Do you respect Triple H in depth?

Absolutely NOT! I have no respect for HHH i never have and i never will. I will never forgive him and his little partner in crime HBK for the Montreal screwjob. Who tried to destroy the legacy of a real wrestling Legend Bret Himan Hart on orders of Vince.

Bret Hart did that to himself. Everything that happened that day was he own doing. Lets get one thing clear, he was a WWF employee and he wouldn't listen to the instructions that his boss gave him when he was told that he was dropping the WWE Championship.

Instead of taking a stand for integrity in wrestling they both sold out and were rewarded for their crime by becoming huge stars under DX for many many years even marrying into the family.

Are you really trying to say that Triple H was rewarded with Vince offering his daughter? It's looks that way.

This also had psychological and subliminal impact, steering a generation of children away from doing the "Right" and moral thing instead they were told that selling out and get paid by any means necessary was the best thing to do. Children's heroes are supposed to stand for good things HHH and HBK have always stood for the bad. And yes small impressionable children do look up to wrestlers as heroes and they do have a influence on them even subconsciously years latter.

Where is your proof that any of this actually happened? Where is the proof that both Triple H and Shawn Michaels steered a generation of children to sell out?

I'm rather interested to see this.

This is why (real christian) Sting (as opposed to fake christian HBK) will never work for WWE,why Goldberg left,why Bruno Sammartino wants nothing do with with the "E".

Shawn Michaels is called a "Born again" Christian. He admits that when he was younger he wasn't a man. He has tried to right them wrongs over the years and spread positivity. HBK has since given his life to the faith of Christianity. Please read up on things before you post.

While DX were morally decaying our children in wwe i was enjoying the much better NWO of WCW.Todays uneducated iwc will say WCW sucked but i challenge them to watch any episode of WCW Nitro and tell me that its not better than today's raw or SD.

You just come across as a bitter old man with this.

The montreal screwjob was real and not a work and may or may not had lead to the supposed accidental death of Owen Hart less than 2 years latter. Of course after being financially beaten for many years, out of financial necesity Bret Hart said he has forgiven them but i never will.

Are you on crack? Did you really just say this? This is the wrong wrestling forum for you to just make faceless accusations, you'll literally be torn apart. In no way can you possibly conjure up the evidence to back this moronic statement.

Wwe fanboys will constantly say that Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan were bad for TNA because they stood way past their time and took air time away from young talent to develop but they never say this about HHH and HBK who have done the exact same thing.
Unfortunately this will never happen as HHH is in the family and will be in power in Wwe for years to come but the best thing that can happen to wrestling is for HHH and HBK to just go away.

Assumptions without evidence seems to be how you roll. Wrestling fans are fickle and cynic. You must be blind if you don't think that fans will say something when something is up. Let's not be completely silly now.
HHH is a legend and nobody can argue about that, and I'm a huge fan of him.

Still, I always felt that he tries to be in the spotlight as much as he can, he screwed so many interesting and promising feuds and storylines by forcing himself in them.

Who can forget the way the "summer of punk" ended last year, Trips putting himself over at NOC and turning the best storyline in years into a complete joke revolving about Nash and himself.
I respect Triple HHH for what he has done in the biz. You would have to be dumb not to have respect. You also have to think when triple hhh said to vince "screw him if he doesn't want to do business will do business for him(about Bret)" that he is the biggest hypocrite. The guy who screwed biz last year with Punk, screwed Booker T and RVD because he was in business for himself.Triple HHH you got to believe he wants whats best for the company but when it came to his character he wanted to protect it because he has the napoleon complex when it comes to the Rock and Austin. He wants people to remember him on par with Rock and Austin if not higher (due to how many years after Rock and Austin were gone as weekly competitor). He deserves respect but down the road he will play the role Vince created and that will make him the face of the WWE
Bret Hart did that to himself. Everything that happened that day was he own doing. Lets get one thing clear, he was a WWF employee and he wouldn't listen to the instructions that his boss gave him when he was told that he was dropping the WWE Championship.
Really a Vince didn't screw Bret,Bret screwed Bret reply how compelling. I can't even argue this with someone who cannot see basic common's called a screwjob because Vince screwed Bret because he had agreed to it they had all agreed on the script except "they" Vince,HHH,HBK and earl all lied to Bret and had other plans

Are you really trying to say that Triple H was rewarded with Vince offering his daughter? It's looks that way.
I never said Stephanie was his reward i said his reward was an endless push by Vince that almost lead HHH and HBK to be the faces of Wwe which is what Vince wanted but they both could never surpass the Rock or Stone cold.

