Will Undertaker ever come back?

Will Undertaker come back to the WWE?

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If anyone is thinking this is the last we have seen of one of the greatest men to grace a Wrestling Ring then I suggest they take a look at a few small facts-

1- It was ONS even if he was too injured to make WM25 or SummerSlam for a send off match there is absolutely no way an Undertaker final appearnce is going to be on a "B" PPV. No chance!

2- Even if it was a planned retirement with Orton getting injured and Batista going for time off Vince wasn't going to let the most over man in pro-wrestling go now.

This getting fired thing is just to give him time off going into a traditionally down period for SmackDown. Or to get him on RAW without using a Draft pick.

The likely conclusion I think is that when Edge turns on Vickie she will just reverse her decision this will happen when Taker felt he has had enough time off.

I fully agree with what you said, but if Taker returns in a reversed decision down the line, he buries all the Smackdown talent immediately, including the probably high profile Raw draftee, and I can't see the WWE doing that.

It would have to be a new GM or a board decision (only put board since they came up in the angle a while back) if it was months down the line
Taker will be back either this week or later in the year. This is more than likely an angle to allow Taker some time off after his heavy program before and after Mania this year. I dont think he will be back in the draft lottery because Michael Cole commented that if he was to be defeated then he would be excluded from the draft. I belive hes probs going to take some time off and come back around Survivor Series time. He will be missed until then! Great wait to go out though for a bit taking a "table for four".
you know i hope he does come back because undertaker is a big part of this company.he gave us one of the best matches in the wwe,the hell in a cell.i mean the wwe just cant fire or retire 2 of the biggest names in the wwe.it just wouldnt be fair and with taker gone the wwe is gonna lose a lot of ratings.so until i hear he comes back,im boycotting the wwe.and i no some of u guys might be thinking"oh its just one person,that doesnt make a big difference"but im not the only one boycotting the wwe.just watch he will be back.:undertaker2:
Undertaker isnt done yet. that was just part of a story to get him onto his time off. Undertaker is, as stated before, too effing valuable to WWE to just get rid of him at One Night Stand. When the draft lottery comes, i really dont see him going to RAW because of the endless star power that is on there already. in order for Taker to go to RAW, it would have to be either a trade for HBK or Triple H or two other names as a 2 for one trade between these superstars: Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho. (if they threw a third on there, it may be Val Venis) but that would be the only way he'd go to RAW because hes too popular to the SD! fans and losing him would basically make the show unwatchable and there would be no reason for it and that means money loss, low tv ratings, cancellation, the works. so dont get your hopes and dreams up to a high on him going to Raw cause unless those trades that i mentioned above, it aint happening. but to stay on topic, he's not done with the company. hes only in his forties. and i dont think that he'll be back to the badass thing because it didnt work for him at all and it works better with Palumbo because lets see how many fans he had between the Phenom and the Badass. hmmmm Phenom got tons and the Badass some stopped watching. and that also goes with Rock and Austin leaving. but nonetheless, he went back to being the Phenom for a reason and he wont be leaving anytime soon.
my boy taker will be back,
taker will be out for a bit till at least after night of champions. la familia will run rampant in this time distroying smackdown giving chavo the us title and then edgeheads the tag titles. taker waits till they are stong and returns with his ministry of darkenss to combbat the growing treat of la famila
Let me tell you what i think will happen.My neighbor and friend knows many people in the wrestling industry and recently met Gangrel.Gangrel told my friend he was coming back to WWE soon.So what I think will happen is Gangrel will be back,BDV will return as Big Viscera,Kane will team up with them,and Taker will be back and boom-Ministry vs. La Familia leading to the classic 5 vs. 5 Survivor Series match.Maybe Boogeyman will be back in the mix of things with that angle i'm just spitballin though.
The is only one word that can be used when talking about, definately the greatest big man ever in the business, but arguably the greatest wrestler ever in the business, and that word is PHENOM! Undertaker is, by far, the WWE's biggest attraction and has been for the last two years. Smackdown is already a second rate show with only three title contenders on the entire Roster. There is no way that they are going to let him go. Honestly, does anyone watch Smackdown for any other reason than the Deadman? No!! He will be back before Summerslam, he isn't injured and he always takes a vacation at this period of time.
Undertaker coming back??? Are you serious, of course the Deadman will return. Do you honestly think there going to let a legend of his calibar let go like that, no farewell, just bye bye taker? Nope, not going to happen.

He will be back within the upcoming moths, just probably taking time off. I doubt though that he would be back for SummerSlam, i think his going to take more time off than that. I predict mabye Survior Series and i can honestly see or hope that he does bring some sought of Ministry of Darkness back to get revenge on La Famila but i just dont see anyone capable or fit in with the stable.

But in his absence, Smackdown looks in real trouble, they need the draft as quick as possible and they need to get some quality wrestlers over and not get screwed like last year.

