Why hasn't Kane had a legitimate world title run?

Should Kane get a world title run?

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Hehehe, seriously, sometimes I wish some of the discussions on wrestle boards were actually the WWE storylines. I didn't realise there were so many people out there who liked Kane as much as I do! It almost seems stupid in really thinking of Kane in a world champion fashion because you sort of assume nobody else really likes him as much as they like Cena or whatever. Man the WWE does some poor decisions with its storylines and wrestlers, they really miss some of the interest they could generate with something like giving Kane the world title, seriously, how much better would it have been over the past 18 months instead of a world title scene dominated constantly by either the Great Khali or Batista? Dammit man, imagine if that were and Undertaker and KANE world title scene?! How awesome would that have been?! It'd be like Wrestlemania 14 except with the belt on the line as well, and even more interesting because there's so much more history behind the two now. They've been tag champions and they've fought and the Undertaker re-incarnated as the dead man against him, forcing Kane to find the real inner monster in himself in order to be a viable challenge to him...

Still, Khali vs Batista is pretty amazing too I guess... I mean that spinebuster that Batista gave Khali at Vengeance was totally believable as a move that would be able finish off a 7'4", billion pound, stiff, lumbering, giant ape-monster and keep it down for three seconds using only his infant in-comparison body to make sure he doesn't raise even a shoulder.

Do any of you have other wrestlers you would absolutely love to see with the world title who haven't and probably wont? Because I always loved Tajiri... He has that badass buzzsaw kick and the awesome poison mist and stuff, I'm loving watching his current and more recent Japanese matches in HUSTLE and that other one. I would actually lose my mind if he'd ever become a champion in one of his billion runs with any of the major companies (that I watch anyway) he's been in. CZW or whatever it was called doesn't count.

Or even just the shock of out of nowhere a wrestler who's losing all the time like Stevie Richards, Super Crazy or Tommy Dreamer all of a sudden was booked as hitting a hot streak and suddenly get booked as being really aggressive and beating everybody, within a few months capturing the title. It would be so cool. Instead we get Cena domination over anything that moves, the aforementioned Ape Monster, a raw Animal that has to be reminded how to open a door, and how there are different types of doors that have to be opened differently, and sometimes you need keys... The guy's really dumb and can't wrestle. Edge is awesome though. Undertaker probably sprucened it a little, but there are so many other people I'd rather see with the belt.
Um..I hear he is only in WWE still because of the fans. I liked him much better when he was in his mask. He is a Mid-card level wrestler always was always will be. He is slow, has a bland and limited moveset. Seriously next time you see him wrestle count how many times he does a chop thing(wat every it is). For God Sakes he lost to Finlay. He is much like great Kahli he doesnt make a very good match. Although he is his brother He is definately no undertaker.
Where do you hear that from exactly? I hate it when people say things that have absolutely no backing whatsoever and publish it as fact. Kane's only with the WWE because of the fans? That's... Well it's stupid. Now call me crazy or ignorant, but I'm fairly sure EVERY wrestler is in the WWE because of interest from the fans... Otherwise you know... There wouldn't be any money making power in having them there? Y'know?

Blah blah, slow bland limited. It's funny that so many people who only watch wrestling say that about so many wrestlers, as though they know so much about the inner-workings of wrestling that they can critique a professional wrestler of over 15 years to the extent of calling him bad. Well you can't, so shut up. Well he knows how to wrestle, he rarely hurts anybody, he's very seldom hurt and, well I think anyway, that he sells moves well and makes his moves look like they hurt. I more often than not enjoy a match with Kane. I really like his character and think he's a good wrestler.

I also think that sometimes quality comes before quantity, I agree he hasn't one of the most diverse movesets, but everything he does is done very well... Maybe that's why he does his "chop thing" a lot? It sounds loud (I know it's mainly due to mics, but so is everything that makes a sound in wrestling) and it looks good. You know I can think of a whole lot of wrestlers who do a chop thing a lot who you certainly wouldn't call bad...

For gods sakes he lost to Finlay? You do know that matches are predetermined right? It's not like him being booked to lose to Finlay means that the idea of him being booked to be more powerful and win the championship is any less valid, it just means.... That he was booked to... lose?
i believe Kane should have a world title run...i think he should have had a longer one while he had the mask on buts its whatever...i still believe he should have a title run today..if the great khali has the ability to hold the title i dont understand why they would not toss the belt towards kane and sees what happens...his character is a bit limited on what he can do because of his backstory but if played right he could still be brough back as that vicious monster..before he retires i believe they will give him a run and if things keep going how they look on smackdown we sooner or later will have to see a fresh face n the title picture...its all up to creative if they want to put him in there...with undertakers face no doubt showing back up in the title picture they could perhaps throw kane into the mix to make some good storyline...time will tell..
Im not saying kane is bad. And when I say He is only in it cause of the fans I meant thats the only reason why he is in as many matches as he is. He fans love him. I saw an article at Wrestling Revealed(it wasn't their article).
The chance that Kane has of being champ is extremely minimal the reason is it ability no is it work ethic no its the storylines he gets, someone has it in for him and his gimmick is completly ruined because of these storylines he gets
The chance that Kane has of being champ is extremely minimal the reason is it ability no is it work ethic no its the storylines he gets, someone has it in for him and his gimmick is completly ruined because of these storylines he gets

