Who's The Next Big Star To Retire?


Getting Noticed By Management
Im rewatching WM 29 and im in the middle of the HHH Brock Match and it got me thinking ..... whos the next big star to retire??

You know its inevitable, nobody can do this forever.... and all the stars eventually need to hang up the boots.... but who??

The Undertaker? Triple H? CM Punk ? The Big Show? Kane? John Cena? Jericho? or Another??

since HHH has a wrestling contract till 2015 and is an executive now, his time is coming soon i think, The Undertaker is nearing 50, and although he only wrestlers a handful of times a year, again he must want to retire eventually. Jericho comes and goes as he wants, but he is over the 40s line. CM Punk, has said he doesnt want to do this forever, and with his recent knee injury he might want to go while he can still walk without help. The Big Show and Kane are up there in age and because of their size im actually surprised they can still go as good as the do. John Cena has had a lot of injuries and they seem to become more and more common so his body has an expiration point and since the WWE gives him so much to do, it has to be a challenge to stay healthy...

There could be other wrestlers I didnt mention but they could retire...

So, whos next?
No wrestler ever fully retires unless of course they are injured beyond repair or dead.

1. Triple H will probably follow the same path McMahon did with running the front office and occasionally stepping in the ring.

2. Taker will do part time as long as his body holds up. He still sells and still enjoys what he's doing. I expect to see him on the Mania card for a handful of years.

3. Punk has nothing outside of wrestling so he needs the business more than the business needs him. He's also one of the best in the business and not gifted enough to pull a Barry Sanders.

4. Cena will always be around in some capacity, but his full in ring career is far from over. He's the money machine in the WWE. Only way he retires from in ring performances is due to a life threatening injury.

5. Jerricho is a part timer and will probably remain a part time for a while until his star fades.

6. Show, unless utilized as a dominant force will probably retire sooner rather than later. I feel the big show has never been used properly. In reality, the only person of serious physical threat to Paul, on the roster, is Mark Henry. There's not a single wrestler on the roster for the last 15 years that could stand toe to toe with the big show in a real life altercation. Booking him to lose more than he wins never blurs the line of realism for me. I think WCW actually booked him better as the Giant than the WWE did as the Big Show. The only other time i can remember Big Show looking real was when Heyman booked him as the ECW champion, so unless Heyman gets his hands on Show again or Triple H/Vince have an epiphany i could see Paul retiring in the next few years.

7. Kane's character is so well liked and so well characterized i can see him always being involved in some capacity similar to Taker for quite a while.

Of the names mentioned my money's on the Big Show, but if all names are in the hat i'd say Rey is the first guy to hang them up. From injuries to basic lack of TV time many people casually forget he's on the roster and that's never a good thing for an industry that's all about publicity.
would agree on Rey Rey, he is perma crocked and should stop fulltime wrestling

Khali is no all time great but should be in movies

Since they removed the top rope spots for the bigger guys their lifespans have increased in leaps and bounds.
I don't know why but i'm leaning towards mark henry or rey mysterio. Even though rey isn't really even a star anymore he normally gets injured then takes months off, he comes back and gets injured again. So probably rey is next to give it up.
Gotta be Rey, he's injured more than not these days. He can't even perform at the level he use to and that's not a shot at him, with his style of wrestling and his age you can't expect him to be the same. So I think he'll come back and announce a retirement tour or final match with Sin Cara sometime within the next year.

Big Show, I'm honestly impressed he's still going, just based on his size and how poorly he's booked. Besides his back problem a few years ago he's been really lucky at avoiding injury. So, he probably has at least a couple years left.
My money would be on Rey Mysterio or dissapearing into the night with little fanfare
They've said absolutely nothing about him for months so do they even care?

Doesn't mean he's retiring retiring but certainly from WWE.

Undertaker i just have a feeling he's done after next year, it was very odd to see him post WrestleMania so maybe they were trying to get in as many appearances as they could kinda like a farewell tour which btw they've already done, he toured Australia in a farewell tour some time ago.
The other prospects, Kane, Mark Henry and Big Show

Henry and Big Show got there thanks in meaninfull title runs the last year so it could well be there swansong years

if the rumour mill is true and Glenn Jacobs wants to run for Senate so that would take him out of the ring permanently. Tho i think it's a stupid idea as smart as the guy is if Linda couldn't do it with there millions of dollars and almost zero involvement in WWE in over a decade how the hell is someone who's only claim to fame is playing Kane the Devils favourite Demon gonna hope to get a seat.
would agree on Rey Rey, he is perma crocked and should stop fulltime wrestling

Khali is no all time great but should be in movies

Since they removed the top rope spots for the bigger guys their lifespans have increased in leaps and bounds.

