Sting on WWE Offer: "I turned it down for the same reasons I always have,"

Doesn't matter, man — he still loses. Sting. The fuckin' ICON Sting, loses to Undertaker, because as drawn-out/long as the match may have been, he is never going over him. Ever.

I can count on one hand the number of times Vince truly put a WCW guy over one of his own stars.

Who's to say Sting would be coming in to work full-time, anyway? What if it was a one-off deal? Kevin Nash and Booker T from what I understand haven't done a damn thing since the Rumble, so what indication is there that Sting would either?

Too many variables, man. Too much risk. He was and is better off in TNA.

But that is where you are wrong. It doesn't really matter if he loses, what would matter would be how he loses. Let's face it, pretty much any opponent for Taker at WM is going to lose. I fully expect Triple H to lose on Sunday, but I guarantee you he won't be buried in the process. They will have a hotly contested match, very competitive and interesting, but in the end, HHH will lose but still come out looking superb. Just like HBK the last two WM's.

If Sting came out and Taker asked him, who the hell are you, and squashed him in two minutes, that would be a burial, but come on, we know there is no chance that this would happen. They could structure his contract to ensure it doesn't, giving him some creative control in the outcome and the progression of his match. If Triple H and Shawn Michaels could have terrific matches and lose without being buried in the process, why could Sting not do the same? We both know why, hence the real reason for Sting to continue to duck the WWE while erroneously blaming it on big bad Vince.

Sorry to hear about your apparent injury. I mean, you must have suffered some sort of traumatic injury to your hands, involving the loss of several fingers, if you cannot count any more than five instances of WCW guys going over WWE guys. This is simply IWC generated anti-WWE bullshit and you know it. For every DDP who was buried by the WWE machine, there are plenty of other guys who have come to WWE and enjoyed long and successful careers.

You feel Sting was better off staying in TNA. This does not surprise me, knowing your admitted inherent pro-TNA and anti-WWE bias. I say this with all due respect and no offense intended as I am sure you know. Personally I am just as content seeing him stay there too as really, WWE does not need him. I would have loved to see a dream match between Sting and Taker about a decade ago but it holds very little appeal for me in 2011 and beyond. But I do think it is incorrect to suggest he is better off where he is now as opposed to where he could be now and over the next several months had he chosen to put himself out there and prove the naysayers like myself wrong. More money, more visibility, more profile, and the ability to show the world that he truly is the icon, rather than just being an icon-ish guy immersed in mediocrity.
I don't doubt the accuracy of the first sentence in the bolded portion of IDR's quote for one second. I absolutely believe that Sting turned down the WWE offer (assuming this is all legitimate, it is the Sun after all) for the same reason he always has. I am not so sure, though, that the reason he gives is completely legit and accurate. I have other ideas about why Sting has always refused to jump ship, but my reasons are different than those he states.

Look, more power to the guy for this alleged display of loyalty. Such loyalty is something which is sorely lacking in many cases these days, regarding professional wrestling and beyond. I do think, though, it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that all of the former WCW guys were buried after coming to WWE. Sure, some of these guys jumped ship before WCW actually folded, which is admittedly a little different than coming over afterwards. Nontheless, I seem to recall such guys as Jericho, Big Show, Mysterio, Benoit, Guerrero, Goldberg, and others coming over to WWE from WCW and making out just fine. It is foolish to assume that he would automatically be buried if he came to WWE.

Plus, what did people expect? Had the 2/21/11 vignette series actually been Sting and he had come over to the big leagues, of course he would have been slated to lose to the 18-0 Undertaker. This would hardly be construed as burying Sting, no more than any of the other opponents of Taker at WM were buried. Sting could have come over, lost to the Undertaker, but then moved on to some meaningful and significant feuds in the WWE.

Sure, Sting declined the WWE offer for the same reasons he always has. Not quite sure if loyalty or fear of being mistreated by the WWE has as much to do with it as Mr. Borden would have us all believe.

Almost every name you offered went to WWE before they were bought. Benoit even walked out on WWC and into WWE the night after becoming the the WCW triple crown champion. So yeah they defected before the WCW was sold and were bound to be treated differently.

As a WWE/F fan maybe you don't see Booker T walking in and being dissed by The Rock whom he had to hand his WCW world title to first thing was not burying him. You probably also didn't see Booker running from Stone Cold like he's scared of him as burying either. Booker stayed and ended up with a decent career I guess but I quit watching long before he left.

I'm sure DDP begging the Undertaker to make him famous and having to allow Takers wife pin him in the ring wasn't buried either. By the way did DDP get 1 offensive move in on Taker in their feud? Maybe a few but they were basically 1 squash after another.

I'm sorry but most former WCW fans saw it as WWE burying the WCW guys in an McMahon ego trip. Sting saw it the same way.

