Like many of you have already said, HHH is a natural born heel, so we're supposed to "hate" him. That being said, it always seemed to me that he "buddied up" to anyone that was gaining momentum/had power, starting with Chyna back in the day, then to the Cliq, then Flair, and ultimately Stephanie. It was these connections that, in my opinion, helped HHH attain several of his championships. While I feel that HHH can tell a story with his in-ring psychology, everything else to me is a bore. His promos ramble on, and his moveset was/is bland. In today's E, we get COO HHH, and a part time wrestler who only gets in the ring for the big pay day. It feels to me like he wants to be like the Undertaker in that respect, but he's nowhere on that level of superstar (i.e. - Flair, Hogan, Taker, Cena (grr), even Rock). Now he gets to pretty much be himself in the ring every week, calling the shots, doing what he wants, because pretty much there's no one to stop him. They ban chair shots to the head due to concussions, yet HHH handcuffs DB, grabs a chair, and smacks him upside the head (yes, I know he got a lot of ringpost but that's not the point). Case in point - if any other superstar (except Taker, Cena and Orton) did that, they would have been fired. HHH and Taker went chair crazy in one of their WM matches, too; it's obvious that the rules don't apply to HHH when it comes to getting him "over". Nevertheless, with HHH's increasing position of power in the company, it's obvious that we will have to continue to listen to him and Stephanie drool over his accolades, and deal with his (married-into) sense of entitlement.