Will Undertaker ever come back?

Will Undertaker come back to the WWE?

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I absolutely, no matter how good the matches are, will be totally and utterly disappointed if this thing does not end in Vicky being put in the gogoplata (that seems to make the most sense) and being taken off tv permanently. She is god-awful and I'm sorry Eddie, God rest your soul, but there is a reason your wife wasn't on television with you the whole time. I don't hate her in a way that's good like hating a heel, but I hate her in the way the many people (not me) hate Cena. I have absolutely no idea why she is on television or gets as much air time as she does. The Edge/Lita thing was good and entertaining..this one just sucks. Edge doesn't need a woman with him to be good, he's fine on his own.

Now anyway..as a fan of the Undertaker and knowing that he's had a long reign coming to him, I am pissed. But from a storyline standpoint, this is genius. I disagree with most and seriously doubt this will be resolved at Judgment Day. I think the more likely scenario would be some kind of handicap match or gauntlet for the UT to earn back a shot at the title. The title could then be held up until ONS, or the GAB but I don't see it going past that. I think and hope Taker takes out Vicky during it and Teddy is GM again, and I think it ends in either a TLC or HIAC match with Taker vs Edge and Taker winning it to end the rivalry.
But just the fact of what WWE has done this week is great. I always watch Raw, but these days it isn't often that I am really anticipating it..though I was for the KoTR a couple weeks back, proceeded to shit all over it, but they did revive it with a Kennedy face turn and a feud that will advance both Regal and Kennedy. As for ECW and Smackdown..I watch but never really anticipate much, but I am rather anxious to see where these things are going. I really hope it isn't a quick thing and it's a real turnaround. Wrestlemania 24 was great, the Raw after was great..and then nothing. But this week has revived that on all 3 shows which is completely unprecedented and I hope they can manage to keep this momentum up and build on.
tho it maybe some bullshit, I'm surprised and actually ok with it. With the Draft about a month or 2 away, I could see Taker going to Raw to challenge a soon-to-be-heel HHH for the WWE title...enabling CM Punk & Edge to go at it for the WHC...Punk may just cash in that MITB case before the summer gets hotter. It'll be a good look. In the meanwhile, the last Taker/HHH storyline (leading into WM X-7) was too short, so a well-made, well-scripted and well-executed (but not overdrawn) rivalry between the WWE's 2 biggest names hands down (to hell with Cena, Orton's overrated & JBL is a joke) would definitely do some major good for Raw's ratings...as I said...as long as it is NOT overdrawn.

Thanks for reading...really.
Personally, I loved the way this was done b the WWE creative team. You have this "night of champions", and then just as ou thought you'd get to see Taker destro Khali for the umpteenth time, you get Vicki with this awful sounding but perfectly timed out promo. The way she drew out the words, made you hang onto every single one she said. If she had just come out and said it, it wouldve been terrible, but she slowly and cleverly drew the heat out the live fans. The fact that she sounds terrible on the mic only goes to help this. For the 1st time in weeks, I'm eagerly anticipating what happens on WWE programming next week...

1. What happened at the Orton v HHH match, will there be another rematch? What's Regal gonna be like this week?

2. Whos commentating ECW?

3. What are they gonna do with the WHC?

4. When will Carlito and Santino finally win the tag titles?

I see next week being a ratings boost for WWE. What have TNA got to bring to the table next week I wonder...
i think its a really good way to get the title back onto edge, it builds up his heel status and he doesnt have to do the same predictable cheat to win story line that gets stale.

with the raw thing i cant think of y reagle would do that exept to build up his heel status but what does that really have to do with wrestling its not like he helped the person he thinks would be easier to beat to win.

with E.C.W it leaves you guessing for the show and the WWE as a whole did they walk out as a shoot? Or did they just have enough maybe they finally thought of something better to do then watch the E.C.W matches if i was one of them i would of done it sooner.

all in all i cant wait for this weeks wwe i will be watching them all for the first time in ages just to see how all this plays out.
As much as I can't stand MC Junk, I think this could be a great way to make him a heel.

He shows up on SmackDown saying he wants to be the champion and since there is no Champion he'll cash in his MITB right now and just take the title.

Becomes and instant champ with no fight and then begins a feud with Taker. Anybody who fights taker is going to get some instant heel heat, and if Punk is as great a heel as everybody on this board says he can be, it could be a new and refreshing feud.

