Will Undertaker ever come back?

Will Undertaker come back to the WWE?

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Anyway, I actually quite like this. I think it's kind of cool how there's actually a real reason to strip Taker of the world title. However, I would have liked it if they didn't have Ryder and whatever the hell the other one's called take the belt back straight away. They should have had SmackDown's biggest stars try each week to get the belt off of him and fail, leading to a big guantlet or something. Sure, it would've had to have lasted longer than what they're probably doing, but it would've been much better.

One thing I'd like to point out (and don't talk any further about this because this isn't the thread for it) is that if Cena was stripped of the world title and had a match with just a kick and a submission everybody'd be pissed off about how lazy he is and how they're making him look like an underdog again, but in a different way. After all, that's what Taker is: wrestling's biggest underdog. Thanks for that line, Jake.
This will lead to notihng but ratings for next week. This is agreat idea Im looking forward to next week but I think Taker will get his title back next week by the authourties and Mickie maybe getting fired and dumped by Edge. I dont no.
It's definitely got my interest a bit. This seems to be an attempt at WWE to get some of the must see tv feelings of the Attitude Era. The only problem is, I'm not sure if the talent is there to pull it off. Edge is a great enough heel, and Taker is obviously a great enough face to pull something like this off, but Vickie as the evil boss just doesn't work that well. This definitely is doing what Vince wanted it to do though. When's the last time that all three of the shows had a major topic of their own going on in the same week? I'll tell you when: Never.
W.W.E.'s week of shock has continued with its triple threat.

First: On Raw, Kennedy returns as a face and Regal as King stops the televised audience from viewing the Main Event.

Second: On E.C.W., the announcers straight up felt that the Main Event sucked so bad, they left early so they could beat the traffic.

Finally: On Smackdown, the Guerrero/Edge union have finally figured out that you simply can not defeat the Undertaker when hes still glowing from the Wrestlemania afterlight. So when you can't beat them, find an excuse to strip them.. of.. of the Championship, that is.

This sets up perfectly for a T.L.C. match at Judgment Day, with Edge v. The Undertaker one last time. A.) Taker's submission hold wouldn't win him the match, even if it wasn't since been outlawed. B.) Edge can have the Edgeheads, Chavo & Bam Neely ALL interfere to attempt helping him. C.) The match is everything that the Undertaker isn't.

Its the perfect ending, for Edge to take a leave for a couple monthes after getting hurt, (if thats the plan) as well for Undertaker to overcome every possible amount of odds that have been put up against him. Plus, Taker being stripped of the Championship is a brilliant idea on the part of W.W.E. creative as, while people will be pissed off at it, they'll tune in each week to figure out whats going to happen because obviously a *New* Champion will be crowned. (Even if it is the Undertaker just adding yet another reign to his collection in the end.)
well....it cant last past the next PPV, becuase having a brand just going on and on with no title would be stupid. On another hand, this COULD, be the beginning of the end of the brand split, or at least the split of ECW and SD!....think of it, can you not see Kane being stripped of the title soon??? Same BOD, same Famila, blah blah. They might end up being united or something. I also like the thought of UT fighting his way through whomever to get the title back finally, and its another way to stretch this feud out and keep it interesting, since they have few ME guys on the show. Lots of ways they could go with this, I like it. Sucks he sorta isnt allowed to use the gogoplata anymore tho, i liked that move :(
I was honestly shocked at this turn of events on Friday night Smackethdown. When there was a night of all three championships being defended, I knew one would change hands, I thought that would be the Tag team belts. Once both serarate titles had been defended, I thought for sure that the World Heavyweight wouldn't chnage hands against the Grreat Khali, although obviously something was up with that, especially after Edge came out.

I honstly believe they had all 3 titles defended on tha night was because they were trying to get the corwd as happy as possible before the anti-mark piss job. :lmao: Anyway I was fairly genuinely shocked with that.

I am not sure who the new champion will be, maybe Edge against a squash opponent. Maybe at Judgement day against Undertaker in a match for a vacant title. (Most likely.) That will probably be the basic storyline for that as well. I like the gogoplate for the record too. :thumbsup:
I love this. I love this whole week by WWE, when Vince gets into a panic, it's amazing how much better his programming is.