Removed the top rope spots?
Khali never did those
Kane still does top rope moves,
Big Show only ever did a few top top offensive moves and it's not cause he couldn't its cause the ropes/turnbuckles couldn't support him
Mark Henry still does second turnbuckle moves and i think that could be he's not comfortable up top and same as Big Show ring/ropes need to be able to support it

and with the exception of Khali who would never be able to get up anyway. the others have all suffered Top Rope superplexes and slams the last year so how is that restricting them>
There are a handful of stars that could retire in the near future that have already been mentioned (Kane, HHH Myterio, Taker, etc) . I will avoid mentioning them but I will name a few that have not been mentioned.

Christian. Much like Mysterio, he has been injured for a long time and is now waiting to get back on TV. I think fans may have lost interest in him and really don't care if he comes back, again, much like Mysterio.

Santino - It seems that WWE is trying to bring up more comedic figures Brodus, Sweet T, Rhodes Scholars) and Santino is slowly coming back from injury. I don't know how old he is but makes sense to get out now.

Finally... and I will be bound to get flack for this one

Randy Orton - He is one violation away from being fired anyway. And I can't see him sucking it up and going to TNA or wrestling the indies. Creative seemingly won't turn him heel for whatever reason. Come on Randy, beat the inevitable next injury and/or wellness violation, pull an Edge and retire while still young
There are several names that could retire next: Taker, HHH, Kane, Big Show (hopefully) but I think it will ultimately be Rey Mysterio. The injuries are really starting to plaque his career and when he does return the matches are not of the same quality. I think it is for the best if Rey retires soon. He has been great for the WWE - adored by the fans; had some terrific matches and won't be forgotten but his time to retire is soon.
It's interesting to read that Kane/Glen Jacobs is considering a Senate run in 2016 - while that seems a long time away he'd need some "depressurization" time to go from wrestler to politician, so if he decided to go that way I could see he AND Taker both going out at WM30, which would be kinda fitting.

On paper Rey is the one who is "must retire" but I can still see him taking a TNA run for the paycheck yet. Henry came very close to retiring and is one injury off it I think, but otherwise I think he will try and stick around till the 20 year mark in 2016. Remember WWE has, for the last 5 years booked he, Kane and Show almost in rotation regardless of any injuries - they have all had significant months off to prolong their careers.

Orton isn't that far off the mark, he has 6 years on his deal and one strike left. His record is against him here, he has been suspended more times in 6 years than once. Whether he would retire or return after the mandatory year is up in the air, but I could see him saying "Fuck it" and trying to transition into TV or something else.

The one I think actually will retire, whether you class it or not it is a big name... Ted DiBiase! There was talk a few months back of him having real thoughts of packing it in and nothing has really happened to improve his situation since. Now he wasn't horrific in that Marine movie... I could easily see him in a 24 or similar show in smallish roles, he won't go to Rock levels of success but I think he could do something out in the world.
I could see Taker & Kane both hanging it up soon. If Kane is genuinely considering going into politics in 2016, then he'll need to hang up the boots soon. Kane is someone that seems to have a keen political mind but, let's face it, he'd have to overcome the stigma of being a former pro wrestler. That's something that's going to take time and he'd have to spend that time building his political reputation as someone people would take seriously. Regardless, any political opponent would still probably try to use his past as a pro wrestler against him in some sort of way.

Taker is someone that people predict will hang it up year in and year out. It's become sort of an unofficial tradition in WWE. According to things I've read this year, if true, Taker intends to keep going as long as his body holds up and he can deliver quality matches. Taker isn't someone that's going to desperately hang on to past glory if he's unable to pull his own weight inside the ring. Considering that Taker is probably healthier now than he has been in the past few years, it wouldn't surprise me to see him simply keep going for several more years.

I think Rey Mysterio, like Kane, is a genuinely viable option for someone who'll be hanging it up in the near future. As others have noted, Mysterio's injuries seem to be piling up and the wear & tear of the high flying offense that's defined his wrestling career since he was in his mid teens has really caught up to him the past few years. His knees have really plagued him the last 4 or 5 years and it's just something that's gotten all the worse in the past couple of especially. On top of that, there's allegedly been heat between Mysterio & WWE officials off & on for several years. Mysterio still wants to be among the top paid guys in WWE but, frankly, he's just not able to get in the ring, wrestle and deliver like someone that should be among the top paid guys on the roster. Eventually, I see things coming to a head in which WWE simply asks Rey to take a big pay cut along with a highly reduced schedule in which Rey agrees, they offer him a Legends deal or he flat out leaves the company if he simply doesn't retire first.