And after Taker ultimately comes out on top then Edge can be brought back into the picture after he feuds with MVP for the # 1 contender spot. A Heel vs Heel feud is usually entertaining IMO, I know a lot would probably disagree. But a feud with Edge could really help MVP elevate his status.

And Taker is the right guy to have in the center of all of this because he is that good and can really help push MVP and Punk into the main event.

As for Taker's long title reign, it still kind of counts, he didn't lose the title, it was taken from him. And he's obviously still the guy to beat on SD!, and he's going to get it back.
Thank you Uncle Sam. I couldn't think of a way to accurately describe Vickie. The ****** being asked to read aloud to the class is perfect!!!

Someone else brought up the draft. What makes anyone thin it's happening. It usually happens after WM. We're going to be two PPV's deep past WM and no one has even mentioned it on WWE programming.

This was an awesome week of wrestling. I loved Raw's ending, and I can't wait for tomorrow. I wish they would have done the screwy title stripping on Raw, because I am going to be fighting the urge to look at Spoilers all week.

I don't think there will be a TLC match. It makes sense, Edge's match vs. Taker, in what is definately not his thing. I hope if they do it, Edge wins and Jeff Hardy comes back, during the match that made them both famous, to take a run at Edge's belt. Otherwise, put them in a cage, leave Hardy on Raw, and get the belt back on Taker.
I hate these turn of events! I mean having the HHH match end like it did and then strip Undertaker of the belt? I hope they have Undertaker do what he and Kane did to Stephanie McMahon in the day. I know, I know that she is a heel, but this world class stupidity. Why is that Undertaker cannot have a title run? It seems it always ends short. So now I am betting that Edge will win the belt and do it without having to bet him by wrestling. Same bloody storyline for (it seems) each of his title runs.
I thought this angle was a bunch of b.s. Undertaker was supposed to have a long title reign last year but since he was injured I thought he was redoing he previous title reign. Taking the title from'Taker was stupid thing to do and I hope they are going somewhere with this.
I thought this angle was a bunch of b.s. Undertaker was supposed to have a long title reign last year but since he was injured I thought he was redoing he previous title reign.

Yeah, because just due to the fact that he was "promised" a long Championship reign, the world is suddenly coming to an end because plans change.

I hate to break it to you, but the Undertaker has been in this business for over a decade. As such, I'm more than sure he understands that sometimes when ratings drop, the situation calls for "extreme measures" and "radical" storylines. As a result, you're getting a shock-value stripping of the World Championship.. at which point I'm sure the Undertaker will once again end up with the title.

However, even if he doesn't (which is probably less likely) it won't be the end of the World. The Undertaker doesn't need the World Heavyweight Championship to get over with the fans. Hes barely held ANY titles in his very long career, and doesn't suddenly need to start now to get over.

Taking the title from'Taker was stupid thing to do and I hope they are going somewhere with this.

:rolleyes: Nope, they just planned on stripping him and now he won't ever get another chance to become World Heavyweight Champion. They never go anywhere with storylines. :p

OF COURSE they're gonna go somewhere with this. Every storyline (more or less) goes somewhere. And this one is revolving around the World Heavyweight Championship, so naturally its gonna be their biggest storyline on Smackdown. Don't worry.. as I said above, I'm sure Taker will return to being Champion.. and this is all apart of having him once again fight off the odds and chase the Championship.

EDIT: Infact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this is the storyline that takes Vickie Guerrero out of power, after its revealed (duh) that shes been using her position to only give Edge everything he wants.

The Vickie/Edge storyline is quite possibly run its course and needs to come to an end. Chances are, either Vickie will lose her spot and Edge will leave her.. or Edge will get tired of her not just GIVING him the Championship, and turn on her.
As much as I can't stand MC Junk, I think this could be a great way to make him a heel.

He shows up on SmackDown saying he wants to be the champion and since there is no Champion he'll cash in his MITB right now and just take the title.

Becomes and instant champ with no fight and then begins a feud with Taker. Anybody who fights taker is going to get some instant heel heat, and if Punk is as great a heel as everybody on this board says he can be, it could be a new and refreshing feud.

And after Taker ultimately comes out on top then Edge can be brought back into the picture after he feuds with MVP for the # 1 contender spot. A Heel vs Heel feud is usually entertaining IMO, I know a lot would probably disagree. But a feud with Edge could really help MVP elevate his status.

And Taker is the right guy to have in the center of all of this because he is that good and can really help push MVP and Punk into the main event.

