Why hasn't Kane had a legitimate world title run?

Should Kane get a world title run?

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I can see where nearly everyone is coming from regarding their opinions. I just want to present a different side of the discussion. People have been saying that Kane deserves the world title, due to his athleticism and his tenure. Others say his gimmick is one dimensional and he doesn't put on a great match anymore. In my opinion, I don't think it was would be a terrible idea if Kane was given the world title. My main argument goes back to 4-5 years ago when Vince McMahon took an untalented mid-carder with mediocre mic skills and terrible ring skills, changed his name, and gave him the world title for nearly a year. I know him as Justin Hawk Bradshaw, but most people know him now as JBL. Now, people are going to use the argument that Smackdown needed a heel, JBL was a big guy with a long tenure and was due. Sounds awfully similar to the situation they have now. Kane's mic skills might be on the mediocre side, but JBL's promos were nothing to go down in the history books. JBL's ring skills are easily eclipsed by Kane's (and don't use JBL's matches against Eddie in defense of his wrestling skills, considering Eddie could wrestle nearly everybody and get a good match out of them). I will say, JBL's come into his own as far announcing on Smackdown, but as a wrestler, he will never be anything more than a mid-carder who happened to have a large build and a man who kissed VKM's ass. If Vince put a belt on a worthless competitor like JBL for an entire year, I don't see why he can't put the belt on the Big Red Machine.
I actually think Kane cuts some amazing promos and can create another dimension to Khali's reign. Kane plays mind games like the Undertaker. I loved the Mardi Gras thing, too bad Edge had to get hurt.

But I also don't see why they don't bring Finlay into this fued. I mean, he did take Khali out of the battle royal for a bit with that shaleighleigh(sp?) I think it would actually be a decent fued if it was Finlay, Kane and Khali. But WWE isn't going to acknowledge any of them, instead we're gonna Batista vs. Khali. This makes me sad.
Those are all great matches but they are all technical style matches, and it's pretty clear that Kane is not the type of wrestler that is going to be able to wrestle a technical match, in fact you'd be hard pressed to find any 7 foot 300 pound guy that can, it just doesn't happen, maybe you just aren't into the style of matches that Kane wrestles, seeing as hoow he is a gimmick wrestler and excels in gimmick matches, Taker is the same way in some respect, many of his great matches were gimmick matches
Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin was a technical style match? I'm not sure we're talking about the same match. I'm talking about the Wrestlemania 13 match, which was a brawl from start to finish. It was anything but a technical match.

My main argument goes back to 4-5 years ago when Vince McMahon took an untalented mid-carder with mediocre mic skills and terrible ring skills, changed his name, and gave him the world title for nearly a year. I know him as Justin Hawk Bradshaw, but most people know him now as JBL. Now, people are going to use the argument that Smackdown needed a heel, JBL was a big guy with a long tenure and was due. Sounds awfully similar to the situation they have now.....If Vince put a belt on a worthless competitor like JBL for an entire year, I don't see why he can't put the belt on the Big Red Machine.
Because the JBL reign was awful, did nothing for the company, bored people, was poorly received and added no benefit to the company.
lol i had a feeling u wouldnt like the matches, will i dont know but i love to see kane kick ppls ass, i just find it entertaining =/.. especially with his old gimmick, and his inferno match with taker is one of my favs of his, i really do think that was a damn fun match IMO

anyways, even if u still think kane sucks in ring, u still need to find a better argument for him not to be champ seeing as though WWE is a master of putting no talents as champs, i 4got about JBL but hes a perfect example =D

but of course even nowadays kane is much better than ''JBL'' ever was or ever will be

on a different subject, i dont remember the WM match between austin and bret hart, im not sure if it was a brawl, but i do remember them havin some really good technical matches =/...
I think kane was at his best when he had the mask but after he took the mask off I still liked him as a crazed heel on raw. He would was a big red bad ass and had a great feud with shane. I hate him as a face it just doesnt work but as a heel he gets great heat of the fans. Also I will never get tired of watching his ambulance against shane it was just brilliant and I like him in extreme matches like street fights and inferno matches etc. WWE should stop trying to put him over as a heel and make him a heel then he could get a title run easily. Maybe even a rey mysterio vs kane feud for the title with the david vs goliath theme in a street fight. I would watch that instead of watching the not so great khali vs the tamed animal.

lol i had a feeling u wouldnt like the matches, will i dont know but i love to see kane kick ppls ass, i just find it entertaining =/.. especially with his old gimmick, and his inferno match with taker is one of my favs of his, i really do think that was a damn fun match IMO

anyways, even if u still think kane sucks in ring, u still need to find a better argument for him not to be champ seeing as though WWE is a master of putting no talents as champs, i 4got about JBL but hes a perfect example =D
I don't know about JBL, but the thing about the other guys is that they are consistent draws, or have good potential to be. Kane is a known quantity, and that quantity isn't good. Batista draws consistently, and Judgment Day PPV did very well (which Khali co-headlined with Cena). So, they are putting the title on poor wrestlers maybe, but wrestlers that draw money, which is infinitely more important than "in-ring" ability. In-ring ability means squat when compared to consistent drawing ability.

