Why John Cena Shouldn't Go Heel


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I was watching the John cena experience DVD and it shows all the kids and how much Cena means to them. Before watching this DVD I wanted him to go heel but now I think that would be a very bad idea. If he becomes a ba guy so many kids dreams would be ruined. But what do you guys think about it
The sad thing is that half the internet marks who want Cena to be heel so badly will laugh at the looks of dismay on the kids' faces if/when it happens. Which is actually really fucked up when you think about it.

The notion that adult males are the only fans who matter has always been ridiculous, especially when the people who whine and bitch about Cena every week are almost definitely pouring a lot less money into the product than the kids (their parents) who love him. As long as that keeps happening, he will probably stay a face, and there isn't really anything wrong with that. There is a top anti-hero face on each brand that you can cheer for if you hate Cena that much.
The desperation for a Heel turn just show that the IWC want something new from him.

Cena's stale, seriously.
I know kids love him.. but Cena is killing the overall product. When you see everyone in WWE changing & just Cena staying the same after 6 years it's just sad lol
The 'E' ain't even trying with him.. they're scared to even tweek his character.
Cena's not killing anything. The Punk angle got worse when they took him out of it. He and The Rock are about to have possibly the most anticipated WrestleMania main event in history. He's still selling out arenas all over the world and selling a boatload of merchandise. Sure, some fans are sick of him, but he really ain't broke when you look at it from a success perspective and even from a fan of enjoyment perspective. What foil would The Rock have for his big WrestleMania comeback if not Cena? Because I'll tell you what, putting someone like Punk or Miz in there would result in it not being nearly as special.
I think one major argument is why Cena couldn't turn heel is because there isn't a face to have a program with with Cena.

But now with CM Punk being a face, kind of, I can actually see a heel Cena working againts a face Punk. Let's face it a lot Cena's fans were kids and, like kids, they too will get sick of Cena (think of Hogan Royal Rumble 1992). And it's not going to kill merchandise either if so then no one would have bought nWo shirts.
I can really see both sides of the argument here. Cena sells alot of merchandise for kids and is a good role model for them. No doubt alot of kids would be disappointed and sad if he turned heel. And most internet fans wanna see Cena fail simply b/c they are Cena haters. Unfortunately, hating him b/c it's the popular thing to do and not for objectivity means they are very ignorant IMO. Even though I'm not a fan of Cena remaining face, there's no denying WWE would be turning away the kid demographic if Cena turns.

My main beef with Cena remaining face is that the majority of the WWE Universe wants to see him turn. WWE isn't really listening to their fans anymore. In fact, Cena in his promo with CM Punk awhile back mocked the fans for wanting him to be heel again. Which is stupid of WWE for letting him do something that blatant. It's almost as if they know it's never gonna happen, so they wanna shut fans up who don't agree with it. Almost as pathetic as the announcers saying Cena is getting a mixed reaction, when he's being booed out of the building. Or then claiming his opponent is getting a mixed reaction(which was laughable in his fued with CM Punk).

My whole issue with Cena not turning heel is WWE wants us to buy into their propaganda that Cena is "the most controversial guy in WWE". Again, nothing worse than trying to sell the fans on BS, when we all can see through it. Doesn't particularly strike me as a smart business move either. It's as if WWE doesn't think they are capable of surviving without Cena being the top face. I believe there are enough top guys who could take his spot, it's no big deal in this instance for them to turn him heel. It's long overdue and it's what the fans want, so it's a no brainer IMO. Plus, with his upcoming fued with The Rock, it makes perfect sense, b/c he's gonna be booed out of the building come WM. So, they might as well make the most out of it.
Why he should....Yes those kids would be heart broken...but it will not be a waste if he were to turn heel, CM Punk is right there to keep merch sales up and be the "good guy" or anti-hero. Just think of how much money the Hulk Hogan heel turn generated...Nwo T-shirts everywhere. I think if they do turn him heel it will be at SS and it will be a similar thing as the hogan heel turn. He will be on a team with Punk and The Rock fighting against the establishment side, Cena will leave punk and rock out to dry and just when it looks like he's coming to save the day bam he beats the hell out of punk and the rock and joins the wwe establishment. This would sky rocket Punk as a face against the newly heel Cena and the kids would have a new hero to look up to and cheer every week.
Why he should....Yes those kids would be heart broken...but it will not be a waste if he were to turn heel, CM Punk is right there to keep merch sales up and be the "good guy" or anti-hero. Just think of how much money the Hulk Hogan heel turn generated...Nwo T-shirts everywhere. I think if they do turn him heel it will be at SS and it will be a similar thing as the hogan heel turn. He will be on a team with Punk and The Rock fighting against the establishment side, Cena will leave punk and rock out to dry and just when it looks like he's coming to save the day bam he beats the hell out of punk and the rock and joins the wwe establishment. This would sky rocket Punk as a face against the newly heel Cena and the kids would have a new hero to look up to and cheer every week.