As for Taker's long title reign, it still kind of counts, he didn't lose the title, it was taken from him. And he's obviously still the guy to beat on SD!, and he's going to get it back.

I think a Heel VS Heel feud is not the best option... who are you going to cheer??? usually the crowd gets lost... or are you going to turn someone face??? that's one big heel less... and also, that would be a feud between 2 guys who recently lost their titles and rematches... so out of nowhere they are #1 contender material??? also, the #1 contenders match is a 1 time 1 match 1 PPV feud... after that you have to move on... and you will have 1 heel who keeps losing and one #1 contender... what to do with the one who lost?? go for the US title?? that would be a step back for any of them (more for Edge)... go feud with Batista??? (the record with edge is like 14-0)

CM Punk also seems to be carrying the briefcase for someone else... Maybe I'm wrong, but last week (starting from backlash PPV) Punk didn't have a single match, not even on ECW... did he??? I even tought that someone on TNA had stolen it from him and cashed in for the X gimmick division title, or whatever is called... some tiny Scott Steiner-esque wrestler cashed in and won the title from Randy Savage Jr...

I read on WZ that the WWE Magazine hinted a Taker - Orton feud... again... so, we still have a pending draft, don't we??? what a best option to have Taker applying this gogoplata to everybody next friday so he pisses vickie of and then he is traded to Raw... ok this is just plain stupid... but wwe wise it can happen this way...
Yeah, because just due to the fact that he was "promised" a long Championship reign, the world is suddenly coming to an end because plans change.

I hate to break it to you, but the Undertaker has been in this business for over a decade. As such, I'm more than sure he understands that sometimes when ratings drop, the situation calls for "extreme measures" and "radical" storylines. As a result, you're getting a shock-value stripping of the World Championship.. at which point I'm sure the Undertaker will once again end up with the title.

However, even if he doesn't (which is probably less likely) it won't be the end of the World. The Undertaker doesn't need the World Heavyweight Championship to get over with the fans. Hes barely held ANY titles in his very long career, and doesn't suddenly need to start now to get over.

:rolleyes: Nope, they just planned on stripping him and now he won't ever get another chance to become World Heavyweight Champion. They never go anywhere with storylines. :p

OF COURSE they're gonna go somewhere with this. Every storyline (more or less) goes somewhere. And this one is revolving around the World Heavyweight Championship, so naturally its gonna be their biggest storyline on Smackdown. Don't worry.. as I said above, I'm sure Taker will return to being Champion.. and this is all apart of having him once again fight off the odds and chase the Championship.

EDIT: Infact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this is the storyline that takes Vickie Guerrero out of power, after its revealed (duh) that shes been using her position to only give Edge everything he wants.

The Vickie/Edge storyline is quite possibly run its course and needs to come to an end. Chances are, either Vickie will lose her spot and Edge will leave her.. or Edge will get tired of her not just GIVING him the Championship, and turn on her.

...and then I was really thinking about that..."the storyline that takes Vickie Guerrero out of power..." I kinda took a look at it for a second, but I doubt that they will actually do that anytime soon solely because TNA done sat there and had her brother-in-law Hector take on a position to help LAX win the TNA tag gold. Just an opinion...thanx 4 reading.
I think a Heel VS Heel feud is not the best option... who are you going to cheer??? usually the crowd gets lost... or are you going to turn someone face??? that's one big heel less... and also, that would be a feud between 2 guys who recently lost their titles and rematches... so out of nowhere they are #1 contender material??? also, the #1 contenders match is a 1 time 1 match 1 PPV feud... after that you have to move on... and you will have 1 heel who keeps losing and one #1 contender... what to do with the one who lost?? go for the US title?? that would be a step back for any of them (more for Edge)... go feud with Batista??? (the record with edge is like 14-0)

CM Punk also seems to be carrying the briefcase for someone else... Maybe I'm wrong, but last week (starting from backlash PPV) Punk didn't have a single match, not even on ECW... did he??? I even tought that someone on TNA had stolen it from him and cashed in for the X gimmick division title, or whatever is called... some tiny Scott Steiner-esque wrestler cashed in and won the title from Randy Savage Jr...

I read on WZ that the WWE Magazine hinted a Taker - Orton feud... again... so, we still have a pending draft, don't we??? what a best option to have Taker applying this gogoplata to everybody next friday so he pisses vickie of and then he is traded to Raw... ok this is just plain stupid... but wwe wise it can happen this way...

