Why not? KB's Secrets


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
1. KB has eaten chalk
2. KB knows every word to every 3 Doors Down song
3. KB is an amateur magician
4. KB has made over 2 million dollars playing poker and the stock market
5. KB has been stabbed
6. KB has been shot
7. KB is terrified of heights
8. KB has seen every episode of I Love Lucy a minimum of 12 times
9. KB can juggle
10. KB can tap dance
11. KB has met Ric Flair and gotten a Woo!
12. KB has seen another poster naked
13. It’s not Becca
14. KB wants to design video games for a living
1. Becca has always wondered what chalk tastes like.
2. Becca knows every word to every Snow Patrol song. She only knows the words to Here without you.
3. Becca knows this.
4. Becca knows this too.
5. And this.
6. And this.
7. Becca is too.
8. Becca has no idea what I love Lucy is.
9. Becca knows this too.
10. Becca wants you to tap dance for her.
11. Becca knows this too.
12. Becca is intrigued as to who.
13. Becca knows this. She also finds it funny how you have to clarify.
14. Becca also knows this.
It's a tv show that debuted in 1951, is one of the greatest shows ever, and is still being aired nearly 60 years later.
1. KB has eaten chalk
Me too, it was surprisingly.....chalky.
2. KB knows every word to every 3 Doors Down song

And I'm sure you sing both of them all shower long.
3. KB is an amateur magician
Making your dick disappear isn't magic, it's procreation.
4. KB has made over 2 million dollars playing poker and the stock market
Me too, it's just that I've lost 2,000,063.
5. KB has been stabbed
6. KB has been shot
That is some kinky shit.
7. KB is terrified of heights
Me too, and this is starting to seem like a myspace survey.
8. KB has seen every episode of I Love Lucy a minimum of 12 times
I had a girlfriend make me watch three seasons of the OC in a to weeks period.
9. KB can juggle
They taught it in elementary where I was, I excelled.
10. KB can tap dance
FTS can tap some ass.
11. KB has met Ric Flair and gotten a Woo!
I met Kimbo
12. KB has seen another poster naked
And he hasn't stopped calling me since.
13. It’s not Becca
That wouldn't be legal.
14. KB wants to design video games for a living

I want to play video games for a living........

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