Why hasn't Kane had a legitimate world title run?

Should Kane get a world title run?

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I think Kane deserves is very worthy of title and deserves one and I like Kane and would love to see him with the title, much more than Khali or Batista anyways! I also think he would be a great to add to the main event scene on Smackdown so we have more than just Edge, Batista, and Undertaker. On the other hand I don't know that he should have it. The ideal time for Kane to have the title is far in the past. As much as his character has been reduced now it just doesn't make as much sense to have it. Other great wrestlers have never earned the belt, and you could say that someone like Kane never having a significant title reign adds to its credibility.
The big red machine deserves some credit i mean hes 7 ft tall and has a lot of moves in his arsenal while khali has like 4. i think when someone loses their mask its like being demoted like when rey was in wcw. also i dont think kanes been as cool as he was with the mask and going on to win tag titles with smalller guys like xpac,hurricane,and rvd. kanes by far my favorite 7 footer because hes (IMO) the most talented giant on the roster
I'd have no problem seeing Kane as champ, but what would WWE do with Kane as champ? It wouldn't realy push towards anything. The Kane character is a 'psycho', so you can't get emotionally invested in him as you can Cena or HBK. The types of stories you can run are limited, due to the emotionless nature of Kanes character. He wouldn't draw money as champ for more than a transitional reign.
i think itd be awesome for him to get a run...i remember seeing that undertaker video a few years ago and hearing how much he was behind kane and what kind of talent he could be. its such a shame that he came in with this awesome gimmick and the put him in that disgusting katie storyline. i think theres still plenty of time for the wwe to give him a good push, but i dont think they'll do it...what a waste
kane is no different than he was when he first came, except for his appearance. hes the type of wrestler who isnt important if he isnt wearing the title belt around his waist. u put the title on his waist and he instantly will get over. but how can we take him seriously if wwe doesnt.
Okay I am all for Kane getting a title shot run, but there are a few things that need to happen first.
1. He needs to get in shape, he's gotten a little lax in the mid section.
2. Something has to be done to his gimmick. No masks, maybe let him grow hair maybe somekind of make up. Not too Sting like but something.
3. Have him destroy anything and everything that moves. GO HEEL. Kicking the crap out of Undertaker would be a good start as long s they don't get tied up in a feud.

Move him or Undertaker after they mix it up. Heck how longs it been since Raw had the deadman. Let Kane brutalize Khali, Big Daddy Titties and Mark Henry. Finally let him choke out Hornswoggle. The people love the midget and hurting him will make hating him. Then he can be World Champion. The process will take about 3 or 4 months and require an injury so he can hit the gym and stimulate hair growth.
I've given up hope of Kane ever getting a decent world title run. He still gets awesome crowd reactions but they just dont seem to want to give him a chance. I suppose they gave him a chance at edge at GAB 2007 but oh wait Edge got injured and instead we got Khali. Damn you WWE.
Kane IMO has really gone downhill over the past couple of years. Really since he turned face after he went to SD! Yes the Bros. Of Destruction are nice to see every so often, but it does nothing for Kane. Kane needs to be put back on Raw as a Heel. Not another Heel for HHH and HBK to beat, but to pose a good feud with Cena or even Hardy for that matter. I mean what's Hardy going to do now feud with Umaga again? Reguardless as to what happens Kane needs to be heel. His gimmick of Hell Fire and Brimestone neeeeeeds a heel. When I first started watching back in 03, actually the night Kane was unmasked and for quite some time after he was pretty much the reason I watched. He really hasn't done much latley, and certainly nothing "demented". Should Kane turn heel, and hit the gym... I could definatly see him either feuding with Cena, or if he stays on SD! Taker for a title
The only world title run Kane is going to be receiving - if any - is the ECW title. There are much bigger fish in the pond for Raw and Smackdown that he's overshadowed. Kane's best chance for a good run was when he actually meant something and had the mask and everything on. Now he's just a bald, fat, shell of his former self. Its a shame, cause he's a dedicated worker, but he's no longer the attraction he used to be. He'll be a big star over on ECW, though, so it would make more sense to draft him over there to be the "big gun" in those parts rather than just a jobber on Raw or Smackdown.
What do people think of they repacked Kane into the old Kane?

Perhaps in like an extreme rules match, he gets beat up badly in the match, with it ending with him being put face first through a flaming table and him carried out on a stretcher and his face covered up. He is out of commission for a couple months, give him time to get some muscle size back, he comes back, with the mask and more of the old school bad ass he used to be.

I dunno, I just see a lack of legit heels currently for the WWE, we all know Kane is a legit heel, and a good one. It could do good to find some way to bring him back in his old form.
Some harsh words on Kane in this thread - Kane really doesn't suck...Maybe the main reason he hasn't had a major title run is because he doesn't want one?? You never know, being Champion involves alot of pressure and he does a tremendous job in putting the younger guys over yet maintaining a huge popularity among the fans. Kane will go down in my book as one of the all time greats.
Kane is not an all time great. His prime was so short. The guy looks awful now, and he just doesnt have the same aura that he did before. I like the idea of kayfabing an accident and taking him out form a few months. Give him a break and bring him back with his mask and full suit, and take away his voice again. Make the guy a heel and then he could have a title run. Also, I dont think there is a chance he doesnt want a title run. That would like telling you boss that you'd rather not have the big promotion, and you would rather not have a raise.
Give Kane an "injury", mask him up, take away his voice, then send him out with a manager, someone who can talk for him.