The heat Edge and Vickie are getting is RIDICULOUS and after this it's going to be at all new heights. People are going to shit themselves when Taker dodges the odds and puts Edge away. Thumbs up to WWE for adding some spice to this feud. Now we just need that TLC, which I see taking place at One Night Stand now that I think about it.

Although TLC at Judgement Day sounds good as well. I called that back in like February and I may be correct, but I don't see WWE going Steel Cage and TLC 2 weeks before a PPV that has every match gimmicked.

Either way, that's so going to own.
This has been by far, quite a interesting week. Well the main event pictures have been (lower/mid cards were boring to me cept kennedy/regal fight). 3 Different angles in the main event

#1 Triple h vs randy orton for the wwe championship. During the broadcast, instead of a normal finish would of bored me (and alot more i assume) they had the pissed of king of the ring, the pissed of general manager storming into the producers truck and cutting the show off.. Brilliant something new (I beleive)

#2 Main event of ECW, The 2 anouncers walk off without any warning, main event is shown with no commentary... Again something new and interesting

#3 Main event of smackdown canceled, instead of taker vs khali (yawn) Taker gets striped of the WHC. Extreme major heat towards vickie/edge

The 3 main events this week sure make me want to tune in next week...This may become something big (Espically WHC for now)
I'm not sure of this. I can tell you I'm HATING seeing Vickie every week and wish they'd bring back Teddy. We've got three heal GMs. And, why is it they can put the title on John Cena for almost a year, but can't let UT enjoy a nice long run?
After all, that's what Taker is: wrestling's biggest underdog.

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hmmm, a man who destroyed a SS team in his debut match, is the ONLY person to beat Hulk Hogan for the title twice, is one of three people to beat Khali more than once, has been in more HIAC matches than anyone else, and never been defeated at Wrestlemania is wrestling's biggest underdog?

Two words:- REY MYSTERIO. His gimmick has LITERALLY evolved from mexican jumping bean to Ultimate Underdog jumping bean due to WINNING a World title match for goodness sake!

Anyway, if this storyline doesn't lead to Vickie Guerrero being put in the gogoplata and disappearing from SD! i'll b very disappointed. i mean ffs, she's already been tombstoned by UT for doing far less to screw him over, so crushing her windpipe with the very hold she's tried to ban seems only fitting to me.

I can imagine some kind of tournament to determine the two contenders for the title at JD much like the Deadly Game tournament at SS97, with Edge getting a score of jobbers to squash and Taker having to beat a bunch of superheavyweights and handicaps. If we do see a TLC match occur anytime soon, i'll go on record right now as saying that Taker will slap on the gogoplata until Edge is 'unconcious' and 'bleeding' and then very calmly and slowly grab the title, maybe with a little rest half way up the ladder.
Brilliant move by WWE Creative this week with Raw, ECW and Smackdown. It's been a long time since I actually anticipated watching Smackdown again.

This is the second time Undertaker has been screwed out of the title one month after winning it at Wrestlemania. I hope he is getting the belt back after all this, since he was supposed to have a long reign. Though this whole angle is probably just to add another title win to Undertaker's resume (which I think he deserves).

This angle is showing a lot of depth into the Edge/Vickie relationship too. Vickie was (attempting to act) nervous when she delivered the message. Maybe Edge pressured her into it?
It's been a very interesting week. Everything has been mentioned already. I'm actually kind of shocked that they stripped Undertaker of the World Heavyweight Title. It will be interesting to see where this goes. Hopefully Undertaker regains the Title at Judgment Day, because he really has earned a long Title reign for all his hard work over the year. This really has brought interest back into this feud, which was starting to get stale.
Seems like Vince is going for shocking angles and shoot segments to make people go 'WTF!?' and want to tune in the following week. Great marketing strategy but it's not for the faint-hearted. :D Just hope that he uses this strategy sparingly or else it'll turn stale and predictable soon enough.

Undertaker stripped of his title? I mean, seriously? I'm seeing 2 plans as of now.

#1 - Vickie's decision is overruled by a higher authority, either Vince or reinstating Teddy and demoting Vickie, leading to the eventual breakdown of the 'Familia' to mix the roles of heels and faces up for fresher feuds. It's getting kinda stale seeing the same few faces and heels without a shocking turn in almost years.