I highly doubt that someone has it in for Kane, the man has been part of the Smackdown main event for months now. If someone with power and influence really didn't like kane, he'd probably be getting the Chris Masters treatment right now, but in fact he's not. So my guess would be that all the lame storylines that Kane is always involved in would be because of something else.
I think that when Kane first came in, he should have been given the title. He came in, cost The Undertaker the match against Shawn and went on to destroy everyone. I hate the way WWE have tried to do this with Snitsky and 'Big Daddy V' because as the saying goes, you only get one chance at a first impression' and they've had there's and i can't speak for anyone else, but im not believeing it. By giving Kane the title when he first came in, I think it would have been believeable given his size, power and how intimidating he looked. Also, Taker was also chasing the title with Michaels and by giving the title to Kane, Taker would have had to have fought him. Everyone was fascinated by Kane and an immediate feud with Taker could have been good for the WWE.
WWE also missed an opportunity to crown Kane with a long title run when he took his mask off and became a monster. I had really high expectations for that, and was ultimately disappointed when it ended up with him getted battered by Shane O'Mac. I know he technically won the war so to speak, but his momentum was lost the day they let Shane O'mac get lots of offense in. They should have made Shane the Never-will-die persona who took huge amounts of punishment but wouldnt stay down.
I dont know how they can now give Kane a legit title run that everyone believes or if they ever will.
I think the thing people forget when they vote is that we are talking about Kane in 2007

How can you sit here and say that everyone who voted in this poll didn't know what they were voting for. This thread started in 2007. So I would assume that everyone on here had the common sense to know that they were talking about the Kane of 2007.

While you may not believe it, I do like Kane...he's just a piss poor wrestler and I can't stand to watch him wrestle.

How can you sit there and say that you do like Kane and then sit there and call him a "piss poor wrestler" and you "can't stand to watch him wrestle"? Here's a little newsflash for you slyfox696: KANE IS A WRESTLER!!!!! I think maybe you are just trying to convince yourself that you like Kane. Anyone with any sense at all can tell by reading just that one like will know that you don't like Kane.

I like everything about Kane, right up until the moment the bell sounds. From the time the bell signals the start of the match, till the time the bell rings that signals the end of the match, Kane is pure and utter crap. I like the persona, I think he has a gimmick which could still be effective, if he'd ever get in shape.

Again like I said he is a Wrestler. You like Kane (the wrestler) but you don't like Kane (the wrestler) when he is in a match (wrestling) C'mon man give me a break. You think his gimmick could still be effective if he'd ever get in shape. My question to you is since when does the wrestler have to be in shape to kick someones ass? Just look at Khali, He's just a big guy. Look at Big Daddy V. Niether of them are in shape, but they still pull of their persona of just kicking ass.

How does Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage sound to you? Or Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, or Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin?

So those are the matches that you consider 5 star? I won't disagree with you there. But that just gives you even less of a leg to stand on when you say that you like Kane (the wrestler) and then trash his wrestling. Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Steve Austin. Look at all of them. Stand all of them next to Kane. Think about all of their gimmicks. Were any of them brought in to just power through other wrestlers? No they weren't. Their matches and Kanes matches are meant to be completely different styles. So, with you naming those matches, of course you aren't going to like any of Kanes. So now everyone on here reading and posting knows that they don't need to give you anymore examples to prove their points. You aren't going to like them anyways.

I think a world title run on smackdown or raw is out of the question, there are alot of people who would be ahead of kane. The only way i see him ever getting another world title reign is to somehow move him to ecw and fued with the ecw champ. If this were to happen i think he should come back as a heel and go mental again and light some people on fire etc hey you could eve have john morrison spill coffe on him like jericho did i think his extreme nature would revive some of what ecw stands for.

You are a funny guy....but I would have to say you are right. I am a HUGE Kane and Taker fan, but I'd have to say that the only way I see Kane becoming a top champion would be if he went to ECW. And even with that, I don't see him holding the belt that long.

i dont hate him or anything like that, i like him till the point he steps in the ring, i just cant stand wathing his matches.