Now they want him to come up there for one reason and that was to job to the Taker at Wrestlemania. As a WWE/F fan who thinks Undertaker is great to you it's fine. As a Sting fan that never liked WWE/F I could care less about Takers streak or Taker as he's a character from WWE/F and I don't care about any of them. I don't care about Austin, HHH, HBK, Taker or the Rock and wouldn't waste my time watching them. That's my opinion and apparently it was Stings opinion as well. So I'm glad he didn't join WWE just to job to Taker to extend his streak and go into an irrelevant HoF that includes William "the fridge" Perry, Bob Uecker and inducting Drew Carey this year.
Cry me a fucking river. "The Big Bad Evil WWE buried WCW guys ftw!" I am so sick and tired of hearing that crap on wrestling message boards. First of all, half of the guys brought over in the invasion angle were lucky to still have a job. When you bring in that many new faces, you can't push everyone. There was this guy, though, that they pushed straight away, I think he was the standard bearer at the time of WWE's rival promotion...Booker T I think it was. That's right Booker T WAS pushed, he was not buried EVER in WWE. Okay so he got beat up by Steve Austin in a grocery disrespect to Booker but he was LUCKY to even have a program with one of the industry's greatest stars, especially so early in his WWE tenure. Booker won nearly every championship that there was to win when he was in WWE and was always featured on PPVs, usually in a fairly prominent role. Now someone will bring up that he lost to Triple H at WM 19. If you call being in one of the WrestleMania main events, the biggest show in wrestling history, I guess I'm not going to convince you otherwise. Like someone else said, Booker is remembered by man for his time in WWE, and that would include myself...frankly, he had an awesome career in WWE, HoF worthy not even counting his WCW successes.

Now onto Sting. The man has the freedom to work wherever he chooses. He even has the right to work for an absolute, 100% JOKE of a company, and wrestle minute and a half matches against some of the greatest pieces of trash rejects the world has to offer. But if you somehow think that's going to further his legacy or preserve it, well, you've been hanging out with Jeff Hardy a little too much. Sting may be in TNA for another year or two, and once he's done, how do you think his legacy will live on? TNA produced dvds of his glorious career in Orlando? No. For those who already know him he will be remembered for his WCW career, and all of that footage is owned by WWE. They've been putting the man over for several years now and he hasn't even ever worked for them! He's always portrayed in a positive light, being featured on several WWE dvd collections. Hell, WWE even has a profile for him with pictures up on a revived! Damn, just imagined if they actually worked for WWE how well he would be treated by them...look, I don't know what Sting is afraid's been documented that Vinnie Mac respects him and as I said it's been shown...anyways I guess he knows what's best for him, but in 40 years time he'll be nothing but a footnote in wrestling history because casual wrestling fans below the age of 16 probably don't know him or know much about him, but god damn, fight the good fight Stinger!
I care what nobody says here. If Sting had been the guy to be the mystery man to come to the WWE and lose to Taker at Mania, it wouldn't have mattered one bit. Yes, Sting is an icon. But after giving the world the dream match they want to see, Taker goes over, and here's where some of you are confused.... STING IS STILL STING. Someone said in a live chat once (I believe it was Little Jerry Lawler so credit to him for this), "every match doesn't have to mean something." True mothereffing statement.

Sting comes in on 2-21-11, short promo, says he's heard Taker doesn't have an opponent for WM27 yet, challenge set. They do their thing for 5-6 weeks with lights flickering and people appearing out of nowhere. They have their undoubtedly epic match at Mania. Sting says "I just wanted to give these fans something they've wanted for years." Boom. Angle over. Just because Sting loses the match doesn't mean shit. Nothing. It's still wrestling. It's still not real. Sting is still over 50. Sting is still an icon. Sting can wrestle more matches, couple notable feuds, make some serious money, and maybe throw a title run in there. You can't bury somebody the caliber of Sting when you bring him in for a high profile dream match. Every. single. wrestling fan out there will look so far beyond the fact that Sting lost that match and just be happy they got a 5 star match from 2 absolute legends of the business. Because end of the day... that's all it is... business. If that all were to happen, I'll bet you anything you could ask any wrestling fan out there if they care Sting "jobbed" to Taker at WM27. 90% would tell you they couldn't care less because the match was epic.

I credit Sting for being true to himself, his morals, values, beliefs, all that stuff. But not for one second will I believe the fact he believes he would have been mishandled or been dealt with in an untrustworthy manner. Sting was on a different level than the guys of WCW that came over to the WWE in the first place. You can even put Sting on the same level as Booker T, Benoit, Eddie, etc.... Those guys have legendary careers in their own right however you look at them. But they're not iconic. Sting is iconic. So I'm sorry... Sting believes the WWE and Vince would mishandle an icon such as himself? I'm calling bullshit.

