Is Triple H C.O.O. A Small Taste of WWE's Future?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Right before the Summerslam pay per view, we saw Triple H take on a new title in the WWE on-screen, C.O.O. (Chief Of Operations). And we've seen Triple H on & off WWE TV for all of 2011. But during the era of Triple H the C.O.O. in the WWE. Is this a taste of things to come in the WWE's future after chairman Vince McMahon step's down?

Vince McMahon still has two years left on his contract before or if he choose's to step down as WWE chairman and give his seat to his daugther Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, the wife of Triple H aka Paul Levesque. Who Stephanie would give her husband as much power within the company as he ever wanted and do Stephanie's dirty work in the WWE as he was WWE chairman.

Would or could we see a real-life walkout of the WWE superstars and employees of the WWE? Because alot of people backstage in the WWE knows how Triple H gets down with politics. Almost makes you wish that Shane McMahon was still around.

So is Triple H C.O.O. oe CEO a taste of the future in the WWE?
Its been said before that things run more smoothly backstage when Triple H is in control. He has been in charge during live events and apparently the superstars can identify with and respect someone whos been in their shoes. As far as a walkout goes, if they've put up with Vince they can put up with Hunter. Triple H's passion for building superstars instead of gaining mainstream media attention is what makes him different from Vince. One is trying to build on Twitter buzz and the other was willing to do whatever it took to get Sin Cara over. If anything I see the roster being more comfortable with where they are since Triple H would be able to identify who actually has a passion for the business and whos in it for other reasons.
Well I don't know if Vince is ready to give up his responsibilities as CEO (Chief Entertaining Official), but when he is ready, the role will most assuredly go to his daughter Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, the former on-screen lover of Test aka Andrew Martin (RIP, big guy).

In terms of your question ... I seriously have no idea what you're asking. You bring up Triple H's role as COO - which was a story line title - and then ask if it's a sign of things to come by pointing out the reality of the off-screen situation. The two really don't mesh at all.

If you're asking if Triple H will have power backstage once his wife takes over, then the answer is yes. He has a ton of power as is, and that that power will only increase when his wife becomes the CEO of the company. He will more than likely act as her right hand man - ironic, since she simply act as his right hand from time to time (ZING).

I highly doubt wrestlers would boycott the move. Triple H does have a history of playing backstage politics. The same can be said for EVERY wrestler that EVER wrestled. The same wrestlers that had a problem with Triple H's politicking would be doing their damnedest to politic with him.

Now, if you're asking if Triple H's on-screen role as the COO is a sign of things to come, then yes. With his wrestling career apparently winding down - and his role in the company guaranteed - there's no reason not to use him on screen. Just using him backstage would be a waste to the character that we've watched grow for the past 10-15 years.
I think it's a good move in some ways, as it finally gives an authority figure that no one is going to mess with. They haven't really had it ever... Even Monsoon, who was the "toughest" got destroyed by Vader... Trips as the on-screen boss gives an air of "a strong captain of the ship" which will help them compete with UFC.

As for who takes over. I would not be too shocked to see Shane come back, he has been getting some good experience outside of WWE and irons in the fire, but that could easily have been part of the plan all along. Steph will no doubt end up in charge of the Wrestling end, but Shane has the right experience to run Titan Towers and the corporate end of the business. Just as Vince had Linda to run that side of things.
No way will there be a real life "walk out" by WWE talent. There's something to be said for biting the hand that feeds you.

I've never been a huge fan of Triple H as a performer, and I don't know how well the company will do with him in charge (I always get the feeling he's out for his own best interests first), but I would much rather have him in charge than most other people.

I also think that Jim Ross should have an executive role. I know he was the talent relations guy before Laurinitus, but there should be some backstage capacity that he would be suited for. From what I've heard, Jim Ross has one of the best minds for this business.
Is Triple H C.O.O. A Small Taste of WWE's Future?

At such time that Vince McMahon dies, Paul Levesque will be a large taste of WWE's future. Until then, I've given up hope the old man will ever step down.

We've heard much about Vince relinquishing some of his daily responsibilities and allowing his family members to take them over, but the ultimate creative control is his and will be until he occupies a plot in Greenwich Cemetery. Too bad; it's nice for a person to enjoy a little retirement time before buying the farm.

Of course, it's all conjecture, isn't it? In this topic, someone noted: "Its been said before that things run more smoothly backstage when Triple H is in control"..... and while I've read the same thing, the fact is that no one outside the organization actually has the slightest idea if it's true or not. If there's an aspect of it being so, it might come from the notion that it's reported that Vince spends a lot of his time during production in a red rage; so angry at the performers and backstage crew that everyone has to walk on eggshells, in fear of what he might do while angry. To the extent that Triple H might be a cooler head when he's in charge, perhaps that's where the idea of a calmer atmosphere comes from. But then, we don't know if Levesque is ever really in charge, do we?

I mean, jeez, doesn't Vince ever take vacations with his wife? Is he so obsessed with controlling everything that he's there every freakin' day?

