Will Undertaker ever come back?

Will Undertaker come back to the WWE?

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I think everyone should check out the video that RikRaines posted. The first part of it really sums up the stigma Undertaker has faced during his career. Vince has always used him to clean up the messes he makes with some of his ridiculous gimmicks. The first one that comes to mind is Giant Gonzalez. Vince thought it would be a great idea to bring in a humongous guy who couldn't wrestle worth a hill of beans and have him compete. (sound like anyone we're seeing these days?) When things turned choppy, he brought in Undertaker to finish him off at Wrestlemania 9 and basically get rid of the problem. Once Undertaker cleaned up all of Vince's problems, maybe he'd throw him a bone and let him have the title for a bit. But, even through all of those things, he's consistently been one of the most popular guys in the business. Whether he was a monster heel during the Ministry days or the face that he's become now, people still love the guy. He consistently sells boatloads of merchendise and continues to be a huge draw. In my opinion, he's gained the type of reputation that Ric Flair has. He may be slowing down and losing some of that ability that he may have had before, but, my God, its the Undertaker. You just want to see him perform. Is Ric Flair in bad shape nowadays? Of course he is, but when he gets in the ring, he brings in all of that history, all of that experience, all of that dedication and commitment that just makes you fall in love with the guy and everything that he's done for the business. I think that's the same thing that's happening with the Undertaker now. Does he need the belt to be the man? No. But it certainly is an added bonus to see him walk down the aisle with gold around his waist.

First off things did not go choppy with Giant Gonzalez....he was brought in specifically to feud with Undertaker and no one else...the final match between the two was at Summerslam 1993, not Wrestlemania as you posted...Vince did not throw 'Taker 'bones' as you like to refer to it...he simply did not need the belt and knew what his role in the company was...WWF was geared toward kids at the time and in the wake of the steroid scandal the last thing the company needed was to have a demonic, evil, dark character with 'satanic' tones as the flagship of the company....no parent wanted their 10yr old hanging posters of a guy that stole your soul and buried you alive on the wall....open up an issue of WWF magazine from that era and look at the merchandise they were producing....it's 2007 now and the wrestling public wants to see him on top of the company symbolizing the best in the business, that's why he was given the title at Wrestlemania, not as an added bonus, but because he deserves it......and as far as him slowing down goes, i don't know what you've been watching but he doesn't look slow to me...he's produced some of the best matches so far this year consistently week in and week out....renowned wrestling scribe Dave Meltzer has even said he looks as good as he did 10 years ago during his classic 1996-98 run....he's light years ahead of Flair at this point as far as work rate and ability, please don't compare a 58 yr old man to Undertaker...I don't think anybody is feeling sorry for Undertaker and viewing him as a frail old man who is the underdog in all of his matches...'Taker is THE dog that runs the yard...now that he's going to be out of action for 6-8 months with a bicep tear he will obviously have to drop the belt, but i guarantee you that when he returns, he will be champ again in 2008....this also pretty much guarantees that if he's coming back just around the time of the royal rumble that his streak at mania will continue...i don't think he's going to miss 8 months, return, win one match and then lose at mania...
I do agree with you guys but when undertaker isnt the champ and is wrestling 4 it it annoys the shit out of me 2 see him lose....he puts on a a great match but i want ma fave wrestler 2 win!
while I wouldn't say he isn't "World Champion" material because what is that? really what is world champion material? See just because Vince won't put the title on you doesn't mean your not World Champion material. It's really up to you and the way you look at it. That's why I can't knock you to hard because you know what I agree with you when you say his best matches was him without the title. See this just make him look even better though, Taker is so good you don't have to put the title on him to sell a great feud like other wrestlers.

