Why do you all hate Triple H?

Trips is awesome fuck all the haters he has done so much for the future of this business we all love n go crazy over hell he is the modern day Vince actually I think it will b cool if he walks out WMXXX as the champ it will piss so many ppl off he will instantly become the biggest villain of all time
Triple H Wrestlemania XV to Wrestlemania X7 Im a fan of that Triple H. I hate the fact that he was given WHC in 2002 and ran raw and proclaimed that the WHC was bigger than the WWE TITLE. Brock was the man then Undisputed and HHH tried his best to claim he was. I also hate that he had main event so many Manias. I also hate he books himself against every big name TAKERx2 LESNAR (TRIED PUNK) SO NOW HE BOOKS HIMSELF AGAINST THE MOST OVER GUY BRYAN AND BOOKS HIMSELF INTO THE WWE TITLE STORY FOR MANIA. He can do what he wants he will never be an ICON or on the same list as HOGAN,TAKER,HBK,HART,FLAIR,SAVAGE,STING,ROCK.
You got things backwards OP. Not many people hate Triple H. They think he slept his way to the top, but that's about it.
I don't care what people think. Honestly, Triple H does put over superstars. Not always. But when he does, he puts them over big time. Benoit, Batista and Cena are some examples. Sheamus had the best victory and one of the biggest moments of his career when he beat Triple H with no outside interference, unlike getting cheap wins over Cena or an 18 second victory over Bryan. Triple H is awesome. He's a great face, a better heel. His matches with HBK, Taker, Cena, Stone Cold, The Rock and Chris Benoit are classics.

I don't hate Triple H. As a matter of fact, he is one of my favorite superstars of all time. Sometimes I don't like seeing him win some of the matches he doesn't need to win (But then again, the same thing goes for Cena. Seeing Cena win all the matches suck as well, so you can't really say it's only Triple H). And just for the record, Triple H has lost more 'Manias than he has won them. This year if he puts over Bryan (which is what is most likely), it only adds to his losses at WM. So you can't really say he doesn't put over superstars. There is no need of putting every single younger talent. A younger talent should only be put over if he has potential. What was the point in Chris Jericho losing to Bourne, Kofi, Ryback and Fandango? None of these guys made it big.

But one thing I must say, some of Triple H's victories were undeserving. I don't remember all of them, but Booker T should have gone over Triple H at WM 19, and Randy Orton should have gone over Triple H at WM 25.
I've got no problem whatsoever with Triple H. I think a good deal of the hate he gets stems from the fact that he's simply not one of the "internet's guys." Triple H was a major player or on his way to becoming a major player when the internet was really becoming THE next big thing and when it became clear that it wasn't just some sort of fad. During the 2000s after WCW was bought out, ECW went tits up and being an "indy guy" was becoming the cool thing to be in the minds of a fair number of internet fans, Trips was a dominant figure in WWE. He was a huge player in the biggest company in the world, he was legitimately dating & eventually married the only daughter of WWE's Chief Executive Officer and a lot of those same fans got it into their heads that nepotism was the only way to explain why Triple H was a major player. It doesn't matter how laughable that argument and stance is to Trips' haters, nor does it matter how many logical points can be easily brought up to discredit it. They're gonna hate on the guy because he's a top guy in WWE, which makes a wrestler a target for haters and trolls alike, because he made it to the top while one of their guys didn't.