Where is your proof that any of this actually happened? Where is the proof that both Triple H and Shawn Michaels steered a generation of children to sell out?

I'm rather interested to see this.
Ok you want proof ok i will start a 600 page thesis on the psychological impact wrestling has on children when they grow up,specifically how the attitude era influenced children in the 90's and the latter effects is had on their morality. I will also write one on explaining to you the cultural effects of music,arts,sports,movies,politics,history,food on the human mind since you need everything explained to you.

Shawn Michaels is called a "Born again" Christian. He admits that when he was younger he wasn't a man. He has tried to right them wrongs over the years and spread positivity. HBK has since given his life to the faith of Christianity. Please read up on things before you post.
Blah blah blah you believe everything he saids in books and in interviews just like you believe everything he said when he was in the ring.HBK might come out looking like alot of things but genuine has never been one.

You just come across as a bitter old man with this.
Really i am not even close to 50 or 60 but ok.....btw you come off as being 14 yrs old.

Are you on crack? Did you really just say this? This is the wrong wrestling forum for you to just make faceless accusations, you'll literally be torn apart. In no way can you possibly conjure up the evidence to back this moronic statement.
Why do i need evidence? are you a criminal court? is this a congressional commitee? This is the internet get over yourself. I made no accusations i said "may or may not have had" just like the sun may or may not come up tomorrow or i can say my mom may or may not be blue or your's purple,etc.
PRMETFAN no offense but after watching Bret and Shawn talk about it I find the irony that they are still working people on a forum 15 years later. Bret stated he had no problem with Shawn except for the lack of respect that he felt Shawn never gave him hence he didn't want to job at SS97. Owen Hart fitted in nicely in the AE and if it wasn't for financial issues Bret Hart wouldn't of had to been bitter at the WWE as he would of been apart of it instead of being miserable in WCW.He may of not been happy about the direction of the company but he knew it was business and if he made more money i don't think it would of hurt him as much. Noticed he came back under the "PG era". I feel Shawn and Bret wanted to work people into believing they hated each other.They may of disliked each other when they worked together but got to love people in the media blowing things out of proportion.They both came from tag teams both were not Hogan's size but they could work at a quick rate. They were different but yet very similar. Hart realized he should of jobbed but the whole thing with Shawn was over respect. Bret and Shawn built tension on screen to draw more money except when the MSJ happened it confirmed what everyone thought about them disliking each other.Bret doesn't blame Shawn for it as he was being a company guy. Bret said he wouldn't of done it himself which is probably true. In all honesty when the screwjob happened people can say Vince took the blame but who took the heat from the boys? Just saying
I really liked your comment of saying that true HHH fans think of him like the Jay-Z of the WWE. Jay-Z doesn't believe in all these honors like the Grammy Awards and basically does it for the business and wants to make music for him and for his fans. HHH is the same way, he really doesn't cater to look all fancy and try to milk his product for all its worth. That being said he is also like Levi Johnston and more or less took advantage of the situation. Now from what it seems like, HHH and Stephanie have a good marriage and I don't see it being a fraud for HHH just to get higher in the company, more or less he just fell for the right girl. HHH does realize he has this power now and isn't afraid to use it, I take case and point with his match with CM Punk last summer, where he put himself on top of the hottest thing in WWE. He is much like Vince in the fact he is an egomaniac he just have different views on how to run the product.

Now with all that being said you have to respect everything he has done. As an in-ring performer he has done many great things, has had many great bouts with legendary performers and definitely deserves every accolade he has gotten in the WWE. His match with Undertaker at the last Wrestlemania. Not too many wrestlers at his age could still have that much left in the tank and put on a great match, while being able to tell such a great story at the same time. Not many wrestlers can even pull this off in their prime and especially on such as a stage as Wrestlemania.

