Why WWE needs to consider Brock Lesnar vs HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN

You know, I actually like the idea of Hulk Hogan vs. Lesnar. Yes, Boss, I really, really do. I would love to see Hogan get destroyed by Lesnar in a one hour Iron Man match. Just for you, Boss. When Lesnar gives Hogan 40-50 German Suplexes and 2 dozen F-5's, for which Hogan will be completely destroyed, it will be pure satisfaction. And you, sir, will be crying at why Hogan had to wrestle Lesnar. You will be demanding heads rolling, while the rest of us will be laughing at you and telling you that we told you so. But, hey, don't worry. Hogan's next match will be a tag team event:

Hogan and Mitsuharu Misawa vs Yokozuna and Giant Baba.

Now, wake up and get real. Hogan is done. If you were really a fan, and not a troll, you would want to remember the great matches he had. You would not want him to look like a complete fool, or get savagely hurt against someone like Lesnar.
You know, I actually like the idea of Hulk Hogan vs. Lesnar. Yes, Boss, I really, really do. I would love to see Hogan get destroyed by Lesnar in a one hour Iron Man match. Just for you, Boss. When Lesnar gives Hogan 40-50 German Suplexes and 2 dozen F-5's, for which Hogan will be completely destroyed, it will be pure satisfaction. And you, sir, will be crying at why Hogan had to wrestle Lesnar. You will be demanding heads rolling, while the rest of us will be laughing at you and telling you that we told you so. But, hey, don't worry. Hogan's next match will be a tag team event:

Hogan and Mitsuharu Misawa vs Yokozuna and Giant Baba.

Now, wake up and get real. Hogan is done. If you were really a fan, and not a troll, you would want to remember the great matches he had. You would not want him to look like a complete fool, or get savagely hurt against someone like Lesnar.

Forget it you're wasting your time and breath here. This guy makes at least of the these threads a week extolling the virtue's of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, and doesn't seem to think that the guy has aged at all in the last 30 years.

As far as he's concerned HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, is still in his prime and can take on the world. What he doesn't realize is that Hogan is a broken down old man who would literally get broken in half in the ring with Lesnar.

No matter how much Hogan wants to wrestle it's not going to happen. I'm sure if they all of a sudden turned around and said to him 'Hey we cleared you and you're going to be in a Hell in a Cell match with Lesnar, in a couple of weeks" he'd come down with a headache and a chest cold. The whole idea of Hogan in the ring is pathetic and so is this poster.
Let's your own analysis. If you recall you talked about the "symbolism" of how Brock Lesnar defeated HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN:

You then went into further detail by saying:

That is exactly what they were going for. This wasn't just a loss for the Undertaker. It was the ending of his beloved streak. They wanted to make it as powerful as they could. By throwing in the, "he legitimately injured so and so" line, they put Brock over even more and make him seem even more unbeatable.

I don't know how you're continuously coming up with this connection between the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar match and the Hulk Hogan/Brock Lesnar match. I was comparing Undertaker's performance in his match against Brock Lesnar and the non-existent Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar match that you've been suggesting in this thread and how the Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar match would rank much lower in performance level. Let me make that clear --> Undertaker (with health issues) vs Brock Lesnar > Hulk Hogan (with health issues) vs Brock Lesnar. Understand?

As far as the symbolism is concerned, Undertaker with his concussion/health issue from the second half of the match to its conclusion had no visual symbolic imagery. Undertaker's loss meant that his streak was over, which was a major event on its own. It was a different kind of impact altogether. The only way it could have had the same visual symbolic imagery as Hulk Hogan's match was if Brock Lesnar had Undertaker's urn and hit him with it after the match and spilled its contents on him. There was no "humiliation" and Undertaker came out still looking strong (check his endurance), despite his health issues. Hulk Hogan returned as Mr. America.

A similar thing happened when HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN lost to Yozokuna. He had a fireball explode in his face, he was pinned with his own finisher, had to be carried out of the building and disappeared from WWF TV seemingly forever. Not only that but Yokozuna became the first man that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN failed to slam. As a result of all of this Yokozuna became an unbeatable monster and the most successful heel WWF World champion since *Superstar* Billy Graham. It's how wrestling works.

This is an example of booking done right though. Hulk Hogan never faced Yokozuna again after that and that was awesome, because it made Yokozuna look like a monster. The same should be applied to Brock Lesnar. Hulk Hogan has no business facing him again at this point, despite your HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN ramblings.

I never said injuries don't happen. But Triple H came back from those injuries didn't he? HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says he can come back as well.

You strongly implied that wrestlers wrestling in the ring in pain whether or not they're legitimately injured is all a work. And if wrestlers are seriously injured and can return, it's usually the younger guys that haven't had multiple surgeries.

You already brought up the fact that many, many wrestlers return from injuries. Triple H was a fine example. Even healthy Daniel Bryan risks more in a normal match than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN does because Bryan uses unnecessary high risk maneuvers because that's ALL he can get a pop for. So by your logic all high spots should be banned and anyone who has ever been injured for anything should be forced to retire... because they are at risk. Whoops... shut down the all of pro wrestling, the NFL and our military while we are at it. All too risky you know... just because some wrestling marks said so???? Sorry, I don't think that's going to happen.

Of course everyone's in risk of injuries, but there's a clear difference between healthy wrestlers that can go in the ring and unhealthy wrestlers that can't go in the ring. Daniel Bryan has only had one serious injury in the WWE so far. Hulk Hogan has had multiple back surgeries. Daniel Bryan is still young. Hulk Hogan is way past his prime. Why don't you piece together the puzzles hmm? And the only real danger move that Daniel Bryan risks is really the flying head butt. All he needs to do is remove that and he's fine.

