Why WWE needs to consider Brock Lesnar vs HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN

Untrue. It only took a matter of months for both HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and Andre the Giant to return from these injuries. However HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had had additional three years recovery time thus ensuring that he is in even better health. Because he is the greatest of all time and he is still more fun to watch than anyone or anything currently happening in wrestling.

Have you forgotten how the Rock was host of WrestleMania XXVII before he returned to main event back to back WrestleManias (and win the world title)? Seeing as how the WrestleMania card is decided upon the year before, it's very likely that Vince felt that there wasn't enough time to shoehorn a match worthy of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN into the even and decided to wait until the following year.

Oh my God, Hogan is an old man now. Hogan and Andre the Giant had their match at Wrestlemania 3, that was 27 years ago. He was only 34 at the time and in a lot better shape than he is today. He might in your eyes be the greatest of all time, but the man is 61 years old now, he's not the wrestler you're thinking of. Get out of the past for your own good.

And the Rock has nothing to do with this thread. You keep talking about Hogan like he is in his prime and he isn't. He might want to wrestle again, but he will not, and I repeat will not get cleared to do so. The WWE will not want another Ultimate Warrior on their hands.
If we have to watch a dried up former UFC champion fight e senior citizen for absolutely no reason, give me Ken Shamrock vs Ric Flair any day of the week over the trainwreck you've proposed.
Lesnar/Hogan wouldn't particularly benefit either guy. Hogan would probably get hurt pretty badly, and anything less than the most brutal squash of the century wouldn't be believable. Brock gains nothing from squashing Hogan. Absolutely nothing.
Oh my God, Hogan is an old man now. Hogan and Andre the Giant had their match at Wrestlemania 3, that was 27 years ago. He was only 34 at the time and in a lot better shape than he is today.
True, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was in better shape then. But you know who wasn't? Andre the Giant. He had just had major back surgery, his knees were shot, he could barely move, and his health was failing. All of the same things that haters are saying about HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN but, it made absolutely ZERO difference. The match became and is still considered the most famous match of all time. Now we have the same situation with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN in Andre's role and Brock in the role of the 30+ year old champion. The difference is that this time the older yet bigger veteran is the face so the fans will be cheering for him. Simply put, this is a perfect formula which has proven to be THE most successful angle of all time. It worked then and can work again.

He might in your eyes be the greatest of all time,
Only because he is.
but the man is 61 years old now,
Which means that he's no where close to being the oldest active wrestler of all time. He's not even the oldest person to win a WWE championship.
he's not the wrestler you're thinking of.
You mean he's even better? Awesome! I figured that this would be his last big match and he would pull of a major upset and retire as champion. But if you think that he has another run in him I'm all for it!
Get out of the past for your own good.
Who's talking about the past? I'm talking about how to by time for the younger guys to return which will most likely require going through WrestleMania. We need something big, fun and temporary (being the key word) in the meantime. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN fits that role.

And the Rock has nothing to do with this thread.
Someone tried to say that just because HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN hosted WrestleMania it proves somehow that he can never wrestle again. Therefore it became necessary to remind him that The Rock proved him wrong.
You keep talking about Hogan like he is in his prime and he isn't.
No I don't If I did I would be pushing for a full time return. I'm talking about one match (and maybe a multi man tag). That's hardly talking about HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN in his prime. Then again in this day when we have champions like Rock and Brock going months between title defences, maybe he could pull off a smoke and mirrors "prime".
He might want to wrestle again, but he will not, and I repeat will not get cleared to do so.
Oh but he will. Maybe not in the way I would book it. Maybe Cena will beat Lesnar for the title at the Royal Rumble and then loses it to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at WrestleMania. Who knows? But mark my words, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has not yet wrestled his last match.
The WWE will not want another Ultimate Warrior on their hands.
Aren't you the won who said "The Rock has nothing to do with this thread"? Yes I think you are. So now I ask you, what does the Irrelevant Warrior have to do with this? Unlike the Warrior, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN got inducted into the HOF without croaking. He successfully returned to the ring several times (something Warrior never did) in WWE, in Memphis, in Australia and in TNA even after all of those surgeries. Warrior on the other hand succumbed to the over exertion of... putting on a paper mask. Yeah, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has proven to be in much better condition.
If we have to watch a dried up former UFC champion fight e senior citizen for absolutely no reason, give me Ken Shamrock vs Ric Flair any day of the week.
I'd love to see Flair wrestle again. But Ken Shamrock? Blah. Give me Dan "The Beast" Severn.

