Report:The Miz Expected to Elevate Back to Main Event Status in WWE

Had to assume this would happen. Seemed like he kinda' got lost in the shuffle after his Mania main event with Cena. Vince loves a guy like the Miz because he is a yes man. He does all the media that other superstars dread doing. And The Miz can certainly put on a good match. Look at his WM match with Cena and his WWE Title match with Orton. I expect The Miz to turn face somewhere down the line and make a run at the World Heavyweight Championship. Miz as a face would allow for some interesting feuds we haven't seen.
I believe the Miz face turn is just starting. Will he show up and save the day at Survivor Series for Foley's team?
I'm not sure if they'll get him back into the WWE title picture right away but I could definitely see him in the World title picture.
I actually liked the Miz when he was a top level heel. I think he was believable. I wish he would have gotten more clean and decisive wins, but he did have a pretty long reign by today's standards. He was a fresh face at the top, and I think that is something we need right now. I would enjoy a Miz vs Punk feud. I think this will be good for Miz and the WWE.
Amazing how 9 years ago another yes man that vince loved left a heyman team to join the face team I believe they call him John Cena. So predictable with a face turn with the Miz. Good time to turn him face in front of his people
I support the plans for pushing The Miz again on the main-event scene, this time as a face. Honestly, on his wrestlemania feud against Cena, I always rejected the idea that he can do the main-event. But later, my opinion has changed and he did a good job.

Miz face turn will refresh his character. We haven't seen Miz as a face, and now is the time to do it. It's going to be awesome.
So what do you all think of the Miz as a face?

I like what they're doing with Miz TV as it's giving Miz mic time without him actually having to be involved with a feud because let's face it, they just can't fit him into the main event picture (at least on RAW) just yet. That leads me to my next question. Where are they going with Miz and Miz TV? I liked the interaction with CM Punk a couple weeks ago and I hope that after WM, Miz and Punk can feud. If they keep Miz as a face, and on RAW, I see him being the main face behind Cena. I know WWE will push hard for Ryback to take that role and he's starting to but Miz can actually talk on the mic which puts him ahead of Ryback, IMO.

Miz TV is a great outlet for promos because it gives Miz an excuse to feud with someone. Rip them on Miz TV and boom, there's your feud.
For awhile, I thought he'd go to Smackdown but now I'm thinking they'll keep him in the RAW picture.
So what do you all think of the Miz as a face?

I like what they're doing with Miz TV as it's giving Miz mic time without him actually having to be involved with a feud because let's face it, they just can't fit him into the main event picture (at least on RAW) just yet. That leads me to my next question. Where are they going with Miz and Miz TV? I liked the interaction with CM Punk a couple weeks ago and I hope that after WM, Miz and Punk can feud. If they keep Miz as a face, and on RAW, I see him being the main face behind Cena. I know WWE will push hard for Ryback to take that role and he's starting to but Miz can actually talk on the mic which puts him ahead of Ryback, IMO.

Miz TV is a great outlet for promos because it gives Miz an excuse to feud with someone. Rip them on Miz TV and boom, there's your feud.
For awhile, I thought he'd go to Smackdown but now I'm thinking they'll keep him in the RAW picture.

I've been loving his work since he turned face, I enjoyed his last three MizTV segments with John Cena, CM Punk and now with the Rhodes Scholars. It's a very good platform for him to show of his mic skills. He's getting over with the fans and really connecting by creating some chants and embracing them like with Paul Heyman and Rhodes.

He deserves to have a push, I for once wouldn't mind seeing him winning the Royal Rumble Match. It would be a unpredictable winner and by that time he could very well grow a lot more in the fans eyes. I am all for a Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 29. However I would like to see him get into a good uppercard feud, something that didn't had to be lengthy but that made him more credible in the ring, a guy that isn't doing anything now like Alberto Del Rio would be great to maintain Miz occupied until Royal Rumble and even after that if he wins the rumble. He has a lot of new ways to go now, and I've been enjoying that slow turn that it's making him connect with the WWE Universe. However, I do miss seeing Miz in the ring (last time I saw him, he had a great match with Ziggler at Main Event)
Better as a good guy. As a heel, he used his gifts of sarcasm and wit to put down others, even as he kept telling us how awesome he was. The denigration technique has been used in pro wrestling for decades, and it's good, but when it's the entire substance of a performer's ring persona, it can get tiresome......which is what eventually happened with Miz. It was the same old thing, week after friggin' week.

As a good guy, he still uses his wit to make others look bad, but it's done in a mocking fashion that makes it more palatable. Since the fans know he's now on the side of the good guys, we can enjoy him as a man who baits others, giving us the feeling he's keeping part of the joke to himself. He's more of an instigator now, in that he'll get other people going after one another, instead of being antagonistic and causing his "victims" to go after him. Still, in many ways, his persona is unchanged; he's just aiming it at people whom you want to see it aimed at.

It's good, it's fresh and it's breathed new life into his character. Really.

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