They have to have the title for fans you even want to know what they are talking about but not with Taker. This might be why he doesn't hold the title that much like other wrestlers do or as many times. He doesn't need it, he's not a title mark. TAKER will go down as one of the best and people will still think he was better then some dudes that have had the title 10 times or more. But this was a good subject it made me think, you didn't just say something but to be a asshole so I respect that
If Undertaker is not World Championship material then I don't know who is. Undertaker is respected and he is a great wrestler, he also has one of the greatest legacy's in the WWE.
Two things about the Undertaker and champion reigns.

1) The Undertaker's biggest value has never been drawing as the champion, it has been drawing in addition to the champion. Champions will always draw, and the Undertaker will always draw, so why combine the two and possibly lose another draw? Business-wise, it really doesn't make sense.

2) The Undertaker for most of his career HASN'T been World Champion material for a long reign. This isn't an insult on his abilities, but let's look how his career has worked out. He came in brand new to the WWF at the tail end of Hulkamania. He finally paid his dues, and at Wrestlemania 13, he won a title, and received a long reign. But, by the time that was over, what happened? Steve Austin and The Rock. Now, Undertaker is a great talent, but he is no where near as good of a title-carrier as Austin or Rock. His gimmick, in particular, hold him back in that regard. He can't go out and cut 20 minute promos every week for 4 years, because it would ruin part of what makes him so amazing. Now, after everyone has left, the guy is old and is on a part-time schedule, and it still doesn't make much sense to have him as champion, when you can put it on younger/newer guys who work full-time schedules. Then, when he is finally given another reign, he gets hurt.

The Undertaker has always been the right guy at the wrong time.
I have to agree with a point that Sly made right above me. The gimmick is what has held Taker back. His gimmick theatricality is what has drawn people in, but it makes him a one-trick pony in that regard. Character depth can't be explored all that well because it's such a limited persona to begin with. Plus, the nature of the gimmick is corny. I can't recall how many times I've thought to myself: "this is the kind of stuff that allows people in the general populace to poke fun at wrestling." I mean, every time that Taker has shot "lightning" or when he blew up Kennedy's mic, I seriously was gagging on my dinner. This is the kind of cornball stuff that really irritates me because with the right stroke, Taker's better feuds would be masterpieces. And every time they've tried to wrangle a new circus attraction (or dig up an old one), Taker is usually the guy they call (Gonzalez, Kamala, Kane, Khali,). I'm surprised that he and The Boogeyman haven't main evented a PPV yet.

I do think that he has great ability in the ring when he shows up in shape (unlike the late nineties when he lugged a nice beer gut around the country with him). The booking schemes they used for him didn't help much either. I can't remember how many times they did something to take him out of action at Survivor Series, or at least some time in the fall, then they bring him back and have nothing complete solid for him to do. His gimmick would fizzle out by fall and they'd repeat the cycle. Of course there have been a few years you could call exceptions, but still, for future Hall of Famer you think they'd actually think some of this stuff through more. I can't even think of how many dud feuds they had because there wasn't enough talent with him to make it work, but instead they just ran it on theatrics alone. Brian Lee, Kane (a couple of time), and Khali are the most recent. But then when he's booked right (like against Orton) and they can get in their and do the job, the feud works because the payoff is worth it in the end. I think Taker's career was good, but was/is also one of the biggest missed boats in history. This year bummed me out when he got hurt because I felt he did what no one has ever done: make a Batista match un-wretch-worthy. The match was solid and his win was complete. That's why it sucks so much to me.
I actually have to also agree with Sly.Taker's gimmick meant that his promos& mic sessions were corny& childish.Even Mark Callaway(Taker) had expressed how he loathed his Deadman gimmick.He was more in tune with the American-Badass/Big Evil gimmick because it was more inline with his reallife persona.What really sucks is when they go overboard with the Deadman gimmick: the ressurections,the lightning etc.
However,it can be disputed that he would never have headlined WM again if he was Big Evil.Can you see Bad ass vs. Batista having been as big ass Deadman vs. Batista?
I agree with 'TheRazorReturns' and i dont agree with 'Mabuza', Mark Calaway is a great competitor! But the Deadman phase is his life, he loves that persona and breathes it everyday, and on countless occasions I've had the oppourtunity to meet 'Taker and although he was out in public he still acted as the Deadman! He claims to have atleast 2-4 years left before he retires! I personally believe he has atleast 1 sucessful title run left in him
taker is not that shit, he can wrestle if he was not deadman then you wouldn't see matches hell in a cell, last ride, inferno match, casket match, buried alive match. it is the storyline they pick for him. he can't do anything about that becouse all the new are becoming champions
I just starting following wrestling again with my son. All I can say is that the theatre behind the UnderTaker is great. The videoes are well done, the entrance is unbelievable and the matches are pretty good.

