one of the better wrestlemains in recent memory.
I love reading the news updates on the main site, and reading that the WZ staffers are completely 100% positive that HBK vs. Taker and Sheamus vs. Triple H are locks for Wrestlemanias. Remember last year, all of those locked matches? Cena vs. Orton, Edge vs. Triple H, and bam, the WWE switches shit up on what looks to be a lock.

So onto the Speculation game.

John Cena vs. Batista. If there is one match that is a lock, this match is it at this point. Now, whether this match becomes the focal point of the Bret vs. McMahon angle, or branches off of that is yet to be determined. These two have had a good match before at Summerslam, but now with Batista a heel, the match should be better.


Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon. The Giant Pink Elephant in the room at this point. Something will involve these two, but as said before, will it be a match with representatives for each man, or will it become a nasty street fight. I am concerned with Bret Hart in the ring, but he's a grown ass man. If the Hitman wants to go, he has earned that right.

The Royal Rumble Winner: Edge.
I read the locks on here that we are set for Edge vs. Chris Jericho. Logically the match is the best choice for the WWE. It has the ingrown storyline, and it has two guys that can flat out go in the ring. I'm not entirely against the idea that the WWE sneaks either CM Punk into this to make it a triple threat match, or goes the route of Edge vs. CM Punk altogether.

The WWE Title:
The WWE title is going to involve Triple H in some way, shape or form. I'm counting on Triple H winning the title at the Elimination Chamber. Sheamus has had his run, but I can't see the WWE letting this guy into the main event of Mania. The only way Sheamus is in this match is if he somehow retains, and then defends against Triple H. (If Sheamus is in the Main Event with Triple H, I don't want to hear Triple H fans defend the man and his back stage politics anymore).

The more likely scenario is HBK vs. Triple H. I know, the WZ staff seems to believe that Taker vs. HBK is an inevitability at this point, I don't see it happening. HBK vs. Triple H at mania has happened before, but thanks to ***** ****** its like it never happened. These two want their moment with each other, and quite frankly they should have it.

Next Man Up, who gets nailed by the Streak?

The Undertaker is a big wild card this year. There are no clear cut ways to go with this guy as of right now. Yes, everyone seems to think HBK vs. Taker is going to happen, I just don't see it happening.

My Candidates. Edge is the wild card. Depending on how the WWE books Edge at Mania, the Undertaker will get the fallout. If we see Punk as Champion, Chris Jericho is the likely opponent, if we see Jericho as champion, quite possibly Punk as a match.

However, my pick is we see Sheamus in this spot this year. Sheamus has friends backstage, and what better way to give the rookie more spotlight then by putting him in this match with the Undertaker. Now the interesting dynamic will be the backstage politics surrounding this match, but that's for another time.

Legacy, gone:
Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase I can see happening, the problem is, what to do with Cody Rhodes. Do you put Rhodes in this thing for a Triple Threat, or do you have him "injured" and ultimately choosing his fate by the end of this thing, who knows.

So my speculative card as of now.

World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
WWE Title: Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
Streak: The Undertaker vs. Sheamus
John Cena vs. Batista
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Some worthless Divas title match.
A Clusterfuck of a MITB
and something to do with the Tag Titles.
World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
WWE Title: Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
Streak: The Undertaker vs. Sheamus
John Cena vs. Batista
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Some worthless Divas title match.
A Clusterfuck of a MITB
and something to do with the Tag Titles.

This is pretty close to what I think about the Mania card but with some changes.

'Taker vs. HHH vs. HBK: I see HBK interfering in both Elimination Chambers, costing 'Taker the WHC and costing HHH the WWE title. I do have some reservations about having three such big names in the same match but with 'Taker's health problems, the growing tension in DX and not wanting to see the same Mania match two years in a row leads me to believe that this is more likely. A Triple-Threat may also be a good way to put the Streak under threat.

Chris Jericho vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship: this has been a feud in the making since Jericho's interview following Edge's injury. I expect Jericho to take 'Taker's title at EC with inadvertent help from HBK and then Edge to cash-in his RR win by taking on Jericho.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Vince McMahon: thirteen years in the making, the Montreal Screwjob finally has come full circle. I do have some reservations about Bret's health and Vince is hardly a spring chicken but the "no blood" rule should be lifted for this contest and we could have a street fight in the mould of Hogan/McMahon, HBK/McMahon and Shane/Vince.

John Cena vs. Batista: they had a decent face/face match 18 months ago and now with Batista an effective heel and their involvement in the Hart/McMahon feud, I think this could be a good contest.

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase Jr.: I think Ted will cause Randy's elimination at EC, leading to a match between the two with Cody caught in the middle and probably Ted Snr. who will be present for his Hall of Fame induction.