on a different subject, i dont remember the WM match between austin and bret hart, im not sure if it was a brawl, but i do remember them havin some really good technical matches =/...
You should watch the WM match. It's one of the Top 5 Wrestlemania matches ever (1. Savage vs. Steamboat, 2. Bret vs. Owen, 3. Bret vs. Austin, 4. HBK vs. Razor, 5. Stone Cold vs. Rock). And, it's anything but a technical match.
hmm but thats just it, i think kane has a really good draw, the crowd loves it when he comes out or wins a match, ive never seen kane come out and the crowd not be behind him (except for his heels days duh =P) my guess is that batista sells more with the merchandise, but in terms of just being ove with the crowd im not so sure he beats kane... and i always thought khali just sucked with the crowd, but i have to admit he is getting some actual heat for his heel part... hes not doing a bad job, i just wish he could actually do something with that size =/, but him getting heat as a heel just leaves room for a face, and right now kane is also a face, and i pick kane over batista any day, batista hasnt even earned my respect since day 1... his only decent matches was the undertaker ones (thanks to the undertaker), oh and his edge matches, but i guess same would go for cena, without edge or HBK his reign would have sucked so much more

as for the WM matches thanks for the list, theres some i havent seen, oh and the rock and austin WM match, would it be the WM 17 one? (was that they're only 1 on 1 match at a WM? i dont remember...)
hmm but thats just it, i think kane has a really good draw,
He's never been a consistently strong draw.

the crowd loves it when he comes out or wins a match, ive never seen kane come out and the crowd not be behind him (except for his heels days duh =P) my guess is that batista sells more with the merchandise, but in terms of just being ove with the crowd im not so sure he beats kane... and i always thought khali just sucked with the crowd, but i have to admit he is getting some actual heat for his heel part... hes not doing a bad job, i just wish he could actually do something with that size =/, but him getting heat as a heel just leaves room for a face, and right now kane is also a face, and i pick kane over batista any day, batista hasnt even earned my respect since day 1
Remember, drawing and pop/merchandise are separate things. Just because someone doesn't sell a lot of merchandise, doesn't mean they aren't a draw. Draw means how many people want to watch the guy at the show, whether it be on TV or at the arena.

as for the WM matches thanks for the list, theres some i havent seen, oh and the rock and austin WM match, would it be the WM 17 one? (was that they're only 1 on 1 match at a WM? i dont remember...)
Watching Savage vs. Steamboat is like watching poetry in motion. It is a flawless match.

Austin and Rock have had three 1-on-1 matches with each other. Wrestlemania 15 is not worth your time time to watch (and yet is the only good thing about WM 15), and WM 19 isn't much better. But, their Wrestlemania 17 matchup is one of the truly epic battles in WWF/E history.
You guys keep using Batista as an example of a slower, immobile, less entertaining class of wrestlers. Why is this? What is wrong with Batista? In my opinion, he does NOT suck, quite the contrary. He is a power-house. I admit it, I am a Batista mark, (hence my username) but I find it despicable that you people think Batista sucks. I have liked the guy since his debut in Evolution, leave him alone!
As far as Kane getting a title run goes, I am all for it! He deserves it, and he should definitely be considered for it in the near future.
I think a world title run on smackdown or raw is out of the question, there are alot of people who would be ahead of kane. The only way i see him ever getting another world title reign is to somehow move him to ecw and fued with the ecw champ. If this were to happen i think he should come back as a heel and go mental again and light some people on fire etc hey you could eve have john morrison spill coffe on him like jericho did i think his extreme nature would revive some of what ecw stands for.
I don't think that Kane should get a title run now. Because he is past his prime.

For the life in me I do not know why he didnt get a propper title run back in the day. Only a pathetic 24 hour title run, but IMHO I do think he should have had at the VERY LEAST 1 title run that spanned a few months.

I think when he gimmick was the stongest he should have had a solid push and fueded with the Undertaker, cos we all know how good there feuds are, just imagine how good that feud could have been if gold were involved?
You guys keep using Batista as an example of a slower, immobile, less entertaining class of wrestlers. Why is this? What is wrong with Batista? In my opinion, he does NOT suck, quite the contrary. He is a power-house. I admit it, I am a Batista mark, (hence my username) but I find it despicable that you people think Batista sucks. I have liked the guy since his debut in Evolution, leave him alone!
As far as Kane getting a title run goes, I am all for it! He deserves it, and he should definitely be considered for it in the near future.

lol sorry if u like batista but ur gonna here a lot of crap about him, sure hes a big draw and many ppl (including u) loves him, but sorry the guy is slow in the ring, he doesnt execute his moves well, even being a powerhouse, he cant pull off powerhouse moves o_O... i dont hate him or anything like that, i like him till the point he steps in the ring, i just cant stand wathing his matches... not since ive seen some great classics in the past that cant compare to todays WM main events...
Remember, drawing and pop/merchandise are separate things. Just because someone doesn't sell a lot of merchandise, doesn't mean they aren't a draw. Draw means how many people want to watch the guy at the show, whether it be on TV or at the arena.