#2 - Setting up a KOTR-like tournament to bring back the excitement of watching credible wrestling action over soap opera-ish promos. Undertaker will be denied of his spot in the contest, but will haunt Vickie until she gives in to fear, and Undertaker taking back his title at Judgment Day.

But I was expecting Undertaker to have a great title run. This angle, although kayfabe, will put a dent to his *possibly* last title reign. But we'll see how this works out.
I think that WWE has finally gotten this one right. Look at the discussion going on in WWE's section. This hardly ever happens around here. Not to mention, people are saying they have to see next week's shows, even ECW. I hope this isn't just a quick fix by Vince and then back to business as usual. Things like this can work amazingly well for the ratings, but that's when the fans are there in the first place. A lot of people just aren't watching wrestling right now. Taker being stripped might bring in some people though. With the unpredictableness going on right now, it might spread the word a bit, and perhaps bring in some fans who are intrigued. As for Smackdown, this could be exactly what the show needs. I'd love to see a big tournament, even if it just ends with Taker and Edge in a gimmick match. If that doesn't work, then not a lot is going to help Smackdown. With the network switch coming up this year, Vince might be trying to boost up the ratings for contract negotiations or something. Either way, I'm excited for WWE for once.
Some people have mentioned a TLC match at Judgment Day...but remember, we have a Steel Cage match at Judgment Day, AND in a few weeks, One Night Stand, the gimmicks-galore ppv, is going to happen. Over-saturation if we get two gimmick matches on the ppv before the ppv with all gimmick matches, lol.

That being said, they need a champion. I'm assuming that there will be some sort of battle royal, possibly, with Undertaker or Edge coming out on top as the champion at Judgment Day. Afterwards, the loser of the two challenges the champ at One Night Stand to some sort of gimmick match, wherein the Undertaker leaves with the title (either winning or retaining).

What I'd really like to see is for Undertaker to just get real vengeful. Have him slightly go back to his more "evil" days (but remaining a face) by attacking people backstage and such. Maybe he can throw Vickie through something and get her off TV for another few weeks so we don't have to see that gargoyle for a while.
i said this in the live discussion as taker fan im mad but story wise a great move so edge couldnt beat taker at wrestlemania or backlash and edge is suppose to be injuried by takers new move what do they do strip him of the title amazing move NO ONE SAW COMING!
All 3 brands have been a bit Yawn as of recent and Vince Knew he needed to Spice things up. With Power ungry British Kings, Commentators walking of the set and Vickie stripping taker of The World Heavy Weight title. Its got my interest, but bring Teddy Long back as General Manager, I am tired of him being Vickies cheaufer. I never have understood some moves that the WWE makes, but I Tivo all 3 brands every week anyways.
Overall, I don't mind and actually like this move. But at this point, it can only be a temporary fix, IMO. There is no way that there will be a legitimate heel force on SmackDown as long as Vickie Guerrero is the General Manager. People are saying she is getting heat, but what kind of heat?????

There are a few kinds of heat:

1) The heat where people really HATE the oppressor. Deep down in your loins, it is impossible to feel anything but absolute hatred for this character. Example:


Austin is up against insurmountable odds, and even though he seems somewhat able to overcome it, it is just too impossible for Austin given the scenario placed in his path. Vince, the orchestrator of the ordeal, receives the majority of the heat, while Kane and the Undertaker only receive the heat worthy of henchmen. Here's another example:


Again, Austin has an opportunity to regain what he lost by being in the position to manipulate the outcome of the match. But still, Vince finds a way to screw over Austin. People HATE Vince.

2) The kind of heat you get when people are just ANNOYED by you. Before I comment, let's roll the footage:


Just listen to Vickie speak. She sounds like she has no business even being in the arena. The "LAR-NIX"? Awful. No variation in voice tone. She cannot speak properly and make coherent sentences. How am I supposed to HATE her? It's just not possible. They are obviously heading in the right direction in bringing back a black and white heel/face dichotomy, but both factors need to be equally represented and effective.

As long as Vickie Guerrero is SD General Manager, the show will get poor ratings. FACT.
Overall, I don't mind and actually like this move. But at this point, it can only be a temporary fix, IMO. There is no way that there will be a legitimate heel force on SmackDown as long as Vickie Guerrero is the General Manager. People are saying she is getting heat, but what kind of heat?????