Lesnar/Hogan wouldn't particularly benefit either guy. Hogan would probably get hurt pretty badly,
Wrestling is a work. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN knows what he's capable of. He's not going to do anything that will get him hurt.
and anything less than the most brutal squash of the century wouldn't be believable.
If fans can accept peewees like Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio Jr., Austin Aries and CM Punk as World Heavyweight Champions then ANYTHING is believable
Brock gains nothing from squashing Hogan. Absolutely nothing.
Who cares what he gains? He's not some up and comer who needs a rub. Furthermore as of now his contract expires after WrestleMania and therefore might be leaving anyways. Since the young guys aren't going to be ready, this is a good time to have the hated monster go against the most popular wrestler of all time.
Against Brock it's too risky for reasons that have already been said many times in this thread. Brock is simply too dangerous for a man of Hogan's age and health, he would have to hold back to a insane degree in which case the match simply wouldn't be worth watching. Even if both guys try to play it safe accidents can happen despite the best of intentions and the risk of that happening greatly increases when you're dealing with a guy as old and war-torn as Hogan.

In a big tag match I could see it. Have a younger guy(s) do 99% of the work, gives the hot tag to Hogan, he Hulks up and pins the other guy uncontested. Gives the big nostalgia pop, a huge rub to whoever's tagging with Hogan if they're a young up and comer and little risk to Hogan and WWE. TBH this is exactly what I thought would've happened at WM30 since it would've been perfect for them, but the fact that it didn't happen must mean whatever tests they've done must've told them something pretty bad, bad enough that Hogan hasn't done anything remotely close to in-ring action.

In any case WWE will have close to(and if they're lucky) their full roster available come WM31, a locker room full of young healthy guys that can take the punishment Brock can dish out without WWE constantly worrying about them being rushed to the hospital afterwards or god forbid the morgue. Even if the younger guys aren't as a ready as Boss says they are(I disagree but that's just me) worse case they fall flat from being pushed too hard and too fast and we get a stale champ, which is infinitely better than what can happen to a 61 year old that can't even do his famous leg drop anymore.
First off: OP if this is a troll thread congratulations you've done well.

If this is an honest and truthful idea, I'm sorry. No matter how many of these people's comments you quote and try to change, it's not going to work.

Yes, nostalgia CAN sell. Hogan in nowhere near as hot of a commodity (my opinion) as a Rock, SCSA, Sting, or a Kurt Angle (if he were to come, just an example, no point in speculating here) Hogan showed up, what 3 times on Raw to promote the BCA partnership. Hogan does what he needs to do to maintain relevancy and get his paycheck.

Would I like to see Hogan wrestle again? You know what? Sure. I'm sure I would watch, not as attentively as other fantasy matches. Hogan has done his fair share of being shoved down our throats even post-retirement.

Also, WM31 is in March. That gives creative, what 4 months do build and hype what they can for the Main Event vs Lesnar, assuming he even wins vs Cena at their next match. If WWE is as financially struggled as reports claim then cutting Lesnar out of their checkbook seems possible.

There's only 3 people that make sense to book vs. Lesnar @ WM if he hold it to the PPV.

Randy Orton, John Cena, and Roman Reigns. Reigns is the front runner regardless of injury. He will be back for Royal Rumble as long as the rest of recovery goes well. His hiatus will give him even higher pop. Reigns is the guy. Hogan would be broken like a record if he stepped into the ring again with Lesnar. He's too rough for an aged Hogan with a bad everything.

