Why WWE needs to consider Brock Lesnar vs HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN

I wouldn't feel comfortable watching a guy that is getting close to having a bus pass get in the ring with someone like Brock Lesnar. Brock legit works very stiff and I don't think he can dial it back, so putting a guy with weak knees, a broken down back and shoddy hips in there with him isn't a good move for anyone.

I personally think the WWE just needs to cut it with bringing back the Rock, Hogan, Taker, Jericho, Triple H and whoever else for Wrestlemania and just concentrate the next two years to building up new stars. It will mean taking a financial hit for those years but they can't keep going the way they are going anyway because those part-timers don't have much mileage left

OH COME ON!!!! That is BAD for business. Wrestlemania is the marquee of all PPV's. Are you seriously saying you would rather have Ziggler, Ambrose and Rollins in the Main Events rather than the ones you listed? These guys can't even pull in VIEWING figures never mind network subscriptions.

Until these guys, during the weekly Raws and other 11 PPV's become 'that guy' then they can keep away from the Wrestlemania Main Events as far as I am concerned.

Give me Sting vs Taker, Hogan vs Cena, Brock vs Rock over Ambrose vs Taker, Rollins vs Cena and Brock vs Reigns every day of the week and twice on Sundays!
OH COME ON!!!! That is BAD for business. Wrestlemania is the marquee of all PPV's. Are you seriously saying you would rather have Ziggler, Ambrose and Rollins in the Main Events rather than the ones you listed?

Yes, not Ziggler maybe, but Ambrose v Rollins sounds a better main event that any old guy randomly brought back. The only exception in the list is Jericho, which despite feeling the age has proven that he can still be great in the ring.
WWE is currently in a really bad state.

Which is nothing compared to the state Terry Bollea might be in if he wrestled Brock Lesnar. As an attraction....a vehicle to lure people to buy the PPV and/or the WWE Network, I'll agree; it would be amazing.

As a wrestling match, it would suck. Yes, it's true the same could be said about many of Hogan's in-ring efforts, so that might not be a factor that turns anyone off, either before or after the match. But if your idea of a great wrestling match is watching a monster trying to protect his opponent while trying to look as if he's beating the hell out of him, this is your dream come true. Hell, it would be even worse if they plan to have Hogan win the match. Can you imagine how ridiculous that would look?

The problem is the man Hogan would be wrestling. Many, many other legendary performers could wrestle a match with the senior citizen and not hurt him beyond the aches and pains any old guy would suffer the day after. But Brock Lesnar has fought for real.....doesn't seem to respect pro wrestling although he's happy to take the money they pay him....and is probably the last wrestler I'd want to put Hogan in with....in regard to safety.

Undertaker is younger than Hogan and knows how to take blows in a wrestling match. Yet, the fact we've seen neither hide nor hair of him since WM30 leaves us guessing as to the shape he must have been in after tangling with Brock.

The thing is, if Brock tried his best to not hurt Hogan, the match would probably still look as phony as you guys wrestling with your kid sister. Would you want to listen to the commentators saying:

"Look, JBL! Look at how Brock Lesnar is being careful not to hurt Hogan. What a kind gesture on the part of the young man!"

Is that what you want to hear? If so, bring on Hogan-Lesnar. There have been too many references in the past about wrestling being "fake." Put these two in the ring and we might wind up finding out there are different meanings to "pre-arranged" as opposed to "fake."

On the other hand, for the more bloodthirsty among us, if Brock starts yelling in the build-up to the match: "I'm gonna kill Hulk Hogan!"....these good folks might get to see their wish come true.
I liked Rocky Babloa too.

Great underdog story. The once great champ, in his declining years, takes on the young, new champ who's at the top of his game, and proves that experience matters as he takes the champ right to the limit.

One thing though... Rocky lost. Just like he should have. And there's no way in hell that in 2014 or 2015, Hulk Hogan should ever defeat Brock Lesner. Even if you already didn't have the biggest face in your company (Cena) busting his ass to build Lesner as a dominant, unstoppable force in order to really put over the guy that they do have beat him (Reigns or whomever).

Forgetting the realities of Hogan's health like the OP wants to here, you actually could build an intriguing matchup between Hogan and Lesner that would sell. You'd never have Hogan win that match (it would be suicide to have a senior citizen defeat your monster champion), but you can book it so that it looks like Hogan has a chance, and that Lesner only wins by the skin of his teeth. That would then set Lesner up nicely for the guy you actually do want to take the belt off of him.

But the reality is that Hogan CANNOT WORK! The OP compared him health wise to Andre in 1987. Not even close. Hogan would love to be in the condition that Andre was in back then. Even if it was at a reduced capacity, at least Andre could work. He was never in danger of ending up crippled for life if he took a single bump. Andre probably worked at least a few hundred more matches after WM3 against Hogan. Could Hogan work a few hundred more matches? Could he work one?

If you're a fan of Hogan's, then the last thing you would ever want is to see him wrestle again. I get the nostalgia of it. The one more time aspect. The chance to pay respect to your idol. But take off the rose colored glasses and see this idea for what it really is.

Hogan is at an advanced age, having undergone more surgeries on his back, hip, knees. In the past 5 years, he's had 15 different surgeries performed on him. How many do most people have done in their lifetimes, let alone a 5 year period?

Brock Lesner is a hard hitting wrestler. He's a professional. He would do everything he could to take care of Hogan inside of the ring. But as much as he protects his opponents, his style simply does not lend itself to his opponent walking out without at least some bumps and bruises. To most wrestlers, this wouldn't be a problem. To a guy who's body has been through the ringer like Hogan's has? This could be the difference between a life of pain where you can at least get around by yourself... and a life confined to a wheelchair.