MITB Ladder Match: John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston: The usual clusterfuck of high risk and high impact. I would not mind at all seeing Punk win again with help from his flock and then aim his Straight Edge Crusade against the Rated R Superstar, although I would not mind seeing Punk have a high profile match at Mania.

Unfortunately, my card does leave Sheamus and the WWE title without an opponent. I don't see many other options aside from HHH or another rematch with Cena.
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1.Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship Match
WHC Chris Jericho vs Edge

Unless WWE pulls a huge bait and switch, this is going to be the main event of Wrestlemania. Edge won the Rumble, and after the events that took place on Smackdown last night, I could easily see Edge interfering in the chamber, along with HBK, costing Undertaker the title. Edges reasoning would be that he wants to face the ma who claims to be his "bad luck charm" and prove him wrong. Think about the promos these two would cut. That alone would make it an epic encounter and main event worthy. Edge wins his tenth world championship on the grandest stage of them all.

2. WWE Championship Match
WWE Champion Sheamus vs HHH

While Im not too thrilled about this match, this seems to be the direction theyre headed. Sheamus will likely emerge EC as the WWE champion, and will proclaim hes beaten everyone there is to beat, and he should get Wrestlemania off, after interupting the guest host. The guest host disagrees, and instead a no.1 contenders match is made, Randy Orton vs JohnCena vs HHH.
Batista gets involved, costing Cena the match, and interference by Dibiase and Rhodes backfire again, and HHH wins the match, and faces Sheamus at WM 26 for the belt.This leads to several other matches for WM being made, and also leads to HHH becoming a 14 time champ.

3. The greatest "Legacy" match"
Ted Dibiase vs Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton

This match comes as a result of Cody and Teds failed interference in Ortons above mentioned no.1 contenders match, and Orton subsquently beating them both down afterwards. Both challenge Orton to a match at WM, but Orton refuses, saying they are beneath him. The guest host disagrees, and makes a "fight for the right" match between Cody and Ted, with Orton interfering. Orton claims that since neither man won, hes not facing either. The guest host disagrees, and makes the match at WM a triple threat match, with the winner claiming the rights to the greatest legacy. Orton wins the match, as neither Ted nor Cody are ready for such a big victory. Afterwards, Cody and Orton beat down Ted, turning Ted face.

4. Interbrand Promotional Match
John Cena vs Batista

Batista is granted a shot at the WHC after the EC by VKM as his "compensation" for aiding Vince in his beatdown of Bret Hart. Batista again attacks John Cena in HIS no 1 contenders match to face Sheamus at WM, costing Cena the right to go to WM and face Sheamus. Cena returns the favor, attacking Batista in his WHC match, costing him the match. Batista finally agrees to "fight" John Cena at Wrestlemania. Cena wins here, returning the favor from batista beat him at Summerslam two years ago. I think this will be a surprisingly good match.

5.Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker

While this is surely main event worthy, and match of the year again, it will likely go on in between the two title matches. HBK interferes in the elimination chamber, or even attacks one of the participants (ala edge and kofi in 09) to enter the chamber himself. Either way, he costs the Undertaker the title, and if hes in the match, he comes up short, continuing his frustration and subsequent heel turn. Undertaer again refuses to face Michaels, and claims he will win back the WHC by enacting his rematch clause. Michaels interferes again, costing Taker the match, and Taker finally agrees to face Michaels at WM. Taker wins again, keeping the streak alive at 18-0.

6. Hair vs Mask Match
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk

I think this one is written in stone after the phenomenal match they had on smackdown last night, and the subsequent beatdown the SES put on Mysterio. I see punk explaining his actions as being a result of wanting to "save Mysterio" as he hides behind the mask of prescription medication and alcohol more then anyone, and wears a mask due to his shame. Mysterio points out the hypocrisy of Punk making his followers shave their heads, but not doing so himself. Mysterio eliminates Punk in the EC, and more beatdowns from the SES occur, until Mysterio challenges Punk to a one on one match wih no interference, with Mysterio putting up his mask, and Punk putting up his hair. Mysterio gets the win here, and shaves Punks hair at WM.

7. Street Fight
Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon

We all know Bret cant wrestle a normal match, which is why a street fight would be perfect for these two. It would eliminate Bret having to take many bumps, and would make the match more exciting to see Vince finally get his comeuppance. Bret locks Vince into the sharpshooter, Vince taps, the place explodes. While this wont be a technical marvel of any kind, this will be a fun match 12 years in the making with the match already having been laid out due o the excellent promo work of VKM and Hart, and Vinces line "You deserve to be screwed!"

8. MITB Ladder Match
Jack Swagger vs Matt Hardy vs John Morrison vs Christian vs Shelton Benjamin vs Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston vs R-Truth

This match will open the show as usual, and should be one hell of a fun trainwreck to watch. All men win qualifying matches on either Raw or Smackdown, and Christian wins here, signalling his subsequent heel turn, as thats the norm for all MITB winners. Fun opener, all the usual spots, Christian picks up the "W" and becomes the 6th Mr Money in the Bank.