Who knows, maybe Ryback beats Lesnar at WM? ;)
Against Brock it's too risky for reasons that have already been said many times in this thread. Brock is simply too dangerous for a man of Hogan's age and health,
They said the same thing about Big Van Vader in WCW. They said that he's too dangerous, that he's too stiff, that he holds real grudges that he's hurt people and thus will hurt HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. But it turned out that it was all an image. As it turned out, Vader was a pussy Cat. If Lesnar were truly dangerous Vince wouldn't let him in WWE. Sure he's got a great reputation and image because of his UFC days, butremember that he was a wrestler turned UFC fighter. Not the other way around. He knows how to work a match.
he would have to hold back to a insane degree in which case the match simply wouldn't be worth watching.
Every single move of every single match is held back to an insane degree. You can't punch someone ten times without leaving so much as a bruise, black eye, or bloody lip. A 400+ pound man would kill you if he splashed you for real yet it had been a staple of our sport for generations. No matter who faces whom, they will both "hold back" and pull their punches. That's how the business works. One would think that in this information age fans would understand that.
Even if both guys try to play it safe accidents can happen despite the best of intentions and the risk of that happening greatly increases when you're dealing with a guy as old and war-torn as Hogan.
Then what is Daniel Bryan doing getting all injured and suffering through what might be career ending surgery? Sure accidents can happen but age won't make them increase. Many wrestlers much older than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN have and still continue to wrestle. And he's not stupid. He's not going to do anything that he's not capable of. He never has before, why would he start now?

In a big tag match I could see it. Have a younger guy(s) do 99% of the work, gives the hot tag to Hogan, he Hulks up and pins the other guy uncontested. Gives the big nostalgia pop, a huge rub to whoever's tagging with Hogan if they're a young up and comer and little risk to Hogan and WWE.
I'm sure they will do that too. In fact they can stretch out his career with tag team matches so that he clean wrestle longer. Much like they did with Andre the Giant. But HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wants one more big one on one match. That's his goal and I have no doubt that he will get it. Maybe not against Lesnar. Maybe it will be against Cena, Rock, or "Stinko" Steve Austin (if the coward had the guts), but he will be back in the ring soon.
TBH this is exactly what I thought would've happened at WM30 since it would've been perfect for them, but the fact that it didn't happen must mean whatever tests they've done must've told them something pretty bad, bad enough that Hogan hasn't done anything remotely close to in-ring action.
I thought he might get a tag match at WrestleMania 30 as well, but perhaps they felt that his return was enough for now. Remember that when The Rock first returned, all he did was host WrestleMania as well. They saved him for the right moment and I think that is what they are doing with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN as well. Otherwise why would they still be paying him all this money to do nothing? TNA used him more efficiently. No, Vince has a plan.
In any case WWE will have close to(and if they're lucky) their full roster available come WM31, a locker room full of young healthy guys that can take the punishment Brock can dish out without WWE constantly worrying about them being rushed to the hospital afterwards or god forbid the morgue. Even if the younger guys aren't as a ready as Boss says they are(I disagree but that's just me) worse case they fall flat from being pushed too hard and too fast and we get a stale champ,
While reports have been conflicting, most have stated that Roman Reigns won't be back until well after the Rumble and that Bryan would be out even longer (some have his return not anticipated until 2016 while others have stated "no return date as yet anticipated). The fact that they suddenly turned Orton face sends to suggest that these men will indeed be back later rather than sooner.
which is infinitely better than what can happen to a 61 year old that can't even do his famous leg drop anymore.
I bet you are one of the haters who likes to go around saying that his legdrop is such a week move. Now suddenly it's famous and a necessity for the match to succeed huh? Well HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN said at a fan expo earlier this year that he's got one legdrop left in him. But even if he didn't, he wouldn't even need the legdrop. He would just hit the big boot, slap his hands three times and cup his ear. He would then hit the ropes as if going for the legdrop but Paul Heyman grabs his leg from the out side. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN grabs Heyman, and pulls him up to the apron. Lesnar then comes to attack from behind but HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN moves out of the way as Brock collides with Heyman before getting rolled up for the one two three. See? There are many ways to do it if you just use a little creativity.
Wow, all the quotes are sticking to each other like glue. Guess individually it is then.

1. WCW didn't have the youngest roster but Vader never had to go against someone as old as Hogan so that's a moot point. As for Brock he naturally works a stiffer style as shown in every match he's been in since his return, great for us to watch, not so much fun for his opponents and potentially deadly for Hogan.

2. Correct, now imagine all that holding back times 10 or more since WWE would be scared to death of something bad happening to Hogan. Again hardly worth watching, especially since Brock's whole gimmick is being a dangerous monster that doesn't hold back.

3. Accidents can happen to any age, as shown to the recent injuries to someone in his mid 30's like DB or even someone that's not even 30 like Reigns. But age and wear and tear from decades of wrestling naturally increases the risk of injury, it's nothing short of shocking that you would think otherwise. As for the older guys if they had a medical history as long as Hogan's then they gambling with their lives, and it's no wonder that none of them are on WWE's roster.