If the Great Kahli can be champ for so lon ( a guy who can barely move),...why can't the Undertaker?
I just starting following wrestling again with my son. All I can say is that the theatre behind the UnderTaker is great. The videoes are well done, the entrance is unbelievable and the matches are pretty good.

If the Great Kahli can be champ for so lon ( a guy who can barely move),...why can't the Undertaker?

Because he doesn't NEED it. Like Sly, Shock, and Xfear said before Champions are shows as faces of the company, people who can come out week in and week out, cut long promos, be constantly involved in heated storylines, and the gimmick of the Deadman doesn't really allow him to do that. Only a few superstars don't need the belt to stay afloat, and Taker is one of them.
that maybe but taker needs one more run with the title not to give him credibility but give it to the belt, thats why taker gets titles to give them meaning, taker batista was the best smackdown feud in ages before hardy and mvp, the world title needs feuds like that to give it meaning because it is a fairly new championship like the ecw title and the big show
Taker doesn't give the belt meaning, the last champ that gave the belt meaning was Eddie.
And Raw is pretty much the same, the guy holding it should be IC champ at best.
Allowing Cena to keep it, cheapens it. And the people struggling to beat CENA look sad.
There are a few champions at the moment on all three brands who give there respective top titles some dignity or prestige by holding it, and it's just none of the current champs. Smackdown has The Undertaker(the best champion in the business at the moment), and Edge when he had it. On RAW? It's Triple H, that's it. Stone Cold doesn't count as he has yet to actually wrestle. ECW? No one. No one is a true ECW title holder, not CM Punk, not the 'shaman of sexy', not burke, thorn, or Big Daddy V. None. The only guy who in recent memory is a true ECW champ is RVD.

Undertaker is the best champ on Smackdown, and, quite frankly, one of the best champs in the business. He has history, he has the fans wrapped around his finger, because he has been apart of the greatest rivalries and matches of all time, and it doesn't look like he will be done just yet, seeing as he just won the rumble.
somebody smoking crack taker out wrestled john cena last oct at the 3 hour specail remember before booker and show entered. also the ratings 4 smackdown are up because of him . u hav ea point 97 and 99 taker ruled he made stone cold him and kane 98 u c the game with his chacter is 4 him to always keep tring but somethings comes up he then bulids up wrestlers like every fuckin one
Good point A.J. Everybody thinks of Undertaker as the most dominant superstar in the WWE. What does he have to show for it? The Wrestlemania 23 match between him and Batista was the only match I personally watched live to see Undertaker win the championship. But the way he lost the championship to Edge disappointed me. And why does he only show up every 2 months? You see a promo 'Undertaker Returns' a lot. Why not just put him as a every week wrestler, and start a major feud? The Mark Henry feud right now is crap, and we all know the damn result.

As the WWE is falling right now, you need someone to step up. Which is right now, Mr Kennedy or the Undertaker. Maybe put Undertaker in a feud with Batista again and end it with a Hell in the Cell? That's worth money to watch. Or I'd like to see maybe an Undertaker vs Edge feud, which will likely end at Wrestlemania 24. That will be a classic match.

