Why TNA SUX....

I am from england and you are wright about nearly everything you say, even i don't like english people all that much, most of us are rude and snotty. For me i just dont understand why english people don't like americans, i really like americans you no how to treat us ladies and well english men they haven't a clue, most of the men i dated treated me like sh*t. Then i dated only one american well what more can i say he is amazing. Then theres the women just a little advice never i repeat never buy an girl a drink when your trying to hook up with her, thats if your in england because she will use you for that.

Eh? English people... are snotty and rude? Hmmm... English men don't have a clue? Buying a girl a drink means... she is using you? ... Right first of all... I'm not snotty and rude, 99% of people i know aren't snotty and rude, and there all english. The one American i do know quite well is indeed quite rude. English men do infact a clue, you obviously weren't looking in the right place. And if accepting a free drink from a guy in a pub means your a user... Thats by far the funniest thing i have heard today.

Oh and Jake... Washing my hair is a task, but if your up to it... :p
1. Worst part about being from England, having to tell your parents your gay first of all.

The only gays in england are the one's who work for the conservative party.

1A. Mayonaisse. Of couse, I have to devote some space to England's bland, greasy and simply miserable cuisine. Trite, but necessary. Why every British food establishment coats their entire meno in the bland, tastless dressing baffles me. Turkey tastes a lot better when it is not drenched in mayo and covered in plastic for five hours. Trust me.

A rost dinner is way better than a lard chese filled burger, plus mayonaisse is well nice.

2.The library. While obviously this is exclusive to Oxford and not the nation as a whole, the oh-so-wonderful Bodleian has caused me more grief than my tutorials (well, that's a slight exaggeration). First of all, as an associate student with visitng status, I can only go to the Bod between 5 and 10 p.m. Maybe I have restricted hours because I hold an American passport (see number 5), maybe not. Since I am one of the four college students who happens to be a morning person, adhering to this ridiculous schedule requires that I rearrange my study habits. In addition to my limited access, not being able to access to a photocopier (I know, I know, copyright laws) coupled with having to request books from this mysterious bookstack turns another otherwise boring trip to the library into an irritating and boring experience in the bureaucratic Bod.

WTF. I do not even know what you are talking about.

3.Everything is closed on Sunday. For the people who live in the real world Sunday is a day to relax, spend time with the family, and depending on your religious affiliation, for worship. For many college students, however, it's time to run errands and cram before Monday or Tuesday's tutorial. However, neither of tasks are feasible when store windows are dark and the librarians also enjoy their day off. Ironically, the only life brewing along the streets is from the liquor stores and the pubs ...

Everthing is open whare i live on sunday plus all you need is a pub.

4.Closing times. Everything closes around the time the sun sets, and for a country that is between 50 and 60 degrees North latitude, that's pretty damn early. I'm from New York, so I am accustomed to the 24-hour schedule of the city that never sleeps. While the pubs do remain open until a whopping 11pm, that's not too late considering on a Saturday night back home when my clock reads 11pm I am still contemplating which shoes to wear and if I need my warm coat. What are English people hanging out in pubs going to do on New Year's Eve - ring in the new year in their pyjamas?

Once again everything is open at night whare i live.

5.Being treated like an American. I don't want to accuse all English people of acting rude or snotty toward Americans because some are very pleasant, but after seven weeks I've come to the conclusion that sometime in grade school English children are taught to equate 'stupid' with 'American.' Yes, we are arguably louder and more demanding, but that doesn't mean we're all ignorant. Interestingly enough, British radios blare American pop music, televisions broadcast American t.v. shows and the movies play American flicks. If we're so dumb, why do you cherish our popular culture? And one last thing: any country that manufactures the Spice Girls shouldn't throw stones at glass houses ...

Well you guy's voted in George Bush you can not blame us for thinking you are dumb.

Also add in the fact, if you don't like us we will blow your shit up.

You Yanks just try bomb us we will have the whole europe on your ass.
that C.M is a 'nobhead' or whatever thread was spot on in my opinion, the prisoner scum is even better than you. Send him to this hell-hole. Oh i forgot you must be well hard growing up on the mean streets of Las Vegas, so you would probably like it.
that C.M is a 'nobhead' or whatever thread was spot on in my opinion, the prisoner scum is even better than you. Send him to this hell-hole. Oh i forgot you must be well hard growing up on the mean streets of Las Vegas, so you would probably like it.