4. Anything possible but I wouldn't hold my breath.

5. It's not likely that there's going to be a better time than WM30, it was literally the last anniversary WM he could possibly compete in and they were clearly going all out for the event. Plus you put hold a older option on hold when father time is against you since again the older he gets the greater the risk. And I'm sure Vince did have a plan for him, which is why they put him through all those tests before WM30. They weren't to make sure he can sip beer with Rock and Austin that's for sure. Obviously they wanted a WM30 match or at least some sort of physical action, but they couldn't even get something as simple as him tossing some heels out of the ring despite the massive pop that would've gotten. But lucky for Hogan he was most likely smart enough to get his name on the dotted line before any of that, so they have to make due with what they got.

6. I have yet to see a report that didn't end with something along the lines of "the plan is still for Reigns vs Brock for the title", so assuming that not all of them are wrong worst case they don't have DB, which still leaves 99% of the roster. As for Orton's face turn he's hot ATM thanks to the funny RKO thing and it fits well into the storyline. Besides it's not like they're short on faces or that anyone really expects Orton vs Brock at WM31, so I'm not sure why you mentioned it.

7. I'm not, but it's clear that you're a person that makes baseless assumptions. Like really you got that from the word famous? Or are you saying it isn't famous? You are right about one thing though, every Hogan fan will be looking for that leg drop and will be disappointed not to see it. It's like if Austin couldn't use the Stunner or Rock the people's elbow, just isn't the same.

Sure Hogan would say that, why wouldn't he? It would sound horrible to say otherwise. And really a roll up? I thought the whole point was for Hogan to get 1 last huge moment, not to let him sneak out 1 final fluke win. I hope for Hogan's sake the creative team can do a lot better than that in the extremely unlikely case this match does happen.
Well the match would be complete garbage though sure it could be a fun interesting memorable storyline
DING, DING, DING! At last someone gets it. The match quality is absolutely irrelevant. It's the build and the climax that matters. It's the enjoyment of the ride to the match, and the story being told. And of course the climax of seeing HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN overcome the odds and pull off the upset victory. The match itself can suck balls, it doesn't matter. The right build, story and payoff = classic WrestleMania feud.
I thought you liked Hogan, why the fuck do you want to have him face Brock Lesnar, Lesnars entire moveset is powerslams, Hogan will take one bump and probably need a wheelchair, and if for some whacked out WWE creative on acid fucktard reason this match was made, do you really want your hero to be verbally torn to threads by paul heyman for weeks on end, and then ridiculed through out the world as the man who killed wrestling by thinking it was a good idea to hijack the main event against an actual wrestling GOD.


i dont like hogan anymore

i dont like you anymore

i want CM Punk back
What a stupid idea. Hogan can barely freaking move and no one would take him seriously. Besides those facts he was a horrible wrestler to begin with.
I'm late to this dance, but wow, this looks painful. I'm guilty of fantasy booking, and I get nostalgia, but man, this is just all over the place. Sorry, your idea doesn't work.

I'll entertain the notion of Lesnar versus Hogan for one second. In fact, I could actually see it happening! Hogan doesn't give a crap about match quality, or tarnishing his legacy. The second that bell rings, he knows he's getting a paycheck. All else be damned.

So the match is booked by whatever circumstance. But, here's how it goes;

Step 1: Opening bell
Step 2: Brock puts Hogan in a bearhug.
Step 3: Closing bell

That's the only way the match goes. Hogan doesn't have to move, Hogan gets his payday, Brock gets his payday, Brock gets nuclear heat.

Dude, Hulk Hogan looks like he's in pain just walking down to the ring. I'm not being mean. Even a school boy roll up takes a certain amount of versatility that is beyond Hogan.
First, Im not sure Hogan can take any of the suplexes and slams that are a big part of Lesnar's offense, and although Lesnar has the ability to wrestle a more scientific style (although it doesn't fit his un-beatable monster bad A#@ heel persona) Hogan doesn't, his technical skills were very limited and other than in matches against the likes of Flair & Savage were almost never really a part of his game.

Second, Hogan admittedly is in very bad shape. Anyone who saw how bad he looked in TNA knows he is a shell of his former self physically, right now I'd bet Ric Flair is in better wrestling shape than Hogan and anyone who saw him in TNA knows that while he was consistently better than Hogan he wasn't near as good as he had been even a few years earlier in WWE let alone in his prime.