But anyway, Taker will be back, its just a matter of time, dont have a heart attack guys.
Did I literally just step into a n00b thread? Will the Undertaker ever come back?

:lmao: Nope, Edge ended his career on a 3rd rate Pay Per View that's only been in existance since 2005. Infact, I'm unofficially sure the entire comeback of E.C.W. to make this p.p.v. possible, was one big set-up to end the Undertaker's damn near 3 decade legacy. :disappointed:

I understand the purpose of threads like these, but I've honestly seen a couple morons believe Taker could literally be gone for good. Why wasn't this thread held off until, ohh.. say Smackdown? Who's to say he doesn't randomly either return instantly there, or something "mysterious" happens, in which it shows he truly isn't gone like "believed."

Seriously people, Undertaker's career is NOT going to end on this note. His last match is NOT going to be a T.L.C. match, at a p.p.v. thats 3rd rate and barely rememberable. His final match will more than likely be at Wrestlemania, against Shawn Michaels. (The difference being, Taker will likely win his final match) I can't believe some of you literally believe hes gone.
Will Undertaker ever come back?

I have a question of my own: Did you hear the one about the man who can never be destroyed? The first thing that comes to mind for me are those vignettes that hyped Taker’s return from his injury last year.

Rest assured that Taker will be back. This isn’t a planned retirement like Flair’s. This is a banishment storyline that will (1) generate even more heat for Vicki and Edge, (2) allow creative time to decide what to do with him when he does return, (3) give us a break from Taker versus Edge for what feels like the 100th time, (4) give Taker time to rest up, and (5) put Taker even more over than before (if that’s even possible lol) when he comes back.

It was ONS even if he was too injured to make WM25 or SummerSlam for a send off match there is absolutely no way an Undertaker final appearance is going to be on a "B" PPV. No chance!
I couldn’t agree more.:thumbsup: While Taker may not get the send-off ‘Naitch did (what with the whole breaking character thing), I'd bank on his final match taking place on the grandest stage of them all.

The better question would be: When will the Undertaker come back?
First, off I believe that Vince McMahon will over turn Vicki's Stipulation since he is the Chairman of the WWE.
While this still could happen, I don’t think this is how it’ll go down based on the fact that Taker’s profile has been removed from the WWE website.
i think he will be back just after the draft on raw. or maybe even E.C.W it could be what E.C.W needs to be kept alive.
If Taker just shows up on another brand in a few weeks, that would render the TLC match, banishment stipulation, and all the time invested in his feud with Edge (and by extension Vicki) pointless.:disappointed: With regard to ECW, as great as Taker is, his one-time appearance in April didn’t boost the show’s ratings, so I think it would take more than the Phenom to make ECW a ‘success’.
I forget who said it during the live discussion, but someone mentioned that when Edge dumps Vickie, she might bring Taker back to get back at Edge.
This seems to the most popular and probable prediction. I too think Vicki will reinstate Taker to exact her revenge against Edge. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, so who better than the Deadman to help her make Edge’s life a living hell!

But in his absence, Smackdown looks in real trouble, they need the draft as quick as possible and they need to get some quality wrestlers over and not get screwed like last year.
I think he’ll return in September at Unforgiven again or No Mercy at the latest. Now that does present us with a main event dilemma for the 3-4 months Taker’s away, however I think Smackdown can hold its own for a few months without Taker. It survived last year when he, Batista, and Edge all took turns missing several months each due to injuries. It’s rumored we’re in store for Batista-Edge at Night of Champions and Mysterio’s due back soon. He and Edge were in the middle of a program that was cut short due to Rey’s biceps injury. I think they’ll pick that back up, starting after Night Of Champions through Summerslam. So Batista, Mysterio, and a possible draft pick should hold us over until the Deadman returns.;)
I can't believe some folks actually believe Undertaker is done. This is just his bi-annual "I need a few months off to heal my body" vacation...When Taker is ready to call it a career, he isn't going to go out like a punk. He might not get the same sendoff Flair did, but it will be damn close. We will know Undertaker is officially retiring well in advance of his last match.
I think Taker will come back in 1 of 3 ways

1: Vince will probablly say Vickie is abusing her power and reverse her decision and bring Taker back.

2: Vickie will be drafted to RAW or ECW and the new SD! gm will bring Taker back.

3: Taker will come back with his biker gimmick and a new name, because Vickie said The Undertaker was banished from WWE. So Taker could come back as Mark Callaway or The American Badass and it would not be against the rules.
I pray that the Undertaker does not change his gimmick, I only pay to go to a Smackdown live event just to see the Undertaker's entrance.. I think we can all rule out the draft option as it has been said over and over that he could NOT be drafted to another show... We've heard that Taker wants time off to fix his niggling injuries, he is getting pretty old after all..