What the fuck is your problem,Idiot?
endland has america whipped in lots of shit cricket i cant undersand it for the life of me but it looks cool they had rugby for loads of years but its kinda mainstreem whats more manly than getting your shit kicked in while waring SHORTS lol sry on that one and lots more we could prolly debate on how england is better than the us in many ways and how the us i better than england in ways to
Eh? English people... are snotty and rude? Hmmm... English men don't have a clue? Buying a girl a drink means... she is using you? ... Right first of all... I'm not snotty and rude, 99% of people i know aren't snotty and rude, and there all english. The one American i do know quite well is indeed quite rude. English men do infact a clue, you obviously weren't looking in the right place. And if accepting a free drink from a guy in a pub means your a user... Thats by far the funniest thing i have heard today.

Oh and Jake... Washing my hair is a task, but if your up to it... :p
I didn't say all english people were snotty and rude just most of them.Its true about the drink thing because most of my american friends have bought drinks for ladies, they got blown of after they had bought them a couple i'm just saying be careful. All the americans i no are very friendly people but yes you do get some rude ones and you do get that any where you go.I must say that american men have more a clue when it comes down to women than english men.
I didn't say all english people were snotty and rude just most of them.Its true about the drink thing because most of my american friends have bought drinks for ladies, they got blown of after they had bought them a couple i'm just saying be careful. All the americans i no are very friendly people but yes you do get some rude ones and you do get that any where you go.I must say that american men have more a clue when it comes down to women than english men.

Oh my god shut up.
I am English, proud to be English, and I really don't like people insulting this country, by presuming everyone you have met shows the personality traits of everyone in the bloody country. Now if you don't stop, I will end up getting very moody, and I really don't want to spoil my good mood today.
Oh my god shut up.
I am English, proud to be English, and I really don't like people insulting this country, by presuming everyone you have met shows the personality traits of everyone in the bloody country. Now if you don't stop, I will end up getting very moody, and I really don't want to spoil my good mood today.

wow alright easy you two. arguing over the internet is pretty pointless. no sense breaking a sweat over it. :)

I honestly think England is a good place. I wouldnt want to live here permanently, probly because i miss and appreciate home so much, but as for the english people, I've met a lot of cocks and assholes, and also good down to earth people. IT IS very wrong to judge an entire population and culture of people based on only a few bad apples. isn't very fair and is a bit ignorant IMO.
wow alright easy you two. arguing over the internet is pretty pointless. no sense breaking a sweat over it. :)

I honestly think England is a good place. I wouldnt want to live here permanently, probly because i miss and appreciate home so much, but as for the english people, I've met a lot of cocks and assholes, and also good down to earth people. IT IS very wrong to judge an entire population and culture of people based on only a few bad apples. isn't very fair and is a bit ignorant IMO.

Its true alot of english people are cocks, ive met alot who are but thats not saying that there aren't alot of nice english people here, i love it here this is my home, but saying that ive met alot of aholes everywhere, you name them ive met em, you justt need to justify that not every person you meet is an ambassador for our country!
I don't think I've ever met a British person face-to-face before. Irish, Scottish, even Australian, but no British people. But I have seen Gosford Park, so I know what to expect when I meet one.
OMG. See what happens when I am away for a day? People start going off on English and all kinds of crap. People people people. We are all from somewhere. We are proud to be from wherever we are from. Can't we all just agree to disagree?

Texas is the best place on EARTH! lol
Yeah, but it's two in the morning here, and I can't sleep. So I'm just looking around trying to find something interesting. This peaked my interest. And I really haven't ever met a real British person before. I saw William Regal wrestle once, but that's it. Actually, I have a question for the British people around here. And this is a real question, not a taunt. How big a deal is it that David Beckham is playing soccer for America now? Cuz round here, not many people care. We all more interested about his wife movin' here. For serious, she had her own special on NBC and everything.
People were intrested at first. Now nobody gives a shit. Most people are thinking ''Why the fuck would they pay that much for a footballer. They could get a whole squad full of better players for that''
That's America. You guys can have him back, we really don't give a shit. As long as the Spice Girl stays here.

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