You said that beating Brock was "not believable". Therefore by your logic squashing the much smaller Daniel Bryan is more "believable". So now you are going back to the argument that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S back IS healthy enough to get into the ring. Maybe Dean Ambrose can defeat Seth Rollins for the MITB briefcase and then go to cash it in after the main event but instead gives it to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN who does the legdrop and wins the title at WrestleMania. It will kill all of the build which is the best part, but at least it will be to your liking in that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN doesn't work a full match but he drops the leg and gets his moment. Does that suit you?

You're the one that brought up Hulk Hogan stating that he has one leg drop left, not me. And if he needs/wants to use that leg drop, then I'm suggesting that it'd be better to be done in a one-off appearance segment rather than a full match which would be more straining on his entire body. And I never said anything about Hulk Hogan squashing Daniel Bryan. You're the one that brought up Daniel Bryan out of nowhere. And now you're bringing up Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. All of that is completely irrelevant to what I'm even talking about. I said Hulk Hogan could do a leg drop on someone. Hell, it could even be used on The Miz during his Miz TV program or a similar segment. You know what would be even better than all of this though? Hulk Hogan not even doing anything physical. I like him fine doing his talking on the mic.

So why then do you keep analyzing these moves as if they are real? Just sit back and enjoy. If you can't do that you shouldn't be watching. Pro wrestling is to far over your head.

There should be some degree of realism. Just because I know it's fake doesn't mean I want it to be that obvious. It's like magic. We know it's fake, but the way it's executed is so believable which is what makes it fun or entertaining.

How then did a man who has his ass handed to him both in his first and last UFC matches ever become champion? By your logic "that don't make no sense! he-yuck." The world doesn't work in perfect synchronization. Otherwise everything would be predictable and there would be no surprises.

Except UFC matches aren't scripted. Pro wrestling doesn't work like that, but like I said above, if there's no degree of realism, it's also pretty lame. The way the WWE has been booking Brock Lesnar is based on a degree of realism, therefore it convinces us. How do you ruin that? By having Hulk Hogan beat him for the title.

Also HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has NEVER defeated anyone with just a legdrop. He doesn't have one of those "magic moves" that defeats anyone at anytime even if it's the only move that you get in. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S matches have always involved a heavy powerbased offensive throughout the entire match to wear down his opponent. Just like the old days when you would work on a body part that softens up the opponent for your finisher. It's how stories are (or were) told in the ring. It's one of the reasons that wrestling was better in the old days. Let's take a look at a typical HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN match. He would start his matches using his (usual) height and weight advantage to through an incredible onslaught onto his opponent forcing the opponent to reach into their reserves early. This part was key as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN didn't have the stamina that smaller men would have so it was important to wear them down early. When he found himself becoming winded he would take a step back and allow the opponent to go onto the offense. This was usually signified by telegraphing a backdrop or delaying a run into the corner. He would spend a lot of time on the mat allowing himself to be caught in rest holds that he could withstand while dishing out just enough offense to make sure the opponent doesn't recover. Finally when the opponent has used up the last of their energy (usually signified by an attempt at a finisher) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN reaches into his own reserves - HULKS UP if you will - and goes for the kill. He throws a few right hand to put the opponent on the defense, He then hits the big boot, or in the case of heavier opponents he delivers a body slam. In both cases it's to stun the opponent and set them up for the legdrop. Now if you are laying there exhausted, stunned and a 300lbs man drops all of his weight across your chest that is going to knock the wind out of you. As any athlete can tell you, if you get the wind knocked out of you, you are unable to move for several seonds. Well, three seconds is all HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN needs. If a perfect game plan that proved to be very successful for him for many years. Pfft... "one leg drop" indeed. Learn how to watch matches.

Thanks for this grand essay :rolleyes: That's all fine and dandy, but that's not the Hulkster today, so stop fantasizing.

It was a great moment. Known for years as "the last great swerve" in wrestling. The only people who had a problem with it were HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN haters and WCW haters. In other words bigots. The proof? There has never been a massive out cry by WWE fans about Triple H and HBK doing the EXACT SAME ANGLE on RAW. Nor has there been a big out cry against Money in the Bank which is also the same thing. The champ is down. Someone make the cover. New champ. No match. Happens in WWE all the time. Yet everyone whines about the ONE AND ONLY time it happened in WCW.

This has already been addressed in great points in another thread by other people. Most of the people were WCW fans, so no, they weren't bigots (you just love using this word huh). I for one watched WCW over WWF from 1994 to 2000 and enjoyed a lot of WCW (ex. nWo, Goldberg, The Flock, Cruiserweight division, etc). That supposed "great swerve" wasn't one of the things I enjoyed though just like I didn't enjoy David Arquette and Vince Russo each winning the WCW title. In the same way, I didn't enjoy a lot of the cheap 'shock' antics in WWF either. Why don't you read what other people say about this matter before going around saying the same thing over and over again that has been responded to repeatedly.

And even he got to win a title in his retirement match. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN certainly deserves the same honor and then some as he has done much more for the sport. "Pretty sure" heh? So by your own admission you are just guessing and therefore as I have said all along have no idea of the true health of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Only he knows. And he says that he's good to go.

Yeah, a title that didn't even mean anything. Nobody cares. Hulk Hogan for the last time isn't in any condition to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I'm not 'guessing' anything. I'm going by what has been reported about him and those are the multiple back surgeries and knee surgeries. And on top of that, his age. It's not hard to tell that he's not in "wrestling" shape with that much information.