With you refering to Batista here, you are starting to sould like Slyfox. How can you like a WRESTLER and not like watching his WRESTLING? It just doesn't make any sense to me. But then again I may not have room to talk. I've only been watching wrestling since I was about 10 years old. So maybe 19 years of watching doesn't qualify me to make those judgements.

It's not my opinion. Maybe you should actually try and not hit the mute button. I know it's tough to do during a WWE show but Try.

It sounds to me like that is something you do. And if you do that would mean that you are not a fan of wrestling. If that is the case then that would mean that you have no room to sit here and bicker back and forth as to whether ANY wrestler deserves a title run or not.
Kane needs to go to ECW so that way he can be a champion and help give a push to normal mid carders like Nitro and CM Punk, V, Miz, and the other young talents in ECW. Bring the lower carders to ECW as well. Kane would make a great heel champion b/c he is a much better wrestler than Khali and Cena, has more moves, all Cena has is that fisherman suplex, bulldog, over the head from behind that he does, a modified back suplex, back suplex, shoulder block, clothesline, scoop slam, spinebuster, drop toehold, F-U, and STF-U. If I am WWE, put the mask back on Kane, have a big monster push, go to ECW and have a long title reign like Big Show finally had in 2006.
I agree totally. I thought he was going to get a shot when he fought not long ago I think against Edge or Khali but that didn't last long.
He has been shafted for a while now, same with guys like HBK and Chris Jericho before he left. They are always in the main event or a major storyline, they wrestle most nights and all for nothing really. I hate that you see guys like Edge who when he was champ or in the hunt there was a few times where he wrestled once or twice in a month, when guys like Kane & HBK are there every night. I back a push for Kane.
Its depressing, really. Right now, they've been putting Kane in dark matches during PPVs, so far at Judgment Day and Unforgiven. Yes, he won, but why wasn't he on the actual PPV? And why didn't they at least include the matches in the extras? Kane has been there for a decade now, he deserves better than fighting Kenny Dykstra, who is nowhere in his league. Even if he gets the U.S. Championship, I'll be happy. He might work his way up to the World Heavyweight Championship. MVP needs to defend the title, all he does is play around with Matt Hardy in middle school competitions.....man...
Kane does deserve to be champion, but the reason is because he cares about the business and wants the younger talent to succeed, i have read reports in the past in which he was offered to end Takers' streak and to have the title put on him, but turned both opportunities down so the younger talent could get a bigger push, he cares about the company and its future.
Maybe that's why Kane hasn't had a legit title run... he does LOVE the business and knows he is not talented enough/ physically capable of being a champion for a long time and would rather push younger talent.... not sure why anyone would do that but it could be a possibility
When Kane was going to fight edge for the world title and then edge got injured i thought about time he is in the title picture, but i thought wrong. He got pushed into a stupid fight trying to help push Big Daddy V.........AGAIN!
now what, on smackdown he fought deuce then he fought that nobody on ECW, whats with that anyway.
Kane had one world title run for what a day, or 2 days pffff, Creative team, you gave the great Khali a title run. He cant wrestle to save himself and what great mic skills............in a different language.
Kane is not as great as he used to be everyone. When he was masked he was awesome, but now he's just pretty bland. I know I wouldn't enjoy a world title run because, although he's payed his dues, he just doesn't seem championship material. The match he was going to have against Edge will be the closest chance of him having the World Heavyweight Championship for a long time.
Its appauling the treament kane recieves off the wwe. I mean do they even acknowledge the fact that he has been here over a decade !? This upcoming royal rumble will be his 10th consecutive appearance, he also holds the record for the most eliminations. Its a bit late in the day for a title run now but he should definetly of deserved a few reigns back in the day. that's not to say never put him in feuds, cos i'd love to see him back in an actual feud with meaning behind it, not coliding with big daddy v all the time, awwww that was awful. Stick him in a feud with m.v.p, lashley, kennedy or hell maybe even the undertaker again, its getting boring watching him job to worthless talent or going over with the newcomers in a 2 minute squash match, he has a ton of charisma so they should put him in a sotryline because he clearly can't rely on his in ring ability anymore.

I've always heard that Vince wanted to give Kane a longer reign than a day as Top champion, but Kane has always turned Vince down saying that he was fine with his one day reign. Plus Kane has hinted at retiring, so he doesn't see the point of holding the belt that wouldn't get great ues out of him holding it.

I always thought Kane had a shot at holding the belt one more time, I was for sure he would have gotten it when Edge got hurt, but I think that likemay have said before at this Stage in his career I don't think it will happen.
i think what wouldve been tight is if since undertaker is doin an angle with big daddy v and mark henry, they shouldve made kane be a part of it with the undertaker and reunite the brothers of destruction, that would be awesome, so hopefully kane would be in more of the main even spotlight with the undertaker
Kane might not be as good as he was, in fact if you compare him to his early self, he has deteriorated very much. Remember Kane hitting a dropkick??? Now he struggles with a big boot!

