MVP Will never win a World Title

Possibly the most boring face outside of his former partner Matt Hardy. Obviously the face turn was a huge contributing factor his current state, but even before that he had become boring as a heel. He was on a losing stream on Smackdown and had no real storyline going besides that. It wasn't even a losing streak with a point, it was only because they had nothing else to do with him. His first couple months in the company were rather good. His first feud was with a credible veteran in Kane, and it was done pretty well. Then he was put with Matt Hardy in really the only memorable program he's ever had. It was interesting for a couple months but holy fuck was it drawn out. At that time I decided that he's at his best when he's in small doses. He has next to no personality as of right now, so that would be where I would start with him if they want to become relevant again. Build him as a strong face and immediately turn him heel. There's nothing about his character that say good guy. Some incredible changes are needed here to turn him into anything interesting, but honestly I don't see him ever being champion. Or even interesting for that matter.
I never really saw MVP as a heel, but I imagine it's much better than his current face burial disguised as a run.

I think the guy is a fine performer, with good charisma (he doesn't write his own stuff, can't blame him for that, the delivery is usually great). I don't really like his outfit, but hey, the clothes don't always make the man. Like CM Punk, he's just totally boring as a face. The only times I would dig him were when he would start to flash some heel tendencies, like in some of the promos with Kofi Kingston over last spring/summer. Let him go back to being the bad guy. Have him turn on Henry, and let him feud with freshly face Orton. Win or lose, the guy needs to play with the big boys, not end up against Santino or Chavo.

For the record, I believe MVP still has a chance of ducking the D'Lo Brown curse and winning a world title, someday.
MVP will never be an important superstar. At his best years, he is merely a good mid carder and nothing else. Of course, anything can happen, but I'm fairly sure that MVP won't get too over. I think it's his gimmick and style; I don't think MVP's what the fans want to see as their champ.

He will maintain his small fan base, but never will he be handed a world title.
MVP was interesting a few years ago as a heel. His moveset is also interesting in that it tends to change frequently, or at least used to. His Playmaker is a shit finisher though. I cringe whenever I see that. In fact, it reminds me of the time Randy Orton used it when he was a WWE rookie. His mic skill is fine. Now, as for him winning a World title? When he was a heel, I actually thought it was possible, although he probably would've just been a transitional Champion. Currently, he's not that entertaining and the only thing I'd like to see him in is a feud. As far as anything honourable is concerned? Him winning a KOTR tournament (if it were to ever return again) would probably suffice as his crowning achievement. That's about it.
Obviously not. The guy is terrible. One of the worst and most boring guys in wrestling. You know how he was in a tag team with Mark Henry? Well Henry was the one that wrestled a quicker pace, which is quite sad.

MVP is completely flat as a flace and it's shocking that he's been one for so long. At least he had an interesting heel character as the richest wrestler on the planet, or something like that. At this point he shouldn't worry about world titles, he should be more concerned with keeping his job.
Yeah, if a change is not made MVP, is fucked in the A.

He is so lame as a face! This guy screams "COCKY HEEL!". I mean everything from his name to his character is so smug, MVP, most valuable player, thats so smug. And his gimmick is the highest paid guy on his brand. He just isn't face matierial. Hopefully a heel turn is in the near future, because at this moment MVP is going nowhere.
I agree with that statement...whislt he is face.

As face he has done barely anything. Midcard on Raw, no memorable feuds,no epic matches and no titles (he went to Raw as US champ). His promos are average and the fans don't seem to be bothered about him. His "ballin" elbow gains a medicore crowd response. Nothing like it should be getting.

As a heel he was that cocky S.O.B that looked the total package. Everyone was talking about MVP back in 2006/2007. Now, he is just there really.

WWE need to mix his character up pronto because quite frankly I don't care about MVP no more.
Completely wasted opportunity the WWE did with MVP. This guy could have turned into some sort of Million Dollar Man character, with his unique entrance to his bling and him being the highest paid superstar in the company. He's one of the reasons why I started watching SmackDown! after 3 years of leaving wrestling and then watching RAW the next day.

WWE better start something good, like moving him to SmackDown! where midcards don't sink out of the picture, given an opportunity and working on it. MVP's proven he can talk and get good heal reactions.
MVP is wasted talent. He just does not have what it takes. His act is not good and he is an inmate. Inmates from the past should not be allowed in the WWE!! This guy needs to work a real job to prove himself. He is so lame.
The fac thtat his name is MVP to me just signals cocky heel. I feel he could've been a half decent face but they blew it. I think he's better as a heel and should he move to SD! and turn then he may have a half decent chance ata come-back.

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