You don't want to see Hogan/Lesner. Not if you actually like Hogan.
This sounds like fantasy booking at best. Seriously, back in 2002 Brock Lesnar already handed Hulk Hogan a tremendous loss when Hogan was still able to move in the ring somewhat. The pure symbolism of the ending of that match has been etched in my brain that it's hard to forget.
By that logic you are saying that once a wrestler loses then he can never win against that opponent again? Not THAT is idiotic.
It was like Lesnar ended Hulkamania in that one moment.
The same could have been said of when he lost to Yokozuna or the Ultimate Warrior, or when Ivan Koloff defeated Bruno Sammartino, or when Sting defeated Flair. A big loss does not kill a great career.
Now we fast forward to 2014 where Brock Lesnar attained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship after two dominating performances where not even the top star of the company could throw an equivalent balance of offence and this Hogan idea is being praised?
Brock only got that dominating victory over HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN in order to look tough enough to be given the World title in the first place.
Seriously? Hulk Hogan can't move in the ring. The audience today isn't the audience of the 80's where their expectations were much lower and more easy to impress.
Maybe you're right. After all in the 80s and even the 90s all we demanded was good wrestling plane and simple. If we didn't like what one promotion was giving us we would change channels and force the companies to up their game. The audience of today demands grown men in pink bunny suits, drunken blondes siting at tables talking about breast cancer, guest hosts every week boring the hell out of you and a champion that only wrestles twice a year (both Brock and Rock) oh yeah, and no competition so no attempt to improve the product. But... you are allowed to do "yes" chants. Yeah you guys are sooooooooooooooooo much harder to impress. :icon_rolleyes:
This only has nostalgia in it and that's all.
First of all the nostalgia would be more than enough to make this more enjoyable than anything WWE is currently putting out. Second, there is much more than nastolgia here. There is drama. There is real suspense as those who are fully aware of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S surgeries are going to be on the edge of their seats or every bump he takes no matter how small. It will make wrestling feel real again because it WILL be real. Furthermore the promos between HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and Paul Heyman will no doubt be classics. And of course the underdog story which is the only angle that has proven to be successful 100% of the time. And most importantly, the WrestleMania moment when HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN holds the championship belt over his head and thanks the crowd will be one remembered for years to come.
It will be like the Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker match except Hulk Hogan will move less like Undertaker with a concussion.
See there? you admitted that it will be remembered for years because of the moment. The Brock/Undertaker match was very sloppy. But because the streak was broken it will be remembered as THE match that ended the streak. The moment is more important than the match.
It doesn't matter if the build-up is all hyped and Paul Heyman cuts his promos. Hulk Hogan winning the Royal Rumble and then facing Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania is an implausible idea.
It's the ONLY plausible idea. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN may have a few matches left in the tank, but not enough to return to full time competition. So unless they pull another Rock and just say screw the Royal Rumble winner, the only way for him to get the shot is to win the Rumble.
Hogan's leg drop pinning Lesnar? Maybe back in the day but certainly not right now.
Why not? He's still near 300 pounds. Plus the legdrop is iconic now. Even so he doesn't HAVE to use the legdrop, but you can bet your ass that it will get a much bigger pop (and thus more climactic finish) if he does.
Hogan doesn't need a last hurrah either.
Need it? Maybe not. Deserve it? Definitely. Do the fans want it? Absolutely!
His in-ring career should have ended with that tour that he did a few years back.
You call that an ending? Please. That was more like a comeback before he returned to American TV for TNA.
The hype surrounding this match is the only thing NOT boring about it.
Well the hype is what will take up the majority of the time and keep the title scene occupied while Brock refuses to wrestle and the young guys are healing. So you just admitted that this is a good thing.
The in-ring action itself? A snooze fest.
You don't know that. That is pure speculation. The crowd excitement will no doubt make this match seem much more exciting. Even at 61 HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN still works a crowd better than anyone else and crowd energy is what truly makes a wrestling match (or any live event - sports, music etc) exciting. Plus we already agreed that the WrestleMania moment is more important than the match.
Hogan surviving Lesnar's MMA moves when a much younger Triple H struggled against them? Laughable.
If you recall Triple H got his butt kicked by HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at Backlash 2002.
No matter how much WWE tries to make you suspend your beliefs, you just can't deny the age and condition of Hulk Hogan. What if those German Suplexes are vicious enough to further damage Hogan's body? Perhaps those upper neck and shoulders this time? No thanks. Save the reputation.
The German suplex is the best move HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN could take because it protects the lower back and allows you to take the bump on your neck and shoulders where HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is still strong. In fact when Lesnar started using this move in abundance against Cena, my first thought was that WWE is making Lesnar into a "master" of the move specifically for a match with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.

Which is nothing compared to the state Terry Bollea might be in if he wrestled Brock Lesnar. As an attraction....a vehicle to lure people to buy the PPV and/or the WWE Network, I'll agree; it would be amazing.
That's the number one reason to do it. It would be better than anything else because they have nothing else untill their younger guys return.

As a wrestling match, it would suck. Yes, it's true the same could be said about many of Hogan's in-ring efforts, so that might not be a factor that turns anyone off, either before or after the match. But if your idea of a great wrestling match is watching a monster trying to protect his opponent while trying to look as if he's beating the hell out of him, this is your dream come true. Hell, it would be even worse if they plan to have Hogan win the match. Can you imagine how ridiculous that would look?
It would look no worse than having a pee wee of a man - smaller than Jimmy Hart - in Danial Bryan become champion (4 times).

The problem is the man Hogan would be wrestling. Many, many other legendary performers could wrestle a match with the senior citizen and not hurt him beyond the aches and pains any old guy would suffer the day after. But Brock Lesnar has fought for real.....doesn't seem to respect pro wrestling although he's happy to take the money they pay him....and is probably the last wrestler I'd want to put Hogan in with....in regard to safety.
HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says he can do it. More importantly, he WANTS to do it. We owe it to him. No one is pushing it on him

Undertaker is younger than Hogan and knows how to take blows in a wrestling match. Yet, the fact we've seen neither hide nor hair of him since WM30 leaves us guessing as to the shape he must have been in after tangling with Brock.
Pffft. The guy ALWAYS disappears after WrestleMania. His been a one match a year guy for at least 5 years now. Hardly a good example.
If Hulk Hogan was physically able to compete, I'd have no real issue with Hogan going up against Lesnar. The problem is that he can't and all the fantasy booking, nostalgic love and fan support from die hard fans can't change that. [/quot] Then you have no problem with it. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wrestled multiple times in TNA after the surgeries proving that he CAN do it and he says that he's in even better shape now that he has had more time to heal and train.

The notion that Hogan is in the same shape Andre was at WrestleMania III is absolutely absurd. While it's true Andre had back surgery, Hogan's had multiple surgeries to essentially rebuild his back. Both of Hogan's knees have been replaced with artificial implants, as has at least one of his hips and there might be other issues that we simply don't know about.
Andre's health had been deteriorating for years. His knees were shot by 1983. By 1984 he could no longer jump or run. Andre had to wear a huge back support for WrestleMania three and couldn't even get HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN up for a backdrop. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN had to climb down Andre's back and the spot looked awful. But it didn't matter. They made it work. This time HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is the injured veteran and Brock Lesnar is the healthy champion in his prime. They can make it work too.
At one time, it's clear that WWE management was considering Hogan wrestling a match when he signed with the company again because they put him through the barrage of medical tests and exams they put all competing wrestlers through. However, Hogan wasn't cleared to wrestle and while we obviously don't know what the tests ultimately revealed, it must not have been very encouraging whatsoever because Hogan hasn't been booked to do anything physical inside the ring.
The report said that he wasn't cleared to wrestle at WrestleMania xXx. He has done a few physical things in the ring since including throwing the Miz to the floor. I suspect they are just saving him. There is no doubt that he is limited in what he can do and they are trying to hide that as much as possible until they decide to let him have a match.