Third, given Hogan's condition the match would have to be a joke. I can see fans loudly booing at just how bad this match potentially could be which would be a catastrophe. It's one thing when you give fans a good match and they don't like the ending (Lesnar-Taker) but it's another when the match truly sucks, ESPECIALLY ON A MAJOR PPV event and not just a 10 minute filler match on RAW or Smackdown.

Im not one of those guys who is against older stars helping to carry the show, especially today when there are so few stars that can draw big numbers, if you want people to watch your product give them something they want to see, and if that means that you have to rely on The Rock, HHH, Taker, etc to help elevate interest then do it. But those guys have to be able to perform. Flair was a not close to his prime during his last run but in big matches he could still deliver highly entertaining matches against the likes of Taker, HHH, HBK, Edge, Foley, etc. They may not have been the classics of his hey day but they were solid and entertaining, he was still taking suplexes off of ladders, going through tables, taking over the top rope bumps, etc, you could suspend belief a bit to enjoy the legend since the matches were still good, even if they were not great. I think Taker today, clearly worn down compared to his past self, could still perform at that level, at least for a few big matches. I'd pay to see Taker wrestle again, but there is nothing about Hogan and his condition, especially based on everything we've seen from him in recent years, that makes me believe he can perform anywhere near that level.

I fear if WWE did this the match would get booed out of the building and it would be a huge embarrassment for the company and the performers. That would be bad for business.
They said the same thing about Big Van Vader in WCW. They said that he's too dangerous, that he's too stiff, that he holds real grudges that he's hurt people and thus will hurt HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. But it turned out that it was all an image. As it turned out, Vader was a pussy Cat. .

Vader was no Pussycat - he was the same guy who knocked Ric Flair's front teeth out during their Starrcade Match because he saw Flair as a "weak WWE type wrestler" and threatened to "punish" him and make him "earn" his World Title Win....until Flair started legit punching him back to show he would defend himself and Vader then backed off.

It should be noted that although Vader was clearly "working stiff" and legit hard punching and clotheslining he was being very careful on more dangerous moves such as slams, off the top rope moves, etc. He was hardly a "pussycat" however.

Now Im not so worried about Lesnar actually trying to hurt Hogan like that (although Hogan is lot older and less able to defend himself) but so much of his style is high impact slams and suplexes, its what people expect from his matches and how entertaining or believable would it be for him not to do those moves if that's what it takes to protect the soon to be 62 year old Hogan with chronic back issues, two hip replacements, and at least one major knee operation ?
First, Im not sure Hogan can take any of the suplexes and slams that are a big part of Lesnar's offense, and although Lesnar has the ability to wrestle a more scientific style (although it doesn't fit his un-beatable monster bad A#@ heel persona) Hogan doesn't, his technical skills were very limited and other than in matches against the likes of Flair & Savage were almost never really a part of his game.

Second, Hogan admittedly is in very bad shape. Anyone who saw how bad he looked in TNA knows he is a shell of his former self physically, right now I'd bet Ric Flair is in better wrestling shape than Hogan and anyone who saw him in TNA knows that while he was consistently better than Hogan he wasn't near as good as he had been even a few years earlier in WWE let alone in his prime.

Third, given Hogan's condition the match would have to be a joke. I can see fans loudly booing at just how bad this match potentially could be which would be a catastrophe. It's one thing when you give fans a good match and they don't like the ending (Lesnar-Taker) but it's another when the match truly sucks, ESPECIALLY ON A MAJOR PPV event and not just a 10 minute filler match on RAW or Smackdown.

Im not one of those guys who is against older stars helping to carry the show, especially today when there are so few stars that can draw big numbers, if you want people to watch your product give them something they want to see, and if that means that you have to rely on The Rock, HHH, Taker, etc to help elevate interest then do it. But those guys have to be able to perform. Flair was a not close to his prime during his last run but in big matches he could still deliver highly entertaining matches against the likes of Taker, HHH, HBK, Edge, Foley, etc. They may not have been the classics of his hey day but they were solid and entertaining, he was still taking suplexes off of ladders, going through tables, taking over the top rope bumps, etc, you could suspend belief a bit to enjoy the legend since the matches were still good, even if they were not great. I think Taker today, clearly worn down compared to his past self, could still perform at that level, at least for a few big matches. I'd pay to see Taker wrestle again, but there is nothing about Hogan and his condition, especially based on everything we've seen from him in recent years, that makes me believe he can perform anywhere near that level.