I do believe that the call to put Sting in the HoF though is completely ridiculous. Just because Vince owns everything WCW ever did, doesn't make Sting Vince's boy. I think Sting going into the HoF would be more ridiculous 10000x over than having him coming in to lose to Taker at Mania. The WWE HoF is ridiculous in a sense, but it's also very entertaining and it's a good way to commemorate those who really made a difference in the business. Yes, Bob Uecker and Drew Carey are senseless... but that's why the WWE makes the (kinda poor) effort to say they're inducted into the "Celebrity Wing." Separating them in a way that doesn't piss off Stone Cold, HBK, Flair, etc... Not that they'd be pissed, but you catch my drift.
i remember hearing and reading about conversations about why Sting didn't go to the WWE. Every year in TNA they talked about Sting, about if they don't know whether or not he is going to go back. Nobody knows what he is thinking but only Sting himself. I see post here they bring up Booker T. Booker T stayed in WWE longer than any other than ex WCW star that i know, but he left and went to TNA. Didn't like how he was being used there and decided to go back to WWE. I see nothing wrong with that. I am sure he trust Dixie Carter because that is what a lot of them wrestlers are saying, but she not the one writing the stuff for creative. Russo is doing that and we don't hear wrestlers say they trust Russo

I would really like to see him try out WWE just for once. But i thought about something. I am sure ya'll remember Booker T and The rock's promo when The Rock ask Booker T "Who in the blue hell are you?" and said "it doesn't matter", imagine Sting was doing that promo. Do ya'll think he can match the level as The Rock. Can he handle the promos of Austin, The Rock or Triple H?? we never know because Sting doesn't look like the type to do a promo like that. All am saying would it hurt just to try out for WWE maybe for 4 months?? He goes back to TNA started off really bad due to the situation with Jeff hardy. What i don't really understand is why go back to a company with a bunch of guys who put WCW out of business, and lets not forget he stayed until WCW went out of business
This just shows to me, how much of an idiot Steve Borden is! He DOES NOT CARE about his fans! He should realize that that trash he is working on in TNA is, just plain trash, I wouldnt take the TNA belt if they gave it to me! Tna means nothing to nobody! Sting will NEVER be in the top 20, because he never wrestle in The BIG POND, WWE! Sure he was a Big Fish in a small pond at WCW, but he never was a big fish in the WWE Ocean! Too Bad Steve! I think u are nothing but a COWARD!
All these people needs to get off Sting's dick and let it breathe. Morals? Principles? What the fuck are you guys talking about, there's nothing wrong with accepting a deal to perform in front of the largest crowd of your life at the largest event of your life for a very nice paycheck.

Is he selling his soul to the devil? I don't know, did Hogan sell his soul when he came back in 02 to win his last ever World Title and eventually destroy Vince himself at WM19? Or what about Booker, who sold his soul to Vince in order to win 2 world titles, 10 other titles and a King of the Ring at the WWE. Yeah these guys were definitely buried...

Sting was offered a WWE Hall of Fame spot without ever competing in a WWE match beforehand! How could you possibly think you're getting buried after that offer!?!? Sting is just a fool, who turned down a solid run of dream matches,huge payoffs and pops for a memorable scuffle (for the wrong reasons) with Jeff Hardy and a 2,000 person pop at the little Impact Zone
Yeah right — I'm sure his "Five time! Five time! Five time! Five time! Five time WCW World Champion" moniker was all about his WWE success, right?

Him having climbed out past that hole is irrelevant — he was still buried.

Got some answers for DDP? How about Scott Steiner?

I would like to talk about these 3 before we get to Sting.

Booker T- People seem to forget that a month after his debut, Booker T fought the Rock in the semi main event at Summer Slam. His very first match in WWE was as team captain in a main event against the biggest stars in the WWE. After his feud with Rock, he next feuded with Steve Austin. This is all in his first 6 months with the company. He feuded with every top name in the WWE and won the world title along with many tag and midcard titles. Did you expect him to come out on RAW and beat Rock, Austin, Angle, Kane, and Taker clean in a gauntlet match his first night in the company? Not Buried.

DDP- Page was 45 years old and in poor shape physically when he started with the WWE. Page made his debut against the Undertaker. Nuff said. Maybe the feud wasn't amazing, but it was against the fucking Undertaker. He and his best friend then won the tag titles and feuded with Kane and Undertaker. Page got injured and was out for almost 3 months shortly after starting with the company. He then came back with a new gimmick that he created himself. He won the European championship and won a title match at Wrestlemania. Shortly after that he got injured again and doctors told him to retire. WWE wanted him to be a new color commentator but he was burnt out. Not Buried.

Steiner- Steiner was 40 years old and had suffered lots of injuries when he signed with the WWE. Steiner made his face debut at Survivor Series to a huge pop. He was the star of a bidding war between RAW and Smackdown before going to RAW and feuding with Triple H for the world title. The matches sucked and Steiner was damn near immobile from all the mass he was carring around. He then teamed and feuded with Test until he asked for his release. Not a great run, but not buried.