That's a very good comparison. Alot of ppl thought by turning Hogan heel, it would kill the kid demographic. When they finally turned him though, the merchandise sales were through the roof. Another case of doing what is right and listening to your fanbase.

WWE is a machine, and for every mega face that turns heel, they have someone else waiting on the sidelines to replace him. So, it's not like turning Cena would be the death of WWE. Plus, him turning would create alot more interest in his character and any potential fueds.
The OP hit the nail right on the head what if Hogan went heel in 1990. Millions of us would've been devastated. I'm glad the IWC was not around for that era because that's what they would have wanted. Not every adult male was a Hogan fan. The WWE always gave viewers another option.

In typical smark fashion it's "Fuck the kids I want what I want and I want it now" I've seen it for myself with IWC idiots taking on kids and parents at WWE events. "You don't know anything about REAL WRESTLING" "He should be heel"

For those who remember when he was heel running around with B2(Booyah) nobody in the IWC cared. It was the same argument it is now "He's boring,he wears jorts this isn't 1995, he can't wrestle, just another body builder" this one is my favorite "He should turn face he'll be more exciting"

That last one is an indictment of how narrow minded the smarks are. WWE gave you what you wanted but it wasn't good enough for you. So you decide to take it out on the kids and parents and tell them he should be a heel because you know what your talking about.

You would rather cheer a drugged out spot monkey who shows his irresponsibility at every turn then back the consummate professional who goes through hell and back for the company and the business and has never dropped the ball.

Oh but the pro should be heel because that's what the smarks want.
From what i've read from everyone else on this thread, I agree with everyone's opinion, except for the one that Cena is killing the product, Cena draws so many to the arena every single night of the week. Without Cena, where would the WWE be today? It's an interesting question but they would not been in a great position. John Cena should not turn heel although it would be cool to see it, I can't see it happening anytime soon even if it does happen. The guy is only 34 and still has a long long time left in him.
How much longer can his face run possibly be?

another 6 years of overcoming the odds. He'll be a 24 time champ in another 6 years lol
Product can't move forward if Vince gives Cena back the belt everytime there's a slight dip in ratings.. that's why Vince took the belt off Del Rio.
Build CM Punk up & have him as the new face of WWE.. idc how long it takes, but Punk could be the next top face star.
I was watching the John cena experience DVD and it shows all the kids and how much Cena means to them. Before watching this DVD I wanted him to go heel but now I think that would be a very bad idea. If he becomes a ba guy so many kids dreams would be ruined. But what do you guys think about it

And that's EXACTLY why I would want him to turn heel. Hear me out before calling me an heartless SOB. You see my favorite faces turned on me when I was younger and I was angry, mad and shocked at them and in retrospective today it was some of my best wrestling memories.

IF Cena were to turned heel it would crush the kids dream and souls but those kids would also help the WWE create a new hero, a new hero who would stand against the new super-vilain. It would freshen things up and make the kids even more emotionaly invested in the product because they will now have someone to REALLY hate, someone they will wish get his ass handed to him and they would found a new hero. The kids of today who are fans of Cena will grow up and get tired of Cena too, he will become uncool to them eventually and their little brother or sister will now be in love with Cena, but you have to keep the wheel turning to invest them and that's my opinion on it.

Of course it serves my interest as it would also help everyone who is tired of Cena's act (not saying that everyone is tired of him, I said everyone WHO is tired of him).
Yeah I think Cena had his glorious days with the 6 years being the face of the WWE. He can't always be the hero of the fans. It's time for him to turn heel to freshen up his character.

The Wrestlemania 28 match between Cena and The Rock is the best chance for him to be the bad guy. I see him turning his back at Survivor Series. Although it is also possible that The Rock will be the one turning heel and Cena will still be face.
Cena's not killing anything. The Punk angle got worse when they took him out of it. He and The Rock are about to have possibly the most anticipated WrestleMania main event in history. He's still selling out arenas all over the world and selling a boatload of merchandise. Sure, some fans are sick of him, but he really ain't broke when you look at it from a success perspective and even from a fan of enjoyment perspective. What foil would The Rock have for his big WrestleMania comeback if not Cena? Because I'll tell you what, putting someone like Punk or Miz in there would result in it not being nearly as special.