Leaving? Then I win. :headbanger:

You haven't won anything since your Hogan vs Lesnar match hasn't come to fruition. There's no point in talking to a fanboy troll like you anymore since it's equivalent to playing squash alone in an empty gym. Repetitively endless. Have fun with your fantasy.
There is another thread discussing the FPoD right now. Check out the first post on page three. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=282631&page=3

BURN! :flamed:

And chec out this latest pos on Wrestlezone. While it doesn't say HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Brock specifically, I does say that they plan to hve his retirement match at WrestleMania 31. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/518071-news-on-sting-and-hulk-hogan-retirement-matches-at-wrestlemania-31-the-hardys-promote-the-epic-sequel-with-the-young-bucks


Check the records for yourself. Yokozuna reigned for 280 days. No other heel had that long of a reign except Graham at 296 days.

BURN! :farttorch:

You're actually such a goof, it's ridiculous.

1. That one guy on the wrestlezone boards said it once, so it must be true! The general consensus has and always will be that the finger poke of doom sucked... If you dug it, then whatever... But, the company went out of business a short time later anyhow so whatever was going on around that time obviously couldn't have been that great.

2. No burn on this one, I think it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that even if Hulk does wrestle, it won't be against Lesnar. Lesnar's plan for Mania is in place. If Hulk passes the physical then more power to him, but your little dream match isn't going to happen... Sorry bud :(

3. I said Yoko was awesome, didn't I? I said nothing about the length of his reign. Specifically said that business was in the shitter just about the whole time he was champ. Not a knock on Yoko as a performer, that's just the way it was. And for someone that keeps condescendingly calling other posters here "marks" and saying things like "wrestling is a work" you sure are putting a lot of stock into the length of someone's fake title reign as opposed to the real numbers they generated.

So, good job... You totally "burned" me. You "burned" me by not really saying much of anything. You "burned" me by completely misinterpreting simple statements I made, citing sources that either a) had nothing to do with the point you were trying to dispute to begin with or b) aren't really sources of any information at all...

1. That one guy on the wrestlezone boards said it once, so it must be true! The general consensus has and always will be that the finger poke of doom sucked... If you dug it, then whatever... But, the company went out of business a short time later anyhow so whatever was going on around that time obviously couldn't have been that great.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the FPOD happened in 1999? And WCW went out of business in like 2001?

Yea I checked it on Wikipedia, FPOD happened January 4th 1999 and March 26th 2001. So thats 27 months? 4.3 weeks a month puts it at about 116 episodes of Nitro? I'm not arguing against your points because you made good points, I just don't agree with that.

And even in the thread you both mentioned, it gets brought up that ratings for WCW actually went up after it. Granted it was just the one month after but still(also keep in mind I've never actually looked it up so). But if that information is correct the ratings should drop too, which they didn't. Again xD never looked it up
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the FPOD happened in 1999? And WCW went out of business in like 2001?

Yea I checked it on Wikipedia, FPOD happened January 4th 1999 and March 26th 2001. So thats 27 months? 4.3 weeks a month puts it at about 116 episodes of Nitro? I'm not arguing against your points because you made good points, I just don't agree with that.

And even in the thread you both mentioned, it gets brought up that ratings for WCW actually went up after it. Granted it was just the one month after but still(also keep in mind I've never actually looked it up so). But if that information is correct the ratings should drop too, which they didn't. Again xD never looked it up

Yeah, I wasn't being super literal in terms of dates or anything... Was just trying to illustrate the point that the ol' finger poke appeared to be, by all accounts the beginning of the end for wcw, as far as being the ratings powerhouse they had been anyhow. Not the worst thing that ever happened in wcw by a long shot (The white hummer saga a few months later, lol) but definitely left fans with a sour taste in their mouths.
fuck you with this bullshit!!! If the undertaker can't even beat lesnar at his age, what makes you think hogan can? and what makes you think Lesnar would even agree to a match against hogan to job to him?? he refused to Job to Stone Cold Steve Austin and you mean to me that he would agree to job to Hogan?? absolutely ridiculous!!! If you seriously want an old timer to beat Lesnar MAKE IT BE STING!!! That in itself would sell more tickets than Lesnar Hogan because it's new, they haven't fought each other before, and the fact that Sting is coming back to wrestle in wrestlemania would sell far more tickets than Hogan would right now. Also!! Lesnar if a very stiff wrestler. Telling Mr. Lesnar to protect his opponents is like me telling Mr. New Jack to cut down the level of violence on his opponents. ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. You are risking severe injury to Hogan by putting him against a man who strictly loves money and not the love of the business.
I would enjoy watching Hogan and Lesnar, I wouldn't expect it to be eithers best match by far and they obviously won't be doing triple corkscrew moonsaults etc but I think both wrestlers could still have a decent match I would rather see a match with a good story and wrestlers that people care about than a match with all these different fancy moves that mean nothing with dull wrestlers.
I would enjoy watching Hogan and Lesnar, I wouldn't expect it to be eithers best match by far and they obviously won't be doing triple corkscrew moonsaults etc but I think both wrestlers could still have a decent match I would rather see a match with a good story and wrestlers that people care about than a match with all these different fancy moves that mean nothing with dull wrestlers.

I'm sorry but I don't think either Hogan or Lesnar have ever been capable of doing a triple corkscrew moonsault. But with Hogan being such a mark for himself, if he thought he could figure out how to do it he just might try, and poor bastard that he is, it would be the end of him. Sorry but the whole idea of these two doing moves like that just make me laugh out loud.
You know, I actually like the idea of Hulk Hogan vs. Lesnar. Yes, Boss, I really, really do. I would love to see Hogan get destroyed by Lesnar in a one hour Iron Man match. Just for you, Boss. When Lesnar gives Hogan 40-50 German Suplexes and 2 dozen F-5's, for which Hogan will be completely destroyed, it will be pure satisfaction. And you, sir, will be crying at why Hogan had to wrestle Lesnar. You will be demanding heads rolling, while the rest of us will be laughing at you and telling you that we told you so.
See there? Your imagination is running wild. Whether you love HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN or you love to hate him, everyone enjoys him. You claim otherwise but you would mark out as soon as he starts to Hulk up.