There are a few kinds of heat:

1) The heat where people really HATE the oppressor. Deep down in your loins, it is impossible to feel anything but absolute hatred for this character. Example:


Austin is up against insurmountable odds, and even though he seems somewhat able to overcome it, it is just too impossible for Austin given the scenario placed in his path. Vince, the orchestrator of the ordeal, receives the majority of the heat, while Kane and the Undertaker only receive the heat worthy of henchmen. Here's another example:


Again, Austin has an opportunity to regain what he lost by being in the position to manipulate the outcome of the match. But still, Vince finds a way to screw over Austin. People HATE Vince.

2) The kind of heat you get when people are just ANNOYED by you. Before I comment, let's roll the footage:


Just listen to Vickie speak. She sounds like she has no business even being in the arena. The "LAR-NIX"? Awful. No variation in voice tone. She cannot speak properly and make coherent sentences. How am I supposed to HATE her? It's just not possible. They are obviously heading in the right direction in bringing back a black and white heel/face dichotomy, but both factors need to be equally represented and effective.

As long as Vickie Guerrero is SD General Manager, the show will get poor ratings. FACT.
I absolutely agree. Vickie Guerrro is horrible on the mic and has absolutely no acting skills. I really dont understand what the WWE is thinking when it comes to giving her so much air time. Shes no believeable in any fashion. I think they are sort of trying to stuff her into the old Stephanie Mcmahon mold but it doesnt work for me. Steph had an annoying voice and wasnt a great speaker, but she was a good actress and you legitimately thought she was a bitch, whereas vicki just looks like someone pretending to be a bitch.
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hmmm, a man who destroyed a SS team in his debut match, is the ONLY person to beat Hulk Hogan for the title twice, is one of three people to beat Khali more than once, has been in more HIAC matches than anyone else, and never been defeated at Wrestlemania is wrestling's biggest underdog?

In size. I meant literally. Every time they bring in a monster heel they end up making Undertaker look like a bitch for a time. Khali, Henry, Big Daddy V, Kane - and these are just in the last ten years. The guy's been in the WWE for what? Seventeen years now.

Two words:- REY MYSTERIO. His gimmick has LITERALLY evolved from mexican jumping bean to Ultimate Underdog jumping bean due to WINNING a World title match for goodness sake!

Well, he's wrestling's littlest underdog. Again, being literal. Maybe I'm just being picky - major faces almost always have the odds stacked against them. It's nothing new, nor innovative, nor surprising, really.

Anyway, if this storyline doesn't lead to Vickie Guerrero being put in the gogoplata and disappearing from SD! i'll b very disappointed. i mean ffs, she's already been tombstoned by UT for doing far less to screw him over, so crushing her windpipe with the very hold she's tried to ban seems only fitting to me.

I agree with everyone saying Vickie Guerrero has to go. She's irritating to the extreme. Somebody should teach her how to properly learn a script - it's like watching the moron kid at school read out loud. It's painful, and I can only hope The Undertaker has her bleeding internally.

I can imagine some kind of tournament to determine the two contenders for the title at JD much like the Deadly Game tournament at SS97, with Edge getting a score of jobbers to squash and Taker having to beat a bunch of superheavyweights and handicaps. If we do see a TLC match occur anytime soon, i'll go on record right now as saying that Taker will slap on the gogoplata until Edge is 'unconcious' and 'bleeding' and then very calmly and slowly grab the title, maybe with a little rest half way up the ladder.

They'll likely do something like that. It's quite obvious that Edge and Taker aren't going out of the title scene until at least Judgment Day. Well, Taker won't be away for a while. I wonder if his title reign is long enough he'll get Triple H/John Cena style hate...
It's really doubtful that UT will get Cena or Triple H heat (although I'm not sure why everyone is so quick to cinge off Triple H's pubic hair for being champ again, he's clearly the best choice). If anyone in the business deserves ANYTHING, it's the Undertaker. He's been loyal to this company for years. Sure he was an instant main eventer, but who can blame creative for putting him there? The guy is the most phenomenal athlete for that size that I have ever seen, and to still be competing at such a high level at his age and for as long as he has been wrestling at such a high level is almost miraculous.

Furthermore, he's had two entirely different characters and has performed them exceptionally, as well as serving roles as both top face and top heel at different points in his career.