I will agree with you for one reason and it's not because Cena is more over. Cena is a better fit because half the people love him and half the people hate him. The Rock will be loved by most of the people but almost hated by a good portion of people who are rooting for Cena. Cena is a better fit because the WWE fans are splitted on him. If it were Punk or Miz people would just hate Miz and for Punk, the people who would cheer him are the same one who will cheer the Rock.

That's why Cena is the better fit to promote and to a lesser extent have that match.
Yeah I think Cena had his glorious days with the 6 years being the face of the WWE. He can't always be the hero of the fans. It's time for him to turn heel to freshen up his character.

The Wrestlemania 28 match between Cena and The Rock is the best chance for him to be the bad guy. I see him turning his back at Survivor Series. Although it is also possible that The Rock will be the one turning heel and Cena will still be face.

7 years is a long time to be face. At some point, they have to realize what's best for business and give the fans what they want. If not, the ratings will continue to drop and no one will care. On the other hand, if he turns, it will give him alot of fresh fueds, as well as more interesting promos.

Again, with his fued with The Rock coming up, it's pretty much a no brainer to turn him. Since him and The Rock are on the same Survivor Series team, it's the perfect opportunity to turn him. Otherwise, he'll still be booed out of the building at WM and it won't benefit him or the WWE.
I think they dropped the ball here when Taker returned to face HHH at mania. I think if Cena had been made to stay with Nexus, and possibly even begun to enjoy it he would have given all of them younger guys the rub they needed (still require). Taker could have returned every now and then after RR and taken out a member, following what happen0.ed when he got buried alive by Nexus. Leaving him to stand toe to toe with the last remaining member of Nexus at Mania, a super heel John Cena, and then had he ended the streak there would have been no going back on the heel turn for a few years anyhow. I am thinking back to Austin and the Rock back in the day, and I recall, despite them being heel characters having a huge fan following. I am not too sure it would matter a great deal if Cena turned heel, he could still sell merchandise.
What's so bad about the constant flip-flopping of the IWC's opinion of things? After all, the storylines change just as frequently.

I believe that someone as talented as Cena is, should be used as both a face and heel or at least an edgier character who remains a face. Obviously there's not much confidence in success within the WWE without Cena being the hero of the brand. CM Punk's push is unfortunately the push we'd all wish Batista was capable of pulling off. And imo, the push is their latest effort to see if they are able to capture a star who's just as much made through their own writing as he is by his freedom to break the fourth wall. Instead of fixing Cena's lack of character depth, they're attempting to give him someone comparably embraced to maybe reignite the passing interest from lost viewers.

Because this is the route they've chosen, it probably wouldn't be smart to make Cena heel right now.
Cena's not killing anything. The Punk angle got worse when they took him out of it. He and The Rock are about to have possibly the most anticipated WrestleMania main event in history. He's still selling out arenas all over the world and selling a boatload of merchandise. Sure, some fans are sick of him, but he really ain't broke when you look at it from a success perspective and even from a fan of enjoyment perspective. What foil would The Rock have for his big WrestleMania comeback if not Cena? Because I'll tell you what, putting someone like Punk or Miz in there would result in it not being nearly as special.

You know what i like about you.. Your actually a John Cena fan, and have no problem at all mentioning it.. Just like me(but thats another topic)

I will say this.. Cena is the man, yes he is getting stale to an extent. And i feel the only reason why he needs to turn heel is because all the greats before him have done it. And he's in that category of Hogan, Austin, The Rock, HBK, HHH etc.. they all have done it.. I really feel that when and if Cena does it, it will be as big as when Hogan, Rock, and Austin did theirs. It doesn't really matter that much as to how they do it, but... it will be huge if and when he does.

WWE is hesitant to do it i think because they are not certain who would be the "face" in his place if Cena were to do a heel turn and run. Someone like Orton or even possibly Miz would have to be the big time face in return of Cena being a heel.

Sometimes i think it would be best to just have Cena as a brash tweener character. Like how Randy Orton has been and more importantly how Stone Cold and The Rock were mostly in their hay day. Cena would be a good anti-hero, and thats the direction i thought they were going to go for with him in the beginning.. dating back to 2004. With his little rapper gimmick :blush:.

John Cena should have been the type of character to go against the establishment.. It was already fitting based on how his persona was, how he carried himself, and how he dressed. Should have kept him talking shit and not taking shit from nobody like an Austin. Should of made him not worry about pleasing the fans but not really being against them either.. idk..

