Who's your favorite poster?

hmm there used to be quite a good poster, his name was wrestling v.1, he came up with all these ideas.... i really wonder what happened to that guy.

I am that guy lol!!! Jake changed my name so i stuck with this lol. WHy what idea;s did i have?

lol i am still the same poster that i was back in the day...oh about a few months ago lol
so what do the people who r in this do?

like how will this work?
4 more people need to join than i can explain how the tournment will work and we can start voting, bashing, campagining, bribeing, ect......so everyone go get 4 random posters to join!!!!
Everything will be explained once we get 4 more posters!!!!!! It will be a head to head competition where 2 posters will be nominate than they try to explain y they r better than the other poster, or u just vot cuz u like them...winner advances, loser goes and crys?
can we nominate colamania, he's not my personal favourite but i guess he is fairly underrated and isent a mod yet?
I guess i will be the first one to go since not many people like me...or so i was told...
Colamania & skullz r both in and only 2 spots remain. And to answer skullz question it will be like an elimination tournment poll!!! Everything will be explained once 2 more people join!!!! Go on get your friends spread the word!!
Well remember the name JBACK!!!!! hey anyone else wanna nominate we only need 2 more people!!! come on!!!

*Side note-check out my "which midcard deserves the belt" tournment......in the spam zone!!!!! It was going great and has stalled @ the final 4!!!
If you want to make a tournament out of this, then I can do it, uh oh, another Wrestlezone Tournament.
Shockmaster that would be great would u mind? We only need 2 more, but i hope we get them soon. But yeah how would u do the tournment, I was thinking of 1 vs. 1 elimination for the first round...and I matched people by how well their known so it isnt totally un-fair like sly vs. me!!! that can happen on the second round, but yeah if u want it would be great!!
hey where am i in this i feel that i have posted some huge comments and gave sly a run for his money
Well, at least one person does...:rolleyes:

so why is my name such a bad one????, im saying this not to annoy you but to get some genuine advice here
1. Capitalize your name

2. Max is too generic

3. 123 is a generic screenname for people who couldn't get the original name they wanted, and weren't smart enough to come up with something different

4. Your name is max....end of list.

i always post, i always give good comments and good reasons i dont understand why people ignore me coz of my name value???
I would think your lack of grammar and proper capitalization and punctuation probably have something to do with it as well.

Not calling you dumb, but your posting style is not flattering of your opinion.

Not bashing you, just trying to offer some friendly advice.

Ps. I dont really think Ashley is AMAZING!!! just hot with no talent!!! does that get me any votes? No?
I haven't seen Echelon in here yet, so I don't know.

probably because you have a John Cena avatar lol

In what? Sperm count?

Both suck in the ring, Miz isn't half bad on the mic when he isn't given the same script from the week before.

Cena brings in veiwers, Mizz doesn't. Cena wins.
You know, Wes, Mizzou doesn't defeat Texas Tech until Saturday...

give me a few days, I'll figure something out, but screw keeping the mods and admin staff out of this. I'll make a big 64 person or 128 person with one on ones, and if the two wish to smack talk, we'll let them do it.
Ok but when u do the matching will u make them sort of fair like new vs. new and dont put like someone with 2 post against jake?? thanx + i would like maybe a smidge of input/credit!!! thanks shockmaster!!!
I still think people should vote for me even though sly says he never pays attention

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