Hulk Hogan's a 61 year old man that's just simply a pale shadow of his former self, just like the VAST majority of most people who're 61 years old. Sure, Hogan can still lift weights and workout in the gym, there's nothing wrong with his arms so far as I know, but it's time to let this Hogan fantasy booking go. It's long past time because it simply can't realistically happen.
Terry Funk and Mill Mascaras (both in their 70s) are set to compete in Japan this month. Terry and his OLDER brother Dory competed earlier in the year. Jimmy Snuka, Buddy Rogers, Lou Thez and others all cometed into their 70s. Ox Baker, the Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young all competed into their 80s. Moolah won the Women's title while in her 70s. Verne Gagne was only a few years younger than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN when he set the record for the oldest World champion of all time (57). And don't even get me started on the list of legends who are STILL wrestling in their 60s. So wrestling into an advanced age is not uncommon.

As others have also pointed out, how bad would it make the rest of the roster look when a man in his 60s and WELL past his prime comes along and takes out Lesnar?
How so? Lesnar is not unbeaten. He has looked quite human at times such as botching shooting star presses, having one of the worst matches ever with Bill Gold Turd, failing miserably in his attempt to get into the NFL, getting his butt handed to him in a few of his MMA matches or losing to John Cena (who had been on the biggest losing streak of his career) in his first match back. And what about his refusal to wrestle now? He's a champion with heat, but he's not unbeatable.
There are also people who drone on & on about "believability" in pro wrestling, people who clearly have no sense of irony considering that it's a scripted sport. However, as with anything else, there's a limit to suspension of disbelief and that limit is certainly exceeded by the notion of Lesnar being beaten by a man nearly a quarter century older than he is and who can't physically take a bump without risking serious injury.
EVERYONE who takes a bump risks serious injury. It's the nature of the sport. Just ask Daniel Bryan or Roman reigns. Oh, that's right you can't because they are out with injuries.
I grew up saying my prayers and eating my vitamins and i think even as an adult I would mark out for every last second of this. But im rare and admit it wouldnt be great for business (no pun intended). If we go with the posters premise that WWE needs to do something ke this to keep the title scene interesting then it would be much better to do it with The Rock (you dont get the health issues, but you could still get drama and more believable for Rock to beat Lesnar).

Im all for Hogan getting 1 last moment of glory but not against Cena. Cena doesn't need another passing of the torch match. And like another poster thread im sick of the going out on your back. Let Hogan win against Rusev, he's the american hero. And while she's 1% of what Heyman is on the mic they could do alot of the same things in terms of buildup and insults.
I want to start out by saying I'm a huge Hulk Hogan and I'm of the few on this forum that thinks he should have another match. There's also no denying that a match with Brock Lesnar would be a great story. But there's no way Hogan could make it through a match with Lesnar he probably couldn't take the attack during the build up that is described in the blog. Hogan himself has said he shouldn't be falling down. If I'm not mistaken during Hogan's entrance at Summerslam 2007 JR played up Hogan's injuries listing off various problems, then it was cool and added to the story. Now especially if we're talking about a potential match with Brock Lesnar I would have a genuine fear that he could end up paralyzed.

Go back and watch Lesnar's match with The Undertaker. Undertaker is in undeniably much better shape than Hogan and he struggled to say the least If Undertaker could barely get through a match with Lesnar there's no way Hogan could.

I know you love Hogan, or as you would say HOLLYWOOOD HULK HOGAN, I do too. But don't you understand that's there's a possibility he wouldn't be able to walk again? I mean no disrespect and it's great fantasy booking but if you honestly think that this should go anywhere beyond just that than you're either in denial or just ignorant. I'm a firm believer that he should have a last match, but it should be a tag match. Tags in gets beat up for a while tag out, works the crowd, tags in "Hulks up" big boot, tag out to his partner who would hit his finisher for the win. No bumps. He and everyone else including myself can enjoy his nostalgia moment. No risk.

I love Hogan. I don't know about you but when he appears on TV I want him to be able to come out and do the whole Hogan routine. I want to be able to smile as he comes out in the Red & Yellow to Real American. I don't want to see the guy in a wheelchair at 61. One bump from Lesnar and that becomes a possibility. As a fan that's to big of a possibility for me.
No because Brock might maim Hogan inadvertently. You may go "haha"at that but that actually may happen.

An F 5 just might pop his hip or make him duke his pants. We had a Hogan Vs Brock and it was booked, executed in the perfect manner.

No more.
If you really are a fan of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, then you should dislike this idea more than the rest of us. While I'm not against the idea of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN feuding with Brock Lesnar before nominating an NXT star or the winner of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale to represent him instead, a match between HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and Brock Lesnar could result in the former lying lifeless in the ring within minutes with concussions and broken bones, and the match ending prematurely with a WTF expression on everyone's face. After reading about the extent of unintentional damage that Brock Lesnar caused to The Undertaker, I dare not imagine what could happen to our dearest HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.
By that logic you are saying that once a wrestler loses then he can never win against that opponent again? Not THAT is idiotic.
The same could have been said of when he lost to Yokozuna or the Ultimate Warrior, or when Ivan Koloff defeated Bruno Sammartino, or when Sting defeated Flair. A big loss does not kill a great career.

I never said that once a wrestler loses, he can never win against that opponent again. No one said that a big loss kills a career. It was the way the loss happened. None of the wrestlers that were defeated in your examples were handed a loss like Hogan's against Lesnar. If you paid attention to the story there, you would see that not only did Lesnar make Hogan pass out to a bear hug but he went back into that ring to smear Hogan's blood on his chest and spit on Hogan. That symbolism was powerful and really looked like Lesnar destroyed Hulkamania in that moment.

Maybe you're right. After all in the 80s and even the 90s all we demanded was good wrestling plane and simple. If we didn't like what one promotion was giving us we would change channels and force the companies to up their game. The audience of today demands grown men in pink bunny suits, drunken blondes siting at tables talking about breast cancer, guest hosts every week boring the hell out of you and a champion that only wrestles twice a year (both Brock and Rock) oh yeah, and no competition so no attempt to improve the product. But... you are allowed to do "yes" chants. Yeah you guys are sooooooooooooooooo much harder to impress. :icon_rolleyes:

I was talking about the wrestling, not the entertainment. In the 80's, wrestlers would just perform a simple move and the audience would go nuts which is why a Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant match wasn't a bore to that audience. It was much more about the story. Today's audience is different because so much has changed where a slow-paced match like that would be booed with 'boring' chants. You would need a balance of both story and moves and equal pace action to appease today's fans.