However, he is 10x the performer/wrestler/entertainer that Khali/Henry/Big Daddy V. So why not just turn him heel and use him the same as Khali, as a monster that intimidates people??

He is a waste of talent. I would take heel Kane over Khali anyday.
Kane might not be as good as he was, in fact if you compare him to his early self, he has deteriorated very much. Remember Kane hitting a dropkick??? Now he struggles with a big boot!

However, he is 10x the performer/wrestler/entertainer that Khali/Henry/Big Daddy V. So why not just turn him heel and use him the same as Khali, as a monster that intimidates people??

He is a waste of talent. I would take heel Kane over Khali anyday.

Wait a second, didn't Kane hit a standing dropkick last year at wrestlemania 22? And I recall him hitting MVP with one during one of their matches last year as well.

Compared to his early Stuff, I can't see a difference between Kane now and Kane then. The only major difference between the two was that The old kane was pushed and made to look like a living Monster by WWE, while the Kane of today is repeatedly held back by WWE, but he's not limited by his in ring talent. The Kane of today is reminiscent of that of a problematic psychopath that shows human emotions through pain and anguish. Fans of today are better able to related to a character like this than they are to a Bland Monster with no depth like the Kane of old.

Waste of talent? Kane is one of the most underrated superstars in WWE. Period. For a big man pushing 40, no one gives him the credit that he still goes to the top rope At least once or sometimes twice in every match, No one gives him the credit that He's one of the best big men in the WWE to work a match against, he can take and receive offense just as good as any other ring veteran in WWE.

I really don't see why people hate Kane so much now, he's no more slower now than he was 5 or 10 years ago, He can still do all the moves he was once capable of doing as a young man (save for the Tombstone), and IMO, over the years his transition from a Supernatural Monster into an Unyielding Psychopath has just added more depth to his character. WWE's decision's to make kane more human by stripping him of his mask and having him show emotion and feel physical pain has only only made him more acceptable to the Fans, it no longer limits Kane by being some Inhuman Monster, WWE has given the Kane character room to breathe, room to evolve. And Kane is doing just that. And Glen Jacobs personal feelings about wanting to put over new talent instead of himself are his own decisions, and I admire him for doing so, especially when there are so many veterans in WWE that won't. And because of these decisions, the Kane character is downgraded by WWE from looking very strong over time, to looking very weak and minuscule, supposedly. Fans ridicule Kane for no reason, blaming his downfall on losing his mask, his decreased agility and speed, and the fact that Kane just doesn't seem like a "Monster" anymore, with none of these reasons being true.
I disagree with your statement about him being the same as he was 10 years ago. I'm a big Kane fan, but I would admit he isn't what he was.

Yes he does go up to the top rope and he should be admired for that but doesn't Ric Flair? Flair went through a period a while back where he would go to the top rope every week and be thrown off.

Obviously you don't understand what I mean by Waste of talent sunshine. Waste of talent meaning he has talent and it's wasted because he isn't used properly.
Yes he does go up to the top rope and he should be admired for that but doesn't Ric Flair? Flair went through a period a while back where he would go to the top rope every week and be thrown off.

A period of a while back :rolleyes: Kane has been going off the top rope in every match consistently since his mask came off, not every once in a while.

Obviously you don't understand what I mean by Waste of talent sunshine. Waste of talent meaning he has talent and it's wasted because he isn't used properly.

You obviously didn't read the last paragraph I wrote, I said WWE's reasoning to hold back the Kane character could be because of Glen Jacobs wanting to put the other talent over, not because his wrestling skills have diminished.
A period a while back :rolleyes: Kane has been going off the top rope in every match consistently since his mask came off.

You obviously didn't read the last paragraph I wrote, I said WWE's reasoning to hold back the Kane character could be because of Glen Jacobs wanting to put the other talent over, not because his wrestling skills have diminished.

I agree with that as well i remember reading on the site a while ago that the wwe put kane on smackdown to give him one more legit run, but Kane blew it off saying and i quote " let the young guys get a chance" i think Jacobs doesnt want a run with the top belt, and the wwe wants to at least put it on him one last time, it may happen sooner then later due to the fact that i think he wants to retire before its all said and done
Kane Definitely deserves a tittle shot/run. I admit he has wrestling skill has lowered after removing his mask but the man has been wrestling for 16 years! Also why does John Cena or Batista deserve it? Kane has been in a Few of the greatest matches of time. Such as the Inferno Match that he has been in 3 times with Undertaker, Triple H and MVP. I think it is about time he got what he deserves.

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