But, hey, don't worry. Hogan's next match will be a tag team event:

Hogan and Mitsuharu Misawa vs Yokozuna and Giant Baba.
HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is GOD you know. I'm sure that he sees those guys every day. He's also said that he will one day face Andre the Giant again.

Now, wake up and get real. Hogan is done. If you were really a fan, and not a troll, you would want to remember the great matches he had. You would not want him to look like a complete fool, or get savagely hurt against someone like Lesnar.
It's not up to me to decide. Only HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can make the call. He says yes. I am only supporting him as any true fan would do.

Forget it you're wasting your time and breath here. This guy makes at least of the these threads a week extolling the virtue's of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, and doesn't seem to think that the guy has aged at all in the last 30 years.
As far as he's concerned HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, is still in his prime and can take on the world. What he doesn't realize is that Hogan is a broken down old man who would literally get broken in half in the ring with Lesnar.
He looks pretty good and has bigger arms than Lesnar. He's not called "Immortal" for nothing.
No matter how much Hogan wants to wrestle it's not going to happen. I'm sure if they all of a sudden turned around and said to him 'Hey we cleared you and you're going to be in a Hell in a Cell match with Lesnar, in a couple of weeks" he'd come down with a headache and a chest cold. The whole idea of Hogan in the ring is pathetic and so is this poster.
Hellin a Cell? Don't make me laugh. There is only one stage big enough for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and that is WrestleMania. Besides Brock Lesnar, your "tough" champion has already poo-pooed the idea of working HIAC.
It's not up to me to decide. Only HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can make the call. He says yes. I am only supporting him as any true fan would do.
Except you're wrong. It's actually up to WWE to decide. They could be sued if something happens to Hogan, they are liable for the things that happen in their ring. They have to deal with the PR if something horrible happens. Night in Night out, a 61 year old man in the ring having a match with a historically stiff working might not be a good thing. The WWE medical team also has more say than Hulk does on this issue, seeing as they can say "he can't go". So, you're right in one way, You or I can't decide. But tons of people don't know what's best for their own health. Hogan might be one of those people and personally I don't know him so I can't say that.
lol, that would all fail. You're forgetting one thing -- everything is dependent on Hugan's and less in part, Lesnar's performance. If Hugan cannot deliver in the ring, the build up would not be successful, and the match itself would not be successful. It would be dreadful from the get go.
I don't know how you're continuously coming up with this connection between the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar match and the Hulk Hogan/Brock Lesnar match.
I didn't bring it up, YOU[/i] did. I just told you that you were wrong.
I was comparing Undertaker's performance
There you go again. You just admitted it.
in his match against Brock Lesnar and the non-existent Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar match that you've been suggesting in this thread and how the Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar match would rank much lower in performance level.
And therefore by your own admission this Undertaker argument of yours is total horse $hit because unlike my arguments which are based on facts, yours is based on comparing a history (Undertaker's match) with something that hasn't happened yet to pull an unscientifically supported argument out of your butt.
Let me make that clear --> Undertaker (with health issues) vs Brock Lesnar > Hulk Hogan (with health issues) vs Brock Lesnar. Understand?
Pure speculation.

As far as the symbolism is concerned, Undertaker with his concussion/health issue from the second half of the match to its conclusion had no visual symbolic imagery. Undertaker's loss meant that his streak was over, which was a major event on its own. It was a different kind of impact altogether.
Are you trying to say that there was no symbolism of finality here? The fact that Brock beat the Undertaker to "death" aka concussion was one. The ending of the streak was another. And the plants making the "shocked" faced was three. It was to make Lesnar look stronger as he did the seemingly impossible.
The only way it could have had the same visual symbolic imagery as Hulk Hogan's match was if Brock Lesnar had Undertaker's urn and hit him with it after the match and spilled its contents on him.
Oh, you mean like how HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN did in 1991? Hmmm. Nope. It didn't mean that Undertaker's career was over.
There was no "humiliation" and Undertaker came out still looking strong (check his endurance), despite his health issues. Hulk Hogan returned as Mr. America.
On the contrary, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN came back to defeat Vince McMahon at WrestleMania XIX. Proving that Brock did NOT end Hulkamania.The Mr. America stuff didn't happen until after Vince "fired" him.

This is an example of booking done right though. Hulk Hogan never faced Yokozuna again after that and that was awesome, because it made Yokozuna look like a monster.
Wrong again. He had headlined a tour of Europe where they had several rematches. Watch one: .http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AlzuWn24ofo

The same should be applied to Brock Lesnar. Hulk Hogan has no business facing him again at this point, despite your HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN ramblings.
Brock Had no business getting a title shot in the first place seeing as how WWE already knew he wouldn't be wrestling until next year. But those are the breaks. All of WWE's top face talent is down and out that leaves the door wide open fir HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.

You strongly implied that wrestlers wrestling in the ring in pain whether or not they're legitimately injured is all a work.
I mentioned a specific occasion. You brought up other names.
And if wrestlers are seriously injured and can return, it's usually the younger guys that haven't had multiple surgeries.
Um...hello? Terry Funk, Mick Foley, Roddy Piper, Harley Race, Lou Thez just to name a few. Oh yeah and one more... HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. He already came back from these surgeries in TNA

Of course everyone's in risk of injuries, but there's a clear difference between healthy wrestlers that can go in the ring and unhealthy wrestlers that can't go in the ring. Daniel Bryan has only had one serious injury in the WWE so far. Hulk Hogan has had multiple back surgeries. Daniel Bryan is still young.
I bet George Foreman could whip your butt. As could HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, Antonio Inoki, Lou Ferrigno, Steve Austin or any number of "old" guys.
Hulk Hogan is way past his prime. Why don't you piece together the puzzles hmm?
Okay, let's look at the pieces. 1) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN injured his back from decades of dropping the big leg every night. 2) He had several surgeries to correct this problem. 3) He successfully returned to the ring in TNA 4) He's now back in WWE wanting one last big match. 5) He claims that his back is "fixed" and doesn't hurt anymore. 6) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN knows better than you what condition his back is in. 7) The latest word is that there are preliminary plans in place for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to wrestle at WrestleMania. Conclusion? No back injury is going yo hold back HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN!
And the only real danger move that Daniel Bryan risks is really the flying head butt. All he needs to do is remove that and he's fine.
There you go. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN doesn't even do that move so to quote you, "he'll be fine".