As for Triple H's role as an executive and occasional wrestler, I still call bullshit on those railing against it. Nobody seemed to have much of an issue with an executive/wrestling role when Stone Cold Steve Austin was beating the snot out of Vince McMahon on a weekly basis back in the mid 90s. Vince wasn't even a wrestler, nor was he ever, yet the fact that he was featured so heavily on television week in & week out during the oh so precious Attitude Era as the top heel feuding with the top babyfaces isn't pissed on by many of the same nostalgiaholics that rant against Triple H for being in the same role.
Like many of you have already said, HHH is a natural born heel, so we're supposed to "hate" him. That being said, it always seemed to me that he "buddied up" to anyone that was gaining momentum/had power, starting with Chyna back in the day, then to the Cliq, then Flair, and ultimately Stephanie. It was these connections that, in my opinion, helped HHH attain several of his championships. While I feel that HHH can tell a story with his in-ring psychology, everything else to me is a bore. His promos ramble on, and his moveset was/is bland. In today's E, we get COO HHH, and a part time wrestler who only gets in the ring for the big pay day. It feels to me like he wants to be like the Undertaker in that respect, but he's nowhere on that level of superstar (i.e. - Flair, Hogan, Taker, Cena (grr), even Rock). Now he gets to pretty much be himself in the ring every week, calling the shots, doing what he wants, because pretty much there's no one to stop him. They ban chair shots to the head due to concussions, yet HHH handcuffs DB, grabs a chair, and smacks him upside the head (yes, I know he got a lot of ringpost but that's not the point). Case in point - if any other superstar (except Taker, Cena and Orton) did that, they would have been fired. HHH and Taker went chair crazy in one of their WM matches, too; it's obvious that the rules don't apply to HHH when it comes to getting him "over". Nevertheless, with HHH's increasing position of power in the company, it's obvious that we will have to continue to listen to him and Stephanie drool over his accolades, and deal with his (married-into) sense of entitlement.
But Vince McMahon used to be on TV all the time, especially during the Attitude Era, and he wrestled one or two matches a year usually (such as the Cage Match against Austin at SVDM). Yet Triple H, who is virtually playing the Mr McMahon role, is criticised for it.
Vince bounced in and out as the top heel, but you may also remember Austin Foley and Rock were allowed to get the best of Vince from time to time. Vince almost came off as inept in his feuds, because the guys he "kept down" always ended up on top. It's been since Summerslam, has there been one moment where you would say Bryan came out on top?
I think it's pretty simple OP
Trips is doing such a good job with his character that a lot of jabronis tend to think all of the bad qualities that are CLEARLY part of the story line ("burying Brian") are actual decisions he's made.

Kind of sad since what I'm really trying to tell you is that most people on here think Wrestling is real.
I don't want to speak for anyone else so I will just make observations. I believe SOME fans from the early 1990s (and perhaps before) have problems with HHH. When he was starting out - he wasn't very charismatic at all. It took DX to let his character shine. But even in 1998 he wasn't that great a worker; and he was disliked by many Bret Hart fans for his role in the Survivor Series double cross in 1997.

HHH became a star when he went up against Mick Foley. It was those two matches at Royal Rumble and No Way Out in 2000 that established HHH. That he had been a WWE champion before this in August 1999 had also made HHH look like he was maneuvering behind the scenes. HHH had been part of the Clique too - which made him unpopular with some fans of other wrestlers who had been screwed by the clique.

By the time 2001 had come around - HHH was a bonafide star and a true talent. His guts and determination to continue in his tag team match on Raw (2 man powertrip vs Chris Jericho et al) after his quad injury made him legendary in the fans eyes (See the pop he got when he returned the following January).

Where the issues began again with HHH were his reputation with his reluctance to put people over (he is alleged to have shouted at script writers; and made sure he was always going over).

It is also alleged WWE sent out instructions to any business carrying the adverts for WWE products (such as WWE Figures, video games) that any promo material featuring HHH must not show him in a losing predicament.

The way Evolution, then Batista (HHH's friend) got the top TV time between 2003 and 2005 - annoyed many fans. It is fair to point out - HHH elevated Batista in the right way and created a star there. He also sold like mad for Chris Benoit in 2004.

By 2006; DX had reunited and they stayed that way for the next 4 years - and they hogged the show (again they sold well for Dibiase and Cody Rhodes in their mini feud). It was becoming overkill.

HHH's work with Taker was solid and the fans embraced HHH again - and the face persona of the COO character was a good touch as he wasn't hogging the limelight but adding value to storys and progressing story lines and characters.

It was not even his heel turn on Daniel Bryan that made the IWC hate on HHH - it has been the way the storyline buildup between Summerslam and Royal Rumble which has had HHH more heavily featured on TV; and the show becoming about his ego and not developing new stars. I mean - HHH is 50 in 5 years.

The fans love HHH but if he is going to be pushed down their throat- he needs to build new stars with his expertise.

The WWE Universe and the IWC will be watching at Wrestlemania 30 !
I like and respect Triple H. As a full time wrestler he done it all.
As an authority figure he is also excelling in the Daniel Bryan underdog story line.