Watching Savage vs. Steamboat is like watching poetry in motion. It is a flawless match.

Austin and Rock have had three 1-on-1 matches with each other. Wrestlemania 15 is not worth your time time to watch (and yet is the only good thing about WM 15), and WM 19 isn't much better. But, their Wrestlemania 17 matchup is one of the truly epic battles in WWF/E history.

hmm yeah i guess nowadays kane isnt a draw, but thats just because hes just being used to put young guys over, if the actually gave kane a push i think he could be a draw, and would be a exellent draw if they gave him his old gimmick back somehow, but still, with the right push i belive kane could be a huge draw again and hold on to the title for at least like 2 or 3 months, i dont see any harm in that...

as for the WM matches, ive watched the austin and bret hart one, was it that submission match u were talking about?, anyways, really great match... i wouldn expect a submission match to be such a brawl lol

and now i remember the WM 19 match of austin and rock, but i didnt know they had a WM 15 one, but i agree, 17 was their best match, one of austins best attitude eras match, except maybe for his 2 out of 3 falls with HHH (dont remember the ppv though lol)

savage vs steamboat i havent seen but ill take a look when i can...
His best chance for a run is right now with Edge and Taker out. Seeing as how Khali is just holding the title for Rey, I don't see why they couldn't give it to Kane instead. He and Rey could probably put on a decent match, better then the khali one will be anyway.

I still think he should get it as a sign of respect. I doubt ratings would go down if he held it for a little while.
no there not holding the title for rey...batista is going to win it back one way or another....anyways kane is a worthless wrestler he is very slow, and everything he does is terrible....he is a terrible athlete so no he does not deserve a title run....i would rather see the title on matt hardy than on kane.....gosh i would rather see it on mark henry too and he is a worthless talent....
I like Kane but I have to admit that these days he is pretty damn slow. If we had the Kane from when he was in that TLC match when he was supposed to be with Hurricane but had to wrestle alone against RVD, Christian, Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Bubba Ray and Spike Dudley then I would say he deserves a good 3 or 4 month title run, but sadly he isn't what he was 5 years ago.
If you watch WCW, you will know why. NWO(Hulkster, Nash, and Scott hall) are the only main eventers. NO other stars reach that status except Goldberg. So Storylines repeats and they soon get boring, and WWE's Attitute Era started and WCW gave up.

SO the real reason is, WWE does not want to make the same mistakes WCW made, and the only way to do that is to get new faces and creat new stroylines
Apparently he's got a bum knee.That's why he was overlooked when Taker got injured.He's clearly out of shape,but I do agree that he deserves a 2-3 mmonth title run.The sad truth though is that while he does get favourable pops,he's hardly a huge draw,and never really was.There have been only 3 times in his entire WWE career when he was "the guy".1.When he debuted& fueded with Taker back in the 90s.2.He's 24hr WWE title reign against Austin 3.When he went berserk in '03 and was terrorizing the Mcmahons.Unless he goes back perharps to his "03 gimmick, I dont see him ever getting a real push.
kane is better than Khali, better than Big Show, better than Batista, better than Cena. He deserves a couple of moth title rain at some point in his career for sure. If Khali gets its, kane should
Even though I like Kane, he is nowhere near as good as he was before the unmasking.I dont know why they wont let him have a title shot.If he couldnt get ratings why did they choose him along with John Cena and Triple H to be in one of the WWe fims? Because they knew people would go see a movie with Kane in it.On the other hand that movie will not be winning any awards but I still went and saw it.
i think these would be the 2 main reason why he hasnt had a title shot 1.his knee and 2. He is the complete opposite of hhh he would rather have younger upcoming talent beat him, and i think the reason why hes so sloppy and out of shape is because he doesnt need to have big muscles or to be extremely fit, hes really only there to job. So i tell everyone who said that hes fat and unfit if you were in his shoes would you work your ass off just to job week in and week out?
I can understand people who like Kane's character, but I can't understand people who try to say he's had good matches. In 10 years of being in the WWE he hasn't even had ONE truly great one-on-one match. That is just not good enough for me. The best one-on-one match of his career was probably his match against Undertaker at WM14, and even that was nothing special. He is so boring in the ring, he's slow and immobile, and he's more stale than just about everyone.
Kane was my favourite character up until he took off the mask. He has never been the same! SD! could pull of the old kane as it is not as mic based as raw and is more about gimmicks.
Kane used to be phenomenal in the ring. He never stopped, he really was the big red MACHINE. These days he is extremely slugglish and his terminator like ways are long gone. When they lost the mask and his inability to speak, it kind of ruined his character. I remember when he did the promo with Hogan and the Rock before their match with the nwo, he practically ruined his gimmick. Don't get me wrong, it was possibly the funniest scene I've ever seen and he nailed it down to a T but his monster like character disappeared. I don't think he should get another title reign, he seems to be jobbing more than winning these days anyway.
Kane just isnt exciting enough anymore. The real monster image is gone, and I don't think the fans could get behind him as much as some of the other Smackdown stars.

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