First of all the nostalgia would be more than enough to make this more enjoyable than anything WWE is currently putting out. Second, there is much more than nastolgia here. There is drama. There is real suspense as those who are fully aware of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S surgeries are going to be on the edge of their seats or every bump he takes no matter how small. It will make wrestling feel real again because it WILL be real. Furthermore the promos between HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and Paul Heyman will no doubt be classics. And of course the underdog story which is the only angle that has proven to be successful 100% of the time. And most importantly, the WrestleMania moment when HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN holds the championship belt over his head and thanks the crowd will be one remembered for years to come.

But that's not enough to compensate for a mediocre match featuring an old man exposed to high risks from the wrong vicious bumps.

See there? you admitted that it will be remembered for years because of the moment. The Brock/Undertaker match was very sloppy. But because the streak was broken it will be remembered as THE match that ended the streak. The moment is more important than the match. It's the ONLY plausible idea.

I didn't admit anything. I was comparing Undertaker's health to Hulk Hogan's health and how their respective performances would be like. Undertaker had a concussion and even with that concussion, that match would be ranked higher than a match between Brock Lesnar and Hulk Hogan today and not just because of the streak being broken, but because of the performances.

HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN may have a few matches left in the tank, but not enough to return to full time competition. So unless they pull another Rock and just say screw the Royal Rumble winner, the only way for him to get the shot is to win the Rumble. Why not? He's still near 300 pounds. Plus the legdrop is iconic now. Even so he doesn't HAVE to use the legdrop, but you can bet your ass that it will get a much bigger pop (and thus more climactic finish) if he does.

Or it's just unnecessary because there are other guys that need to start creating their own legends. A Hulk Hogan leg drop would get a big pop, but it's better used today for non-wrestling purposes for that special nostalgic pop and nothing more (ex. whenever Stone Cold stuns someone during those special appearances).

Need it? Maybe not. Deserve it? Definitely. Do the fans want it? Absolutely! You call that an ending? Please. That was more like a comeback before he returned to American TV for TNA. Well the hype is what will take up the majority of the time and keep the title scene occupied while Brock refuses to wrestle and the young guys are healing. So you just admitted that this is a good thing. You don't know that. That is pure speculation. The crowd excitement will no doubt make this match seem much more exciting.[/quote]

I'm actually against Brock Lesnar's non-title defending status, but that doesn't mean I want to see him defend and lose the title to Hulk Hogan.

Even at 61 HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN still works a crowd better than anyone else and crowd energy is what truly makes a wrestling match (or any live event - sports, music etc) exciting. Plus we already agreed that the WrestleMania moment is more important than the match. If you recall Triple H got his butt kicked by HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at Backlash 2002. The German suplex is the best move HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN could take because it protects the lower back and allows you to take the bump on your neck and shoulders where HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is still strong. In fact when Lesnar started using this move in abundance against Cena, my first thought was that WWE is making Lesnar into a "master" of the move specifically for a match with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.

This just sounds like fanboy talk. Triple H vs Hulk Hogan happened back when Hogan was in better wrestling shape than he is today, so back then, it wasn't beyond believable. Even Chris Jericho lost to Hulk Hogan. The german suplex may protect the lower back, but like I said before, it could take its toll on Hulk Hogan's "strong" shoulders and neck area after a while. Who knows how many times it would need to be used for Hulk Hogan to break down in the ring?
If you really are a fan of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN, then you should dislike this idea more than the rest of us.
If HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is going around saying that he is healthy enough to do this (which he has been saying) why would I be against it? This is what he wants to do. I'm merely supporting him.
While I'm not against the idea of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN feuding with Brock Lesnar before nominating an NXT star or the winner of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale to represent him instead,
Say what?!? You want the greatest of all time to build this big feud with the champion, get fans anticipating a match only to have him back out at the last minute like a coward? What do you think this is TNA? Why don't we reverse it and have Brock back out like a coward and lose the belt to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN by forfeit? Sheeze.
a match between HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and Brock Lesnar could result in the former lying lifeless in the ring within minutes with concussions and broken bones, and the match ending prematurely with a WTF expression on everyone's face.
That was the Undertaker match and it was a work.
After reading about the extent of unintentional damage that Brock Lesnar caused to The Undertaker, I dare not imagine what could happen to our dearest HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.
The Undertaker reports are told every year and are complete BS. It's just an excuse for him to take ANOTHER year off and still be guaranteed a cushy spot at WrestleMania.
No one said that a big loss kills a career. It was the way the loss happened. None of the wrestlers that were defeated in your examples were handed a loss like Hogan's against Lesnar. If you paid attention to the story there, you would see that not only did Lesnar make Hogan pass out to a bear hug but he went back into that ring to smear Hogan's blood on his chest and spit on Hogan. That symbolism was powerful and really looked like Lesnar destroyed Hulkamania in that moment.
All the more reason for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to beat him. The revenge factor which hasn't even been brought up yet. Imagine Heyman showing that footage as he continues to try to play the mind games and get HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to back out of the match. It would be great not to mention a way to have Brock's presence felt without wasting one of his precious appearances. You just made a great argument in favor of the match happening.

I was talking about the wrestling, not the entertainment. In the 80's, wrestlers would just perform a simple move and the audience would go nuts which is why a Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant match wasn't a bore to that audience. It was much more about the story. Today's audience is different because so much has changed where a slow-paced match like that would be booed with 'boring' chants. You would need a balance of both story and moves and equal pace action to appease today's fans.
There is no wrestling WWE today 99.9% (maybe that's where they got $9.99) of what WWE does these days is non wrestling related. Sadly, no one seems to care. That's why the fans go crazy when an older star returns. The fans are hungry for something, ANYTHING that reminds them of the days of yesterday when wrestling was better.

I didn't admit anything.
Yes you did.
I was comparing Undertaker's health to Hulk Hogan's health and how their respective performances would be like. Undertaker had a concussion and even with that concussion, that match would be ranked higher than a match between Brock Lesnar and Hulk Hogan today and not just because of the streak being broken, but because of the performances.
Undertaker was fine. He disappears every year only to come back and be guaranteed another match at the following WrestleMania. They just wanted to get Brock over even more. But they are already talking about who he will face next year.

Or it's just unnecessary because there are other guys that need to start creating their own legends. A Hulk Hogan leg drop would get a big pop, but it's better used today for non-wrestling purposes for that special nostalgic pop and nothing more (ex. whenever Stone Cold stuns someone during those special appearances).
You see there? You just showed that you know nothing of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S condition. You just said that you want him do deliver legdrops to opponents with no match just for the pop. That is the absolute WORST thing he could do. The legdrop is what caused his back condition. At best he has ONE left in him (which he claims he does). It must be saved for the precise moment. Winning the World title at WrestleMania would be the ideal time to use

I'm actually against Brock Lesnar's non-title defending status, but that doesn't mean I want to see him defend and lose the title to Hulk Hogan.
But the vast majority of the fans would love it.

