Will Lord Tensai get a WWE title run?

Will Lord Tensai get a WWE title run?

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Predictably, everyone judges his entire range of skills and experience on one TV squash match.

That's fair, right?

There's a great deal of truth in that brief statement. It's far too soon to be making any sort of judgement when it comes to Lord Tensai. He looked good in his match against Riley but it was a single, 3 minute squash match. How about we actually wait and see what he's ultimately truly capable of before we declare whether or not he's worth of or will get a WWE Championship match?
as sad as this is, Great Khali, Mark Henry have held WWE championships. Matt Bloom is super over in Japna as Giant Bernard, making far more money and fame than he ever had as the inept uselss Prince ALBERT, Albert, A-Train. Nobody will care about him as Tensai, but as this is Vince's baby, he will want to make iot work. So he will ram him down our throats, have him win the title from Punk just to prove he was right. But ratings will dive and he will be forced to put the fucken belt back on Cena and he will blame Punk for the ratings dropping due to Tensai having the title. This is typical Vince McMahon booking. So Cena will get yet anopther run, Punk will get buried and Tensai will be quickly forgotten about like he did noty exist. U read iot here first wrestling fans.
Well, here's the deal, I think Tensai's entire purpose in the WWE right now is to be that new "fresh" monster heel that the WWE can feed to their top babyface CM Punk. They've obviously done this before with Hogan with Zeus and probably a bunch of other times that I can't quite think of off the top of my head right now. I do however, see him having a good long program with CM Punk, maybe lasting a couple pay per views. I can also see him maybe gaining a dq victory off of punk at a ppv. Maybe even have him beat Punk cleanly on a few raws to create that doubt in our minds that Punk can beat him or whatever. I honestly can't see Vince putting the WWE title on this guy though, sure he was big in Japan, but lets face it, everyone is big in Japan lol. He never came close to reaching that status when he was with the wwe before, so I can't see how they would think he can carry it now....its been what..7 or 8 years (not sure) since he was last in the company? He hasn't gotten any faster or younger in that time period, and judging by his first match back, he hasn't become a better worker, in my opinion at least. I do however believe that he can be a good monster heel to feed to the babyface machine that is CM Punk...if they play their cards right, he will put a good scare into the "wwe universe" thinking that he could possibly dethrone everybody's hero CM Punk. Should make for a pretty entertaining feud in the next few months. By the way....has anybody wondered, like I have.....just how long it took this guy to shave all that stinkin body hair off himself? LMAO god thats a nasty mental picture......ugh.
I see a main event spot or a WWE title contender for Lord Tensai but never a legit championship reign. He may hold a mid card title, like before as Albert or A Train, but I can't see him holding a major championship. In all fairness to WWE and its creative staff, it is still way too early to realy know what is going to happen with Lord Tensai.
i cant see lord tensai even getting a wwe title match never mind getting the wwe title! he will probably keep squashing jobbers for awhile then end up taking the us title off santino maybe but thats about it i dont think hes all that good compared to the other monsters running around wwe right now (which is a crazy amount) so ill say no to him getting a wwe title run
I didn't like Albert the first time around, but I thought since he was so accomplished in Japan maybe Vince rehiring him was a sign that he had improved. I think i was wrong. He just looks like the same old boring A Train with some Japanese writing on him and a worshiper coming to the ring with him. On top of that that are a lot of stars right now with the same monster gimmick. I imagine he will get a shot at the WWE title, but won't win it. The World Title is always possible, but I doubt that to. Probably drop to the midcard and released again.
^ that's what I see as well. basically Prince Albert with a new gimmick, some tattoos and no back hair.

Going out on a limb and predicting Tensai will be released or mid card status by end of 2012

best case I see for Tensai is something similar to Umaga's career, monster heel comes in runs through jobbers ... and a brief feud with the WWE champ where he loses but gains back momentum with picking up a mid tier title (IC belt)

**but maybe switch it up with Tensai where instead of having him go after the Champ and come up short, have Tensai wreck on jobbers and win a Mid Card belt first .... then if he gets that far with it, launch him @ Punk .. who right now still seems to be tied to feuding with Jericho ... especially after what happened Last RAW

"a championship reign is probably written into major contracts"

that might be the case, and not to hound you too much, but look how open ended that statement is. A championship can be anything from a WWE or World HW title to a mid tier belt such as U.S or Intercontinental

and then consider that even if a title reign is written into Tensai's contract depending on ratings/crowd reaction .. that could cut his title reign short

as I don't think Vince will want a champion that has the audience largely indifferent over.

**but I stick with having Tensai wreck jobbers then try for a mid level title first
You can not Judge where he will be after one match!!!!! Vince didnt rehire him because he watched his work in japan and felt well its the same guy I released oh so many years ago lets rehire. Vince obviously likes what he saw in his work from Japan. I dont think Tensai would agree to come back without some kind of clause in his contract that guarantee's him at least one World Title or WWE championship run. Just because many of you on these boards can't get past the fact that its A-Train and refuse to believe that he has gotten better is your own faults. Giant Bernard as he was called in Japan DOMINATED over there. The guy improved his in ring work. His match with Lesnar over in Japan when Lesnar was IWGP heavyweight champion was a very good match and he dominated Lesnar for a good part of it. Forget what he was and take him for what he is NOW!!!!! The same people who hate him probably love Goldberg who absolutley STUNK in the ring and had no personality at all.
**Tensai's second match in his return another ref stoppage after a 3 minute beat down over Yoshi Tatsu.

I noticed the crowd loudly chanting ALBERT during the match, IMO I don't consider it a great sign going forward, but hey we'll see ... at least he's getting some reaction
It's a bit early on, almost too early on to tell, but he doesn't seem like a guy I would see as a main event talent. Then again, I have been surprised before. I'd just say this, sometimes it's best to wait out a month or two before really making a decision on people. I remember when a certain few members of the IWC thought Brodus would have an Umaga like run, but now look at him, he's the Funkasoarus. You can't really say until you wait it out. This is what I feel about Lord Tensai. I don't see him being the Lord Tesaurus, but I will say having two matches where you squash undercarders doesn't exactly guarantee a title win.
Title shot seems more likelier than a title run. I don't think LT will be able to garner heat. He's getting smark-heat, the chants are condescending and ironic. Without having him do something heel-ish (i.e. giving Zack Ryder a crazy bump or two like Kane), it will be tough to get the crowd to respond to him.

I hope they keep pushing Lord Tensai. He could be a major heel in Elimination Chamber-type multiple contender matches.

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