Long story short.. It needs to happen and will be good when/if it does. I believe he will still be the cash cow for the E, maybe he wont be that role model for the kids no more but shit.. Kids looked up to Stone Cold and The Rock even though they weren't ideal models. But i guess the WWE want's Cena to be that model type that Hogan was in the 80's and early 90's. It will happen in the next 2 years i think. A Cena Heel turn or at least him becoming a Tweener
EVERY major superstar that reached or surpassed Cena's level, had a heel turn after being extremely over as a face.

Hell, even the legendary Hulk Hogan turned heel.

If WWE wants to "prove" that Cena is one of the all-time greats, they should give him a heel turn to show that after being so far over, he can be a heel and he can have as much, if not more success as a heel.

I think they're afraid to do it because if Cena fails as a heel, it will make him look bad and WWE doesn't want that to happen. They are playing it safe. What they need to realize is that many of the haters would be fans of Cena, if he were to turn heel.

Plus, imagine the reaction from all the Little Jimmys after Cena goes back to being a face after a long heel run. He might even be bigger than he is now.
EVERY major superstar that reached or surpassed Cena's level, had a heel turn after being extremely over as a face.

Hell, even the legendary Hulk Hogan turned heel.

If WWE wants to "prove" that Cena is one of the all-time greats, they should give him a heel turn to show that after being so far over, he can be a heel and he can have as much, if not more success as a heel.

I think they're afraid to do it because if Cena fails as a heel, it will make him look bad and WWE doesn't want that to happen. They are playing it safe. What they need to realize is that many of the haters would be fans of Cena, if he were to turn heel.

Plus, imagine the reaction from all the Little Jimmys after Cena goes back to being a face after a long heel run. He might even be bigger than he is now.

That pretty much sums up everything on this issue for me. All the great wrestlers have had long runs as faces, but then they could turn heel and be just as effective. Cena has the ability to be an effective heel, he clearly has all the ammunition he needs to blast the fans. So why not do it?

The answer is simple. WWE is PG, so they figure why mess up a sure thing. Unfortunately, that logic is backfiring and fans want to see him turn already. The ironic part is what you said above in the quote, most Cena haters were at one time a fan of his(and probably would be again if he turned). I'll even bet most Cena haters are still fans, but choose to bash him b/c it's the popular thing to do online.

The bottom line for me is fans would be more behind a heel Cena vs. face Rock. Add that to the fact he's already being booed 95% of the time, and it seems like common sense. I know I would be intrigued to see what promos could occur if Cena were heel and Rock were face. The promos for the fued alone would be classic. And draw in more buyers for WM, so that scenario seems like a win win situation to me.
You know what i like about you.. Your actually a John Cena fan, and have no problem at all mentioning it.. Just like me(but thats another topic)
Honestly dude, I feel like if you're already watching wrestling in the first place, there's nothing else to really be ashamed of.
1TheGreatOne1 said:
How much longer can his face run possibly be?
As long as it keeps making money and he stays healthy. That's how long it can be. I understand that some people are sick of him, but keep in mind that people like Rock and Austin had shorter runs due to circumstances out of WWE's control. You better believe that they would have both been on top for more years if Austin hadn't had injuries/walked out and Rock hadn't become a movie star. And people would be getting sick of those guys after another couple of years too.

In fact, a friend of mine showed me a wrestling forum archive once from the early 2000's where people were saying that Rock and Austin were stale and that they should push Jericho over them. I don't have the link, but it sure as hell sounds like the same shit that I'm seeing nowadays. WWE is always going to push the guys who are going to make them more money, no matter how "stale" it may be perceived to be by a few internet marks. Because the people who are responsible for more of their income still love Cena, and at the end of the day that's what matters to them.
It doesn't make much sense financially to turn Cena heel. He is still very popular with kids. That makes the WWE a lot of $$$$. That is the reason why he gets booed and they dont even entertain the thought of him being a heel.

It took Hogan a long time in his career to finally turn heel. Once Cena becomes less popular with the kids...he then will turn heel.
WHY HE SHOULDN'T TURN HEEL? Simply because he is the Hulk Hogan of this generation. Well the Hulkamania Hogan. Right now Cena is too far gone and to do a heel turn would honestly cause a tsumani in the WWE. Maybe if it was done about 3 years ago then yes it would have worked but right now there isn't a credible face to carry the WWE. I might be wrong but it just doesn't seem like a good idea.
Cena turning heel is the biggest shocking thing they can do. It's an ace up their sleeve. Sure kids love him, but they loved Hogan too. A heel turn has potential to be as big as Hollywood Hogan.
Making Cena heel would probably have the potential to put so many lackluster guys over as face. And even if it failed to do that, it would be amazing either way. I can't imagine WWE's top draw being a heel that everyone constantly watches just in hopes to see him lose.

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