The german suplex may protect the lower back, but like I said before, it could take its toll on Hulk Hogan's "strong" shoulders and neck area after a while. Who knows how many times it would need to be used for Hulk Hogan to break down in the ring?
Pissst. Here's a little secret. Now don't spread this around but, confidentially... PRO WRESTLING IS A WORK!!!
All the more reason for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to beat him. The revenge factor which hasn't even been brought up yet. Imagine Heyman showing that footage as he continues to try to play the mind games and get HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to back out of the match. It would be great not to mention a way to have Brock's presence felt without wasting one of his precious appearances. You just made a great argument in favor of the match happening.

Why would Hulk Hogan be involved in a storyline with Brock Lesnar now when he could have been back then in 2002...you know, for the WWE Championship once Brock Lesnar won it? :suspic:

Yes you did. Undertaker was fine. He disappears every year only to come back and be guaranteed another match at the following WrestleMania. They just wanted to get Brock over even more. But they are already talking about who he will face next year.

No I didn't. You just misinterpreted it. He was fine? Are you kidding me? Yeah...a fine wrestler has a glazed look on his face for half of the entire match and can't even balance himself properly against the ropes before leaving. He was clearly injured in that match in some way.

You see there? You just showed that you know nothing of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S condition. You just said that you want him do deliver legdrops to opponents with no match just for the pop. That is the absolute WORST thing he could do. The legdrop is what caused his back condition. At best he has ONE left in him (which he claims he does). It must be saved for the precise moment. Winning the World title at WrestleMania would be the ideal time to use

I do know of Hulk Hogan's condition, which is why I'm against the idea of him wrestling in a full match which is what YOU are proposing. If he has one leg drop left, and you want a Hulk Hogan moment, then it should be done in that special one-off appearance and it can be at WrestleMania for that nostalgic pop against someone else. There's no need for a full match and there's no need for him to pull off that one leg drop in that match because it doesn't convince me that Lesnar can lose to just one. Did you see how many times he kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment in the two matches he had against John Cena recently? Hulk Hogan's time as an active wrestler has long passed, especially in his current physical condition. It's time for newer stars to step up to the plate for showcase at WrestleMania.

Pissst. Here's a little secret. Now don't spread this around but, confidentially... PRO WRESTLING IS A WORK!!!

Yeah, and that's why someone like Mitsuharu Misawa died in the ring after taking a suplex at the age of 46. :shrug: Point is, you don't know what kind of injury he could suffer as a result at his age.
brother I like your idea. If anybody doesn't think Hollywood Hogan has a chance at beating Brock Lesnar needs to watch the Monday night Raw celebrating his birthday.Hollywood Hogan has bigger muscles at 61 then Brock Lesnar has at 37 so yes I do believe that Hollywood Hogan could win at WrestleMania 31 against botch Lesnar
brother I like your idea. If anybody doesn't think Hollywood Hogan has a chance at beating Brock Lesnar needs to watch the Monday night Raw celebrating his birthday.Hollywood Hogan has bigger muscles at 61 then Brock Lesnar has at 37 so yes I do believe that Hollywood Hogan could win at WrestleMania 31 against botch Lesnar

You do realize look is just that? Plus the fact Hogan can barely walk to the ring, and he's not going over Brock to begin with. Throw all that in there and it's just not going to happen. If Hogan and Brock wrestle Hogan gets in the ring takes an F-5 (probably breaks a hip or his back AGAIN) and Lesnar walks out champion.
You do realize look is just that? Plus the fact Hogan can barely walk to the ring, and he's not going over Brock to begin with. Throw all that in there and it's just not going to happen. If Hogan and Brock wrestle Hogan gets in the ring takes an F-5 (probably breaks a hip or his back AGAIN) and Lesnar walks out champion.

I'd say more "turns into dust"
Why would Hulk Hogan be involved in a storyline with Brock Lesnar now when he could have been back then in 2002...you know, for the WWE Championship once Brock Lesnar won it? :suspic:
Good question. He sure as hell SHOULD have gotten another title run back then. For whatever reason WWE thought that they would put all of their eggs into the Lesnar basket and he walked out on them.

No I didn't. You just misinterpreted it.
Yeah, you were burned and you know it. :farttorch:
He (Undertaker) was fine? Are you kidding me? Yeah...a fine wrestler has a glazed look on his face for half of the entire match and can't even balance himself properly against the ropes before leaving. He was clearly injured in that match in some way.
ROFLMAO!:lmao: The Undertaker ALWAYS haz a glazed look on his face. That's part of his gimmick. Watch his promos. The guys even puts drops in his eyes so that he never blinks. And you act like this is the first time that he has acted injured after WrestleMania. For the last five or six years (maybe even longer) he has had to be helped out, carried out, stretchered out or wheeled out. This is all a work to get the marks to ask the same question... "Will the Undertaker be back next year?" Clearly they worked you well.

I do know of Hulk Hogan's condition
Obviously not giving the suggestion you made.
, which is why I'm against the idea of him wrestling in a full match which is what YOU are proposing.
Correct. I'm proposing that he stay on his feet delivering offense, lay on the mat taking an MMA style beating and take a few German Suplexes. All of which will protect his lower back. This is how you work a match, build a story and protect a wrestler. If you knew anything about how pro wrestling works you would be able to see this.
If he has one leg drop left, and you want a Hulk Hogan moment, then it should be done in that special one-off appearance and it can be at WrestleMania for that nostalgic pop against someone else. There's no need for a full match and there's no need for him to pull off that one leg drop in that match because it doesn't convince me that Lesnar can lose to just one.
So you are saying that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN should legdrop and pin the much smaller Daniel Bryan to win the title. Doesn't sound like as much fun but I'm sure Bryan would love a chance to get thrown around the ring by HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Bryan is a HULKAMANIAC you know.
Did you see how many times he kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment in the two matches he had against John Cena recently? Hulk Hogan's time as an active wrestler has long passed, especially in his current physical condition. It's time for newer stars to step up to the plate for showcase at WrestleMania.
I hope this doesn't break your heart but, The Attitude Adjustment is a work as well. It's all a work. Don't be in denial. That's how it is and we all enjoy it anyway.