Now lets get to Sting. To be honest, I don't think "his character" has one damn this to do with all of this. Former WWE writer Dave Lagana was working for the WWE in 2002 when Sting was first approached about joining. He said everything was going great with the deal except for one thing: Schedule. He said that Sting just wouldn't commit to the WWE schedule. I think Sting knew people would always ask him why he didn't go to the WWE. He also knew that it would sound weak to say "I just didn't want to work the schedule". Therefor, he made up the whole story about "being protected".

His latest reason sounds like nonsense as well. The WWE offers him a lot of money to come in and face the biggest star in the company and the biggest event in Wrestling in front of 70,000 fans in Stings old hometown. Jesus Christ, how the fuck is that bad for someone's gimmick? It doesn't matter if he lost, wrestling is fake. All the fans wanted to see was, in Stings own words, "a dream match".

The dumbest thing is when people keep pointing to the Invasion as the reason Sting shouldn't go to the WWE. It was 10 fucking years ago! The wrestling industry is competely different. No one would look at Sting -Undertaker in 2011 as a question if WCW is better than WWE anymore than they wonder if ECW is better than WCW when Sting and RVD wrestler.

I'm also getting tired of people being called hypocrites for not watching TNA, but wanting Sting to go to the WWE. I don't like ROH, but I was excited when I heard that Bryan Danielson was going to the WWE. Same thing with Desmond Wolfe going to TNA. Sometimes there is nothing left for a wrestler to do in a company. Hell, thats how the territory system worked for 50 years until the 80's. When you've been the top dog long enough, you move on to something fresh.

Sting has the right to do whatever he wants, but I have the right to think that his decision sucks. Sting says he's glad things turned out the way they did. Sting should be wrestling the biggest legend in wrestling in front of 70,000 screaming fans in his old hometown on Sunday. Sting should have been having epic promo's on RAW the last month. Sting should have been at the press conference in Madison Square Garden this week getting tons of mainstream press. Instead, he is doing shit in TNA. Does that make me a WWE mark? For Christs sake Sting is feuding with Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan over controll of a company. Lots of wrestling fans weren't even born when this shit started. It was 15 damn years ago. He was also recently involved in the most embarrasing main event in wrestling history. (And I have every fucking right to make that point because it happened less than a month ago on live TV). Last night he had the honor of working an angle where he got the shit kicked out of him by Bubba Duddley and Matt Hardy. Boy, that sure as hell beats working with Taker at Mania.

Sting can do whatever he want's with his career. He can keep trying to make fans believe that Vince McMahon has always wanted to destroy his career. Funny though, not one negative word has ever been said about Sting in anything related with the WWE. In fact, he was been put over as an all time great every time they do a DVD talking about WCW or the greatest stars of the 90's. However, when I look at Sting, all I see is a guy who used to be a huge star.
Now onto Sting. The man has the freedom to work wherever he chooses. He even has the right to work for an absolute, 100% JOKE of a company, and wrestle minute and a half matches against some of the greatest pieces of trash rejects the world has to offer.

You say this, but how many times has Sting done this in his TNA career? I’m guessing once.

...anyways I guess he knows what's best for him, but in 40 years time he'll be nothing but a footnote in wrestling history because casual wrestling fans below the age of 16 probably don't know him or know much about him, but god damn, fight the good fight Stinger!

But if the Stinger can continue for a few more years, when those fans are over 16 they’ll realise they’re too old for WWE, thus watching TNA and seeing Sting. Everyone’s a winner.

I think it was a wise decision for Sting to reject the WWE. I can’t comment on the WCW guys being buried, as I didn’t see the Invasion Angle. But I see no point in Sting going to WWE, just to lose to the Undertaker. As mentioned in previous posts, there is no shame in losing to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, but that’s all there is for him to do. Who else is on Stings level? From what I saw of WWE, Randy Orton perhaps?

Sting may have been in TNA a long time, but there’s still plenty for him to do there. Sting can still help that company grow and can wrestle the likes of Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan etc Not to mention his history with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.

