Why TNA SUX....

I've had sweaty sex with several hot English women.

And with some with big uns. But hey, eveery holes a goal.
Don't go around making assumptions dear, not all English Women are ugly, some of the most beautiful women are English, I'd list them, but I'd rather just say ... well me :p
Oh and just to make this argument a little more childish, If it wasn't For England the majority of the American population wouldn't exist :)
Don't go around making assumptions dear, not all English Women are ugly, some of the most beautiful women are English, I'd list them, but I'd rather just say ... well me :p
Oh and just to make this argument a little more childish, If it wasn't For England the majority of the American population wouldn't exist :)

"even prouder to be northen"

I am sorry there are no fit lasses in the north, I live there (when I'm not here) and its a fact theres more sheep around there than fit lasses.
What do you define as north? If you're from London everything in England is north. If you're from Newcastle everything is south.
Erm I live in Cumbria, so pretty much everything is south. Im going back in 2 days as well so "Meilichia" if you live in Cumbria please don't hunt me down.
Jake has used me as a footer quote... that is awesome!!!

Didn't want to do that... Much prefer some of my other pictures, but didn't really want to post them where everyone can see ... even though there on my myspace... well it made sense to me .... and 'toots' ... really? 'toots' ... hmmm
Baby, I'll wash it for you. I'm nice like that.

Lol check this out, Jake trying to put his game on out in the open public in the forums. :lmao:

No but seriously I've been reading through this thread and would like to put my 2 cents in. I am an American seviceman living over in England right now because this is my station. And i have to say that . . .

1. I have never had more fun in my entire life being over here. The people just love to drink and have a laugh and a good time.

2. The women over here in england are hands down some of the hottest, most gorgeous women i have ever seen in the WORLD! I think it might have something to do with they dont have a consistent diet of fast food, fat, sugar, and grease. They say you are what you eat and thats true. What would you expect to look like if you did nothing but suck down McDonalds and Mountain Dew. Also, I just think that British accent on women is SEXY AS HELL! I've already told my parents back in the states that I am going to bring home an 'English Muffin' before i leave here :) . . .

. . . If you still have any doubts that british women are gorgeous, then you are obviously forgetting about the lovely Kate Beckinsale.

3. The Speed Limits are higher here in England / Europe. So that obviously is a plus being i drive a FAST car. Why wouldnt anyone like that.

4. CIDER! Magners, Strongbow, and Bulmers . . . I swear, how did you guys come up with this stuff and why haven't Americans picked up on it yet? Nope, we haven't got cider in the states last time i was home (May '07). Only the non-alcoholic autumn spiced apple cider.

5. Round-Abouts. Seriously, i can't think of any other way of making traffic intersections easier. Traffic goes a lot smoother (most of the time), and less accidents. It's just a much better system than the American 4 way stop. Yet another thing Americans haven;t picked up on yet, but it's a bit ironic because it was in fact invented by an american . . . hmmm:icon_confused:

There you go 5 GOOD reasons why England is actually a pretty damn good place. I can really only say that the bad things about this place are . . .

-The weather sucks! (Sun hardly ever comes out)
-The Food Sucks. At least in my opinion. Not a big fan of fish &chips and kebabs.
-The Taxes. I mean like seriously WTF?! You need to pay the gov't just to watch TV or have a doorknob in your house?

Other than that, I give England 2 thumbs up :thumbsup:
Lol check this out, Jake trying to put his game on out in the open public in the forums. :lmao:

I have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

No but seriously I've been reading through this thread and would like to put my 2 cents in. I am an American seviceman living over in England right now because this is my station. And i have to say that . . .

1. I have never had more fun in my entire life being over here. The people just love to drink and have a laugh and a good time.

2. The women over here in england are hands down some of the hottest, most gorgeous women i have ever seen in the WORLD! I think it might have something to do with they dont have a consistent diet of fast food, fat, sugar, and grease. They say you are what you eat and thats true. What would you expect to look like if you did nothing but suck down McDonalds and Mountain Dew. Also, I just think that British accent on women is SEXY AS HELL! I've already told my parents back in the states that I am going to bring home an 'English Muffin' before i leave here :) . . .

. . . If you still have any doubts that british women are gorgeous, then you are obviously forgetting about the lovely Kate Beckinsale.

3. The Speed Limits are higher here in England / Europe. So that obviously is a plus being i drive a FAST car. Why wouldnt anyone like that.

4. CIDER! Magners, Strongbow, and Bulmers . . . I swear, how did you guys come up with this stuff and why haven't Americans picked up on it yet? Nope, we haven't got cider in the states last time i was home (May '07). Only the non-alcoholic autumn spiced apple cider.

5. Round-Abouts. Seriously, i can't think of any other way of making traffic intersections easier. Traffic goes a lot smoother (most of the time), and less accidents. It's just a much better system than the American 4 way stop. Yet another thing Americans haven;t picked up on yet, but it's a bit ironic because it was in fact invented by an american . . . hmmm:icon_confused:

There you go 5 GOOD reasons why England is actually a pretty damn good place. I can really only say that the bad things about this place are . . .

-The weather sucks! (Sun hardly ever comes out)
-The Food Sucks. At least in my opinion. Not a big fan of fish &chips and kebabs.
-The Taxes. I mean like seriously WTF?! You need to pay the gov't just to watch TV or have a doorknob in your house?

Other than that, I give England 2 thumbs up :thumbsup:

There's positive & negatives to every country. El Salvador is lovley and warm. But you wont get to enjoy it because you'll get murdered.
I am from england and you are wright about nearly everything you say, even i don't like english people all that much, most of us are rude and snotty. For me i just dont understand why english people don't like americans, i really like americans you no how to treat us ladies and well english men they haven't a clue, most of the men i dated treated me like sh*t. Then i dated only one american well what more can i say he is amazing. Then theres the women just a little advice never i repeat never buy an girl a drink when your trying to hook up with her, thats if your in england because she will use you for that.

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