Ok, so I'm not really trying to aim at all the stuff he should do, he did compete in some pretty damn good matches. Survivor Series 2003 (or was it 04?) when he faced Mr. McMahon in the Buried Alive Match. He really made an impact and showed signs of his return to his old gimmick. Pretty cool.

Ok I'm done.
To me Undertaker is a worthy Main Event most definitely, but I've got agree that I don't think he is not World Heavyweight Champion material.

To me, someone with World Heavyweight Champion qualities must be able to put on a good entertaining match and be able to cut promos. I'm not sure about other people, but I get rather bored of the same of Undertaker promo/video package, it doesn't cut it for me unlike some of the other wrestlers.

The American Badass 'Taker from 2000-2003 was a credible title contender, because not only could he put on good matches, he had a mouth. Without having or mouth of having someone be your mouth, you can't cut good promos and not being able to cut good promos doesn't quite cut it for me when it comes to World Champion qualities.
Undertaker is the nr 1 wrestler.He has to hold the title.The only other candidate for the moment is Edge and he is out until Survivor.Y hope they bring Lashley to Smack Down .

I beg to differ.

Edge can't be considered a current candidate due to his injury, and isn't the only one who could be World Champion.. Mark Henry, Great Khali, Rey Mysterio, Finlay and the list could go on for a few more names perhaps.

None of those are World Heavyweight title material, I agree with you on that point, but Edge isn't all Smackdown! can offer in the Main Event scene.
Undertaker not world champion material? WTF?!?!?! maybe taker never really wanted to have so many title reigns for a long period of time and instead wanted to put other guys over. his a former wwe champion a former undisputed champion and a former World Champion. so calling him not world championship material is disrespectful and WRONG! not everybody can be a Kurt Angle and win every single world title he fights for. Kurt is a Selfish guy, Undertaker isn't...
Undertaker has all the respect he needs from the fans, take me for instance i worship the guy (as a superstar) but a title might give him a boost before he retiers because when he does retier I think WWE better take it up a knotch because in my eyes and I think michael cole stated this once that the "undertaker is the WWE's conscious" and without him the WWE wont know what to do unless the new superstars step up
I don't think anyone is MORE deserving of a World Championship than Undertaker. He has been with the company through thick and thin, the crowd's response to him is in itself legendary, and for a man of his stature he can do some amazing in-ring feats. It is certainly true that he doesn't need the title, but it shouldn't even be questioned if he is World Championship material.

With the roster as it currently stands, Undertaker holding up the Championship is one of the only legitimate actions I could see WWE taking. They need someone with face value on top once again.
Taker's gimmick is cool for nostalgic value.If he debuted today with the Deadman gimmick,he'd be facing the Boogeyman on HEAT.But as a wrestler he's one of the greatest of all time.There's no question IMO on whether he deserves another title run.
Undertaker should get another title run as he,edge,and mvp are the only reason I watch smackdown. Undertaker is sure to bring in more ratings if he is the champ then batista. Watching batista with the belt is almost as boring as cena on raw it just seems like we've seen it to many times.
Paul "The Great" Wright;252441 said:
The UNdertaker needs to let the young talent carry the company because he sux.

Wow, Wow, Wow slow down there. how can you say the Undertaker "sucks" he does anything but suck look at his carrear 4 time world champ 15-0 at Wrestlemania and alot more i only state 2 of his accomplishments and it already surpasses other superstars who have had a well establihed carrear

I have a question for you Paul "The Great" Wright are you a cena fan
Wow, Wow, Wow slow down there. how can you say the Undertaker "sucks" he does anything but suck look at his carrear 4 time world champ 15-0 at Wrestlemania and alot more i only state 2 of his accomplishments and it already surpasses other superstars who have had a well establihed carrear

I have a question for you Paul "The Great" Wright are you a cena fan

I'm clearly a Paul Wright fan.

He sux because his gimmick has been awfully stale for about 10 years and his in-ring ability is horrible.

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