Will Miz Main Event Wrestlemania?

The Miz will retain til Mania at least n yes me event the same event as he is 1-1 @ Mania not 1-0. The Tag Unification was a DVD Dark Match exclusive where he n JoMo lost to the Colons at WM 25 n him and Show beat Truth n Morrison this past WM. His Title reign will end by JoMo as he will be WWE Champ by 2012 as far as Edge is concerened I say Christian will win the Rumble and that will be the WM Main event this year or Punk-Cena Morrison or Christian will hopefully git the Bank at WM(if they still have the match). Christian/Del Rio/ Morrison will be all world champs in 2011.
Main Eventing, it's likely. But as champion? Now that's the question. I think the Miz will lose the strap at Elimination Chamber then lose his rematch at 'Mania. He has had a good run though, The WWE did a good job in building him up, grabbing the tag, US, and World titles all in the span of a year is a huge feat. The WWE will keep the Miz in the M-E picture, cause unlike Sheamus and Swagger, the Miz earned it.
Simply put, I do believe that this will be a title run up until WM, where he will no doubt drop the belt, most likely to Cena. This gives the creative a good amount of time to build Miz as a champ who will lie, cheat and steal (to steal an EG line) but keep on coming away with the title, builds good heat for him to face Cena.
As far as The Miz dropping the belt to Morrisson at RR? Not gonna happen, the obvious ending is Morrisson getting screwed. It builds the Miz character, doesn't make Morrisson look bad and in the meantime, come Wrestlemania the two feuds can swap over and we'll have Morrisson Vs Punk and Cena Vs Miz.
I just cannot take the guy seriously, i know he seems to be working his ass off but come on the wwe,s posterboy????? It isnt a wonder we dont have any legitimate household names in the biz anymore if some assclown like the miz recieves a push. I would willingly watch cena over him anytime and thats saying something!
I don't think the Miz will main event Wrestlemania. He is not ready for it. He is just too new. Wrestlemania is about very popular superstars fighting like Randy Orton and John Cena. I think the main event for WM will be Undertaker vs John Cena.
The simplest answer would be... not this year, but withing the next couple. Now I assume it would be possible to defend the title at Wrestlemania, or even be a challenger, but not on the last match ending the Grandaddy of 'em all. Not this year... but within the next couple...
-that's just one mans opinion though - Tdub
Many great thoughts in this thread, but I am still not sold on any "sure thing" main event players at WM this year. Punk/Cena is fascinating, but what will be on the line? How will the story line go? This might impact what Orton/Miz/Morrison do leading up prior.
A returning Jericho or HHH at the rumble seems expected, but Sheamus needs HHH to fued with for WM. I don't see Jericho winning the rumble but hurting someone else's chances, hence, starting a feud for himself. Del Rio winning the rumble would be a strong idea. This could set up an interesting feud with Edge for WM...

Since there are so many threads here, and all of us are saying similar things-- ALL speculation--, why don't I just cut to the chase and provide my WM predictions as of... TODAY! :

Unification of IC/US belts: Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger
Women's championship: Beth Phoenix vs. Tamina
Tag Team match: Christian/Big Show vs. Zeke Jackson/Cody Rhodes
MITB ladder match: Dolph, Kofi, Mark Henry, Drew M, Wade B, David O, Ted D, Jericho
Grudge match: HHH vs Sheamus
Good old Feud with a stipulation: John Cena vs. CM. Punk-- only if taker is not back yet
WHT match: Del Rio vs. Edge
WWE title match: Miz vs. Orton
Streak Match: Undertaker vs. John Cena

wild idea: fatal 4 way unification match: Edge, Orton, Del Rio, Miz

Other matches? Perhaps at EC?
DH Smith vs. Tyson Kidd
Barrett vs. Otunga
Jericho vs. Morrison
Punk vs. D. Bryan
Orton vs. Morrison
King vs. King of Ring!
Santino vs. Kozlov
Miz main event wrestle mania is a given, Vince LIKES Miz's attitude and the amount of media he's doing and would do helps, the fact he'd be in the main event of Wrestlemania the grand daddy of them all... now that WOULD get Miz over.

Problem is WWE have grown accustom to having two or three even four main events at the grand daddy of them, so really for the WWE champion NOT to be in a main event would ******ed and given Miz's attitude to media if Vince wanted say Cena/Edge unification WORLDS title match Vince would just place Miz in one of two matches, either HHH or The Undertaker and given how much WWE put stock on Undertakers undefeated streak, Miz doing media like no tomorrow and pushing a match with Undertaker would work, so in my opinion Miz in a main event at wrestlemania is a given unless he gets injured.
I think its gonna be a Fatal 4 way with the Miz as wwe champion. I think the royal rumble winner will be included. Im not for sure who the other 3 competers will be but likely opponents are Randy orton, jomo, and sheamus.
This year, I doubt it. Miz isn't ready for a main event at mania. He is improving a lot. I would be surprised if we didn't see this sometime in the next few years though. He will have his chance in that spotlight, just now this year.
Great thread. I've been a member of this forum for a while and have waited quite a lot to post, but I feel this is the right moment.