His behind the scenes has yet to be fully seen as he keeps gaining more and more power, now we all know that eventually it will most likely be HHH, and to get to this point HHH has up right earned most of his respect backstage. In my opinion, also is one of the few superstars that would deserve this privilege, you don't hear him getting into trouble backstage and he plays his cards right and knows the does and don'ts. Its obvious he wanted to get somewhere behind the scenes and not just be a wrestler. He knows how to play the politics well unlike a lot of wrestlers. You don't hear him getting people fired, you don't hear him abusing any substances, and the fact is he plays by the rules and for that I believe he deserves where he has gotten and I believe he deserves a good chunk of respect, now would he have gotten there without stephanie? who knows, could just be luck or could have just played his cards right.
Really a Vince didn't screw Bret,Bret screwed Bret reply how compelling. I can't even argue this with someone who cannot see basic common's called a screwjob because Vince screwed Bret because he had agreed to it they had all agreed on the script except "they" Vince,HHH,HBK and earl all lied to Bret and had other plans

Common sense? You have shown none in this case. You have spewed dribble. In fact, you're part of the reason why I hardly ever venture out of the Spam sections. It's insane the level of stupid you are. Triple H was nothing more than a lackey at this point in his career. Shawn Michael's manager who wrestled. He wasn't even close to be the man that we see today. Also the facts are and this is said by countless around the actual screw job said that he wouldn't drop the belt. So they MADE him drop the belt. You don't listen to your boss, it's call insubordination.

I never said Stephanie was his reward i said his reward was an endless push by Vince that almost lead HHH and HBK to be the faces of Wwe which is what Vince wanted but they both could never surpass the Rock or Stone cold.

Whats this then? I don't understand it otherwise. ------v

Instead of taking a stand for integrity in wrestling they both sold out and were rewarded for their crime by becoming huge stars under DX for many many years even marrying into the family.

Ok you want proof ok i will start a 600 page thesis on the psychological impact wrestling has on children when they grow up,specifically how the attitude era influenced children in the 90's and the latter effects is had on their morality. I will also write one on explaining to you the cultural effects of music,arts,sports,movies,politics,history,food on the human mind since you need everything explained to you.

I just need baseless accusations explained. At this point you're just exposing yourself as a lying windbag. We have been trashing your ass in The Cage because the consensus is that you're pathetic.

Blah blah blah you believe everything he saids in books and in interviews just like you believe everything he said when he was in the ring.HBK might come out looking like alot of things but genuine has never been one.

Are you trying to tell me that a person can not change and try to redeem themselves? HBK has made it show that he has made countless mistakes, you seem to be stuck in the past though, you just don't realize that people can improve and thats what Shawn Michaels has been doing with the help of his faith.

Really i am not even close to 50 or 60 but ok.....btw you come off as being 14 yrs old.

I didn't call you 50 or 60, thats on you. I just called you a bitter old man because you seem to shit on everything. Mr Positivity.

Why do i need evidence? are you a criminal court? is this a congressional commitee? This is the internet get over yourself. I made no accusations i said "may or may not have had" just like the sun may or may not come up tomorrow or i can say my mom may or may not be blue or your's purple,etc.

You need evidence because all of these statements you have spewed onto my monitor mean jack shit without evidence and make you look incredibly moronic in every sense of the word. At no point have you even remotely come across as a knowledgeable fan. i'm here to show you the light champ.
I respect everything HHH has done to achieve the career he has had. He worked hard on his way to the top, and has done everything as a wrestler. I hope he puts the same effort into his executive job because I am sure he can do some amazing things for the WWE in that position. Sure he used politics, but who hasn't to get to the top. HHH is a man that has definitely earned respect in his sport.
It was a fake retirement speech, and frankly triple h has gotten old. triple h has gotten more breaks, and more guys that made him look like a million bucks than almost any "top guy" has ever gotten. He was constantly pushed down our throats and held down numerous guys that weren't "his guys" as a result of his selfishness you have a playing field today that lacks alot of true main eventers.

Great wrestler? yes, but a highly overrated legacy

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