Behind the scenes he has revamped development, helped launch the performance centre, help launch the network, persuaded the likes of Hogan, Warrior and Sanmartino to come back into the fold. His pro's far out weigh his cons.

People complaining that he doesn't wrestle enough to justify being on TV every week, I bet you weren't saying the same when Vince was on TV every week during the attitude era.
FWIW the minute Vince and Shane started getting in the ring was when the Attitude era became a mockery of itself and is nearly completely unwatchable now. I can even sit through dog shit early WCW and get some entertainment value. The Attitude era is so ridiculously overrated considering it ushered in Vince/Shane in the ring, The Undertaker becoming a horrible biker, the horrendous "WHAT?" chant, and a slew of other annoying BS.

Only good thing it brought was a more hardcore in-ring product and Stone Cold Steve Austin/Mick Foley/The Rock era. That made it all worth it but still...SO OVERRATED.
I don't like Triple H and never will. He more often than not put his ego over others that were in need of a push. When I watch a Triple H match, it's a near-guarantee that he'll win unless the opponent he faces is someone of top tier status. That kind of action makes me respect Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels way more. Triple H always tries to involve himself in places he doesn't need to be, which makes him out to be somewhat of a spotlight hog. Stopping CM Punk's momentum is just one example. Chris Jericho never got past Triple H and even lost his Undisputed titles to him, which Triple H would then lose to Hulk Hogan shortly after. Last but not least, it doesn't matter how many World Championships or Royal Rumbles or any other accomplishments Triple H bestows upon himself. The quality lies in the matches and the bulk of his best matches are stipulation matches. He's had a few regular matches, but none are as good/entertaining as the stipulation matches which involve foreign objects. Triple H has the look (although I have stated in the past that he looked like a generic muscled wrestler), the attitude and the presence of a top star (and is one), but he never let his traits develop naturally after DX. It wasn't even about him being a heel or face. It was more centered on ego and politics.
Excuse me?!?!

Who told you I hated HGH (oops typo)? Was it that bitch Veronica from study hall? She is such a shit starter. Do you know she went to third base with X-Pac behind 7/11?

I don't hate HHH. I think he's terrific. He hasn't always been a part of some of the booking decisions I've wanted but he is a very good to great performer. He seems like a smart, funny reasonable man who loves this business.
I suppose there's always going to be a degree of mistrust for the person who performs the dual function of being a wrestler and operating at the uppermost echelon of a wrestling company.

How many times have we read people saying that the best administrator for pro wrestling would be a wrestler? He knows the business, he knows how to deal with other wrestlers because he's one himself, he understands the problems they face better than some pencil-pusher who comes from the marketing department of some Fortune 500 firm and decides he's best qualified to run WWE? He knows what it's like in the dressing room because he's been there.

Okay, so now we've got that guy......and look at all the people who are against it. They say: "Sure, a wrestler does understand the inside problems. But why did you have to have this wrestler?"

Add to that the fact that we don't really know all we think we do. When you take individual decisions made by WWE management, we don't know Paul Levesque made them alone, or had the final say. We don't know the reason he personally won a match was because his ego demanded he make himself the winner. Especially with a prize martinet like Vince McMahon above him, it seems unfair to blame Levesque for everything we don't like.....although he surely knows and probably expects to take a certain amount of blame simply because he is a member of top management.

Personally, I think he's terrific as Triple H. As a corporate bigwig, I'm waiting for the day he and Stephanie have total power in the organization (in other words, when Vince is dead). I think his (relative) youth and thorough understanding of the sports entertainment business could send WWE to new heights. I think it's terrific he keeps himself semi-active in the ring because I still enjoy seeing him perform.

