Will Miz Main Event Wrestlemania?

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
The title is the topic, Do you think Miz's world title run will last untill Wrestlemania? Do you think he is able to Main event the big one?

If this does happen, it would not surprise me at all. Why you ask?
Well they are doing a youth movement and what a better way then to really push this movement buy having him at wrestlemania. Why not even have him face another young upcoming star for example John Morrison or Kofi Kingston.

The miz is working his ass off right now and Vince is loving it so right now Miz is on the right path of what he needs to be doing.

So do you think that this is a possibility that this could happen? Should it happen? Will it happen? I don't know but I thought this would bring up some good conversation.
I think it will go until Wrestlemania possibly against John Cena. Vince has said Miz is the future and I feel he has made a good champion so far. I see the main event being either against John Cena or John Morrison.
I don't see his title run going past Elimination Chamber, nor do I see him trying to get it back at Mania. Yes, the WWE is doing a youth movement, and they should have some younger people in the ME at Mania.

But they still won't.

They're going to do what they do every year. Use the EC to shuffle the title pictures up so we get two title matchs featuring some of the biggest names on paper like John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, and so on. These people will feud for a month leading up to Mania, have the rematch at whatever PPV follows, and THEN the youth movement will restart.

They do this every year, and I can see why. Wrestlemania gets alot of buys from people that rarely follow wrestling through the year, so to cater to those people, they need the main events to feature the most over guys they possibly can. Putting a younger guy like the Miz in the main event would be a gamble, and not a good one. He's only had one Mania match so far, so a fair chunk of Mania viewers have probably not even heard of the guy, or know very little about him.

Expect the usual suspects this year for WrestleManias main event.
While I agree with Durf above in that they'll probably just shuffle the titles around at EC, they will also need feature some of these younger stars at WM in some form.

While this year's WM is probably not going to feature the biggest names (hence the WWE trying to secure Lesnar), I truly believe this year's WM is going to be one of the most important ever. While you have the youth movement FINALLY gaining some stability in the WWE, these guys need to be given a chance. You're going to have to take at least 1 gamble, maybe 2 at the big stage this year. Do I think the Miz is ready to headline the big one? Not at all. But if they gamble, it's going to be with the Miz. Morrison can't headline. Kofi can't headline. Barrett can't headline. Sheamus can't headline. Miz can't headline either, but he's the best option for one of the younger guys to get the headline spot. It is crucial that you feature these guys though in some form. Another young talent I LOVE is Alberto Del Rio. I can't think of too many other gimmicks in the last decade or so where a guy debuts, and it just works. But all these guys need a spot on the card, and a decent enough story leading into it, to capture our attention.

More importantly, these guys just need to put on GREAT MATCHES. I know it sounds easy, but the last 2 Manias have been a little light on match quality. These guys are young, and they can go. Only problem is these are also the same guys you get slammed into the MITB match. Will they still have it after we have a PPV for it now? Who knows. But I do think they can create a great WM without that match. Esp. because last year's was awful. But I digress...

Miz, Mania, headline... will it happen? Wouldn't shock me. He's the only young guy I'd trust to bring the heat into a match and give Cena a legit run for his money for the title (if we don't get Cena/Taker). Of course Cena will prevail like he always does, but we know he could make the Miz look good while doing it.
I don't know. I'm honestly on the fence about this. I see how WWE is booking him (vulnerable but NOT weak) so it's honestly a 50/50 at this point. Miz will retain at Royal Rumble but I'm unsure if we'll see him with the title after Elimination Chamber. I feel with all the media attention and the roll he's been on this year, he could very well draw for the main event. I know I've said in the past I don't feel he'll hold the strap long but he's got a ton of media attention for WWE and they are booking him as the "Most Must See Champion". He could very well slither his way into Wrestlemania with the title. I'm starting to believe in Miz as a long term champ. Cowardly heels that use trick/cheating tactics should NEVER be counted out. WWE looks to be taking this route. I believe it's the best way to do it. He doesn't have the distinct build of a champion but neither do Jericho or Edge for that matter and both are several time world champions. Sure Miz won't win cleanly over a lot of regular main event guys but he doesn't need to. It's not how they're booking them. I'm perfectly fine with that. He's getting over despite being booked vulnerable. I'd say it's a decent possibility we may see him in the main event at the biggest stage of them all.
I think Miz will make it to Mania as champ, his title reign is going well so far. He is getting attention from the media and is getting over as a main event heel. He is probaly going to get a couple cheap wins at RR and EC. Then eventually drop the title back to Cena at WM.
Why does noone include Ziggler in the list of young and upcoming stars? In my opinion he's the most talented in a sense that he has good mic-skills, very good in-ring ability and is quite over. Although I agree Barret can't headline. Miz can't headline. *and so on* Sheamus and Del Rio could very much headline if given the right fueds (same goes for Ziggler).