Yeah, and that's why someone like Mitsuharu Misawa died in the ring after taking a suplex at the age of 46. :shrug: Point is, you don't know what kind of injury he could suffer as a result at his age.
And that's why everyone said the Ultimate Warrior was in shape for one more match. But it turns out they didn't know squat. He didn't even wrestle a match. He didn't even run down to the ring. He didn't even really shake the ropes. The most athletic thing he did was put on a paper mask and what happened? CROAK. Bye-Bye Ultimate Warrior :wave:. Point being we the fans have no idea what condition these wrestlers are in no matter how much we think. I'm going by HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S claims of being healthy because only he knows what his current health is.Here is my job report for October 4th, 2014
I love Hulk Hogan as much as the next guy but I do agree Brock Lesnar is too physical of an opponent at his age. I know he has been working out for a while and wants at least one more match.
ROFLMAO!:lmao: The Undertaker ALWAYS haz a glazed look on his face. That's part of his gimmick. Watch his promos. The guys even puts drops in his eyes so that he never blinks. And you act like this is the first time that he has acted injured after WrestleMania. For the last five or six years (maybe even longer) he has had to be helped out, carried out, stretchered out or wheeled out. This is all a work to get the marks to ask the same question... "Will the Undertaker be back next year?" Clearly they worked you well.

Nope. It was different this time. Compare Undertaker's performance at this WrestleMania to any match he's had where he was at full health. There is a clear difference. No matter how much someone works, they don't just wobble around the ring being all groggy for the majority of the second half of the match, lose and still can't maintain their balance to walk out of the ring after a good few minutes have passed by. There were obvious health issues present. You'd probably think someone that was legitimately injured in the ring was "working" by the same logic you've applied here. Yeah, so like Triple H tore his quads and that was all a work!

Obviously not giving the suggestion you made. Correct. I'm proposing that he stay on his feet delivering offense, lay on the mat taking an MMA style beating and take a few German Suplexes. All of which will protect his lower back. This is how you work a match, build a story and protect a wrestler. If you knew anything about how pro wrestling works you would be able to see this.

As it has been repeated over and over, Hulk Hogan in his current physical condition would be risking injuries. It doesn't matter how well one works when even younger wrestlers are getting injured. Hulk Hogan has a bigger risk of getting injured at his current age wrestling a guy that was a former MMA Champion. You're not seeing this from a realistic point of view.

So you are saying that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN should legdrop and pin the much smaller Daniel Bryan to win the title. Doesn't sound like as much fun but I'm sure Bryan would love a chance to get thrown around the ring by HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Bryan is a HULKAMANIAC you know. I hope this doesn't break your heart but, The Attitude Adjustment is a work as well. It's all a work. Don't be in denial. That's how it is and we all enjoy it anyway.

Where are you getting this? When did I ever say that Hogan should leg drop and pin Daniel Bryan to win the title? I said he should just do a leg drop in a one-off appearance in a non-wrestling segment similar to how Stone Cold Steve Austin stuns someone in his occasional appearances. Sure the Attitude Adjustment is a work. So? If a move like that can't beat Lesnar, then how can one measly leg drop do the job? It's both illogical and bad writing and no, I don't enjoy that. You'd probably love that though. You probably even loved the finger poke of doom. :rolleyes:

And that's why everyone said the Ultimate Warrior was in shape for one more match. But it turns out they didn't know squat. He didn't even wrestle a match. He didn't even run down to the ring. He didn't even really shake the ropes. The most athletic thing he did was put on a paper mask and what happened? CROAK. Bye-Bye Ultimate Warrior :wave:. Point being we the fans have no idea what condition these wrestlers are in no matter how much we think. I'm going by HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S claims of being healthy because only he knows what his current health is.Here is my job report for October 4th, 2014

I didn't. He didn't look that healthy. Ultimate Warrior also had a match against Orlando Jordan a few years back and that was in a way his "retirement" match. Point being, Hulk Hogan's condition has been reported many times concerning his back surgeries so I'm pretty sure that's a good indication of what to expect of him in the ring along with his age and lack of mobility.

Later troll. :disappointed:
Nope. It was different this time. Compare Undertaker's performance at this WrestleMania to any match he's had where he was at full health. There is a clear difference. No matter how much someone works, they don't just wobble around the ring being all groggy for the majority of the second half of the match, lose and still can't maintain their balance to walk out of the ring after a good few minutes have passed by. There were obvious health issues present.
Let's your own analysis. If you recall you talked about the "symbolism" of how Brock Lesnar defeated HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN:

The pure symbolism of the ending of that match has been etched in my brain that it's hard to forget. It was like Lesnar ended Hulkamania in that one moment.

You then went into further detail by saying:

It was the way the loss happened. If you paid attention to the story there, you would see that not only did Lesnar make Hogan pass out to a bear hug but he went back into that ring to smear Hogan's blood on his chest and spit on Hogan. That symbolism was powerful and really looked like Lesnar destroyed Hulkamania in that moment.
That is exactly what they were going for. This wasn't just a loss for the Undertaker. It was the ending of his beloved streak. They wanted to make it as powerful as they could. By throwing in the, "he legitimately injured so and so" line, they put Brock over even more and make him seem even more unbeatable.

A similar thing happened when HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN lost to Yozokuna. He had a fireball explode in his face, he was pinned with his own finisher, had to be carried out of the building and disappeared from WWF TV seemingly forever. Not only that but Yokozuna became the first man that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN failed to slam. As a result of all of this Yokozuna became an unbeatable monster and the most successful heel WWF World champion since *Superstar* Billy Graham. It's how wrestling works.

You'd probably think someone that was legitimately injured in the ring was "working" by the same logic you've applied here. Yeah, so like Triple H tore his quads and that was all a work!
I never said injuries don't happen. But Triple H came back from those injuries didn't he? HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says he can come back as well.

As it has been repeated over and over, Hulk Hogan in his current physical condition would be risking injuries. It doesn't matter how well one works when even younger wrestlers are getting injured. Hulk Hogan has a bigger risk of getting injured at his current age wrestling a guy that was a former MMA Champion. You're not seeing this from a realistic point of view.
You already brought up the fact that many, many wrestlers return from injuries. Triple H was a fine example. Even healthy Daniel Bryan risks more in a normal match than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN does because Bryan uses unnecessary high risk maneuvers because that's ALL he can get a pop for. So by your logic all high spots should be banned and anyone who has ever been injured for anything should be forced to retire... because they are at risk. Whoops... shut down the all of pro wrestling, the NFL and our military while we are at it. All too risky you know... just because some wrestling marks said so???? Sorry, I don't think that's going to happen.

Where are you getting this? When did I ever say that Hogan should leg drop and pin Daniel Bryan to win the title?
You said that beating Brock was "not believable". Therefore by your logic squashing the much smaller Daniel Bryan is more "believable".
I said he should just do a leg drop in a one-off appearance in a non-wrestling segment similar to how Stone Cold Steve Austin stuns someone in his occasional appearances.
So now you are going back to the argument that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S back IS healthy enough to get into the ring. Maybe Dean Ambrose can defeat Seth Rollins for the MITB briefcase and then go to cash it in after the main event but instead gives it to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN who does the legdrop and wins the title at WrestleMania. It will kill all of the build which is the best part, but at least it will be to your liking in that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN doesn't work a full match but he drops the leg and gets his moment. Does that suit you?