You're the one that brought up Hulk Hogan stating that he has one leg drop left, not me. And if he needs/wants to use that leg drop, then I'm suggesting that it'd be better to be done in a one-off appearance segment rather than a full match which would be more straining on his entire body.
But HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN isn't campaigning to drop a leg for no reason. He wants a match because he feels like he can do it.. And again you have no way of knowing what his current health is anymore than you would know what my penis tastes like.
And I never said anything about Hulk Hogan squashing Daniel Bryan. You're the one that brought up Daniel Bryan out of nowhere.
You were claiming that the reason that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN shouldn't defeat Brock Lesnar was because it wouldn't make sense for a monster like Brock to lose to the legdrop. So I offered another scenariowhere HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN would beat the much smaller, weaker and fresh off of surgery Daniel Bryan.
And now you're bringing up Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. All of that is completely irrelevant to what I'm even talking about. I said Hulk Hogan could do a leg drop on someone.
And everyone I mentioned constitutes "someone" yet you still complain. Clearly you aren't even taking your own ideas seriously. You are just trolling. But that's okay, I can still out debate you.
Hell, it could even be used on The Miz during his Miz TV program or a similar segment. You know what would be even better than all of this though? Hulk Hogan not even doing anything physical. I like him fine doing his talking on the mic.
HA! I hadn't even read this far yet when I made that last comment about not taking your own ideas seriously. Then I read where you admit that you didn't like you own idea. lol Even when I'm joking I'm right.

There should be some degree of realism. Just because I know it's fake doesn't mean I want it to be that obvious. It's like magic. We know it's fake, but the way it's executed is so believable which is what makes it fun or entertaining.
If that's how it worked then only the giants would win. Smaller guys like Rey Mysterio Jr., Daniel Bryan, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoitand Austin Aries would rarely ever win a match and surely would never become World champion. The main reason for Daniel Bryan getting so over (aside from the "yes" chant) was because it was so unlikely that he would win. They kayfabe "buried" him for months, they cheated him out of the Royal Rumble and then even when he got his chance to wrestle for the title he had to wrestle twice AND he got beaten down after his first match. The odds were totally against him. Add to that he was the smallest man in the main event. All of this made his time f his come from behind victory all the more special and the payoff all the more enjoyable. None of that would have been possible under your "believability" restrictions.

Except UFC matches aren't scripted. Pro wrestling doesn't work like that, but like I said above, if there's no degree of realism, it's also pretty lame. The way the WWE has been booking Brock Lesnar is based on a degree of realism, therefore it convinces us. How do you ruin that? By having Hulk Hogan beat him for the title.
Having him lose to the greatest of all time (who is still bigger than Lesnar) at any age is still better than having him lose to a runt or a noob.

Thanks for this grand essay :rolleyes: That's all fine and dandy, but that's not the Hulkster today, so stop fantasizing.
As soon as he wrestles again he will be.
I for one watched WCW over WWF from 1994 to 2000 and enjoyed a lot of WCW (ex. nWo, Goldberg, The Flock, Cruiserweight division, etc). That supposed "great swerve" wasn't one of the things I enjoyed though just like I didn't enjoy David Arquette and Vince Russo each winning the WCW title.
Yeah but don't forget that Vince McMahon stated all of that when he strapped himself with the WWF World title (and later the ECW title) but those are always overlooked because once again that the promotions are not judged In the same way,
I didn't enjoy a lot of the cheap 'shock' antics in WWF either. Why doen't you read what other people say about this matter before going around saying the same thing over and over again that has been responded to repeatedly.
you just answered your own question. Because people keeps saying the same thing even though I keep proving them all wrong including you.

Yeah, a title that didn't even mean anything. Nobody cares.
Hey it was his first title in 20 years. Show the jerk some respect. :lol:
Clearly you didn't read it. Gotcha! The rest of the roster is injured, hated, or walked off like crybabies. Hardly the standard barer. Further more. NONE of WWE's main event face roster can wrestle right now. That's why this is such a good time to do it. There is nothing else to do. And your comment that "we didn't know that Andre was a shell of his former self" is laughable. He had been lumbering for years, gained a ton of weight, had to become part of a masked tag team "The Machines" so that he could spend most of the time on the apron and even that was too much as he had to be replaced by the Big Machine (Blackjack Mulligan). There was no question that he was not the Andre of old but we were still entertained because he was still Andre the Giant. The same is true for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.