I think we could be looking at a Edge V Michaels fued and after constant efforts of Michaels trying to win the title he calls o nthe Undertaker for help thus setting up for a loser retires match for the title at WM25 in texas! thier HOMETOWN
All it would take from a storyline perspective is for Vince to say that Vickie Guerrero only has the authority to fire people from Smackdown, not the WWE, and that while Undertaker is fired from Smackdown, he is perfectly eligible to sign with either RAW or ECW as a free agent after the WWE Draft. Obviously, since he isn't an "active" member of the Smackdown roster right now, he wouldn't be eligible for the draft...meaning they can just move him to RAW arbitrarily, outside of the draft storyline.
Since the Vickie/Edge storyline is supposedly ending soon, I could see Edge betraying Vickie. Then she reverses her decision to fire Undertaker, and Edge and Taker have a final match.
The undertaker will come back, but I am 95% sure that he won't be going to raw unless the wwe decide to get rid of the spinner belt. I mean, can you imagine what the undertaker would look like as the wwe champion with the spinner belt. To me, either get rid of that belt and draft the undertaker to raw, or leave him be on smackdown or maybe draft him to ecw for a bit, just to bring some hope to the brand.
The Undertaker is definately coming back to the WWE. As announced sometime on this site, they are pulling a storyline where Vickie 'lets' Undertaker compete on one more goodbye tour. The one in Australia that is, and I don't see Undertaker just coming back because show is injured and just to appear is an Australian tour.

When he goes return, my guess is he will either finish off Edge and Vickie, or go to Raw. My bet is Raw because there is more legit competition for him there.

I am pretty sure this was just a time off thing for the dead-man. And I am damn certain he will be coming back. Although they (the WWE), have done a great job of selling it. Taking a look back at Taker's career. JR selling, we will miss the deadman from his time in the WWE. And the selling of it on WWE.com.

I am still convinced he is coming back though.
Yeah Taker will return to the wwe. I see this as a way to get him over to raw. WWE been talking about bringing Taker over to Raw for awhile now anyway. And when he does return he will capture the wwe title from HHH and have his long title regin that was promised time and time again from wwe over the years. Plus Raw will be a better fit for Taker their anyway since he has more challengers their for him to take on. And he over stayed his welcome on smackdown anyway and its time for a change. Taker to Raw! Raw is Taker!!!!
Storyline! If Taker was fired, he would not be wrestling on the European tour. He has a few lingering injuries that he wants to heal completely because he is WWE is planning a longer than usual title run in the near future.
Thats exactly why Taker is out because he wants to heal a few injuries and when he comes back he will finally have that long title run. On Raw!!!
It will be a shame if he doesn;t come back - was great to watch and still one of the classics!! At least he didn't use gimmicks like Vince McMahon giving money away - he was just one hard b*****d!
Does anyone really believe that would be the end of the Undertakers career? The Undertaker; possibly one of the biggest legends ever to step foot in the ring. Now, on a personal basis I aren't the biggest fan of him, yet he still entertains me. He's a classic wrestler, one who will go down in history with the likes of Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. He will be talked about for years to come, in the same light we discuss Hogan. People will probably complain that there isn't another Undertaker, or anyone that can fill his shoes.

But this is The Undertaker we're talking about. Yes, it was a good match but no where near what we would expect from someone such as him as a final match. When I think of Undertaker leaving, I feel it'll be something we have never seen before. With Ric Flair, he cried, you could see it was his livelihood. I cannot see The Undertaker breaking kayfabe, even though he will not return. Never, in 16 years of wrestling has he done that, and I can never imagine it. If he does, great, but I feel it's more likely not to. His last match will be made into such a huge deal that I can hardly imagine it. But this is nothing compared to that day.

Furthermore, Undertaker was arguably in another "prime" of his career. Someone such as Shawn Michaels, who has recently suffered from injury or is playing up to not being completely well, you can see leaving in the near future. However Undertaker was just cheated out of a World Title reign, as well as having brilliant matches regularly.
There was another loophole that he was BANISHED FROM the WWE, they didn't say ECW!
But anywayz Taker is taking a vacation for an injury he got a while back.Rumor has it that Vickie is doing something w/ Taker that she is giving him chances to "get back" with the company.
the undertaker is just taking a vacation hell be back this is taker we talking bout no way will his "last match" end that way where he just walks off and dont see him agin no tribute or nothing, besides i hear that since the big show cant wrestle til night of champs that taker will be wrestling and that their throwing it into a story line as a farewell tour but the undertaker is not gone from wwe
i saw a spolier for thr nights of champions and undertaker was on the cover so that could mean that undertaker WILL be back and that edge IS goin to loose his title to undertaker...As soon as i saw the smack down wen vicki stripped undertaker from the title edge was goin to win it....I also dont understand how they give undertaker time off....he is always off from the wwe...he has a match once every mounth and thats it....

undertaker has ben wreslting a long time now his body im sure is wearing down hes had injuries alot thru out his career he had a family so why wouldnt they give him time off its pretty simple option A). give him his time off to recooperate when he needs it or option B). he quits/gets released... id take option B

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