For that matter, when Triple H and Stephanie eventually do take over......after the funeral..... do we know that the employees of the company will be happy about it? What if it's a "from the frying pan into the fire" type thing?

I wish we had a better idea, but WWE is like most sizable corporations; we rarely know what's really going on inside......leaving us to speculate, which we sure do a lot of on this forum. It's part of the fun, I suppose.
In terms of your question ... I seriously have no idea what you're asking. You bring up Triple H's role as COO - which was a story line title - and then ask if it's a sign of things to come by pointing out the reality of the off-screen situation. The two really don't mesh at all.

I was just going to pretend until I had saw someone else struggling with it.

If we're talking about his on-screen COO character, then sure I believe it's a sign of things to come. As an authority figure on television, Vince worked matches and had his own storylines where he was using his role to advance the popularity of certain characters. He was selling some pretty good bumps and still making matches in his role. Why shouldn't Trips come in as that same kind of authority figure? He'd do a helluva job as an onscreen GM or what have you.

If we're discussing his backstage duties, I agree with Mustang Sally that we can only speculate. I've heard mumblings about what he's doing in FCW and how he's great to work with backstage and all, but he's not the boss and we all know that everything is subject to the Vince-Filter.

Triple H's passion for building superstars instead of gaining mainstream media attention is what makes him different from Vince. One is trying to build on Twitter buzz and the other was willing to do whatever it took to get Sin Cara over.

Yikes! What do you mean? Triple H may dig wrestling, I agree, but Vince McMahon has obsessed over WWE for much longer than we could imagine. His Twitter boner comes from wanting the same attention for WWE that they used to have. Let me ask you, which prospect has been more successful, WWE's Twitter or the artist formerly known as Mystico?

#Anal bleeding > Sin Cara
Right before the Summerslam pay per view, we saw Triple H take on a new title in the WWE on-screen, C.O.O. (Chief Of Operations). And we've seen Triple H on & off WWE TV for all of 2011. But during the era of Triple H the C.O.O. in the WWE. Is this a taste of things to come in the WWE's future after chairman Vince McMahon step's down?

Vince McMahon still has two years left on his contract before or if he choose's to step down as WWE chairman and give his seat to his daugther Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, the wife of Triple H aka Paul Levesque. Who Stephanie would give her husband as much power within the company as he ever wanted and do Stephanie's dirty work in the WWE as he was WWE chairman.

Would or could we see a real-life walkout of the WWE superstars and employees of the WWE? Because alot of people backstage in the WWE knows how Triple H gets down with politics. Almost makes you wish that Shane McMahon was still around.

So is Triple H C.O.O. oe CEO a taste of the future in the WWE?

Alot of people backstage knows how HHH gets down with politics? Are you a expert in what's going on behind the scenes or a backstage source?

Sure there may be a few washed up hasbeens from WCW, or lower midcarders who couldn't hack it in WWE and love to claim HHH as a backstage cancer, but I don't see this as the case.

Makes me wish Shane McMahon was around? I respect the guy, but no I don't wish the was around especially if his heart is not into WWE anymore and wishes to pursue other business ventures. Having someone like HHH at the helm is a good thing and I am sure other WWE talent can vouch for that also.
As a few have pointed out, a lot of what we know, or rather think we know, is speculative. In spite of all we say on here, the truth is, we probably don't know a tenth of what actually happens or is the way things are.

A lot depends upon whether or not the various reports we've all read or heard regarding Triple H backstage are true. If they are, then it suggests that Trips & Vince might have a different mind set in some areas when it comes to management. Vince is a well known control freak that feels he has to micro-manage every aspect of WWE to the point where he drives people crazy. Based on what I've read about shows where Triple H is in charge, the atmosphere is much more laid back. Vince has been known to scream into the headsets of the commentators during shows if they make a mistake or say something wrong or what have you. Triple H waits until the show goes to a commercial and, allegedly, will calmly & rationally tell the commentators about a mistake or maybe suggest something to say next or what have you. He doesn't jump down people's throats, he doesn't go on a rampage of screaming & cursing backstage. He just responds like...well like a normal person based on what I've read. Trips' reputation is that he basically just gives people breathing room and lets them do their jobs. If this is accurate, then I wouldn't be surprised if Triple H was even less "hands on" than he is when he's in charge of shows. Again, if accurate, he doesn't just overreact to every little thing or mistake.

As far as the whole "politics" stuff goes, it's something of a weak argument. How many times have we heard some has been, never was, undercard wrestler, fired employee, etc. rant and rave about how he wasn't "used right" or how he wasn't "given a chance"? Does politics backstage come into play? I'm sure it does in EVERY wrestling organization at times. At the same time, it's true that, in some situations, these guys that piss & moan about politics holding them down just simply weren't nearly as talented as they seemed to think they were. Guys like Matt Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, Shane Douglas and countless others rant & rave about how great they are, yet I've yet to see the "greatness" the vast majority of them claim to have. It's always easier to blame someone else rather than accept responsibility. The cold hard truth is that there are going to be guys in ANY wrestling company that are going to make it to a higher spot than others are. Not every wrestler is going to be a mega star. Not every wrestler can be a main eventer, not every wrestler can be a top draw, not every wrestler can be simultaneously pushed. Some guys are going to be used primarily to elevate other guys. I'm sure that mistakes have been made with some guys didn't get as far as they could have in favor of other wrestlers. I'm sure it happened 10 years ago, I'm sure it happens today and I'm sure it'll happen 10 years from now. Nobody is perfect and Triple H won't be either. He'll make some of those same mistakes that every other promoter before him has made.