And for anyone to suggest Sting won’t be remembered for his time in TNA is bollocks. Millions of people around the World watch TNA on a weekly basis. And I’m pretty certain those people know who Sting is.
It cracks me up, he's afraid to "get buried" ....if they were bringing him in for Mania, that would be quite the opposite of getting buried! But, realistically, Sting is an old man in a young man's world...does he really NEED to be THE MAN if he were to go to WWE??? I'm a fan of his loyalty, of Sting in general, but WWE IS the major leauges.
I lost respect for Sting. I think it more selfishness than anything. He is worried about WWE ruining his Character, That is exactly what he is doing right now. If he wants to Wrestle with has beens and druggies then he is more worried about be the top billing than anything.
Haven't read all posts so sorry if I tread on old ground. In my personal opinion, he kind of spat in fans faces by saying ""It's a dream match that fans would want to see. It was close. I'm glad things turned out the way they did." The way it did was this dream match will never happen.
Does anyone here think HBK was buried the last 2 years? Or that Scott Steiner's failure WASN'T due to his inability to handle it anymore. I remember his Royal Rumble match where his huge arms did not help his stamina or his ability to lift HHH six inches off the ground without dropping him. I'll completely admit they dropped the ball with DDP, but I think he was also getting a little up there in age. Goldberg wasn't buried, he wasn't there for all that long but he wasn't at all buried. Yeah the Invasion angle didn't make a lot of stars out of WCW stars, but to be honest how many huge stars came over during the angle? Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan (granted all former WWE stars) held out, Goldberg held out, Sting never came, Steiner waited. It was hard to have a classic Rock VS... Booker T. If these stars had come over at first then the Invasion angle would have had much more potential and we probably wouldn't be thinking of all these stars as "buried." While I agree that Sting won't win against Taker, and that I can understand his view that WCW talent gets buried, you gotta believe Vince knows better with a guy like Sting. He could have a classic Wrestlemania moment, and go on to better things after ALMOST defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. What better debut could you have than taking the Deadman to his limits in his own house? Then when you beat him at Extreme Rules or whatever they'd wanna do its all perfectly believable and he's not buried at all.
I respect the fact that Sting has stuck to his principles. He has always been concerned about how he'd be treated by Vince McMahon, so he never signed. And I'm pretty sure Sting has plenty of money. Now, I would've loved to see him in WWE for a short run, and I'd especially would've loved to see him on the card at Wrestlemania in Atlanta & inducted in the Hall of Fame. It just would've made sense for so many reasons. But it looks like it will never happen. If Sting is comfortable with that, why shouldn't his fans be good with it as well?
Wow. Just, fucking wow. Are we really hearing comparisons being drawn between glorified WCW scrubs like Booker T and Scott Steiner and the fucking legendary Sting? 2 absolute nothings who were only World Championship material when WCW was on it's fucking death bed?

You're right, Booker T and Steiner were nothing but fodder for the WWE guys when they came in, but the thing everyone is missing; they shouldn't have been anything else. These guys were nothing coming in, just paper champions when no one else was there to hold the strap anymore. Jeff Jarrett held the title a couple of times around this era as well and yes, he would have been fucking buried in WWE if he came along as well. They were not main event players in the big leagues. Booker was able to prove his self eventually, Stenier didn't because he put on 2 of the absolute worst PPV matches of all time with Triple H. He was exposed quickly.

This needs to be made perfectly clear, Vince can NOT bury Sting. He couldn't do it now, and he certainly couldn't have done it back in 2001-02. He could do it to guys like Book and Steiner because when they got to the big show, it became apparent that they were not in the same league as the stars in the E. If Sting were to come in, after being the biggest face in the history of WCW, he wouldn't have been buried. Vince can see money, and he would know there's money to be had off of Sting(once again, unlike Book and Steiner.)

The Undertaker beating Sting at Wrestlemania would have been a burial? Let's see, Batista, Edge, Shawn Michaels, and soon to be Triple H, all bigger stars than Sting over the past 10 years have fallen to Taker at Mania, but if he were to do it, it would be a burial? What the fuck ever. Sting is a huge legend with more than enough credibility to absorb a loss to to someone who's about as equally legendary.

If Sting wants to work half assed in a sub par show where he doesn't have to travel much, I'd rather him admit that than have him spout off this dribble to justify his selfishness. His fans, and I mean the majority, not the 12 people watching TNA, want to see him go toe to toe with the guys in the E.(You asked for it) Quit making excuses and man up.

On a side note, I'm quite sick of hearing this bullshit about Vince refusing to put over guys from other shows. You know who was from WCW that is probably the second biggest star in the company today? Rey Mysterio. He certainly has been bur- oh wait no, he hasn't.
Seems like the whole "WTF Sting would get buried" crew have well and truly shut up. Just imagine how epic the entrances would be for a sting vs undertaker match at Wrestlemania, Imagine the stand off between the 2 trying to spook each other out before they started fighting. It would be an epic spectacle and while they're both well out of their primes, they could have still put on a good match in my opinion and you could pretty much guarantee everyone watching would have marked out. At the end of the day, we all know that Taker would have went over Sting, but if you're labouring under the misapprehension that the thought process behind Taker beating Sting was "Well... Sting's ex WCW, he's got to lose!" Then you're obviously a bit dense to be quite frank.

You can say Vince buried WCW stars as much as you want, it doesn't change the fact that a lot of WCW stars came into the WWF in the invasion and subsequently won a lot of WWF Gold (Mike Awesome, DDP, Kanyon to name but a few)

It's a real shame Sting won't be bringing his undoubted talents to the big leagues to feud with the likes of Taker and HHH, though his loyalty to TNA is very admirable (even though it's turned into a total joke of a company)
Sting is just a pussy. He knows he can't hang in the big leagues but he makes lame excuses about being buried. He deserves to be buried ...because he wrestles like shit.TNA is for dorks and he fits right in with that ****** costume he wears. Who is supposed to be? The balding ghost of that homo Liberace? WTF?

