Greatest Never To Have A True World Title Run

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I have to go with Foley on this one. He finally made it big after years of bleeding for money and his 'this is your life' segment on Raw is the highest rated segment ever!(last time I checked anyway). Someone said this earlier but all of his title runs add up to about a month. That's a real (sarcasm) big sign of respect from Vince back to Foley. I wish he had a good run like Michael's first run.
Mr.Perfect:My favorite wrestler of all time. He wrestling skills were perfect. His Mic Skills were perfect. His gimmick was perfect. Hell he was absolutley perfect.
i'd like to get more in depth,but i'd have to say Owen Hart for top choice, had he not died he would have definitely had a great world championship run, that's all that needs to be said, he was just simply amazing
Mine pretty much the same as everyone elses: Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase, Kane and RVD. But I have to say also both of the hardys or at least jsut matt both these guys get huge pops aren't roid freaks, ex. Batista, can use more than 5 moves, ex. Cena, and I know how everyone says they are terrible on the mic go watch some of the Hardy/Edge Lita feud stuff Matt cuts some amazing promos there and Jeff did some decent stuff with the whole Trish angle.
all of u r wrong i think umaga should be a world champ i mean look at great khali with him with the world title it makes me not want to watch smackdown bc who wants to watch a 7'2 ****** be a champion i mean with umaga hes fast strong and not boring like great khali is khali just staqnds there does no moves like a blody slaqm he doesnt even like his feet up only if its a big boot batista is gonna beat him for the belt anyways at summerslam bc of lack of championship material khali needs to go back to india with his dump translater runjihn singh
Well Ron Simmons held the WCW World Heavyweight Title for five months, doesn't that mean he has had a proper run as a world Champ. So saying he hasn't had a Proper world Title run is stupid. Do your research next time before making a stupid point.

well no it doesnt, because wcw went down the shitter, so it doesnt really count because theres only a limited numberof people you can compare his reign to, with the last being scott steiner or booker t

how bout jerry lawler..I know his best wrestling days were before he came to the wwe, but I can say that about a bunch of wrestlers. He still put on a pretty good fued with bret hart and I always felt they didn't use him enough. No one could cut a promo like the king back in memphis and IMO they could've given him a title run. hell, if khali can be champ, anybody can hold the belt!!

hasnt he won the awa world championship and or some form of a world nwa title?
You should be careful there with the Spam. WCW does count so does AWA, ECW and NWA. They have all been given World Title Status by whatever magazine it was. I can't remember. This means that you have to do more Reseach when naming people and saying why. Oh and Jus2sik, Ron Simmons' run as Champ was at the beginning of WCW breaking away from the NWA so that means It counts.
I would have to agree with everyone who has said Rowdy Roddy Piper. Can you imagine how nuts the fans would have went if he ended Hogan's title run? That would have brought him even more heat. Giving him a decent run at the time would have made the feud between Hogan and himself that much better.
World Championship status is recognised by London Publishing (PWI). So, in that regards, the WWF/E, WCW, ECW, NWA, AWA, WCCW, and now TNA are all recognised world championships (AWA and WCCW World titles were merged into the USWA Unified World Heavyweight Championship). Also, let's not forget the WCW International Heavyweight Championship, considered a World title...although I'm not sure that LP recognised it.

Anyways, top five wrestlers that deserved a good title run...

1) Scott Hall
2) Curt Henning
3) Owen Hart
4) Davey Boy Smith
5) Roddy Piper
Everyone is forgetting the number one wrestler who deserved the ball and could have run with it: Lex Luger. No promoter ever gave him a fair chance. After all of the loyalty he gave to NWA/WCW they always second-classed him with the United States title, a great title yes but Lex deserved more and better. There are a lot of people who say Sting or Ric Flair are the francises of WCW but no one can deny Lex Luger is right up there with them he bled WCW. He only got 2 world championships after his career was said and done and I believed he should of had at least 5. No one can deny they weren't a fan of him when he single-handedly carried WCW into its best period. He should of had the title longer than 5 days when he beat Hogan. He gave them the ratings not Hall, not Nash, not Hogan, it was Lex Luger. He kept WCW afloat. Even in 1999 when he was the Total Package he deserved the title he was running smooth. Lex Luger deserved it hands down. Sting also deserved a decent reign ( Hogan messed him up too ). Also people are forgetting Marcus Bagwell he should have gotten it as well. He could have been a great world champion. Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, and DiBiase also come to mind
It's obvious that you're a Lex Luger fan but get real. Anyone they feuded with the nWo got the rub and got over because they were center stage. The real ratings were nWo not lex luger.

Sting, a decent reign? Sting has been champ enough to call it "decent" to say the least.