I seriously would not mind Miz in Wrestlemania but not against Undertaker's streak, not the actual main event *the final match so to speak* but on the card for MITB or even just in a good old fued with Morrison (if neither are WWE champion at that point).

Although I don't like the Miz he will get a Wrestlemania spot in the near future *most likely this Wrestlemania* but do not make him the main attraction just yet, let him prove himself with this WWE title reign then maybe. So, basically, ask me closer to Wrestlemania is my answer.
I think he'll drop it at RR to someone like Morrison, then Morrison will drop it at EC to someone more formidable to ME Wrestlemania where they will face Cena. Like a returned Jericho or a heel HHH (though Cena v HHH at WM has already happened..)

He'll probably have a great feud for WM but I doubt it'll be over the WWE Title.
I think he'll drop it at RR to someone like Morrison, then Morrison will drop it at EC to someone more formidable to ME Wrestlemania where they will face Cena. Like a returned Jericho or a heel HHH (though Cena v HHH at WM has already happened..)

He'll probably have a great feud for WM but I doubt it'll be over the WWE Title.

You know, it's ironic you mention Miz may drop to Morrison and are calling for Edge to eradicate stupid from the Wrestlezone boards in your sig... THERE IS NO WAY Morrison will win at Royal Rumble, if they even have their match at the PPV that is. Miz draws WAY more than Morrison does right now and giving the title to Morrison would be a huge slap in the face to the Miz after all the work he's done over the past year. Morrison will most likely be a World Champ sometime in 2011, but not at the expense of the Miz very short into his reign. Miz has been built very well over the past 9-10 months whereas Morrison has only been built up more during the past 2-3 months. Miz will definitely win at Royal Rumble and it may even be a clean win at that.
I think that it's looking more and more likely that The Miz will main event WrestleMania as the WWE Champion. I think Miz has been a good heel champion thus far and while some may hate the idea of him being WWE Champion, the simple fact is that his presence in the title scene has been a positive. The overall numbers that Raw has been pulling since Miz won the title and the surprising amount of media attention it's garnered show that it's been a good thing. People are more interested in the WWE Championship picture right now, overall, than they have been in quite a while.

While it's still early to tell, it's a definite possibility that John Morrison will be Miz's primary feud for the next few months. People are responding well so far to JoMo being the #1 contender. He did alright on the mic last Monday, nothing spectacular, but he didn't embarass himself and he got good reactions from the crowd. So, as of right now, things look to be good but that doesn't mean it can't go south and go south quickly. I don't think it's likely at all that JoMo will win the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. He's going strong right now, but he's not ready to be WWE Champion but a strong showing against The Miz over the next few months go make him a long term star in the main event picture and put him in line for a title run at some later date.

As for John Cena, I don't look for him to be back in the WWE Championship picture as a serious contender. I have little doubt that he'll be in the Elimination Chamber but, according to an article I read on wrestlinginc.com earlier this morning, the plan right now is to have Cena's feud with Punk culminate at WrestleMania. Punk vs. Cena should be a damn good feud, it keeps Cena out of the WWE Championship picture and makes it all the more likely that Miz will carry the strap to at least WrestleMania. All in all, it's sounding really good to me thus far.
I a going to go out on a limb here and say that he will wrestle in the main event of WrestleMania. Personally, I think that depending on what the WWE do with him over the next couple of months, he could be the ideal foil for a great feud against one of the top faces. The Miz has a lot of talent and even more potential. He has turned haters into believers and he could easily become one of the most over heels in the company. They still have 4 months to get The Miz into a position where he could be called a legitimate dominant champion, through hook or by crook. Sure, right now The Miz seems to be hanging by the skin of his teeth but who knows what the future could hold for him.

So let us have a look at what probably lies down the road for The Miz. He will likely face John Morrison at the Royal Rumble and I would assume that he will be the one who comes out on top of that affair. I just don't think that the WWE have enough faith in Morrison to have him carry the belt for any amount of time at the moment. The reports that Vince is high on The Miz have been a permanent fixture over the last couple of months and the same reports have not come out about Morrison. Sure, he is on a mega-push right now but they wont put him over The Miz this soon, especially when this year has basically been about pushing him to be the WWE Champion. At Royal Rumble, The Miz will likely go over John Morrison and will head into Elimination Chamber as Champion.