Plus, as stated above, I hope he's fair and equitable to his employees, especially because he does have the inside dope on what they go through. That should make him the best boss of all, if he's capable of truly doing what's best for business.......and not making WWE his personal playpen, much in the manner of an inmate taking over the asylum.
Most of the hate comes from ignorance. I've seen comments like "He didn't put anyone over". Well that's not true. He put Cena and Batista over. His detractors would counter with "That's like two out of how many?" and I would reply who else would have had the kind of career those two guys had if they had beaten Triple H in a high profile match? Who's career did not achieve it's full potential because they lost to Triple H? I always hear Booker T got "buried". He didn't get buried. He went directly from working in a comedic tag team with Goldust to challenging for Triple H's world title. Had Booker T beat Triple H at Wrestlemania was this going to make Booker T any more of a star? Besides, once you start putting people over it's not long before you wind up in that Mic Foley category where a win over you doesn't mean squat. The only way you're going to put anyone over is to remain strong yourself. If these wrestlers people keep saying are getting buried by Triple H were actually as good as Triple H, maybe then they'd let them go over.
Longevity. He has gotten to spend a lot more time on top then my favorite, SCSA, ever did.
So if I really did hate HHH I might use that argument. Truth is, I really like the guy. Why? He gave the rub to a lot of my current faves. Would Batista be the same without HHH? Sheamus? Could Flair have had the opportunity to dazzle us later in his career without HHH? Maybe, but HHH was apart of each one of their success in some form or fashion.

So, believe me when I say, HHH is a great enhancement talent. He is also great Main event material, but I appreciate him more for the way he has enhanced other guys careers.
I don't hate HHH. In fact I think he knows a majority of the fans hate his backstage presence so much, he uses that as part of his character. HHH has used politics. No doubt about that. But he has lost when it was called for.

Also, many fans think the same way Jim Cornette does:

HHH couldn't draw, but wrestled with the guys who could. Which made him look better than he actually was. Stone Cold, Foley, the Rock, HBK. He got himself in a lot of storylines with guys who were better draws then he was at the time

I don't fault him for it. Many wrestlers wish they could do what he did.
Here's why I DONT hate HHH...

HHH vs HBK....summerslam and royal rumble
HHH vs Taker...all three WM matches
HHH vs Cactus Jack...HIAC and street fight
HHH vs Austin 3 stages of hell
HHH and Austin vs Y2J and Benoit
HHH vs Rock IC ladder match
HHH vs HBK vs Benoit
HHH vs Y2J last man standing
HHH vs Rock...Iron man and backlash

Its hard for me to hate someone that has a ridiculous amount of classics/great matches. People will find any excuse to hate HHH the same way they do for Cena. They will say that he never put someone over...ok well name another main eventer that has tapped out THREE TIMES at WM once being to give someone their first world title win??? They will say he is only a star because of his marriage BUT his marriage didnt make him be able to lead two top factions, wrestle classic matches, and be pretty damn good on the mic.

I love HHH, he was a huge part of my childhood. IMO, he is one of the greatest of all time. Not because of how many titles he won BUT because he had a huge impact on the business for over a decade.
Hate is a strong word. I do respect him and I don't hate him but I do dislike him mainly for the way he and HBK tried to stop the Rock back in the day. As a big Rock fan that sticks with me quite a bit. Kinda been brought up again in my mind too after his dig at the Rock on Raw a couple of weeks a go. Didn't mind the Hollywood actor coming back making you millions though did you Hunter?

I see someone mentions the fact he's stuck around unlike others (The Rock) but thats absolute bull. He's just like Cena and isn't talented enough to do anything outside of the ring. Nothing wrong with that btw, they can't all go on and become Hollywood stars but I hate it when people like HHH, Cena etc...claim they've never left when they clearly would have if they had the talent for acting and making a lot more money.

Of course we all know HHH has been so jealous of Dwayne. Always will be.
Vince bounced in and out as the top heel, but you may also remember Austin Foley and Rock were allowed to get the best of Vince from time to time. Vince almost came off as inept in his feuds, because the guys he "kept down" always ended up on top. It's been since Summerslam, has there been one moment where you would say Bryan came out on top?

So Vince ultimately looking like a clown is supposed to somehow negate the fact that he was probably THE biggest heel in WWE during the majority of the Attitude Era despite being an executive who wrestled matches every so often? He was competing in top feuds, he was wrestling every now and again. At least Triple H hasn't booked himself winning the championship only to vacate it the very next night like Vince did back in September 1999.