I think he will, and, if he really does, I have a good idea of how to do it. This idea, however, generates three problems, which I will get into later.

The Miz retains the title at the Royal Rumble. A returning HHH wins the royal rumble match.

CM Punk also returns as a wrestler at the rumble match and eliminates John Cena in a way which seems unfair (maybe with Punk stepping with both feet outside of the ring without any ref seeing it, possibly because they were distracted by some brawl).

At EC, The Miz manages to retain the title at one EC and, at the other one, CM Punk wins the WHC after pinning Cena, again in a way which seems unfair (such as an illegal object such as brass knuckles. Other than that, however, Cena and Punk won't have much physical contact during the match. CM Punk being the last participant to join the match and Cena the first could be a good way of doing that, while it also makes Punk's win feel unfair, because he was more rested than the other participants.)

After that, the two WM main events are set: The Miz (c) vs. Triple H and CM Punk (c) vs. John Cena. I think all four wrestlers involved could carry the feuds well, with solid promos, etc.

Now, let's get to the problems. The first one is quite obvious: Sheamus. The obvious right now would be for him to face HHH. With Hunter being busy with the title match, I think this could be done the following way: on the Raw after RR, Sheamus calls out HHH and says his win was unfair, that Sheamus put him out and deserves it more than him. HHH then challenges Sheamus for a match with the WM title shot on the line which would be done either that same night or the week after that, with HHH winning.

The second problem is The Undertaker. If he is able to participate of WM and the WWE isn't able to set up a match against Brock Lesnar, Taker would have no real big name opponent to face at WM who he haven't faced yet. He could face Del Rio or Sheamus, but I think this wouldn't be the right decision, specially because this may be Taker's last match.

The third and final problem is: the champions. I don't think the WWE would risk going to WM with both of the world titles being held by heels who aren't even established main-eventers yet.

I know this is a very complicated scenario and probably won't happen, but still, I can dream, can't I?
simmoscaff i have to deff agree with. i hate wigger boy cena but the miz is just like a big screw you to wwe fans. he cant be tooken seriously at all. since he has been champion iv relized wigger boy is GOLD compared to him
Well that all depends on your definition of "Main Event", do you mean one of the main matches i.e Cena/Batista, Edge/Jericho and HBK/Taker were all main events from this years Maina or do you mean the final match to go on? Since I am unsure I will answer for both.

If your definition of main event is one of the main matches then yes I certainly do see him being in a main event, providing of course the WWE can find the right opponent. If this scenario does turn out to be true I don't think it will be against another new comer to the main event scene like Morrison, the WWE may be in the middle of a youth movement but putting two relatively inexperienced guys in such a high pressure situation is a disaster waiting to happen. I also couldn't see his opponent being Cena or Orton as he has already feuded rather extensively (and recently) with both men and to do it again at the biggest show of the year would be boring.

That leads me to believe that his opponent will be one of Edge, HHH, Jericho (if he turns face) or Taker, all of these men are experienced veterans (yeah, I know that is redundant, but I'm saying it anyway) who have been experienced the high pressure of a Wrestlemania main event before and could help him through it, they are also all very good in the ring and could lead him to a good match. HHH would be my pick a his opponent with the feud being similar to Sheamus/HHH from last year only this time involving a title, whoever his opponent (assuming it is one of the 4 I mentioned) I couldn't see him coming out victorious.

If by main event you mean last match then no, that won't happen. I think that one day he will be in the last match at WM but not yet, he is far too inexperienced in the main event scene and he has not yet proven he can draw the huge numbers that Vince would be wanting for Wrestlemania. Don't get me wrong I'm most certainly not saying he can't draw, just that he hasn't been given enough of an opportunity to prove that he can draw big numbers consistently yet.
The Miz may very well main event Wrestlemania. just not this one.

He is not ready to main event the biggest show in professional wrestling today.

The WWE put the belt on Sheamus and took it off of him at Elimination Chamber to set up a Cena/Batista match at last years' Wrestlemania?

Know why?


The Miz isn't close to being a big enough draw for Wrestlemania.

I was happy he won the belt (new blood) but he is not ready to main event on the grandest stage of them all.

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