9. Unified Tag Championship
ShowMiz vs Kane and MVP

Kane and Big Show have a long history as both partners and as opponents, and I think the MVP-Miz feud is one of the best things going on Raw. They need something for these four to do at WM, and leaving them of the card would be a mistake. MVP could proclaim hes found a partner to help him shut up Miz once and for all, and he brings out Kane. Through in Kane and MVPs storied past as rivals, and it adds even more intrigue to the match. Can they work effectively as a team given Kane set MVP on fire? Im going to say MizShow retains here, although thiswould be a nice "lifetime acheivement" award for Kane.

10. Unification Match
Divas Champion Maryse vs Womens Champion Mickie James

James is the most over female WRESTLER WWE has. It isnt close. Maryse is the best heel they have, with the best heel mannerisms from a diva ive seen in a long time. I think WWE will realize that having two champions has even further watered down a weak womens division, hence the unification of the titles. Mickie is the one who took Maryse out of action and into her "self-imposed exile" by beating her for the divas title, so we already have a backstory. The stipulation is that like the unified ta champs the womens champ can appear on either show. This is a toss up for me, so as a huge Mickie fan, Im going to go with her. She has he potential to have the best matches with divas on either brand, and can drop the title to Maryse later. Mickie wins here.

Most of these matches Im pretty sure are locks, while a couple I know are out in left field and may not take place. I just think the Legacy triple threat match could be very good if done properly and turn Ted effectively if done right. It would be a further burial of the tag straps if they left them off the card, and a huge mistake. Im sure they'll do something with the divas, and I sure as hell dont wont to see another battle royal to crown "Miss Wrestlemania 2".
Many are saying Dibiase-Orton for Mania but I think its weak unless Cody has some involvement in this. so this is how the card goes.

WHC Match- Chris Jericho vs Edge- Its on the cards unless the creative changes plans

WWE Championship- 3 on 1 Gaunlet- Orton vs Rhodes,Dibiase,Sheamus- I am serious with this. With Sheamus attack on Orton monday and the tension between Legacy this match is possible. This gives the trio some chance and not the boring Dibiase-Orton

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H- Writing's on the cards after Monday night(was actually thinking Michaels/Mcmahon vs HHH/Bret) but looks like its gong to be cena-batista.

Cena w/ Bret vs Batista w/ Mcmahon- bound to happen but it may be 2 seperate matches

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio (Hair vs Mask)- should happen after SES beatdown of rey. Can see mysterio going after punk at EC.


A divas match

ShowMiz vs ??????

can't find a slot for taker- maybe in the HBK-HHH match
I wish I had decided to sit down and make the time to make some predictions before the Rumble, and maybe even before TLC, because I'm certain they would have been completely different to the ones i'm gonna make now. And these predictions will probably be invalid after Elimination Chamber, but oh well here we go. :)

Wrestlemania 26 Predictions:

1. World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho(c) vs. Edge

- After a lot of thought, this match makes the most sense as there is a decent betrayal/revenge story behind it. Edge in the main event is a given, and Jericho deserves to be there with him. I think this match would have a great build-up as the two of them are two of the best on the mic and have tireless character portrayals. Not too concerned about who walks out the winner, just hope this happens as it will definitely provide on the big stage.

2. WWE Championship
Sheamus(c) vs. Kofi Kingston

- This is a wild prediction, but I think it's essential that it happens. The rest of the card is going to be a lot of high profile non-title matches, but that shouldn't overshadow this. People keep complaining about seeing the same old faces in the title picture at Mania, well this is something completely different. It's new and fresh, and has potential to maybe even steal the show. Sheamus will have the highlight of his career with a victory at EC, but Kofi Kingston's success will begin at Wrestlemania 26!

3. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

- Vinnie Mac's favourite, the triple threat match. I think this is a good way for Triple H to turn heel. Triple H NEEDS to be a heel once more, and getting fed up with HBK's whining and bitching about facing Taker at Mania should be the turning point. Also, a triple threat match will be good for Taker. It will be something new for him at Mania and it will also mean he won't have to carry the whole match, which will be good for his injuries. This match will be a great way to continue the streak and is a must happen before they hang up their boots.

4. Street Fight
Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart

- I think we all know that this is going to happen. I don't think it will be as good or brutal as Vince's match against Hogan at WM19, but is a great way to finally seal this feud for good and prevent any more mention of the god damn Montreal Screwjob. Vince tapping out to the Sharpshooter will be a classic moment for years to come. :)

5. John Cena vs. Batista

- This match had a sucky build-up when it happened at Summerslam 2008, but now that Batista is a heel, I think this match has potential to be a crowd pleaser. As much as I dislike John Cena, I think this will bring the best out of him. Again, not too concerned with the winner of this match, but you would expect Cena to walk out victorious.