Sure the Attitude Adjustment is a work. So?
So why then do you keep analyzing these moves as if they are real? Just sit back and enjoy. If you can't do that you shouldn't be watching. Pro wrestling is to far over your head.

If a move like that can't beat Lesnar, then how can one measly leg drop do the job? It's both illogical and bad writing and no, I don't enjoy that. You'd probably love that though.
How then did a man who has his ass handed to him both in his first and last UFC matches ever become champion? By your logic "that don't make no sense! he-yuck." The world doesn't work in perfect synchronization. Otherwise everything would be predictable and there would be no surprises.

Also HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has NEVER defeated anyone with just a legdrop. He doesn't have one of those "magic moves" that defeats anyone at anytime even if it's the only move that you get in. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S matches have always involved a heavy powerbased offensive throughout the entire match to wear down his opponent. Just like the old days when you would work on a body part that softens up the opponent for your finisher. It's how stories are (or were) told in the ring. It's one of the reasons that wrestling was better in the old days.

Let's take a look at a typical HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN match. He would start his matches using his (usual) height and weight advantage to through an incredible onslaught onto his opponent forcing the opponent to reach into their reserves early. This part was key as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN didn't have the stamina that smaller men would have so it was important to wear them down early. When he found himself becoming winded he would take a step back and allow the opponent to go onto the offense. This was usually signified by telegraphing a backdrop or delaying a run into the corner. He would spend a lot of time on the mat allowing himself to be caught in rest holds that he could withstand while dishing out just enough offense to make sure the opponent doesn't recover. Finally when the opponent has used up the last of their energy (usually signified by an attempt at a finisher) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN reaches into his own reserves - HULKS UP if you will - and goes for the kill. He throws a few right hand to put the opponent on the defense, He then hits the big boot, or in the case of heavier opponents he delivers a body slam. In both cases it's to stun the opponent and set them up for the legdrop. Now if you are laying there exhausted, stunned and a 300lbs man drops all of his weight across your chest that is going to knock the wind out of you. As any athlete can tell you, if you get the wind knocked out of you, you are unable to move for several seonds. Well, three seconds is all HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN needs. If a perfect game plan that proved to be very successful for him for many years. Pfft... "one leg drop" indeed. Learn how to watch matches.

You probably even loved the finger poke of doom. :rolleyes:
It was a great moment. Known for years as "the last great swerve" in wrestling. The only people who had a problem with it were HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN haters and WCW haters. In other words bigots. The proof? There has never been a massive out cry by WWE fans about Triple H and HBK doing the EXACT SAME ANGLE on RAW. Nor has there been a big out cry against Money in the Bank which is also the same thing. The champ is down. Someone make the cover. New champ. No match. Happens in WWE all the time. Yet everyone whines about the ONE AND ONLY time it happened in WCW.

I didn't. He didn't look that healthy. Ultimate Warrior also had a match against Orlando Jordan a few years back and that was in a way his "retirement" match.
And even he got to win a title in his retirement match. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN certainly deserves the same honor and then some as he has done much more for the sport.
Point being, Hulk Hogan's condition has been reported many times concerning his back surgeries so I'm pretty sure that's a good indication of what to expect of him in the ring along with his age and lack of mobility.
"Pretty sure" heh? So by your own admission you are just guessing and therefore as I have said all along have no idea of the true health of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Only he knows. And he says that he's good to go.

Later troll. :disappointed:
Leaving? Then I win. :headbanger:
Let's your own analysis. If you recall you talked about the "symbolism" of how Brock Lesnar defeated HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN:

You then went into further detail by saying:

That is exactly what they were going for. This wasn't just a loss for the Undertaker. It was the ending of his beloved streak. They wanted to make it as powerful as they could. By throwing in the, "he legitimately injured so and so" line, they put Brock over even more and make him seem even more unbeatable.

A similar thing happened when HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN lost to Yozokuna. He had a fireball explode in his face, he was pinned with his own finisher, had to be carried out of the building and disappeared from WWF TV seemingly forever. Not only that but Yokozuna became the first man that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN failed to slam. As a result of all of this Yokozuna became an unbeatable monster and the most successful heel WWF World champion since *Superstar* Billy Graham. It's how wrestling works.

I never said injuries don't happen. But Triple H came back from those injuries didn't he? HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN says he can come back as well.

You already brought up the fact that many, many wrestlers return from injuries. Triple H was a fine example. Even healthy Daniel Bryan risks more in a normal match than HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN does because Bryan uses unnecessary high risk maneuvers because that's ALL he can get a pop for. So by your logic all high spots should be banned and anyone who has ever been injured for anything should be forced to retire... because they are at risk. Whoops... shut down the all of pro wrestling, the NFL and our military while we are at it. All too risky you know... just because some wrestling marks said so???? Sorry, I don't think that's going to happen.

You said that beating Brock was "not believable". Therefore by your logic squashing the much smaller Daniel Bryan is more "believable". So now you are going back to the argument that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S back IS healthy enough to get into the ring. Maybe Dean Ambrose can defeat Seth Rollins for the MITB briefcase and then go to cash it in after the main event but instead gives it to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN who does the legdrop and wins the title at WrestleMania. It will kill all of the build which is the best part, but at least it will be to your liking in that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN doesn't work a full match but he drops the leg and gets his moment. Does that suit you?

So why then do you keep analyzing these moves as if they are real? Just sit back and enjoy. If you can't do that you shouldn't be watching. Pro wrestling is to far over your head.

How then did a man who has his ass handed to him both in his first and last UFC matches ever become champion? By your logic "that don't make no sense! he-yuck." The world doesn't work in perfect synchronization. Otherwise everything would be predictable and there would be no surprises.

Also HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has NEVER defeated anyone with just a legdrop. He doesn't have one of those "magic moves" that defeats anyone at anytime even if it's the only move that you get in. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S matches have always involved a heavy powerbased offensive throughout the entire match to wear down his opponent. Just like the old days when you would work on a body part that softens up the opponent for your finisher. It's how stories are (or were) told in the ring. It's one of the reasons that wrestling was better in the old days.