I don't see Big Show retiring. He's been able to avoid major injuries for his career and, generally speaking, I think Show has been better since his heel turn last year than he has in the last 10 years or longer. Personally though, I'm a little concerned about his health at times. Show's over 40, is genuinely over the 400 pound mark and sweats like a sinner on Judgment Day whenever he wrestles. After 10 minutes, sweat is simply just flowing off of Show like he's just been outside standing in a heavy downpour and I'm worried that he's a heart attack waiting to happen. Then again, the guy simply just might sweat more than some people do just as some sweat less.

As far as Triple H goes, I don't see him completely retiring from the ring until the time comes for him to take over from Vince. Even then, Trips MIGHT still wrestle every once in a great while.

Chris Jericho seems to be someone that's perfectly happy with his current role in WWE. He's in great shape and he's also someone that's been very fortunate to have not really had very many significant injuries at all. Jericho looks to be in every bit as good a shape now as he was when he was 30. If there's a fountain of youth, Jericho looks like someone that's found it.

As far as John Cena goes, I look for him to stay in the game until he's about 40 if he's able. However, I do think the days of John Cena being the near unstoppable, invincible juggernaut of WWE is over. I think his most "dominant" days are behind him. He's still the overall face of WWE but I keep looking for Cena to continue to grow "vulnerable" for lack of a better term as time goes on.
if the rumour mill is true and Glenn Jacobs wants to run for Senate so that would take him out of the ring permanently. Tho i think it's a stupid idea as smart as the guy is if Linda couldn't do it with there millions of dollars and almost zero involvement in WWE in over a decade how the hell is someone who's only claim to fame is playing Kane the Devils favourite Demon gonna hope to get a seat.

Are you forgetting about Jesse Ventura? He too was a wrestler just like Jacobs and he became governor of Minnesota. Don't be so quick to write it off. Jacobs is a very intelligent man and if he got into the Senate he would do very well as a politician.
Optimistically speaking I think many would be happy for a John Cena retirement... So he can compete with Rock and crank out some must see action packed movies.... 13 Rounds anyone?
Rey Mysterio is most likely to retire in the very near future, because there will come a point when fans will expect a certain level of performance that he won't be able to do anymore. For the past 2 years we've seen Rey in a much more limited capacity in the ring. If he doesn't retire soon, he'll run the risk of damaging his legacy with a few years of bad performances. I'd like to see Rey get a nice sendoff on Raw with a retirement celebration, maybe an agle inserted where Rey is attacked but saved by Sin Cara or Kofi. Rey could then be a manager for a while and hit the occasional 619 for the assist.

Personally I welcome John Cena's retirement from wrestling, although I doubt he'll EVER leave WWE. I think he could be a very good commentator in the future, and he often enjoys putting over new guys with his verbal talents. I think it would kick ass if The Shield rendered Cena unable to wrestle and he had to become a commentator (or maybe GM) in order to stay in WWE.
I could see Taker & Kane both hanging it up soon. If Kane is genuinely considering going into politics in 2016, then he'll need to hang up the boots soon. Kane is someone that seems to have a keen political mind but, let's face it, he'd have to overcome the stigma of being a former pro wrestler. That's something that's going to take time and he'd have to spend that time building his political reputation as someone people would take seriously. Regardless, any political opponent would still probably try to use his past as a pro wrestler against him in some sort of way.

Taker is someone that people predict will hang it up year in and year out. It's become sort of an unofficial tradition in WWE. According to things I've read this year, if true, Taker intends to keep going as long as his body holds up and he can deliver quality matches. Taker isn't someone that's going to desperately hang on to past glory if he's unable to pull his own weight inside the ring. Considering that Taker is probably healthier now than he has been in the past few years, it wouldn't surprise me to see him simply keep going for several more years.

I think Rey Mysterio, like Kane, is a genuinely viable option for someone who'll be hanging it up in the near future. As others have noted, Mysterio's injuries seem to be piling up and the wear & tear of the high flying offense that's defined his wrestling career since he was in his mid teens has really caught up to him the past few years. His knees have really plagued him the last 4 or 5 years and it's just something that's gotten all the worse in the past couple of especially. On top of that, there's allegedly been heat between Mysterio & WWE officials off & on for several years. Mysterio still wants to be among the top paid guys in WWE but, frankly, he's just not able to get in the ring, wrestle and deliver like someone that should be among the top paid guys on the roster. Eventually, I see things coming to a head in which WWE simply asks Rey to take a big pay cut along with a highly reduced schedule in which Rey agrees, they offer him a Legends deal or he flat out leaves the company if he simply doesn't retire first.

