Will Hogan ever be in WWE again?

I think the Rumble situation would work better if Hogan eliminated Cena and then they built the match up over two months and at No Way Out (if its still that) they could have them team up and it could really blow up just in time for a match at Mania. I'd love Hogan to win but it would make more sense for him to put Cena over although I wouldn't use the Hogan retires if he loses thing.
I don’t see Hogan coming back in a wrestling role at all. It would be nice to see him wrestle one more time but he is in no shape to wrestle and I honestly don’t want him to wrestler. Like I said it would be nice if he could come back but with the shape he is in I prefer he doesn’t come back. If he was to take one bump in a match he could get hurt. And quite frankly I’d rather he not get hurt so that maybe he could come back and do other things (excluding wrestling).

I’d much rather see him come back as maybe a special guest host of Raw or to induct someone into the Hall of Fame. He doesn’t need to put much strain on his body to do either one of those things. So it would be nice to see him come back but to only do those things. I know Hogan still wants to wrestle one more match and still has the passion he had 20 years ago, but it’s just wouldn’t be the smart thing for him to do at his age and this late into the game.
No, he's finished. WWE doesn't need Hogan to come back, nor does it sound like his in any shape to come back. He needs to just lay low, fix his personal life problems and enjoy life as a older person before he dies. WWE needs to create new, fresh stars, instead of trying to get old wrestlers to come back for one night.
Truthfully, I don't really want to see Hogan back in the WWE again and for a couple of reasons.

1. Hogan really can't take the pounding anymore. I know it might be a hard truth for many Hulkamaniacs to swallow, but it is what it is. Several months ago, Hogan had back surgery, last I saw anything of him he was still walking with a cane. He's had hip replacement surgery I know for one hip, but has he had it done for both of them? Both of his knees are shot I think and, in the last few matches I saw him work, he was extremely slow and could barely move and that was several years ago. Hulk Hogan turns 56 years old in less than a month, it's time to pack it in.

2. Any match Hogan had would be god awful. I know it might be a hard pill for some Hulkamaniacs to swallow, but it's the truth. Hogan had to be carried in his matches with HBK and Orton and they were still kinda awful. Hogan was never a great athlete, but comparing him now to 10 years ago is like comparing two different people.

I know ratings is the name of the game and people will tune in to see what happens. Since it seems to be consensus for a Hogan/Cena match, let's use Cena as comparison. Because of Hogan's declining physical in-ring condition and capabilities, what exactly is Cena going to do with Hogan in a match? I doubt Cena is going to use that altered back suplex he does before doing the five knuckle shuffle. Even if he does, he'll barely pick Hogan up off the ground so the bump isn't very much and will look completely lame. The Attitude Adjustment? Pretty much the same thing. Hogan will have to take a pretty solid bump and who knows what it might do to him. The STF? I'd say Cena can forget using that as well. That can put some strain on someone with a good knee, it might obliterate Hogan's.

So, we'd either see a very subpar match in which Cena would look very bad or we could see a match in which a 56 year old man could very well suffer severe, potentially life altering injury. I don't really care for either option.

If Hogan were to be brought back, I'd might like the idea of him taking some young buck in the WWE, a guy that's got some potential but hasn't made it over the hump of being a major deal in the WWE. Be a mentor, a trainer, a teacher, etc. I also don't mean try to remake the guy into the next Hulk Hogan either. You know, have him come out to the music, wearing the clothes, doing the mannerisms and all that.
I never knew Hogan's body was THAT banged up.....I think that as fans, it's selfish of us to beg for and expect aged wrestlers like Hogan and Flair to keep getting back into the ring, especially for any kind of extended programs. I'd hate to witness another "Mitsuharu Misawa" moment happen on WWE programming
After reading the comments from Hogan himself about how he needs to sit down while brushing his teeth and take a ten minute break to lay down after shaving half his face I feel sorry for him. I don't think a WWE return is likely because of this. But you can tell the passion is still there. I think he could pull off one more match if he wanted to. But it would have to be with a really good worker like Cena or Edge. Wrestlemania 26 seems like the most likely scenario any later and it will be too late. But if he trains hard and eats his vitamins for one more match then I won't mind. Remember Hogan lives for the fans. A Hogan vs Edge match or a Hogan vs Cena match would be great. Edge or Cena would obviously have to carry it but none the less I'd feel like I was 13 years old again. If Hogan can wrestle one more match without ruining his back for life I say go for it.

Hogan lives for the pop from the fans and the payday, not the fans themselves, i think you meant.
Not that i'd criticize for that, i think any guy/gal who sais they only live to entertain us is full of shit.

As for anyone saying Cena is a top guy that could work a match, are u F'n serious.? he still doesn't sell moves and his moves are all way off, how many times in the past 12 months has he put on the STFU and clearly atleast to the tv audience he isn't even remotely close to applying it. well ok that was the norm in the Hogan era and Hogan is the king of overselling and underselling moves.

I'd go a Hogan vs Edge match though. atleast Edge can wrestle and its no secret he was at WrestleMania 6 when Hogan faced the Ultimate Moron and ofcourse the last time they were in the ring together was when they won the tag titles or something so there's a storyline built for it

all irrelevant whomever it is would have to physically carry him around the ring and work a walking speed match and WIN, would serve no purpose for Hogan to win yet again. Maybe Hogan vs Taker at Mania lol. Taker is probably the closest to Hogan's speed nowadays.

Just let Hulkamania live in the memories, not tarnish it in the present. We need another Hulkster but Hogan can't fill the role physically.
IF, and I mean if Hogan came, it should be for a couple of matches only, to put over the following.

1) Randy Orton, Hogan should of done the job at Summerslam ('06 I believe, always get mixed up with his HBK match).

2) HBK - see above

3) John Cena - Cena probably is the Hogan of this era, I think that would draw cuz some fans would be pulling for Hogan (not me though).
Hogan will most likely never wrestle again. His body is so messed up, if you've ever watch Hogan Knows Best, he talked about how bad his body is. He can barely walk let alone wrestle. Now am I saying that Hogan couldn't make an appearance and come out toss some jobber out of the ring like what he did to Hassan? No.

I would like to see Hogan as the GM for Raw. Think about it, One of the McMahons could come out while Vince is in the ring and say that they've taken a company vote on wether or not to have a GM for Raw, all of them but Vince would agree that the show needs a GM, then the next week Vince could come out saying that they've chosen a GM but he doesn't know who it is. So Vince starts yelling something like come out here! Then all of the sudden Hogan's music hits and he comes out to a huge pop and he says something like I'm the new GM Brother!

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