6. Randy Orton (w/Bob Orton) vs. Cody Rhodes (w/Dusty Rhodes)
vs. Ted DiBiase (w/Ted DiBiase Sr.)

- The destruction of Legacy has been brewing since their formation, and I think this is a great way for either Rhodes or DiBiase to make a break into the main event picture. With their fathers in their corners, it will make this match doubly special, and considering Ted DiBiase Sr. is being inducted into the Hall of Fame this year I would expect Ted DiBiase to walk out as the winner.

7. Money in the Bank Ladder match
Christian vs. R-Truth vs. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Jack Swagger vs.
Evan Bourne vs. Zach Ryder (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. Ezekiel Jackson (w/William Regal)

- It's always hard to predict this match, but these are the 8 names I have decided on, with 4 faces and 4 heels. Ryder and Jackson are dubious selections as I expect they will go to Raw, and selecting from Raw's mid-card is hard to do. Other options for this match are Chris Masters, Carlito, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Kane and hate to say it but maybe Hornswoggle.

8. "Hair vs. Mask" match
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

- I'm not too sure about the stipulation, but I think this match should happen. With this stipulation, I cannot see Mysterio losing and I can see it being a huge crowd pleaser when CM Punk gets his head shaved. The Straight Edge Society will probably be banned from ringside and I bet Scott Armstrong will be the referee. 1...2...3! BALDY! BALDY!

9. Unified Tag Team Championships/United States Championship
Big Show & The Miz(c) vs. MVP & Mark Henry

- Basically, this will be a "Winner Takes All" type match. If ShowMiz wins, they retain the tag titles and Miz retains the US Title. If MVP & Mark Henry win, then they will win the tag titles and MVP will win the US Title. I think this would be a good opening match.

10. Miss Wrestlemania Battle Royale

- A filler/toilet break match. After last year I expect this will become a tradition now.
Alright. I love doing prediction cards. Now clearly we will not know until the Raw after Elimination Chamber what the final card will be. But I begin to make cards after Survivor Series (or whatever the ppv will now be called). So I will write the card I WANT mixed with what is possible. After the Chamber, it will be obvious.

1. Unified Tag Team Match: (C) Mizshow vs MVP and Mark Henry. This is logical with the MVP Miz fued. And Henry provides a big man for big show to work with as well. Mizshow retains
2. MITB - Winner will be Kofi Kingston, Morrison or Christian. This match could be very good match depending on who is in it. Either way I think you tie the rocket to Christian, Morrison or Kofi in this one
3. Women's Champion vs. WWE Divas Champion. Micky James vs Maryse. Unification if the belts would be spectacular, but i do not see it happening. Give Micky the win even though no one cares.
4. Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase. Possible special Referee Cody Rhodes. I can also see a triple threat here. But I hope it remains one on one because this is a great chance to have dibiase get a huge mania rub against orton. If they continue with the Orton Heel push going in to mania, they could even do a double turn by having Dibiase and rhodes destroy Orton leading to a face turn for Randy.
5. Mask vs. Hair: Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk If they go with anything other than this, I think it will be a disappointment. This could easily be the best macth of the night and I am very much hoping they build this angle for the show. I think they have already started by having the straight edge society beat down Rey. I'd like to see Punk go over.
6. Undertaker vs. Seamus I know this seams as a letdown because of the HBK build, but I really would prefer HBK vs HHH, so this is what I have for Taker. It keeps Seamus strong and gives the Undertaker another win.
Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon This is clearly what the WWE wants and what the fans want. It will only happen if Bret can work, but I think they will go ith the one on one scenerio.
John Cena vs. Batista Booking clearly indicates this match, and I think it is the only match currently set in stone. I persoanlly loathe both of these two, but it really is one of the only BIG matches WWE have left as they have only fought each other once two years back at Summerslam. Cena wins.
World Heavyweight Championship: (C) Chris Jericho vs Edge Ever true wrestling fan wants this. It makes sense booking wise. And will be a great match if given time. Chris Jericho can win to keep this fued going.
WWE Championship: (C) HHH vs. Shawn Michaels I hate HHH. and I am very sick of HBK. But these two never disappoint and have never faced off at mania. I also dislike Seamus and i think him in a title match at Mania would be a huge mistake. He has no heat. So get the belt on HHH and give HBK a big Wrestlemania moment, a title win, and another great match for the 26th installment of Wrestlemania.

IMO, there are two possible lineups for this years' show depending on what they do with HBK and taker. I have outlined the card I want with some solid reasoning. Now that being said, I do think ultimately they will go with Taker vs Michaels and HHH vs Sheamus. Which to me, is not the best. But I am waiting to see what the Elimination Chamber holds.
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