Mulligan didnt replace Andre in the Machines, the Machines came in as a threesome(Mulligan, Bill Eadie and Andre). to combat Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy. But your point is valid, Andre was on struggle street at Wrestlemania 3, but he did continue to wrestle at Manias 4,5 and 6 plus tag and six man matches at the other quarterly ppvs and royal rumbles.
The idea itself isnt too bad, but Hogan being able to have a match befitting Wrestlemania 31's main event, with a guy as physical as Lesnar just isnt feasible. Even Undertaker, who although in poor shape himself is surely in better shape than Hogan looked sad against Lesnar. Brock needs to be in a hard hitting, physical match with young guys who can go with him, like Orton or Reigns, or Ambrose. I love nostalgia and Hogan I feel deserves the huge WWE send off as he is the guy, the man, he is WWE. This ship sailed years ago, and it saddens me to say it being a staunch Hulkamaniac since I was 7 years old. WWE have booked themselves into this shit though, having both Sting and Hogan and possibly Undertaker lining up for one last match come April 2015 will make this card hard to watch.
If Hogan was able to put in even a passable match and Lesnar could be made to look remotely believable, then I love the idea and the way you have booked it. But reality, it isnt a snowballs chance in hell of happening.
But fuck me, the heat Lesnar and Heyamn would generate demaning Hogan the way you wrote,man ratings would gop through the roof and would be GOLD
Mulligan didnt replace Andre in the Machines, the Machines came in as a threesome(Mulligan, Bill Eadie and Andre). to combat Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy.
Incorrect. They came in as a twosome. Thee Big Machine (Mulligan) was introduced on an episode of the Flower Shop to confuse Heenan who was accusing the Giant Machine of being Andre. In fact when the Big Machine made his first appearance Bobby asked Captain Lou to "bring out the Giant Machine".
But your point is valid, Andre was on struggle street at Wrestlemania 3, but he did continue to wrestle at Manias 4,5 and 6 plus tag and six man matches at the other quarterly ppvs and royal rumbles.
But he was in constant pain. He never wrestled at all between WrestleMania III and Survivor Series. Even then he didn't get into the ring (save for to brief moments to tease a clash with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN) until the very end. As you pointed out he continued to wrestle for years in his immobile state relying mostly on choking and headbutts for the rest of his career. Yet even so he and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN not only drew 93,173 fans to WrestleMania III but, on February 5, 1988 their rematch drew the largest rating ever for a wrestling event; 33 million viewers (more than three times the largest RAW rating) a record that still stands to this day. The rematch was no technical masterpiece either yet it was voted match of the year. And their feud continued to be big enough to headline back to back WrestleManias Not to mention that Both the Survivor Series and SummerSlam both were launched by featuring the HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN/Andre the Giant feud as it's main attraction. Oh, and did I mention that Andre won the WWF World championship that year?

And even after the feud finally came to an end, Andre continued to main event the B-shows feuding with Big John Studd (boy those were hard to watch but at the same time it was awesome to see this old feud re kindled), Jim Duggan and the Junk Yard Dog. As his condition continued to worsen Andre had to start jobbing to the Ultimate Warrior in 30 sections. This made me hate the Warrior but it kept Andre in the featured feuds (remember him appearing on the Brother Love show as "The Ultimate Giant" complete with face paint?). Finally Andre could do little more but stand on the apron. So they teamed him up with Haku as the Colossal Connection. The team even won the WWF World tag team title even though their matches consisted of Haku doing all of the work.with Andre stepping in only once to deliver a headnote, drop an elbow and get the pin.
Even after he left the WWF Andre continued to wrestle in tag team matches in Japan and Mexico until very nearly the end of his life. All of this should be evidence enough that just because a wrestler is not in his physical prime doesn't mean that he can't still perform adequately with the right build. Age means nothing in pro wrestling. As long as he is over the fans will buy it. There's and old saying, there is a difference between being past your prime and being washed up
Hulk Hogan or HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is never going to wrestle a match in a WWE ring ever again. All Hulk Hogan is nowadays is a walking WWE billboard. "Buy the WWE Network for only $9.99 Hulkamaniacs!", "Support Susan G. Komen brother!", "WWE is the best wrestling company in the world!"... You seriously think Vince Mcmahon or HHH are thinking of putting Hulk Hogan in the ring with anybody, much less Brock Lesnar? These are redundant points to make but they're completely true; Hogan can barely move, he's had numerous back and knee surgeries, and he's 61 years old. Vince and Trips are probably laughing at Hogans attempts to circulate interest in a HH return against Brock Lesnar or John Cena. They are not going to be liable for him in the ring. If Hogan throws his back out or completely fucks it up in a match at Mania, it would be a disaster... There's just too much risk in this.
I think this is almost an AWESOME idea! The major issue however, as other people have stated, is Hulk Hogan's physical condition; people have very high expectations of Wrestlemania compared to other WWE pay-per-views, and the two recent John Cena matches have left fans with the expectation that Brock Lesnar will be involved in very, very stiff, physical matches. BUT- we can work with this!

Instead of being a Wrestlemania event, this should be the main event for the February pay-per-view. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN comes out at the Raw after the Royal Rumble, and challenges Brock Lesnar to a match at the next pay-per-view. This will draw people to an otherwise typically slow event. At the pay-per-view, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN sacrifices his physical well being and gets the absolute shit kicked out of him. Forget Blood, Urine, and Vomit; Brock Lesnar leaves him in a literal puddle of broken bones and syphilitic shit. Kids watching from ringside cry as they are left under the impression that they are watching an actual murder take place in the ring. Brock pins Hulk Hogan with one foot on his chest, and then after the match, sets up a chair- standing- in the ring, and starts delivering F5 after F5, as Hulk Hogan coughs up blood, phlegm, and a piece of his lung, performing the last good service Hulk Hogan has left in professional wrestling.

And then..... it's DANIEL BRYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

makes the save for a brutally crippled and permanently maimed Hulk Hogan, setting up a main event match at Wrestlemania 31. Brock Lesnar, his work done and now forever in my heart, slides out of the ring after the briefest of tussles with DANIEL BRYAN, keeping to the rule that you don't let people see for free what you're going to make them pay for later. As a bonus, the WWE gets to sell their Wrestlemania main event throughout the month of March by chronicling Hulk Hogan's time on a ventilator, with a feeding tube inserted in his nose.