Who knows who will win the Rumble but I personally believe that it will be a face, at this point. Whether it will be someone like Triple H, John Cena or someone a little lower on the card, I think that a face winning the rumble is a lock this year. Perhaps the safest bet would be a Triple H win to accompany his return but who knows. For me though, a big face has to win the Rumble to allow The Miz to main event Mania. The Miz, on his own probably wouldn't pull in the buys for the WWE right now. They would need to put him in the ring against someone who would and the only people I can think that would do that is Triple H and John Cena.

Anyway, when you move onto Elimination Chamber, things become a bit more crazy for The Miz. If Triple H wins the Rumble, which I think he likely will, it would leave him free to face whoever he wants at Elimination Chamber, knowing that his place at Mania is secure. That would give him time to end his beef with Sheamus and go onto WrestleMania. Maybe have that match be for Triple H's shot at the title at Mania. Either way, Elimination Chamber will be the biggest test of The Miz's fortitude and if he can come out of that one with the title, then I will be very surprised. However, at the same time, it would be the best idea for the WWE if they are trying to build The Miz into a huge star.

For me, I think The Miz will be in the main event of Mania. Probably against someone like Triple H or John Cena. However, I do think that John Cena and Randy Orton will be the biggest match on the card. Keeping Cena out of the title match would probably make some sense if they want to pull that off.

And then, of course, you have to consider the unification of the belts. If they are to be unified, the only person I could see The Miz going up against is Edge. That would be pretty fresh and interesting, I think. I do think he will make it to Mania but I doubt he will be coming out with the belt if he meets Triple H in the main event.

We shall see.
Big time, yes.

Alot of Wrestlemania is promotion. They spend the entire week up to the event going to every damn media outlet they can get to to push the shit out of the event. The Miz has been doing this naturally for WWE for the most of this year. Why not have him as your lead guy going into the biggest time of the year?

But the promotion side isn't why I think he is still going to be champ. The Miz stands for something right now. He is the lead crusader of the youth movement. He is the poster boy of defying the odds. He is entertaining as hell. Plus he is a faces' dream come true. I've said it before and I'll say it again; The Miz is the perfect heel character. There is nothing remotly likeable or cool about him (except for his "Hello I'm awesome" shirts). He could carry a program with just about anybody. Why wouldn't you want a guy like that in the main event.

I'm not sure who they would put him against, but The Miz can/should/will hold the Title to 'Mania and will Main event.
I think that at the moment, the scales are finely balanced The Miz being in the Main Event. I think a match with John Morrison and/or Randy Orton for the role of Number One contender is a more likely scenario - if they decide to scrap Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania.

My reasoning being that the feud with John Cena and CM Punk carries a lot more potential to draw for Wrestlemania than The Miz does - despite his work in promoting the WWE and also, himself as WWE Champion. Also, the inevitable and constantly predicted return of Triple H in a grudge match against Sheamus is another match-up that I think would get more of a draw despite the promotion of The Miz, I know plenty of people who will watch Wrestlemania for the spectacle and not much, if any wrestling through out the rest of the year.

All this said - The Miz will NOT lose to Morrison. It's too soon for Morrison to win and way too early for The Miz to lose - especially with his working of the chat circuit/promotion.
My prediction/fantasy booking is The Miz not to get a clean win at Rumble, screw over his partner and get into the Chamber match. Morrison cost The Miz the title in the Chamber and you're set for WM. Where Orton comes into this, not too sure.

However, on the flip side of things at Smackdown. Alberto Del Rio involved in that Main Event - I expect this to be a lock, unless they carry on the Mysterio feud.

