Triple H Is Officially A WWE Executive

This isnt really news, hes been part of the creative system for a while, only difference now is that hes got a title on his desk.
If you ask me i say this is awful news, prepare to only see those who triple h likes in the main event, one more reason not to watch this crappy company
Great news really. Triple H has a great mind for the business, and while I'm sure that WWE had been listening to him in the past, and about his ideas for the product, this makes him an official guy to listen to, and that can only bring good things. Vince is getting older, and it's good to have a guy who is definitely in touch with the wrestlers, as well as sees the product up close and lives, sweats and bleeds it.

Triple H was bound to become a part of the main staff eventually. He was bound to be in some position with a creative pull, and Triple H have done it without the job title before, so this can only continue to bring good things to RAW and WWE.
That means when Triple H returns he will probably win about 6 more titles because he is overrated and now can win all he wants.I will be really schocked if he ever loses a match ever again to be honest.The people he will most likely push are John Cena (oh no),Randy Orton (OH GOD NO!),Sheamus and Drew McIntyre.Still,there is always a chance he could be a good sport for once and stop stealing the limelight.
I have no problem with this.

now that Mr. Helmsley has an official say in things, at least in Mr. Mcmahon's inner circle, he can keep creative on top of their game and give us some good stuff.
this day was always going to come. triple h has changed the face of the wwe and i think its a huge step for the wwe signing triple h as part of the mangement
That means when Triple H returns he will probably win about 6 more titles because he is overrated and now can win all he wants.I will be really schocked if he ever loses a match ever again to be honest.The people he will most likely push are John Cena (oh no),Randy Orton (OH GOD NO!),Sheamus and Drew McIntyre.Still,there is always a chance he could be a good sport for once and stop stealing the limelight.

You really must be 12, because there is no way someone over the age of 13 can be that moronic. If you read ANYTHING said before your post, you'd know HHH has had power in the back for quite a while now. I'm not going to go into the list of men he's put over, or the fact that people think you have to win a match to be put over.. Which is wrong.
This is a smart move by the E that benefits everyone. Triple H returning to active wrestling on either RAW or SD! isn't exactly an essential as of now, and with the idea of merging the titles/brands... HHH's spot will comprise others if he comes back and make for some bad internal relationships. It also allows HHH to spend more time with his family than being on the road, as well as heal himself up. He's got the experience, the knowledge and the relation to be in this position of power, so the trust issues are solid.

All round good move by the E, as long as he doesn't abuse the position.
I agree with everyone that this will be a good move because Triple H knows the Business and has a Great mind for it. I don't think we have seen the last of him in the Ring. He still has a few more years left and still needs his payback on Sheamus.
If it's true then congrats for Trips but I checked WWE Corporate's site and it didn't mention anything about it so your just startin a rumor currently just like the rumored title unifications of the wwe hw and wwe world and the us and ic titles, I'll see it to believe it. Trips has always had a great mind for the biz and he can thank his buddy Shawn for where's he's at as if the Kliq never happened then Trips wouldn't be nowhere. But the person Trips reminds me of is Double J great minds for the biz who want to see pro wrestling succeed and give it to the future not the past, both men have put over many ppl in the retrospective careers who could retire today from the ring and be set w/ internal happiness. I'd rather have Trips retire then risk being paralyzed or worse. But it up to him if he still "Gots It 100%" if he does think he could then i'm fine w/ it. Now he has a family to worry about and not only himself.
And so begins another obnoxious IWC meme.

You know how when ever something happens that somebody doesn't like, they blame it on PG? Like, erm, "John Cena won! What an unusual occurrence that would have never happened in the pre-PG era." Like that, yeah.

Well now you can expect: "The Miz is getting a push? I heard that was because Triple H realised that Stephanie couldn't bear him an heir to the throne and is now instead trying to impregnate The Miz. Though this is highly irresponsible of him, to be honest. The future mother of his son surely should be doing less wrestling. Tut tut." Stuff like that.

Look forward to it. I am.
good move. get vince the f out and let HHH have full control. Then we just need to be rid of Steph and her kids and wrestlers will run wrestling again!

Shane and Linda are gone at least.
The interesting thing is that HHH was Vince's creative advisor long before he evn married Steph.SO as far as im concerned, he deserves it.NO one guy IMO has created more stars by either giving them a rub or jobbing to them the way HHH has.While I do feel he at times abused the favor he had in the company, I think the WWE has been better-off because of his presence(infront & behind the cameras)
Let's look at this from a business point of view
When Vince and Linda die who is going to be the biggest stockholder?
Shane or Stephanie?
Shane has left the company and reportedly sold some of his stock so I guess that leaves Steph.

If your husband and father of your children was in the same business, had proven his talents both in ring and behind the scenes wouldn't you want him involved with the running of the company? You know he won't leave for a better offer even if there was anyone that could make said better offer. Since they stand to inherit the better part of a billion it's going to have to be a huge bid. Many wrestlers move backstage as agents etc after they retire but how many are married to the future owner.
This will allow him to continue on-screen if he wants to by moving into a Mr McMahon role. Vince and Flair were/are still taking bumps into the 60s so even a torn bicep wouldn't stop him working the occasional match.
Overall I think it's a good thing for the E, if he doesn't step into a senior role in management then it will go the same way WCW went by having owners that think Pro wrestling is real and a license to print money like Ted Turner and put in people like Russo to run the show.
I mean maybe I'm stupid or crazy, but where is this information from? and HHH in management is nothing new. if this is legit, they just finally gave him a title for his input
1 thing to say i never see vince stepping down until he dies idc if he is mid 60s i dont see him retiring wwe is his baby steph and tripps maybe given alot of power but not as much as vince will hold the only way i see him stepping down is he died or he gets altimers(sorry dont know how to spell it).

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