CM Steel
A REAL American
Right before the Summerslam pay per view, we saw Triple H take on a new title in the WWE on-screen, C.O.O. (Chief Of Operations). And we've seen Triple H on & off WWE TV for all of 2011. But during the era of Triple H the C.O.O. in the WWE. Is this a taste of things to come in the WWE's future after chairman Vince McMahon step's down?
Vince McMahon still has two years left on his contract before or if he choose's to step down as WWE chairman and give his seat to his daugther Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, the wife of Triple H aka Paul Levesque. Who Stephanie would give her husband as much power within the company as he ever wanted and do Stephanie's dirty work in the WWE as he was WWE chairman.
Would or could we see a real-life walkout of the WWE superstars and employees of the WWE? Because alot of people backstage in the WWE knows how Triple H gets down with politics. Almost makes you wish that Shane McMahon was still around.
So is Triple H C.O.O. oe CEO a taste of the future in the WWE?
Vince McMahon still has two years left on his contract before or if he choose's to step down as WWE chairman and give his seat to his daugther Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, the wife of Triple H aka Paul Levesque. Who Stephanie would give her husband as much power within the company as he ever wanted and do Stephanie's dirty work in the WWE as he was WWE chairman.
Would or could we see a real-life walkout of the WWE superstars and employees of the WWE? Because alot of people backstage in the WWE knows how Triple H gets down with politics. Almost makes you wish that Shane McMahon was still around.
So is Triple H C.O.O. oe CEO a taste of the future in the WWE?