Edit: Just wanted to add something - why can't Orton vs The Miz be a Main Event? As I said to begin with the scales are finely balanced so I wouldn't be surprised if we see those two lock horns at Wrestlemania. I think the pieces are being plotted at the moment - I just hope Morrison doesn't become a one and done challenger for the title.
Well, if WWE scraps the idea that i HATE (unifying all the titles), then i DO see The Miz going into Wrestlemania as WWE Champion and i see the match being The Miz (he will survive the Elimination Chamber, somehow) and he will take on John Cena in my book and here's how i think it could happen. Miz takes on Morrison and then wins the Chamber while i see Cena either winning the Rumble (by throwing Punk out last) then at Elimination Chamber beating CM Punk one on one in a Mania title shot match or i see Cena winning a number one contender's match while a Smackdown guy wins the Rumble.
I think its becoming more and more apparent that Miz WILL hold the title until Wrestlemana. Ill compare his title reign to Edge's from 2007-08, where he won the title at Armageddon, and used every underhanded way that he could to hold onto the title. Edge used his cronies and Vickie Guerrero's power to hold onto the title, and I expect this to be much of the same. Miz has Alex Riley and the "voice of WWE" doing his bidding right now, and I expect they'll continue to play a role in him retaining the title through Wrestlemania.

The main problem here is EC, where the champion generally defends the title within said chamber. At the time, the champions in 2007 didnt have to defend their titles in EC, as the Chambers were reserved for determining the number one contenders for each title. This wil force Miz to actually wrestle his way through said chamber, but loopholes have been found before that have "aligned" things just right so that the champion is able to retain his title. But people are interested in the WWE title picture more then ever right now, and Miz will be a top draw that people will tune in to see him get his ass kicked and lose the title, just like they did with Edge in 06/07. While someone like John Cena will be in the EC, I think his feud with Punk will have serious legs and will last through Wrestlemania, eliminating one top threat.

As for Morrison at the Rumble, I just don't see it. More time has been spent on establishing Miz as a heel champion then it has as establishing Morrison as a face challenger, so I dont see Morrison taking the title from Miz anytime soon. Randy Orton is my choice to win the RR, which means he'll face the champion at Wrestlemania. In the age of short title reigns, a Miz title reign until Wrestlemania where Orton will finally give Miz his will be considered a substantially long reign, especially considering its his first title reign. So yes, I see Miz holding the title until Wrestlemania, despite the obvious roadblock that is Elimination Chamber.
i dont think so. i think the miz will retain at rumble against morrison. lose the belt at the chamber, lose his rematch on raw, then continue his fued with morrison without the title envolved up until backlash
I am pretty new to the IWC so don't be 2 harsh on me. I hail all the way from Guyana, Ezekial Jackson's home and to i have to admit THE MIZ is the most liked man for us Guyanese. Every household including my pastor watches wrestling and we feel miz has the potential to M E WRESTLEMANIA. Just to stick in to show a complete difference betweenus and u Americans. In america, Cena is the most liked among kids and females and hated among 1u8-34 demographic. In Guyana, Cena is the most liked in the 18-34 and hated among kids and women!! The Miz can deliver a promo that will make u think back in the days. He is one of the best at the mic. I am rooting for a John Morrison vs Miz Ladderds Match at Wrestlemania for the WWe Championship.
I don't think The Miz will be champion past EC like every other year both titles will be won by two established ME who will go on and fued with other established ME like 5 others have already said.
I'm going to go on a limb here and say yes. If there is a unification match at Wrestlemania I believe Miz will be in it. The reason is because if you remember there was a little stepping stone for a feud, on Raw when Edge almost attacked Cole, with the Miz making the save.There being the possibility for a feud. For Miz to have the credibility he needs to main event Mania, he must put on a great match with Morrison. He also MUST eliminate a big name at the Elimination Chamber, for the win.(i.e. Cena, HHH, Orton) Edge will retain also, with the two facing at Wrestlemania.

If there is no Unification match at Wrestlemania, I see Miz facing Orton for the Title. I say that because look at all the other "main" people on Raw. I believe at Wrestlemania you will see Cena vs. Punk and Triple H vs. Sheamus. Leaving Miz and Orton to feud, while on Smackdown you have Edge vs. Christian (yes i think it happens) and Taker (if he is clear) vs. possibly Kane (as much as I'd hate to see it....again)

All in all, yes I believe that either way Miz will either Main Event Wrestlemania or Co-Main Event it with the title match on Smackdown.
Well first and foremost, although Im not a fan of the Miz, It's good to see a fresh new face holding the WWE Title. But I can't see the miz going pass elimination chamber. And if he does make it to wrestlemania as champion, as I can see that too, then I think it'll be a risky move for him to main event basically the Superbowl of all wrestling events. Main events got to keep getting better and better every year. But there's a strong possibility he'll be at Wrestlemania as champion, but the WWE may have to do what it did last year, and let another match take it's place as the final match on the card. Possibly the Undertaker again since it's supposed to be his last match.
The Miz main eventing Wrestlemania is the smartest thing the WWE could do, especially if he faces off with John Cena or Randy Orton.