As for Bryan coming out on top, that big moment is most likely being saved for WrestleMania. It's part of why he hasn't appeared on WWE television this week. He was "injured" and he's been kept off television to sell the effects of the "injury" and his "injury" makes him come across as even more of an underdog. It's always possible that Bryan doesn't win at WrestleMania XXX, especially if he does something between now and then to get heat backstage, but it's unlikely. Fans want a payoff for what began at SummerSlam and if it doesn't happen next Sunday, then it's probably not gonna happen.
Vince absolutely was the top heel of the attitude era, but the other guys being able to get the best of Vince balanced the feuds and kept the audience's attention. Vince could screw over Austin or Rock or Foley for a month or two, but it would always fall apart and he would have to try a different course of action...In the 8 months since Summerslam, Bryan has been beaten down and beaten down and until the Occupy Raw segment, he had never once gotten the best of HHH in the slightest. Could you imagine the fan reaction if Austin had been screwed for 8 months straight without being able to get any kind of recourse? They would have rioted or just stopped watching. Vince knew that better than anyone unfortunately, HHH doesn't seem to, or doesn't care.
I don't hate him. I like him. I disliked him during his 02-04 reign of terror, but outside of that he's always been an entertaining wrestler who usually puts on good to great matches.

Some people don't like him because he doesn't job himself to overrated midcarders like Jericho does. That's why beating Jericho doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. Beating Triple H gets you made.
I can freely admit, H's a good worker, passionate about the business and is a smart guy. I think he's more suited to being a heel than a face, personally. I also have to freely admit I really can't stand him. He's overly promoted to the point he's shoved down our throats. The several nicknames they give him just to try and make him so great is ridiculous. He's made out to be bigger than he actually is. He's a money maker but not the money maker. He's not the superstar that Rock or Austin is. There have been better workers in the ring, so he can't claim that title. He is simply a good worker who got a great run. There have been worse performers than him but there have been better performers who never got anywhere close to his success either. What hurts him is the fact that you can't separate his relationship to the McMahons with his run in WWE. Maybe he would have been champ without it but to dominate for 13 title runs ? Sorry, but no. The other issue is his paving the way for his friends and his attacks on those who aren't in his good graces, either by him personally or through his new 'Kliq'. I don't hate him but I'm definitely not a great fan of his.
I think it really all comes down to politics with HHH, or at least that's the most common answer I hear which can sometimes be valid. Anyone who uses the "he's only successful because he married Steph" is just being moronic, especially since he became a top guy when he was dating Ms. Penis Clit.

Truth be told Triple H has a LONG history of questionable booking calls as a talent and most recently as an executive. A good example would be 2003 in general. 2003 for Raw was just awful and there were a lot of things during that year fans didn't like that directly involved Triple H, like beating Booker T at Mania 19 (a match he had zero business winning) only to follow it up with a 3 month program with Nash (his buddy) when guys like Booker T and RVD (the most over guys on Raw) were given 2 week feuds where they looked inferior. In '04 he single handedly crippled Ortons momentum when he was about break through the glass ceiling, there's a few examples of what I'm talking about.

Truth be told Triple H is a great wrestler, he's just not one of the greatest, as Cornette puts it hes the guy who works with THE guy but he's not THE guy and never has been but its wrestling so you can't blame him for acting like he was.

Triple H is one of those guys where a lot of negative surrounds him. I like him but from a creative standpoint I don't think he's the right guy to lead the company (business wise he's doing fine). When Triple H started taking over creative I started watching regularly again because I wanted to give him a fair chance, at this point I have little faith in his creative direction, all he has proven to me is that he is great at squandering opportunity when it comes knocking ( it happened with Punk, Lesnar, Ryback and Bryan). I believe Triple H wants to do right by WWE but he keeps coming up short creatively, he had no business feuding with Lesnar for a year, he had amazing opportunities with Bryan, Punk and Ryback and in all cases he killed their momentum, luckily Bryan and Punk were able to regain a good chunk of their momentum back but in all cases the momentum they initially had shouldn't have been killed in the first place.

I think Triple H tries, but unlike Vince he doesn't know how to make legit stars, he doesn't know how to capitalize on the momentum given to him, he doesn't know how to build a storylines people wanna see, he's awesome at starting storylines he just doesn't know how to follow them up and every big storyline of the last 3 years proves that point.

Overall I don't hate Triple H but I can certainly understand where some fans come from and as much of an asset he's been to the WWE he's also had moments of being a huge detriment as well.
Well, I don't hate Triple H; I simply dislike him. I dislike his ego. As someone else said he had no business defeating Punk in 2011, Booker T in 2003, or Jericho in 2002. Finally, he banged the bosses' daughter.

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