Any dude who thinks Sting is remotely cool must be some kind of queen himself.*cough* IDR *cough*
But that is where you are wrong. It doesn't really matter if he loses, what would matter would be how he loses. Let's face it, pretty much any opponent for Taker at WM is going to lose. I fully expect Triple H to lose on Sunday, but I guarantee you he won't be buried in the process. They will have a hotly contested match, very competitive and interesting, but in the end, HHH will lose but still come out looking superb. Just like HBK the last two WM's.

If Sting came out and Taker asked him, who the hell are you, and squashed him in two minutes, that would be a burial, but come on, we know there is no chance that this would happen. They could structure his contract to ensure it doesn't, giving him some creative control in the outcome and the progression of his match. If Triple H and Shawn Michaels could have terrific matches and lose without being buried in the process, why could Sting not do the same? We both know why, hence the real reason for Sting to continue to duck the WWE while erroneously blaming it on big bad Vince.

Sorry to hear about your apparent injury. I mean, you must have suffered some sort of traumatic injury to your hands, involving the loss of several fingers, if you cannot count any more than five instances of WCW guys going over WWE guys. This is simply IWC generated anti-WWE bullshit and you know it. For every DDP who was buried by the WWE machine, there are plenty of other guys who have come to WWE and enjoyed long and successful careers.

You feel Sting was better off staying in TNA. This does not surprise me, knowing your admitted inherent pro-TNA and anti-WWE bias. I say this with all due respect and no offense intended as I am sure you know. Personally I am just as content seeing him stay there too as really, WWE does not need him. I would have loved to see a dream match between Sting and Taker about a decade ago but it holds very little appeal for me in 2011 and beyond. But I do think it is incorrect to suggest he is better off where he is now as opposed to where he could be now and over the next several months had he chosen to put himself out there and prove the naysayers like myself wrong. More money, more visibility, more profile, and the ability to show the world that he truly is the icon, rather than just being an icon-ish guy immersed in mediocrity.

Not wrong, you just don't agree.

It does matter if he loses, because he's not just a regular WWE "Superstar". HHH losing won't hurt his "legend" any. He's still HHH. He's still the however-many-time WWE Champion. HBK is still HBK. He's still the guy who spent his entire career in WWE. Neither of them compare here, because neither never wrestled a match in WWE before.

Sting was known for being an Icon who built WCW. He's never once in his life wrestled in WWE, so what better way to acclimate him to the world of Vince than to have him come in on the grandest stage of all, to lose to the Undertaker, right? :rolleyes:
What, so all these people have lost respect for Sting because he made a choice for probably the 2nd or 3rd time in his career? Yeah lets not respect a man because he doesn't want to spend time establishing himself in a new company at his age. Because he doesn't want to be made to look weak like so many before him.

A lot of people are saying DDP wasn't given a push and was buried because he was 45 (or whatever age) when he came in. Sting is even older than that. Do you honestly think he should do something he doesn't want to do, just because it would be a dream match for you? Apparently he has his principles and whatever, and I'm nobody to criticise him. He's what, 52 years old? Maybe he feels it's too old to be starting all over again and doing something new. And it's what he feels that's important. So fucking what, you lost out on a dream match? Get over it.

And another thing, regarding Rock and Booker T. Someone said the Rock said "who are you?" because Booker was a Rock rip off using the Rock's finishing move. That's bollocks. Booker was using the Book End for years and years, but it was merely referred to as a uranage suplex. He only named it when he became a big singles wrestler in WCW.
I never bought into the whole "Look what Vince did to WCW guys" thing. I didn't ten years ago, I still don't today. At the time Vince bought out WCW, and the invasion happened, 3 of his top guys were former WCW wrestlers (Steve Austin, Triple H, and The Undertaker) then you look at the upper-midcard, where you had another group of former WCW Wrestlers (Jericho, Benoit, and Big Show). Even after the "InVasion", look at the successes of guys like Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero (you can't overlook his tag title reigns), Booker T, Gregory Helms, and Bill Goldberg.

Hell, look at Stacy Keibler, who would be toiling at a dance studio right now had it not been for the exposure that she gained in WWE. Chuck Palumbo was given a memorable storyline.

That's why I don't buy into the reason that Sting states. Sure, guys weren't pushed right away when the buyout happened, but if they truly would have been buried, then they would have gone the way of say......Buff Bagwell.

I always thought that the main reason Sting never came over was that he was afraid that he wouldn't be used as a top level talent. At this point, it would be pointless for WWE to even think about bringing him in as such.
But hey, what the hell would Sting know? It's not like guys like DDP, Booker T, etc. were ever buried when they jumped to WWE. Oh, wait...

...How was Booker T buried, in any way? He joined the company and immediately main evented the next two PPVs, one of them being Summerslam, one of the biggest shows of the year, against The Rock. That's the exact opposite of being buried. DDP was buried, he was made a fool from the start and jobbed out again and again to everyone on the roster. Nothing like that happened to Booker T. He went from main eventer to upper midcarder, back to the main event and when he left the company he was STILL a main eventer and had won more than one World title while with the company. Pretty sure you're not being buried when you're being given World title reigns.