Well MVP vs Edge makes sense, to me, for the very reason you said it didn't. Edge lost his title, he shouldn't be # 1 contender anymore. And MVP just lost his title so he's going to need to fight somebody bigger than Matt hardy so he doesn't lose any credibility he was building by being US champion.

And through a series of matches and one upping each other one or the other would prove they deserve a shot at the WHC. I said give the shot Edge, but MVP could just easily be put in that spot. Edge is in no danger of losing his spot if he loses a feud, MVP has all to gain. So let MVP challenge for the title, even if he doesn't win. And then you don't have one heel losing all the time. Edge will win his next feud which could be with any main eventer....Draft him back to raw to feud with HBK.

As for CM Punk...don't like him now, never liked him in the past, will never like him in the future. But he works in my scenario because he turns heel and gets some decent heat while MVP and Edge give us a fresh and entertaining feud.
maybe it is just to keep Undertaker from actually losing I don't know, I don't like it so far but we will see exactly what the plan is, if they just hand it to Edge that would suck

I think it is time to push MVP to that next level as well, not sure what they are waiting for exactly, I really don't want to see Edge or Batista have another run though or maybe they are preparing for a Draft I don't know
actually sicko, you have a point about the draft.

rumors are spreading that they are going to trade undertaker to feud with randy orton again. however, if they do this then they have to exchange sumone as big as undertaker for sumone just as big. they were gonna do triple h but he doesnt want to go so if undertaker leaves, whos gonna be the new top dog of smackdown and who might be his replacement.
I see this as being the end of The Undertaker on SmackDown. First, his chokehold gets banned, then he gets stripped of the World Heavyweight title, the next thing that I can see happening is Vicki excluding him out of the World title picture altogether. He will most likely do that chokehold again and that's when Vicki announces that Taker will never be allowed to contend for the World Heavyweight Championship ever again on SmackDown, shortly after, he gets traded to RAW during the Draft(if there is going to be a draft) because he can certainly contend for the WWE Championship. This would explain the rumours of a revived Taker/Orton feud, Randy could win the WWE title back and feud with Taker, or this could also explain the rumours of Triple H turning heel as well with a revived Taker/HHH feud. As for who will fill Taker's shoes on SmackDown, that's easy, Shawn Michaels.
Godamn i hope taker aint goin to RAW. He's the ONLY reason i watch smackdown in the 1st place lol. But anyway back on topic all these angles really got me interested! They're really screwin around quite a bit with the title stripped, lights off on raw,. announcers leavin on ECW AND of course J.R replaced by Adamle!?!? I mean its wicked! lotsa shocks, different storylines (that at least i have never seen nor heard of)
God. If they give the gold to Edge then Taker will be out of the title picture. If Edge loses then he's dead & buried (No pun intended) as a main eventer (at least for a while.) WWE has backed themselves into a corner. Stupid move even if it was good for the ratings.
Skulls you are so right bro it is the end of DX and the begining of HBK to smackdown, to only lose every title shot he gets, unless Umaga is traded to Smackdown, to fued with Taker, and Edge to Raw to fued with HHH again, who knows they have fucked up this story line up big time, smackdown is looking like the A show now....
But if Taker heads to Raw u will see Kane follow, then you will see BOD Taker will run for the title and have Kane watch his back, then Kane will turn on Taker, carreer vs title, at wrestlemainia
Taker isn't moving to Raw, just like HBK isn't moving to Smackdown. I'd welcome the change-up, but odds are overwhelmingly against it.

This could, however, be the end of Edge on Smackdown. I could see Undertaker winning the title back, Edge dumping Vickie and exposing (as if we all didn't know) that she was just a pawn and he was using her to get into the title scene, and then have Teddy ban him from Smackdown because of it. Since there's the ECW exchange, and it'd be useless for Edge to be on ECW anyway, his only other option is Raw.

Undertaker, though, is slotted for a long reign, a feud with Umaga, a possible feud with Big Show, etc, so he's going to be winning the title back at One Night Stand, if not at Judgment Day. I'm hoping its at ONS, because if he wins it 3 weeks after being stripped of it, then what was the point other than to add another number to his title reign list as a replacement for how his injury screwed him last year. It'll be counterproductive to give either Edge or Taker win the title at Judgment Day, in a way, so I'm more intrigued as to what gimmick they'll pick for ONS instead of who actually wins this match at JD...since we all know that, in the end, Taker is coming out on top.
Vince McMahon made the decision to strip the Undertaker of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the April 22nd SmackDown taping. It is unsure why he was stripped other than the internal feeling was that Edge worked better as a champion than a challenger.