I fear if WWE did this the match would get booed out of the building and it would be a huge embarrassment for the company and the performers. That would be bad for business.

Most of the posters on the site feel the same way. One look at Hogan and you can tell he's not in fighting shape. The only person who seems to think he has any chance against Lesnar is the OP. Hogan would get broken in half and what a way to end a stellar career. I don't think it will ever happen, and the WWE isn't stupid enough to let it go on, no matter how much money it would bring in.

Now if Hogan was in his prime it would be a hell of a match, but that ship sailed many years and injuries ago.
I don't want to see Hogan wrestle again. The match wouldn't be entertaining, and there is no way Hogan could beat Brock in any fashion. I would rather Brock keep the title all the way until SS or the next Mania.

You build up Brock like this and whoever beats him has to be an up and comer. You don't waste this on a guy who will retire the next night. It isn't hard to build up Reigns and DB when they get back. Even if you wait until SS for Reigns to beat him then you wait.

Please no Hogan.
I don't feel like hulk Hogan has one more match with him especially considering even if he does it would probably be really weak one.
WCW didn't have the youngest roster but Vader never had to go against someone as old as Hogan so that's a moot point. As for Brock he naturally works a stiffer style as shown in every match he's been in since his return, great for us to watch, not so much fun for his opponents and potentially deadly for Hogan.
So what are you saying? Brock doesn't know how to wrestle? That he somehow is not talented enough to work a match without hurting someone? BS. If he were "dangerous" as you say Vince would never let him anywhere near his ring.

Correct, now imagine all that holding back times 10 or more since WWE would be scared to death of something bad happening to Hogan. Again hardly worth watching, especially since Brock's whole gimmick is being a dangerous monster that doesn't hold back.
There! You said it. His Gimmick. It is a work. He can still play that gimmick. Why would you think they would play it any other way?

Accidents can happen to any age, as shown to the recent injuries to someone in his mid 30's like DB or even someone that's not even 30 like Reigns. But age and wear and tear from decades of wrestling naturally increases the risk of injury, it's nothing short of shocking that you would think otherwise. As for the older guys if they had a medical history as long as Hogan's then they gambling with their lives, and it's no wonder that none of them are on WWE's roster.
Experience also plays a role. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is not going to do anything stupid. He's not going to jump from a ladder or do a standing moonsault to the outside. Hell, he didn't do these things in his prime. Why would he start taking risks now?

Anything possible but I wouldn't hold my breath
I don't think you would have to hold your breath long.

It's not likely that there's going to be a better time than WM30, it was literally the last anniversary WM he could possibly compete in and they were clearly going all out for the event.
Maybe there just wasn't enough time to build a match worthy of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN given how he didn't sign until February.
Plus you put hold a older option on hold when father time is against you since again the older he gets the greater the risk.
That's why he keeps himself in the best possible physical condition.
And I'm sure Vince did have a plan for him, which is why they put him through all those tests before WM30. They weren't to make sure he can sip beer with Rock and Austin that's for sure.
like I said, maybe there just wasn't time. Or, perhaps Vince realized that the big anniversary was enough to sell WrestleMania without a HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN match and decided to just have him host and make sure that he was ready for next year's WrestleMania.
Obviously they wanted a WM30 match or at least some sort of physical action, but they couldn't even get something as simple as him tossing some heels out of the ring despite the massive pop that would've gotten.
Oh, you mean like this?
Yeah, he's kicked some butt. So the lie that WWE won't let him do anything physical is just a lie.
But lucky for Hogan he was most likely smart enough to get his name on the dotted line before any of that, so they have to make due with what they got.
Oh, WWE wanted HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and they wanted him bad. They wanted him to be at WrestleMania 30 and they want him forever.