I don't see Big Show retiring. He's been able to avoid major injuries for his career and, generally speaking, I think Show has been better since his heel turn last year than he has in the last 10 years or longer. Personally though, I'm a little concerned about his health at times. Show's over 40, is genuinely over the 400 pound mark and sweats like a sinner on Judgment Day whenever he wrestles. After 10 minutes, sweat is simply just flowing off of Show like he's just been outside standing in a heavy downpour and I'm worried that he's a heart attack waiting to happen. Then again, the guy simply just might sweat more than some people do just as some sweat less.

As far as Triple H goes, I don't see him completely retiring from the ring until the time comes for him to take over from Vince. Even then, Trips MIGHT still wrestle every once in a great while.

Chris Jericho seems to be someone that's perfectly happy with his current role in WWE. He's in great shape and he's also someone that's been very fortunate to have not really had very many significant injuries at all. Jericho looks to be in every bit as good a shape now as he was when he was 30. If there's a fountain of youth, Jericho looks like someone that's found it.

As far as John Cena goes, I look for him to stay in the game until he's about 40 if he's able. However, I do think the days of John Cena being the near unstoppable, invincible juggernaut of WWE is over. I think his most "dominant" days are behind him. He's still the overall face of WWE but I keep looking for Cena to continue to grow "vulnerable" for lack of a better term as time goes on.

If there's a fountain of youth...Chris Jericho invented it ;)

Kane would do fine with those doing him down for being a wrestler. He's a VERY articulate guy when it comes to politics and storyline wise Kane is clearly a character, who never actually burned his parents cos Taker took credit for it, who never slept with Katie Vick's corpse cos that was Triple H. At worst he was involved in the Lita angle but for the majority of his time as The Big Red Machine has been used in "buddy tag teams" as a lovable monster rather than a sick, twisted demon.

So someone pulls out the character he can shoot them down. The only possible thing that could put a ceiling on his career in politics would be his birth in Spain, so no President Kane and a the end of the day he doesn't have the baggage that Linda McMahon had.
No wrestler ever fully retires unless of course they are injured beyond repair or dead.

LOL, maybe for douche bags like Flair , but i can assure you that even while he still may be able to put on an amazing match...... HBK will NEVER wrestle again. If he does have a return match I will send you a thousand bucks in the mail..... not joking. save my info...though you wont need it
This is a tough one to answer, Taker, Triple H, Mysterio or someone like Kane, Henry or Big Show are the most ovious superstars people think that are on the cusp of retiring, but let´s not forget the fact that there have been wrestlers that retired out of the blue and people not expected them to, and the reason i just said that is because i think that the next superstar to retire will not be due to old age or injuries, but because he has done a lot at an early age and there is not much left for him to do is Randy Orton, kind of like the Rock after Wrestlemania 19, by the age of 30 plus years he has done it all, and maybe is just my opinion, but to me it looks like he doesn´t have the passion anymore, or if he doesn´t retire he will go for a long hiatus, i hope i´m wrong......
LOL, maybe for douche bags like Flair , but i can assure you that even while he still may be able to put on an amazing match...... HBK will NEVER wrestle again. If he does have a return match I will send you a thousand bucks in the mail..... not joking. save my info...though you wont need it

1. I'm certain you're not HBK, so you're going off what you read and hear. I however am going off the past precedent of the wrestling business. There's always one more match and if you haven't understood that by now then I'm not sure what to tell you.

2. People said Austin wouldn't ever wrestle, just wait and see, Rick Rude was never going to get back in the ring, the Rock, Lance Storm, Flair and Hogan, Warrior, Foley, HBK, Jericho, Funk, DDP, Piper, Steamboat, etc etc etc. Like i said wrestlers only truly retire when their body is beyond repair or they've passed away.

3. Remember you said that!
How about Vincent Kennedy McMahon? It is possible that he would be the next to step down and let Tripps and Stephanie run the show. Not saying I hope that happens (would prefer Rey as he is just wrecking his body at this point) but there have been a few rumblings that VKM might be ready to hand the reigns over.
I think it surely has to be Mysterio, unless he decides to dramatically change his in-ring style (which I dont think he will so- the lucha style is his calling card). The man has had at least 6 surgeries on his knees and the impact he puts on them when flying round the ring will cause more injuries to happen, especially as he seems to be getting more and more out of shape as the years go by.

Rey has had a phenomenal career, he has done it all. Won every Cruiserweight titlt there was, IC titles, Royal Rumbles, World Titles...if I was him I would seriously be considering calling it a day. He is the greatest high-flyer the WWE has ever seen but that means shit if you struggle to walk due to the beatings your legs have taken. I think Rey must have enough money in the bank to walk away from WWE, and I think we will see him hang up the boots in the next year or so.

Maybe we will see him have 1 more decent run, with a IC or US title run, maybe even a tag-team title run with Sin Cara or something along those lines, but he won't be around for much longer, and if he suffers one more serious injury then I think thats him done.

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