I'm salivating just thinking about it.
I think this is almost an AWESOME idea! The major issue however, as other people have stated, is Hulk Hogan's physical condition; people have very high expectations of Wrestlemania compared to other WWE pay-per-views, and the two recent John Cena matches have left fans with the expectation that Brock Lesnar will be involved in very, very stiff, physical matches. BUT- we can work with this!

Instead of being a Wrestlemania event, this should be the main event for the February pay-per-view. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN comes out at the Raw after the Royal Rumble, and challenges Brock Lesnar to a match at the next pay-per-view. This will draw people to an otherwise typically slow event. At the pay-per-view, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN sacrifices his physical well being and gets the absolute shit kicked out of him. Forget Blood, Urine, and Vomit; Brock Lesnar leaves him in a literal puddle of broken bones and syphilitic shit. Kids watching from ringside cry as they are left under the impression that they are watching an actual murder take place in the ring. Brock pins Hulk Hogan with one foot on his chest, and then after the match, sets up a chair- standing- in the ring, and starts delivering F5 after F5, as Hulk Hogan coughs up blood, phlegm, and a piece of his lung, performing the last good service Hulk Hogan has left in professional wrestling.

And then..... it's DANIEL BRYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

makes the save for a brutally crippled and permanently maimed Hulk Hogan, setting up a main event match at Wrestlemania 31. Brock Lesnar, his work done and now forever in my heart, slides out of the ring after the briefest of tussles with DANIEL BRYAN, keeping to the rule that you don't let people see for free what you're going to make them pay for later. As a bonus, the WWE gets to sell their Wrestlemania main event throughout the month of March by chronicling Hulk Hogan's time on a ventilator, with a feeding tube inserted in his nose.

I'm salivating just thinking about it.

A couple of problems with your version.
1) as a previous poster pointed out, they already did the angle where Lesnar leaves HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN a bloody mess in 2002. While they certainly could just do it again, it would show a huge lack of creativity. More importantly however, it will do nothing to further a story won't make Lesnar look tough. When they had their first match in 2002 HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was fresh off a run a World champion.and was still viewed by many as the man to beat. When a rookie Lesnar defeated him in such grand fashion it was a major OMG! moment. If it happened today it would just be Lesnar beating up an old man. There's no story in that. But an underdog (which HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN would be this time) overcoming the odds to win the greatest prize in Rocky Balboa fashion is a story that has never failed to sell.

2) If reports are true Daniel Bryan has to undergo another surgery and won't be back until after the Royal Rumble. For your idea to take place Brian will have been shoehorned into the main event of WrestleMania two years in a row without winning the Rumble. This hurts the prestige if the Rumble and diminishes the point of winning it. It worked once. Two years in a row would be pushing it.

3) Three WWE is about money and marketing. They are not going to waste what will likely be HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S last one on one match on anything less than the biggest show of all.
A couple of problems with your version.
1) as a previous poster pointed out, they already did the angle where Lesnar leaves HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN a bloody mess in 2002. While they certainly could just do it again, it would show a huge lack of creativity. More importantly however, it will do nothing to further a story won't make Lesnar look tough. When they had their first match in 2002 HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN was fresh off a run a World champion.and was still viewed by many as the man to beat. When a rookie Lesnar defeated him in such grand fashion it was a major OMG! moment. If it happened today it would just be Lesnar beating up an old man. There's no story in that. But an underdog (which HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN would be this time) overcoming the odds to win the greatest prize in Rocky Balboa fashion is a story that has never failed to sell.

2) If reports are true Daniel Bryan has to undergo another surgery and won't be back until after the Royal Rumble. For your idea to take place Brian will have been shoehorned into the main event of WrestleMania two years in a row without winning the Rumble. This hurts the prestige if the Rumble and diminishes the point of winning it. It worked once. Two years in a row would be pushing it.

3) Three WWE is about money and marketing. They are not going to waste what will likely be HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S last one on one match on anything less than the biggest show of all.
1) Professional wrestling (actually, all storytelling since Shakespeare) has never been creative. It has been the same five or so stories, told with different actors, over, and over, and over again. Underdog champions fail to sell all the time- when you ask your audience to suspend their disbelief beyond the point of credibility, like believing Eric Young is a credible world champion. Asking millions of people to believe a 61 year-old man with a very visible limp can beat a man who within the past few years was a mixed martial arts world champion is a bit over the top, unless you let Hogan walk to the ring with a gun.

2a) DANIEL BRYAN could easily win the Royal Rumble, and the WWE frequently tells their audience that returning superstars will be out longer than they will be, because that way their return is a surprise. There are always surprise entries at the Royal Rumble.
2b) Jesus Christ, I was mocking you. Your idea is ******ed. Either you are a truly great and dedicated troll (which I could respect, and if so, kudos!), or you didn't learn how to flatback in wrestling school and took your bumps on the back of your head.

3) Why does that match have to be for the WWE Championship? It seems like you could sell Brock Lesnar versus several other people, and give Hulk Hogan a more credible opponent, like The Undertaker; two men who work at a similar pace, with The Streak no longer this huge big deal thing, which wouldn't require the audience to believe that a crippled old man (grandpa, what have you) could beat a man who performs in an extremely stiff style. In this fashion, you don't have to book Hulk Hogan after Wrestlemania with a title run, which would also squander the "last match" sell of a Wrestlemania match. In fact, you could sell a Hogan vs. Taker match as a 'loser retires' match, getting you two big Wrestlemania sells instead of one ludicrous one.