Everyone is forgetting the number one wrestler who deserved the ball and could have run with it: Lex Luger. No promoter ever gave him a fair chance. After all of the loyalty he gave to NWA/WCW they always second-classed him with the United States title, a great title yes but Lex deserved more and better. There are a lot of people who say Sting or Ric Flair are the francises of WCW but no one can deny Lex Luger is right up there with them he bled WCW. He only got 2 world championships after his career was said and done and I believed he should of had at least 5. No one can deny they weren't a fan of him when he single-handedly carried WCW into its best period. He should of had the title longer than 5 days when he beat Hogan. He gave them the ratings not Hall, not Nash, not Hogan, it was Lex Luger. He kept WCW afloat. Even in 1999 when he was the Total Package he deserved the title he was running smooth. Lex Luger deserved it hands down. Sting also deserved a decent reign ( Hogan messed him up too ). Also people are forgetting Marcus Bagwell he should have gotten it as well. He could have been a great world champion. Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, and DiBiase also come to mind
. No one can deny they weren't a fan of him when he single-handedly carried WCW into its best period.

Can you recall what period this was because I don't remember any time where Lex Luger "single handedly carried" the company. Sure he probably helped carry wcw but he didn't do it all himself. For the record, I was never a Luger Fan.

he should of had the title longer than 5 days when he beat Hogan. He gave them the ratings not Hall, not Nash, not Hogan, it was Lex Luger. He kept WCW afloat.

No what kept WCW afloat were the outsiders, hogan, Sting, Macho Man, DDP, and roddy pipers on going fued with Hogan. If Lex brought in ratings he would of been the champ longer than 5 days. That explains why 75% of the audience wore NWO shirts.

Also people are forgetting Marcus Bagwell he should have gotten it as well. He could have been a great world champion.

Nobody is forgetting Buff Bagwell. He simply was not championship material. He was a follower and never a leader. Even when he was tag team with Scott Steiner, he was a follower.
The one, the only, the great...


Hehe, nah not the Miz he sucks :P

Although he was undefeated for most of his rookie year...

and also when I made him in SvR: 06 he was (and still is) undefeated on it.

Anyway! I think that J.R. should be world champ. He beat Triple H, no?

And of course Shelton Benjamin! I mean hes been there awhile and has undeniable skill. If he had better mic skills he would own as champ.

As far as legends go...what about the Junk Yard Dog? Owen Hart? *shrugs* I don't know too many from way WAY back but these few stand out from not too long ago.
My top three goes as follows:
1) Curt Hennig
2) Scott Hall
3) Dean Malenko
4) Raven in WCW
5) Rick Rude in WWF early 90's

Oh yeah Roddy Piper was SOOOOO overrated as an in ring competitor. He was like Dusty Rhodes minus the ability to excite a crowd. Have you seen the matches with him and Hogan in WCW? It was like watching paint dry and Hogan was WAAAAAAAYYY past his days in making guys look better than they really were. And Buff Bagwell? He was a mascot, they wouldn't even put the TV belt on him. Prince Aeukea had that belt, nuff said!
My top three goes as follows:
1) Curt Hennig
2) Scott Hall
3) Dean Malenko
4) Raven in WCW
5) Rick Rude in WWF early 90's

Oh yeah Roddy Piper was SOOOOO overrated as an in ring competitor. He was like Dusty Rhodes minus the ability to excite a crowd. Have you seen the matches with him and Hogan in WCW? It was like watching paint dry and Hogan was WAAAAAAAYYY past his days in making guys look better than they really were. And Buff Bagwell? He was a mascot, they wouldn't even put the TV belt on him. Prince Aeukea had that belt, nuff said!

First of all don't bash anyones choices when you can't count. Second, how can you say Piper doesn't get a crowd reaction. Watch any match with him leading up to Wrestlemania, the crowd is all over him. Don't just isolate his later days. Thats like putting Bruno Sammartino in the ring right now and saying he sucks.
So awa counts? then wouldnt that exclude curt henning because wasnt he a former AWA heavyweight champ?I believe he won it in 1987 and defeated Nick an earlier post i said curt henning so now i will go about that and change because Mr Perfect is out of the picture so i will go with Owen Hart because he was an exceptional talent and i thought he was good on the mic so its time its time for a change.
Lance Storm or Regal. Both men IMO are phenomonal wrestlers. Granted Sotrm lacks mic skills, but based on talent I'd go with these 2. Kane deserves it too. Matt Hardy should one day win HWC.

Dood...I forgot about those two...also excellent choices. Too bad about Storm "retiring" though.

I would rather watch one Storm/Regal match, than to be subjected to a thousand Cena/Batista/Khali matches.

BTW, for you younger folk (under 21), I would strongly advise you to brush up on your wrestling history. Start watching some matches from the '90s.
i'm still going with Faarooq, Ron Simmons. Even though he had a world title run in WCW, It was a passerby, and its what IIIIII, MYSELF, I don't consider a proper title run. He had it, but only because the original wrestler got injured, and if that turns out to be KAYFABE, I STILL BELIEVE RON SIMMONS DESERVED A TITLE RUN IN WWE! Im sure that I'm going to get some whiner thats going to go "well, he had a run in WCW, that means he had a run".

Kane had a run in wwe. was that proper?


BTW, I woulda gone with William Regal, like the guy above. He plays a great bad guy, wrestles, ACTUALLY WRESTLES, and kinda has the presence of one. I think he does.
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