I have yet to see a report that didn't end with something along the lines of "the plan is still for Reigns vs Brock for the title",
Followed by, "...if he is fully recovered by then." But while they may HOPE that Reigns recovers, all reports regaurding his injury suggests that his return will be too late to build anything towards a WrestleMania main event match.
The re so assuming that not all of them are wrong worst case they don't have DB, which still leaves 99% of the roster.
Oh sure. Why not have the bunny or angry cat take on the champion. SMH :disappointed:
As for Orton's face turn he's hot ATM thanks to the funny RKO thing and it fits well into the storyline. Besides it's not like they're short on faces or that anyone really expects Orton vs Brock at WM31, so I'm not sure why you mentioned it.
So you agree that, that is another match that likely won't work. More evidence that they need HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN

I'm not, but it's clear that you're a person that makes baseless assumptions.
Not. I'm a guy who thinks practical business rather than marking out for a product that is clearly in a dire state.
You are right about one thing though, every Hogan fan will be looking for that leg drop and will be disappointed not to see it. It's like if Austin couldn't use the Stunner or Rock the people's elbow, just isn't the same.

Sure Hogan would say that, why wouldn't he? It would sound horrible to say otherwise. And really a roll up? I thought the whole point was for Hogan to get 1 last huge moment, not to let him sneak out 1 final fluke win. I hope for Hogan's sake the creative team can do a lot better than that in the extremely unlikely case this match does happen.
One of the greatest matches of all time - Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage at WrestleMania III - didn't end with a spectacular finisher. There was no shot of Steamboat diving of off the top rope, hitting a flying bodypress and getting the clean win for a glorious finish to win the title and get revenge on the man who almost ended his career. Nope. Steamboat was dead on the mat and the match ended with outside interference and a small package. But nobody bashes that match. If HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN uses the legdrop GREAT! The match will be all the better for it. But the truth s that he doesn't HAVE to use it.
First, Im not sure Hogan can take any of the suplexes and slams that are a big part of Lesnar's offense,
But you don't know that he can't either. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says that he can.
and although Lesnar has the ability to wrestle a more scientific style (although it doesn't fit his un-beatable monster bad A#@ heel persona)
But MMA style is.He doesn't have to be "scientific" He just has to be a brutal MMA fighter through much of the match.
It's perfect as it will allow HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to spend a good amount of time of the mat while still getting pummeled. Then he takes just a few suplexes toward the end as the match builds to a climax (and the Hulk Up) to make fans feel that all is lost. It's the perfect way to protect HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN without looking like he is being protected while still letting Brock fight his "style".
Hogan doesn't, his technical skills were very limited and other than in matches against the likes of Flair & Savage were almost never really a part of his game.
Clearly you have never seen him in Japan. The guy is way more talented in the ring than the Superhero gimmick that he had in WWE.

Second, Hogan admittedly is in very bad shape.
Correction. He admitted that he WAS in really bad shape. He says that he was at his worst after the 6th back surgery (the first three as it turns out weren't even necessary) but after the 9th surgery which was the 10 hour proceedure to straighten out his spine he says that he's all fixed and no longer in any pain. [/quote]Anyone who saw how bad he looked in TNA knows he is a shell of his former self physically[/quote]He was still healing. He looks a lot better now.
right now I'd bet Ric Flair is in better wrestling shape than Hogan and anyone who saw him in TNA knows that while he was consistently better than Hogan he wasn't near as good as he had been even a few years earlier in WWE let alone in his prime.
Again, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was healing. But he has worked very hard to get back into shape.

Third, given Hogan's condition the match would have to be a joke. I can see fans loudly booing at just how bad this match potentially could be which would be a catastrophe. It's one thing when you give fans a good match and they don't like the ending (Lesnar-Taker) but it's another when the match truly sucks, ESPECIALLY ON A MAJOR PPV event and not just a 10 minute filler match on RAW or Smackdown.
They can't boo any worse than they doo for the WWE product as a whole these days. Vince even had to come out and hate on the crowd for all the booing in the UK.
Sigh, I'm not even going to bother. This is about to go to page 11 and I'm sorry to everyone else here that I've actually contributed to it. Keep thinking whatever you want, it's not like it's ever going to happen anyway.
Sigh, I'm not even going to bother. This is about to go to page 11 and I'm sorry to everyone else here that I've actually contributed to it. Keep thinking whatever you want, it's not like it's ever going to happen anyway.
No one said that the match is going to happen. The point of this thread is to discuss why it needs to happen. Specifically because of a lack of Main Event faces at the moment. I offered HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN as a solution. A lot of people hated on it but, no one offered a viable alternative. I wasn't trying to predict anything, Although I do believe this scenario is the best way to go.

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