Anyways, my thoughts on this are pretty simple. Sting is being silly. If he really thinks he would be mistreated by the WWE, then he's delusional. They were willing to hotshot him immediately into a program with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania---again, the exact opposite of being buried or mistreated. This isn't 2001 WWF where Vince was still licking his wounds from the Monday Night Wars and wanted to publicly humiliate WCW and it's stars, this is a decade later with Vince having a lot less to do with his company than ever before. The odds of someone as big of a name as STING being mistreated and mishandled are slim to none, the WWE knows how big of a star he is and they would have gladly done whatever the fuck Sting wanted them to during his soon-to-be-over wrestling days and would have quickly been given a Hall of Fame spot, fuck he would probably be the star inductee and have the entire event revolve around him like it will this year with Shawn Michaels.

But, whatever. Sting is a grown man and makes his own decisions. If he think being in TNA in front of 500 ungrateful dipshits while unprofessional drug addicted ********s like Jeff Hardy jerk him around and TNA management bungles PPV main events, that's his volition. He's being incredbily stubborn and foolish if he legitimately thinks he would be mistreated by the WWE at this stage in his career though. One thing is for sure, the events of Victory Road never would have happened if he had joined the WWE. Sting is being totally silly at this point in his life though. If he really wanted to give back to his true fans as much as he could, he'd join the WWE. It's as simple as that.
Sting is just a pussy. He knows he can't hang in the big leagues but he makes lame excuses about being buried. He deserves to be buried ...because he wrestles like shit.TNA is for dorks and he fits right in with that ****** costume he wears. Who is supposed to be? The balding ghost of that homo Liberace? WTF?

Any dude who thinks Sting is remotely cool must be some kind of queen himself.*cough* IDR *cough*

Anyone who still uses the word "Dork"and thinks it's still cool is either Biff from back to the future or really, really lame. Not to mention you threw "F*ggot" in there. So this is either a Michael Cole, Biff hybrid, or some kid thinking immature gay references are cool. Either way, very lame.

On to the Topic at hand. I'm fairly new to the WZ forums, but I have been reading plenty. IDR, I don't know what to think to be honest. Though my heart of hearts would definitely be on fire to see Sting in WWE, the dude's loyalty is immeasurable and I respect him for that. When he retires, he can say that he gained fame and made a name for himself without having Vince's help.

I don't feel he'll be buried as I'm sure that If Sting said effe it, he would definitely work out a contract that would prevent him from gettin' the burial treatment that his fellow wcw alumnus has received. At the same time, him holding out for so long and eventually goin' to WWE, he would lose his HC fans that loved his loyalty and pride to his beliefs. If he decides, it'll be good and bad. As for which one more than the other, thats tough to determine.

Am I mad at the Master of the Stinger Splash? Hell - to the fuck no. If other wrestlers had his state of mind, they'd probably be a lot better off, some even alive (thats not to say WWE is the cause of wrestler deaths). I see great things in TNA still, (though the Jeff Hardy thing personally fucked it up a bit). And I'm sure so does Sting as well. As much as I would love to see a WWE World Heavy Weight Title around his waist and/or helping the sorry up and coming stars of WWE (Him and taker would be an amazing asset backstage) I also understand where he's coming from.

To call a man scared for being rightfully cautious is ridiculous with a capital "DICK". Sting feels he made the correct call in the long run, and I'm with him for that.
Not wrong, you just don't agree.

It does matter if he loses, because he's not just a regular WWE "Superstar". HHH losing won't hurt his "legend" any. He's still HHH. He's still the however-many-time WWE Champion. HBK is still HBK. He's still the guy who spent his entire career in WWE. Neither of them compare here, because neither never wrestled a match in WWE before.

Sting was known for being an Icon who built WCW. He's never once in his life wrestled in WWE, so what better way to acclimate him to the world of Vince than to have him come in on the grandest stage of all, to lose to the Undertaker, right? :rolleyes:

IDR, with all due respect you are completely wrong here. People have argued against your case and have made great points.

Let's look at the list of guys who have done quite well after making the jump from WCW to WWE:
Mysterio, Flair, Goldberg, Benoit, Guerrero, Booker T, Jericho, Big Show ... the list goes on

And your list of guys who've been buried is:
Steiner and DDP

Obviously one side is heavily outweighed. The incident with Booker is way overblown imo. The Rock had a million catchphrases and made fun of everyone. Why should making fun of Booker be thought of any differently? He was one of the key guys in the entire Invasion angle and had an immensely successful run in WWE. That is is no way burial. Steiner was champion in WCW when all the big names were gone or hurt. DDP was on his last legs and did have an interesting angle with Undertaker for awhile there.