Once Vince steps down as CEO and if Trips takes his place, then Trips will literally be the man in charge. Vince might still be a huge shareholder but decisions in which direction the company goes will not be his to make any longer. I'm sure Vince would stay on for a while in an advisory capacity for a while and would have good ideas and suggestions. Despite the propoganda you might hear on the internet, Vince does still have a ton of knowledge, does have good ideas and is probably in a better position than we are to ultimately know what's best for the WWE.
Trips got a bad rap cos of the Kliq... but most people now respect him because of them all he was the guy who f***ed up, did his punishment without complaint (getting dumped in pigshit on PPV) and over time turned his image around. That in itself is "politicking"... In most companies there is a culture, Trips understood it better than most and has used it for both his and WWE's benefit... WWE is better today because of Triple H's influence on the decisions being made...

Shane is not someone I think lost passion. I think he just realized that the right people for the job were Steph and Hunter and that all things being equal, he could do more outside WWE than within it... Don't forget he is a major player in one of the top management agencies in the world... Will come in very handy when WWE wants celebs...
VKM is a genius promoter. IS HHH? HHH knows how to be a superstar. Does he know how to run a company as decisively as VKM. Will the business side such as advertising execs, investors, venues and such respect HHH or view him as a wrastler with a lucky break. Vince in the big picture runs a titanic of a company.I think this is way over HHH's head.
Yikes! What do you mean? Triple H may dig wrestling, I agree, but Vince McMahon has obsessed over WWE for much longer than we could imagine. His Twitter boner comes from wanting the same attention for WWE that they used to have. Let me ask you, which prospect has been more successful, WWE's Twitter or the artist formerly known as Mystico?

#Anal bleeding > Sin Cara
Vince is obsessed with making a quick buck. The way he gets so into something like Twitter or the PG product (which dont help WWE at the end of the day) with every little passing trend just shows hes building up for momentary praise and not a long lasting fan base. Twitter doesnt mean that WWE is getting any more attention than they already get. Twitter just means a lot of people who already watch WWE are starting trending topics because WWE is asking them to do so. When a non-fan sees Anal Bleeding trending its not going to make them watch wrestling, in fact the only way they would know its about wrestling is if they're tempted enough to click on the link. Who has every had a positive reaction to anal bleeding. A couple of inside jokes on a website that isnt "revolutionary", i mean lets face it, just because Vince found out about it the other day doesnt mean shows werent already doing the Twitter thing, are not worth looking like a joke. #Anal Bleeding isnt going to get anyone over, its not going to get anyone to watch RAW, and its position on my Twitter screen right under #stuff[insert particular group of people here]shouldntbeallowedtodo makes wrestling look like hot pop garbage and not an action sport.

Triple H on the other hand realizes that people tune in to watch a superstar first and foremost. While its kids watching Cena, teens watching Orton, or those suffering from serious disco nostalgia watching Brodus Clay, wrestling has always revolved around the characters on the show. Sin Cara's failure came from the fact that he wasnt familiar with his environment and he got injured. Triple H was taking it slow and easy with him so that he would eventually feel comfortable in an American ring. The injury was just something that was inevitable. Imagine if Triple H was allowed to have the same approach with guys like Miz, Mahal, McIntyre, we'd see guys who are serving no purpose on the roster either get fired or have someone there actually helping them to succeed.
The reason WWE even became a power during the attitude era was mainstream power. Not the wrestlers. Even the WWE will tell you that Mike Tyson among others drew an audience that either A had no reason too like wrestling and became interested or B watched it before and started watching again. That quick buck became a billionare buck. Vince knows for the existence of the WWE is more than just wrestling power only. Smart!!! Or we could stick with a TNA style show.
The reason WWE even became a power during the attitude era was mainstream power. Not the wrestlers alone. Even the WWE will tell you that Mike Tyson among others drew an audience that either A had no reason too like wrestling and became interested or B watched it before and started watching again. It gave a jump start to higher heights than seen previous. That quick buck became a billionare buck. Vince knows for the existence of the WWE is more than just wrestling power only. Smart!!! Or we could stick with a TNA style show.
Would or could we see a real-life walkout of the WWE superstars and employees of the WWE?


You seriously asked this?

Let me drop a couple of words, "contractual obligation". See, in the real world, when you sign a contract, especially the air-tight ones that the WWE write up, you do what they tell you, or you get sued for breach of contract.

So no, there would be no walk out, anyone who even tried would be sued. Now before you go an say "But Gail Kim did that", the circumstance was that Gail's contract was coming up, they weren't using her, and suing her would cost more in legal fees than it would earn.

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