As for the Undertaker, we might be dealing with the absolute BEST EVER.
Does anybody else feel that its a little odd that we had 3 episodes this week that ended in some sort of "mystery" or "big shock" kind of situation...one of which being the 2nd highest championship stripped off a guy that nobody saw coming........but there hasn't been any updates on Wrestlezone of anything outside of Ashley Massaro possibly in an escort service, and "Lena Yada is still employed"....and the WWE forums here haven't been buzzing much at all?

Maybe it just seems worse because I'm bored out of my freakin mind today and I can't find anything to do, lol.

Anyway, back on topic. Undertaker being stripped of the title. As mentioned above by other posters, if Vickie wasn't so annoying/repulsive in every single way possible (looks, mic work, voice, etc) I think this angle would've been even better. Did anyone else notice that she's been in a wheelchair for all this time, but she easily just jumped out of it at Backlash? Way to stay in character, Vickie. That's like having the blind guy be the one to say "that's not a bird or a plane, its clearly Superman!"

The worst thing to come out of this, I think, is if all that happens is we have the same Undertaker/Edge matchup for the next 2 ppvs that we've seen in the past two ppvs. Even though they're 2 out of my top 5 favorite guys, I don't want to see the same thing for an entire year *COUGH*ORTON/HHH/CENA*COUGH*
To be honest, I really freaking hope that they suspend the title for a REALLY FREAKING LONG TIME. Holy crap that would be sweet. No champ. No public enemy number one. ANYONE is able to get the strap. That means pandamonium.

If you haven't read my first post in this thread, go back up and watch the first two videos I posted. Take yourself back in time to the fall of 1998. Who was champ from September to November? NOBODY. When was wrestling at its greatest? September to November 1998 (perhaps not technically, in fact...it was at a low point for the Monday Night Wars...but without that foundation....Raw wouldn't have had an 8.4 on Sept. 27 of the next year or had sustained success as well as they did...quick fixes won't spike the ratings that much).

Sustained unpredictability + solid legit hero + legitimately hateable oppressive force = RATINGS OUT THE BUTT

Does anybody else feel that its a little odd that we had 3 episodes this week that ended in some sort of "mystery" or "big shock" kind of situation...one of which being the 2nd highest championship stripped off a guy that nobody saw coming........but there hasn't been any updates on Wrestlezone of anything outside of Ashley Massaro possibly in an escort service, and "Lena Yada is still employed"....and the WWE forums here haven't been buzzing much at all?

I know right. I figured the forums would be busy after our third and biggest shocker of the week. I mean the Undertaker, who’s supposed to get this ‘long reign’ finally, being stripped of the championship is a pretty big deal. A vacant World Heavyweight title presents us with some interesting possibilities. This swerve definitely breathes life back into the Taker/Edge feud. Maybe after the initial shock wore off, we all remembered this is the WWE after all and know they’ll screw this good thing up somehow.

To be honest, I really freaking hope that they suspend the title for a REALLY FREAKING LONG TIME. Holy crap that would be sweet. No champ. No public enemy number one. ANYONE is able to get the strap. That means pandamonium.

Sustained unpredictability + solid legit hero + legitimately hateable oppressive force = RATINGS OUT THE BUTT

Indeed. But it just won’t happen. I don’t see them dragging out a vacant title storyline longer than the next PPV. I don’t think they are willing to chance pissing fans off for a sustained period of time. Also I don’t think many buy Vicki as a legit oppressive force like Vince.

I see them doing a lame Beat The Clock competition to determine the challengers. Vicki will make it so Taker has to overcome a 2 or 3 on 1 disadvantage to qualify while Edge squashes some jobber in record time. A TLC match at Judgment Day would be sweet. Maybe Taker will put Vicki through a table and she'll be off TV for awhile. While I think Edge becoming the champ again would be the better booking decision (I always find it more exciting when the face is chasing the title), I see Taker regaining at Judgment Day and in the grand scheme Taker being stripped will only serve as a two-week minimal ratings boost. Lastly, I don't think we've seen the last of the gogoplata. I'm sure Teddy Long will reverse that decision at some future point in time.
A vacant title storyline would be very intresting, but this is probably just the build up to the culmination of the Edge/Taker feud thats going to happen at Night of Champions or Summerslam. I'd like to see them do something different with it but I'm not holding my brethe. To be fair the quality of creative is much better than most of last year where most of the matches had much less build up than they seem to have at the moment.

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