First things first, The Miz has enough publicity and recognition at this point to draw fans to a match. There are three very general types of people that the WWE is looking to draw into watching Wrestlemania: serious wrestling fans, casual wrestling fans, and people who are curious about wrestling but are not fans. The Miz appeals to all three of these groups.

The serious wrestling fans either love him or hate him, and therefore they'll pay to see him lose or, if they like him enough to want him to win, pull off some sort of miraculous victory that will probably involve blatant cheating.

The casual fan will be interested by the Miz main eventing. They'll probably know that he's the champion, but they might not know how he is doing as champion or how he stacks up against other superstars. They'll especially pay to see Miz wrestle a huge name like Cena or Orton, or maybe even Triple H.

The people who are curious about wrestling but are not fans have seen Miz on talk shows and commercials and are probably wondering what makes this guy so special? He's not huge like Hulk Hogan, nor does he have that bad ass personality like Stone Cold, so what's this guy all about? Perhaps they'd be willing to shell out the money to buy Wrestlemania so they can find out. This is also probably why the WWE brings in celebrities to participate in the event, so the non-fan has someone to relate to.

Additionally, The Miz gets a huge reaction 100% of the time. When is the last time he hasn't gotten crazy heat from the audience? It's probably been over a year, at least. The live crowd has a lot to do with how a show comes off, and the WWE can bank on The Miz making sure the crowd is loud in their hatred for him.

Finally, Miz is capable of putting on a great match. His wrestling, while not very flashy, is solid and fairly realistic. However, we all know that wrestling ability only gets you so far when it comes to putting on good matches; you also need to be able to sell the excitement of the match, your emotional involvement of the match, and change a simple wrestling contest in a war for humanity. There are few people who can do any of this better than the Miz, and most of them are the WWE's top stars.

The Miz main eventing Wrestlemania is one of the best things the WWE can do, and I have no doubt in my mind that they will do it.
I would say no. I see a lot of similarities between Miz's current run with the belt and Kurt Angle's first title run back in 2000. Like in Kurt's case, the belt is just a way of giving credibility to Miz and to see if he can handle the pressure of being a main eventer.

Miz is yet to main event a PPV as of now and I think that WWE surely won't be taking that chance at Wrestlemania by putting an untested performer in the main event. Furthermore, Miz is just a generic heel champion who holds onto his belt by unfair means. I don't think that that is a wrestlemania worthy storyline at all. I feel WWE has planned for something bigger at Wrestlemania.

So the way I see it the main event of Mania will be either Cena vs Punk or Cena vs Orton with Miz facing Morrison.
Let's not forget cena and punk are going to be feuding for a while. Way i see it is that punk will win clean once, then after that, cena crushes him as superman and punk cheats him one or two more times culminating in a two out of three falls match at mania. I think at some point there either rr or ec, punk is going to start his new faction as well. This is a feud they can stretch all the way to mania, it makes punk look good cause he;ll have great promos, will carry cena, and should lend cena some credibility by getting him in some decent matches for the first time in a while.
I think as long as you have an established star against him, miz can do it. This man can do heat, and his promos are up there at the level of punk. HHH will be fight sheamus again, taker may not even be there, but if he is, it will be against whoever is behind the nexus (someone from the wcw themed hall of fame, goldberg, sting....). Del Rio and Edge should have been left a bit later so they could fight for the other title, so it is hard to see who miz could face. But if he keeps up his current trend of media appearances, he will be enough of a draw because the more he crosses into mainstream the more outsiders will watch.
I do think he'll main event WM, but he will be the challenger. I think WWE might try to put their bigger stars in non title matches because guys like Cena, Orton, Taker, etc. don't need the belt to get over, but at this point Miz does need the belt.
This is how it will happen. Whether or not this answers the question, I don't know; but, The Miz will face two opponents at Wrestlemania in a triple threat match. Remember, WWE has plans to unify the belts, yet the stipulation for the Royal Rumble is that the Rumble winner faces a champion of his (or her) choosing for the belt at Mania. So here's the rub:

If WWE will truly unify the belts, then it would only make since to have champion versus champion. In that case, though, the Rumble winner is left out of the mix--or title contention. Therefore, it has to be a three way bout, and my picks for that bout are The Miz, Edge, and Cena (but hopefully, the Undertaker). If Taker's not envolved in that match, then The Miz goes on to be the champion, flashing a brand new belt. You heard it here first.


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