It would work for me, then just send him to smackdown to fued with his brother and Batista. Hell, team him up with Edge
i agree with the 'if he gunna get a title run, he needs to be repacked' idea thats goin round.
he needs to go bk to bein evil, i dnt mean see no evil evil, i mean much worse. firstly, lets get him off tv, perhaps he could be accidentally set on fire, or something to that effect, it need to be something that will physically scar him bad, that'll get him covered up n the mask bk on.
secondly, i dont think any promo's wud be needed. just wen u least expect. maybe the person who was responisble for harmin him is in a big match, bout to win, lights go out, old kane music, bk he comes. costs him the matcg. just make him undestructable. i think he could mow his way thru the locker, even the big names like HHH, Cena etc shud job to him, then Mania 25, taker still as champ from beatin edge. kane dominates in the build up, it looks like theres no way taker cud pull it out of the bag even if it is mania. imagine
Old school Kane vs Undertaker for the WWE title to headline the quarter of a century WrestleMania, wud be awesome.
taker apparently sed that if he was to lose his streak, it wud be to kane. that wud keep even the internet fans intrigued. remember what happened to the rock v austin in there third match, rock finally beat him! it would be very gd i think.
So now it seems Kane has a title run, as ECW champion and I am glad, Kane has come under alot of criticicizm in this thread but I think people should hold there tongues untill how well he does as ECW champion, early signs arnet good as apparently his first PPV defence will be against ECW... eventually they could have him feud with his brother and have them combine the ECW and SMACDOWN WORLD titles as smackdown and ECW are more or less the same show these days...

I think the ECW is the most Kane deserves, but I also think that Kane will bring the ECW a lot of credibility, when he drops it I'm almost certain no matter what happens in the end he will leave the championship in a greater state than it was before!

I have been a wrestling fan since around the time Kane debueted, like for some they cant imagine wrestling without Flair, I feel the same for Kane, he will always be one of my personal all time faverites wether he deserves recognition or not. I for one am pleased he is now a world champion of sorts and am likely to be watching ECW alot more.
I think the reason why he did not a title run is because he has been considered a ripoff of Undertaker (and yes I know that he was brought in because of him). They also don't think he is as good and is a weaker version of Undertaker. However I think that he is very useful and would be a great person to hold the belt (any belt). You need people that are Mofo's that can handle themselves in a fight. That is what we need to see not some person who needs to cheat to win everytime.
Well Kane now has what should be his title run, and guess what he wasn't repackaged. I dont seem to understand why anyone would say he needs to be repackaged to get a title run, before he took off the mask he didn't receive a title run either, so whats the difference??

Regarding his run, it should be pretty good and we will see how it goes. Of course the ECW Title is not the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship, but it is still great to see Kane receive a legitimate title run. I could see them doing great things with the Brothers of Destruction, whether they team together against adversaries or they eventually fued, either way that could be great.

I also think that Kane does the ECW Title a lot of good. It should give the title a little more credibility and when he loses it, leave it in better shape. I think it bottomed out when Chavo won it, now its working its a back up to a credible title again.

All in all, I am glad to see Kane get this title run, glad it didn't get repackaged because no matter how many people say it, it really didn't make any sense, and I really look forward to seeing what Kane can do with the ECW Title and the destruction he hopefully causes.
Actually Kane could could do the ECW title wonders as long as the ECW gets some other big names in the draft later this month. I am gonna guess and say that his will have a big Fued with Mark Henry at some point if Henry is drafted to ECW. I also expect Henry to get a run with the ECW title to build his credibility back up and to get his monster image back. The way I see it with all the money Henry is making in the WWE they have got to get some use out of him.Having him fued with Kane for the ECW title and eventually winning it could be good for the ECW title if Henry starts using more moves. But giving Kane the title will certainly make the ECW title look more credible.
Kane, in my opinion, hasn't had a legimate world title run because he's not the Kane of old. Kane is 40 years old, has a beer belly, and just doesn't look like a monster anymore. He's not like the Undertaker, who still looks dominant even at his age. Kane has the ECW Title and will most likely run with the title. This is the closest Kane is ever going to get to a World Title, so he mise well enjoy it.
well from wat ive learned lately, i figure he doesnt rly get a push is bc he doesnt use any backstage power or suk up

from wat ive seen, every world champion lately has been using their power as ether a veteran or kissing ass to the mcmahons

for exp: john cena hangs out wit vince mcmahon, hhh is the bosses son in law, undertaker has been using his veteran powers lately, and btw if u dun believe me i got this all from WZ

im not sayin kane doesnt have any ability to do so, but im pretty sure this is the reason why he hasnt had any world title run lately
i think Kane is in a good spot right now and could do the ECW program some good that they very well need. I dont see Kane being a very good wwe champ or world champ, however he makes the perfect ECW champion. There are numerous feuds that could develop off of this including CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Chavo of course and a couple others... and thats not even including some of the people he could defend it against on smackdown or Raw, but in my opinion they really need to keep him defending the title against fellow ECW roster and on the SCI-FI network. that way it could possibly grow (which is desperately needed) Kane is one of those that is a great Superstar, but he doesnt have the shine that he used to... so ECW is a good spot for him right now. Go Kane for a long title run in ECW!!!

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