With Jenks Gone...

Seriously...I hope whenever I leave this earth, I get talked about as much as Jenks...I don't think my family even mentions grandpa as much as most people here are mentioning Jenks...lol. Even people on here seem to be talking about him like he's a legend of wrestling, or some famous movie star or singer who passed away, you'd think we were talking about Elvis or something like that...:confused:
newcomers don't post in The Cage and be a dick though.

For the most part that is.
Yeah well ask the guy to come in then bully him in like I got when I first started in the cage.

Can I take Jenks place?

Speaking of the Jenks treatmet, Hello Next Fuckwit.
I am guessing that would be me even though I changed my name . So how have you been you interbred scum? Done anything interesting or not
don't u know that violence leads to more violence Crashin? I'd have thought you would have seen the way that everyone layed the smack down on Jenks and would hoepfully have abstained from such non-sense. (Damn...when did I turn into a voice of reckoning? :banghead:)
BTW, I was the guy responsible for keeping Jenks in the green. Now that I've confessed, which one of you assholes is the one that keeps on giving 90s Guy green rep?
don't u know that violence leads to more violence Crashin? I'd have thought you would have seen the way that everyone layed the smack down on Jenks and would hoepfully have abstained from such non-sense. (Damn...when did I turn into a voice of reckoning? :banghead:)

Apparently in your futile quest to fuck Striker you have become wise. Oh great horny one, lead us to the promised land.
who was that directed at? Hopefully not me..all I asked was a simple question...

Well it was directed at me I use to be called Next Jericho and Crashing is a cunt

I nominate WIDE CHEEKS. Anyone who's name is in all caps is a cunt. No lyin.

This. He must be a stupid, black, *** it.
Jew and Twat

Now what the fuck have I done or Angel to you Cunt.
Like I've said before, rep doesn't mean anything to me. Green or Red, I come on here to express my opinion and discuss Wrestling with people. People nominating me as the forum troll doesn't really bother me, it makes me laugh to be fair. It's kinda sad.

It's a Wrestling Forum one minute, then it turns into a soap opera. I respect a number of people on here and like them, whereas there are some people that I don't really like. Those of you who I don't like, you know who you are. So without further ado, I don't care what you think of me. I come here to express my opinion, if you don't like it, let it go.

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