4) I, being completely sincere here, don't even believe Brock Lesnar is capable of slowing down his style to the point where Hulk Hogan could keep up, without making the match look absurd. The big surprise in Hulk Hogan's last match, against Sting over three years ago, was that he was able to fall on his back without being crippled.
1) Professional wrestling (actually, all storytelling since Shakespeare) has never been creative. It has been the same five or so stories, told with different actors, over, and over, and over again. Underdog champions fail to sell all the time- when you ask your audience to suspend their disbelief beyond the point of credibility, like believing Eric Young is a credible world champion.
But underdog VICTORIES never fail to sell. Such as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN over Andre, Flair over Vader, or Benoit, Mysrerio or Bryan becoming World champion. The underdog story has never failed to sell.
Asking millions of people to believe a 61 year-old man with a very visible limp can beat a man who within the past few years was a mixed martial arts world champion is a bit over the top, unless you let Hogan walk to the ring with a gun.
Rediculous. WWE had Dan Severn (3 time UFC champion - back when it was actually tough) lose all the time. Pro wrestling is a work. It's about entertainment.

2a) DANIEL BRYAN could easily win the Royal Rumble,
Not if he hasn't returned and all reports claim that he won't be back by then.
and the WWE frequently tells their audience that returning superstars will be out longer than they will be, because that way their return is a surprise. There are always surprise entries at the Royal Rumble.
And that's why my angle includes HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN as one of those surprise entrants.
2b) Jesus Christ, I was mocking you. Your idea is ******ed. Either you are a truly great and dedicated troll (which I could respect, and if so, kudos!), or you didn't learn how to flatback in wrestling school and took your bumps on the back of your head.
lol I just wrestled tonight. I'm sure I would have no problem outwrestling you.

3) Why does that match have to be for the WWE Championship?
Because it's WrestleMania and Lesnar is the champion. DUH.
It seems like you could sell Brock Lesnar versus several other people,
That's the point. There ARE NO OTHER opponents. All the top faces either walked out, got injured or the fans are just sick of.
and give Hulk Hogan a more credible opponent, like The Undertaker; two men who work at a similar pace, with The Streak no longer this huge big deal thing,
Because WWE is still hoping for Undertaker to face Sting.
which wouldn't require the audience to believe that a crippled old man (grandpa, what have you) could beat a man who performs in an extremely stiff style.
Again, it's a WORK. Just like the undertaker's streak, Lesnar's title reign, and the thought that a less than nothing pup squeak like Daniel Bryan could beat anyone let alone become champion. It's a work. No matter how much you want to play Star Trek and pretend that it's real it is and always will be a work.
In this fashion, you don't have to book Hulk Hogan after Wrestlemania with a title run, which would also squander the "last match" sell of a Wrestlemania match.
This proves that you didn't read the article. As I said Hogan would not have a run as champion. He would win the championship but would retire the next day as champion. Furthermore the match would not be booked as a last match or retirement match but, rather HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN What decide on his own to retire Thus adding more emotion to the moment.
In fact, you could sell a Hogan vs. Taker match as a 'loser retires' match, getting you two big Wrestlemania sells instead of one ludicrous one.
Oh please. A THIRD "loser retires" match wirh the Undertaker at WrestleMania? Talk about lacking creativity. Unless the Undertaker loses so that it will be different thus time.

4) I, being completely sincere here, don't even believe Brock Lesnar is capable of slowing down his style to the point where Hulk Hogan could keep up, without making the match look absurd. The big surprise in Hulk Hogan's last match, against Sting over three years ago, was that he was able to fall on his back without being crippled.
Exactly. And he has had three aditional years to heal since then. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN proved the non believers wrong then. He claims that he feals fine now. Why would you doubt him?
Exactly. And he has had three aditional years to heal since then. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN proved the non believers wrong then. He claims that he feals fine now. Why would you doubt him?

Listen it would take more than 3 years for Hulk Hogan to heal from the injuries he's received over the years. The man is almost crippled as it is, and why you want to see him in a match when he clearly can't wrestle anymore, is beyond me.

Do you really think if Hogan could be cleared to fight, he wouldn't already have done so? Instead of having him come out last year with the Rock and Austin to do a promo, he would have been in a match at Mania, I'm sure of it. Vince wouldn't miss that opportunity to make money off of it. Point blank, no matter how willing he is to get back into the ring, his body is letting him down.

By the way I've been drinking a bit tonight so if my spelling is off I apologize.

It's not your spelling that's worrisome, it's the face that you can't seem to grasp the fact that Hogan is done in the ring. Remember him how he was and move on.
Listen it would take more than 3 years for Hulk Hogan to heal from the injuries he's received over the years.
Untrue. It only took a matter of months for both HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and Andre the Giant to return from these injuries. However HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had had additional three years recovery time thus ensuring that he is in even better health.
The man is almost crippled as it is, and why you want to see him in a match when he clearly can't wrestle anymore, is beyond me.
Because he is the greatest of all time and he is still more fun to watch than anyone or anything currently happening in wrestling.

Do you really think if Hogan could be cleared to fight, he wouldn't already have done so? Instead of having him come out last year with the Rock and Austin to do a promo, he would have been in a match at Mania, I'm sure of it. Vince wouldn't miss that opportunity to make money off of it. Point blank, no matter how willing he is to get back into the ring, his body is letting him down.
Have you forgotten how the Rock was host of WrestleMania XXVII before he returned to main event back to back WrestleManias (and win the world title)? Seeing as how the WrestleMania card is decided upon the year before, it's very likely that Vince felt that there wasn't enough time to shoehorn a match worthy of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN into the even and decided to wait until the following year.
Eh. Horrible. Just horrible. I'd take the Bellas main eventing mania for the title, or Cena vs Lesnar #487 over Hogan vs Lesnar... How do people even come up with these ideas...
Because I know the business well. I know what has worked in the past, I know the obstacles they face at the moment and unless something drastic changes I know they won't have anything for the future ready in time for WrestleMania. They need something temporary that can take the fans on a wild ride and bye time for the younger guys to heal. That's why HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is such a great choice.

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