Let's take a look at a typical HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN match. He would start his matches using his (usual) height and weight advantage to through an incredible onslaught onto his opponent forcing the opponent to reach into their reserves early. This part was key as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN didn't have the stamina that smaller men would have so it was important to wear them down early. When he found himself becoming winded he would take a step back and allow the opponent to go onto the offense. This was usually signified by telegraphing a backdrop or delaying a run into the corner. He would spend a lot of time on the mat allowing himself to be caught in rest holds that he could withstand while dishing out just enough offense to make sure the opponent doesn't recover. Finally when the opponent has used up the last of their energy (usually signified by an attempt at a finisher) HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN reaches into his own reserves - HULKS UP if you will - and goes for the kill. He throws a few right hand to put the opponent on the defense, He then hits the big boot, or in the case of heavier opponents he delivers a body slam. In both cases it's to stun the opponent and set them up for the legdrop. Now if you are laying there exhausted, stunned and a 300lbs man drops all of his weight across your chest that is going to knock the wind out of you. As any athlete can tell you, if you get the wind knocked out of you, you are unable to move for several seonds. Well, three seconds is all HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN needs. If a perfect game plan that proved to be very successful for him for many years. Pfft... "one leg drop" indeed. Learn how to watch matches.

It was a great moment. Known for years as "the last great swerve" in wrestling. The only people who had a problem with it were HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN haters and WCW haters. In other words bigots. The proof? There has never been a massive out cry by WWE fans about Triple H and HBK doing the EXACT SAME ANGLE on RAW. Nor has there been a big out cry against Money in the Bank which is also the same thing. The champ is down. Someone make the cover. New champ. No match. Happens in WWE all the time. Yet everyone whines about the ONE AND ONLY time it happened in WCW.

And even he got to win a title in his retirement match. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN certainly deserves the same honor and then some as he has done much more for the sport. "Pretty sure" heh? So by your own admission you are just guessing and therefore as I have said all along have no idea of the true health of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. Only he knows. And he says that he's good to go.

Leaving? Then I win. :headbanger:

Nobody calls the finger poke of doom "the last great swerve in wrestling"... I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point, but nobody is clamouring for a 61 yr old Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar match up. Have you noticed that the general consensus here is largely negative as far as that match goes? You're putting way too much unnecessary thought into this, because it's not going to happen anyhow.

You're also all over the map with your reasoning as to why this should happen and you're kinda talking out of your ass to be honest... Yokozuna was awesome, no doubt. But he was definitely NOT "the most successful heel champion since Billy Graham". That whole mid-90's period was actually one of the least successful eras for the WWE/F, which has been documented to death so I don't even know why you would say something like that.

Daniel Bryan wrestles the way he does because that's the way he likes to wrestle, he modelled himself after the Dean Malenkos and Eddie Guerreros of the world and like it or not, the guy is incredibly over and the #2 if not #1 guy in the company whether he is on tv or not right now. Using high risk moves is not "the only way he can get a pop"... All he has to do is raise his hands in the air, chant "YES!" and the crowd will follow along. You can't fault Bryan for wanting to put on a top notch match every time he goes out there. A story of Daniel Bryan outclassing Brock Lesnar with his speed, kicks and ability to capitalize on mistakes is more believable than an old man lumbering around the ring, gingerly throwing slow punches and kicks to come back and win the belt at 20 years north of 40.

The bottom line here is that Hogan is all busted up, if you were really his fan then you wouldn't want him to risk tarnishing his legacy (which has already been done in recent years) or worse, to risk hurting himself worse than he already has. Just because Hogan says "I'm ready to go, brother" on twitter or in some random interview, doesn't mean he actually is (he has said himself as recently as march of this year that he will NEVER drop the big leg ever again).

By all reports, both Bryan and Reigns (who is already penciled in to face Lesnar) will be back before Mania, so this is all just fantasy booking and nothing to get too worked up about anyhow... Also, calling people who didn't like WCW "bigots" is probably the silliest thing I've ever heard Hahaha.
It was a great moment. Known for years as "the last great swerve" in wrestling. The only people who had a problem with it were HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN haters and WCW haters. In other words bigots. The proof? There has never been a massive out cry by WWE fans about Triple H and HBK doing the EXACT SAME ANGLE on RAW. Nor has there been a big out cry against Money in the Bank which is also the same thing. The champ is down. Someone make the cover. New champ. No match. Happens in WWE all the time. Yet everyone whines about the ONE AND ONLY time it happened in WCW.

You do know what the "Fingerpoke of Doom" is don't you. And I wouldn't call it the "last great swerve" in wrestling. As a matter of fact it was credited by some to be the beginning of the end of WCW.

As for Hogan getting into the ring with Lesnar. First of all he wouldn't be cleared medically no matter how much he wants too. I'm sure that's why he keeps say he would love to do it, because he knows in reality they will never call his bluff.

The man is in his sixties, and Lesnar is one tough mofo. All he would have to do is F5 Hogan once and they would be scrapping him off the canvas with a spatula.

I thought you liked Hogan, and if you are a fan of his, then why would you want to see him get destroyed?
While the idea suggested by the OP is a good "Rocky Balboa" style story, with the most important wrestler of all time returning to the ring one more time, winning the title and then retiring on top, it just wouldn't work.

Hulk Hogan is a physical wreck. Yes he still has huge arms, but he's had so many surgeries and operations that he isn't fit to compete in the ring and he's already said he isn't able to drop the leg ever again. I saw Hogan wrestle live on a TNA show in the UK a couple of years ago and he didn't hit the leg drop. All he did was throw punches and hobble around the ring. Someone incapable of moving properly shouldn't be in the ring, let alone competing for the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania.

And especially not against Brock Lesnar, who works stiff and makes everything he does look realistic. Even without meaning to, Lesnar is so strong and so powerful that he could seriously injure Hogan at any time in the match, it just isn't safe for a man in his 60s to wrestle Brock Lesnar. I'm sure Hogan will be involved at Wrestlemania in some way, but he won't be wrestling.
Nobody calls the finger poke of doom "the last great swerve in wrestling"...
There is another thread discussing the FPoD right now. Check out the first post on page three. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=282631&page=3

BURN! :flamed:

I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point, but nobody is clamouring for a 61 yr old Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar match up. Have you noticed that the general consensus here is largely negative as far as that match goes? You're putting way too much unnecessary thought into this, because it's not going to happen anyhow.
And chec out this latest pos on Wrestlezone. While it doesn't say HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Brock specifically, I does say that they plan to hve his retirement match at WrestleMania 31. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/518071-news-on-sting-and-hulk-hogan-retirement-matches-at-wrestlemania-31-the-hardys-promote-the-epic-sequel-with-the-young-bucks


You're also all over the map with your reasoning as to why this should happen and you're kinda talking out of your ass to be honest... Yokozuna was awesome, no doubt. But he was definitely NOT "the most successful heel champion since Billy Graham". That whole mid-90's period was actually one of the least successful eras for the WWE/F, which has been documented to death so I don't even know why you would say something like that.
Check the records for yourself. Yokozuna reigned for 280 days. No other heel had that long of a reign except Graham at 296 days.

BURN! :farttorch:

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