That is a load of crap

Okay I'm not entirely sure if you just copied and pasted the majority of that from some random rumor, of if its outta your own belief. But I'm going to state right now you're borderlining spam, if your only statement is basically put..

"This is a load of crap." I'm willing to let it slide, since I don't know if you're copying what someone said without "quoting" it. But please make it clear what exactly you're trying to point out.

As far as the bolded statement. Look, I'm the single biggest Edge fan you'll find around, ever. And I slightly agree that the Undertaker sucks as a World Heavyweight Champion. However thats not to say he doesn't deserve to hold it longer than shortly over a month. Furthermore, you can't fully base him being a bad Champion, or not as good as Edge.. because the Undertaker has only feuding WITH Edge, since becoming Champion.

Give him at least two more legit feuds before you go accusing him of being downright unwatchable.

(By the way: The storyline is that the Undertaker was stripped of the Championship because of the illegal submission/chokehold. Incase you really didn't know.)
i really have no idea what Vince is planning on doing with the draft. he needs major movement though among the top stars to create new feuds.

i would like to see a BOD vs DX feud on RAW. Orton vs Edge on SD. Umaga as ECW champ. Miz and Moorsion feud on ECW. Shelton vs Matt on SD. MVP vs Jericho on RAW. Batista vs Cena on SD. Jeff vs Kofi on RAW.

Taker being stripped can only mean he is moving to RAW that is why i put that on here.
The following news was derived from Dave Meltzer's Wrestling Observer Newsletter. You can obtain subscription information at WrestlingObserver.com.

- Vince McMahon made the decision to strip the Undertaker of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the April 22nd SmackDown taping. It is unsure why he was stripped other than the internal feeling was that Edge worked better as a champion than a challenger.


That is where they got it Im guessing

I love Edge as the Champion. In my opinion, Undertaker does not need to be going for the title, hes better off without it. He can pull of any number of feuds without the title, while an Edge Rivalry benefits from it. As Smackdown only has 3 contenders (Edge, Undertaker, Batista), with few who could move up (The injured Rey Mysterio, The Big Show, MVP), I think it is about time Taker moves on to feud with one of them. Edge with the title could move on to another one of hem, to move them up to the title picture, and Batista could feud with the third. (Edge/Mysterio, Undertaker/Big Show, Batista/MVP).l This creates 6 contenters, as well as defining the Mid levelers (Matt Hardy/Chuck Palambo, Finlay/Mark Henry.) The Smackdown Tag teams would leave the Edge heads, The Greasers, and The Hicks) The rest make of the dead cruiserweight division. Thats all WWE has to do for Smackdown for the next few months, without having a draft.
The Edge/Undertaker storyline is the only thing keeping me glued to SD!. Truthfully, I think the reason from him being stripped of the title is just a price he has to pay to keep his streak at WrestleMania. At least he isn't down in mid-card like usually after WM... plus this storyline is just getting too good and the matches are great. Edge and Taker have a good chemistry.
I thought the storyline was great, apparently I was wrong. I'm assuming they have a match at One Night Stand but I honestly don't see Edge winning. Undertaker has never had lengthy dominating run over his illustrious career so you have to think he's due. But tt the same time maybe there just aren't enough guys on Smackdown to feud with hence Taker dropping the title and moving over to Raw via the draft. Honestly, I could swing either way on this (that's what she said) but still my gut tells me Taker is still champion as the lights go down at One Night Stand. I'm assuming it will be some huge match at One Night Stand and if Edge were to win it (with no held from la familia) could possibly be his biggest to date. But still it won't happen it's Taker's time, he's earned his reign at the top.
I think its time Taker moved back to RAW. His feud with Edge has been interesting but its winding down now and once its done, there will be nothing more for Taker to do.

Smackdown needs Edge more than it needs the Undertaker. It needed Kennedy before he moved on to RAW. It needs Umaga. And most important of all it needs Jericho to get back to the main event and challenge Edge.

Undertaker should 'retire' to Edge at ONS and Vince should take him back to RAW as a bitter heel a month or so later where there will be feuds aplenty that will really matter to the fans. HBK, HHH, Orton, Cena, JBL - proper feuds for Taker to go with.

In between you can have the WWE Draft and Jericho and Umaga can move to Smackdown to challenge Edge, MVP and Big Show.

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