Some of the guys who have done well did better in WWE than they ever did in WCW. Who ever thought Eddie or Rey would be world champions one day? And Benoit was the focal point of Raw for about 6 months straight, continually beating Triple H who at the time with Evolution was maybe the biggest star in the company. Jericho became one of the best technical wrestlers and had some of the most entertaining matches and feuds after joining WWE.

Goldberg came in and immediately got put over by the fuckin Rock. One of THE guys during the whole Attitude Era. And then he went on to hold the title for awhile and went out beating a guy who the WWE had made into this monster in Lesnar. Again, no burial.

The pattern here is clear. If you're talented enough, you can succeed in WWE regardless of where you come from. You might even be world champion one day. We're looking at a similar situation with Daniel Bryan right now.

As for Sting, I think I just debunked that belief so idk what else it could be. WWE is clearly the cleaner of the products between the two so it can't be the whole Christian thing. He even admitted it was a fan's dream match but still didn't wanna do it. Sting is a legend and one of my all time favorites, but I cannot for the life of me understand his motives or agree with his decision here. Sure he would have lost to Taker, but even 10 years too late ... the fans would have gotten what we all wanted. If we're so important to some of these guys, why would they not give us this one thing that we've all wanted for so long.
If it was a one off thing, ok. It's still not a burial. Would you consider Flair got buried when he faced Taker not long after returning to WWE? He went into the most successful faction since the Attitude Era several months later. What about Michaels who lost to him twice and had to retire? Sting is on the same level as all these guys. Losing one match would never sway anyone's opinion of him. We all know how great he is.
If he stays, it's even better. He probably could have worked a schedule similar to Taker where he can take time off if need be. I'd imagine he would have had a world title run in there somewhere so you can't necessarily claim that he stayed with TNA just because he immediately won the title. And I could even see he and Taker having another match at Summerslam, which is the second biggest show in wrestling, and he could have beaten the Undertaker that time to even it at 1-1. It would have been the perfect end to their feud for me. They are equals in my eyes.
Sting was known for being an Icon who built WCW. He's never once in his life wrestled in WWE, so what better way to acclimate him to the world of Vince than to have him come in on the grandest stage of all, to lose to the Undertaker, right? :rolleyes:

Again with the stereotypical anti-WWE sentiments. What do you mean acclimate him to the world of Vince? If Sting is as good as you think, there really would be no way to have Vince suppress him. It's not like he's DDP or Scott Steiner or someone like this. Sting could easily be well acclimated to the world of Vince, by losing a highly competitive and hotly contested superb match. This is one consistent inaccuracy I read on here from lots of guys. One loss supposedly halts a push. One losing debut would be the Superstar being shafted by Vince. Neither is accurate. There is absolutely no shame in Sting coming to the WWE and losing at WM to Taker like has happened 18 times already.

If Sting really wants to be seen as an icon, let him step up to the plate and display it in the big leagues. Time to stop being the big fish in the really little pond. Time to show that you can hang with the upper echelon of professional wrestling nowadays. Time to stop sitting on your laurels, reveling in the reputation which he undeniably has earned and deserved, and establish a presence on the grandest stage of them all. Time to step out of the shadows and show the world what the hype is all about.

Then again, he has always seemed unwilling to step up in this fashion. Makes one wonder why not.
Eh, Sting's role in the WWE would be nothing like it is in TNA.

I think Sting is too well known to be buried, but he would probably be fueding with guys like Sheamus, and jobbing to the Undertaker, as opposed to main eventing PPVs and holding the belt.

He's likely got a good deal with TNA, and a reduced schedule. Can't blame him.

But honestly, with the exception of Goldberg and Scott Steriner, the WWE did more for pretty much every former WCW employee than WCW ever did.
...and that, my friends, is an expert example of what the value of loyalty can do for you.

But hey, what the hell would Sting know? It's not like guys like DDP, Booker T, etc. were ever buried when they jumped to WWE. Oh, wait...

How about the Big Show, Chris Jericho, the late Eddie Guererro, Rey Mysterio, the late Chris Benoit, heck even Booker T himself? Plenty of WCW stars went on to great success in WWE. Even Goldberg had a fine one-year run and was main eventing as soon as he debuted.

Thoughts on this? Criticisms? Concerns? Irrelevant and incessant banter and jaded negativity about how he'll now retire in front of "25 people" instead of whatever number in WWE where he'd have debuted only to lose to the Undertaker just like every other WCW star had to play second fiddle to the WWE "Superstars", as if that actually matters?

Would he have lost at Wrestlemania? Of course he would have. And there's no shame in that. Shawn Michaels is a greater wrestler than Sting ever was and he had no problem doing it - twice.

Sting would have had plenty of victories over the next year to enhance his legact. And the best part is that he would have been relevant again.

Despite what he says, he can't be happy being forced to wrestle drug addicts when he could be headling wrestling's Super Bowl.

A poor decision for him, and the wrestling industry in my opinion.


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