I, personally, will remember Mark Henry for being in the main event of one of the most disappointing nights in my life.
The Royal Rumble has always been my favorite PPV, and lo and behold, the 2006 Royal Rumble was in Miami, Fl and I just happened to be no only in the U.S, but right there. Golly! The WWE live and it wasn't just some crummy European tour house show, but the best freackin' PPV of the year. I was SO there!
Then I saw the half-assed stage they had set with some weird gladiator theme. Bit of a let down, maybe this was a crummy house show after all.
Then the Royal Rumble wasn't on last. What the hell? But ok, Orton was going to win. I was sure of it. His time had come, besides noone else made sense. Orton had the number 30. Cool, I was sure Orton was going to be the one who broke the No. 30 curse by last eliminating the numbers 1 and 2. Sweet.
But then Rey Mysterio won. WHAT. THE. FUCK!!!! Worst. Rumble. Ever!
And only after this monumental letdown Cena (whose special entrance stage was way more elaborate than the actual one) regained the WWE title from Edge. Ugh.
And then the main event: The Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle defending against the challenger... Mark Henry.
ARE. YOU. F***ING. KIDDING. ME!??!??!!??!????
Angle did his best, but at one point some fan a couple of rows in front of me shouted: "You know you suck if even Angle can't make you look good."
Oooh, burn. And so true.
After the match, I can't even remember how it ended, only that Angle won (as if there could be any doubt), the reason was revealed why this match was on last. Out comes the Undertaker and with his magical powers he made the ring collapse. Oooooh, spooky! Of course he could just have announced that he wants to be the next challenger for the title, but that would be too easy, I guess.
Well, the show was over, and we went back to my car. We hadn't parked right next to the American Airlines Arena because parking there was expensive as hell. We had to walk a bit to a more secluded area.
Pure stroke of genius, I know. I had lived on and off in Miami for 6 years. You'd think I would know better than some nincompoop tourist parking my car in a remote lot in Downtown Miami. Of course my car window was broken. Fortunately there had been nothing of value in the car.
Ugh! What a day! And Mark Henry was the main event. I'll always remember him for that.