Mark Henry planning to retire

Yeah, I think it's a good thing for him to do. He's fat. His knees will have enough problems as it is. No need to damage them further by continuing to wrestle. He's not getting a championship run in the future and unless he's an idiot, he's not hurting for money.

Obviously, he'll be remembered for the Mae Young story line and for getting blown by a man. The only other thing that comes close to me is winning that Arnold Invitational Strongman Contest. Otherwise, maybe the ECW championship run.
but never really broke past ECW Champion material (although I think he made Matt Hardy look good).

Slander. Sorry, it is.

Ok, onto my thoughts.

I personally Will Miss big ol Sexual chocolate when he's gone. He never was a "Main-eventer" so to say, but he's stayed Very loyal to the company, and has had his shining moments. 2007 was probably his best year, because they were actually pushing him as a legit Monster, Even more than they did with the ECW Championship. He even faced Undertaker at Mania that year, not many guy's can claim they have done that.
Personally, I'm gonna miss Mark. Yeah he's never really excelled in the ring but when you get to it, he does put on decent matches. He has a look that is all it's own and he's one of those guys that you can tell gives 110% every time he's out there.

Personally, I think he'll probably be inducted into the hall of fame somewhere down the line for his time staying loyal to WWE. Thanks Mark for ~20 years of interesting storylines and jobbing to the stars.
If Mark Henry do retires with in the next 18 months, it would be nice that the WWE honor a man that has overcome a lot in his life and career. Its sad how many fans make fun of him without researching his past before the Olympics and WWE. Did you Know :
1. His father die when he was 12 . ( diabetes )
2. At 14 he was diagnosed with dyslexia ( a learning disability )
3. He recently took time off to take care of his brother that had a stroke.
4. He was trained by the Harts. ( Stu & Bret )
5. He does a lot of charity work with disable children. ( But has never been recognized for it by WWE )
6. He has never been the best worker in the ring for the last 15 yrs, but he sure has been one of the hardest workers in the WWE. ( He does his job regardless how crappy the gimmick they give him.)
7. He has lost a lot of weight if you compare him to the Mark Henry of 1996 -2007. ( He was closed to 500 lbs and they say he is 418 lbs but looks more like 380 lbs.)

Mark Henry may have not had a HOF career but , He has lived a HOF life. I take my hat off and salute him for not ever quiting in life or the WWE and being a real role model to many disable children and a first class human being.

Thank You for the memories Mr. Henry, may God keep blessing you on a well deserve retirement.
I, personally, will remember Mark Henry for being in the main event of one of the most disappointing nights in my life.

The Royal Rumble has always been my favorite PPV, and lo and behold, the 2006 Royal Rumble was in Miami, Fl and I just happened to be no only in the U.S, but right there. Golly! The WWE live and it wasn't just some crummy European tour house show, but the best freackin' PPV of the year. I was SO there!

Then I saw the half-assed stage they had set with some weird gladiator theme. Bit of a let down, maybe this was a crummy house show after all.
Then the Royal Rumble wasn't on last. What the hell? But ok, Orton was going to win. I was sure of it. His time had come, besides noone else made sense. Orton had the number 30. Cool, I was sure Orton was going to be the one who broke the No. 30 curse by last eliminating the numbers 1 and 2. Sweet.
But then Rey Mysterio won. WHAT. THE. FUCK!!!! Worst. Rumble. Ever!
And only after this monumental letdown Cena (whose special entrance stage was way more elaborate than the actual one) regained the WWE title from Edge. Ugh.
And then the main event: The Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle defending against the challenger... Mark Henry.
ARE. YOU. F***ING. KIDDING. ME!??!??!!??!????
Angle did his best, but at one point some fan a couple of rows in front of me shouted: "You know you suck if even Angle can't make you look good."
Oooh, burn. And so true.
After the match, I can't even remember how it ended, only that Angle won (as if there could be any doubt), the reason was revealed why this match was on last. Out comes the Undertaker and with his magical powers he made the ring collapse. Oooooh, spooky! Of course he could just have announced that he wants to be the next challenger for the title, but that would be too easy, I guess.

Well, the show was over, and we went back to my car. We hadn't parked right next to the American Airlines Arena because parking there was expensive as hell. We had to walk a bit to a more secluded area.
Pure stroke of genius, I know. I had lived on and off in Miami for 6 years. You'd think I would know better than some nincompoop tourist parking my car in a remote lot in Downtown Miami. Of course my car window was broken. Fortunately there had been nothing of value in the car.

Ugh! What a day! And Mark Henry was the main event. I'll always remember him for that.
Well he is retiring at a very young age, and the right age to be quite honest. He made a lot of cash at WWE, so why put your body through that type of schedule, when you are pretty much set for life (if you made the right investment choices). So I say congrats to that. I wish I could retire before I'm 40.

But I like Mark Henry... he seems like a really genuine good guy. And I can see why Vinnie Mac likes him. I hope to meet him in person one day.
I appreciate that he does an important job on the roster but I have never once been entertained by Mark Henry, I think he sucks in the ring and on the mic. I cannot remember him ever having a good match. After all his time in the business he really should be better than he is.

WWE will be losing a good company man who never complains and does anything he is told, but Henry must be thanking the lord that he has remained under WWE contract all these years when far more talented wrestlers have been future endevoured. I am actually astonished that they deem him worthy of paying when he has actually contributed so little to storylines and never had a memorable match.

I will be glad to see the back of him as a wrestler, but I hope he finds success in his new career of helping people. He does seem a nice guy and its great that he is going to dedicate his time to such a worthy cause.
This is the top of Mark Henry's game? Really? Really? If that's true, he might just be the most overpaid wrestler in WWE history.

He probably was the most overpaid during his first contract with WWE. Wasn't it a 10 year deal for a ridiculously high salary? Even so, he might have been worth the money had he not spent such an amazing amount of time on the injured list. The fact that Vince McMahon chose to keep him on when the contract expired goes to show that McMahon probably really does have a weak spot for the super-heavyweights. But the contracts that followed were most likely for a fraction of the amount of the first, keeping it feasible to employ him.

When the company paired Mark with Tony Atlas as a road companion, it was said that Tony could keep an eye on Mark to make sure he maintained good habits involving conditioning, nutrition, and keeping better hours. As far as I can see, it worked! Look at how long Mark Henry has been on the active list during and after his association with Atlas.

No, Mark is never going to be a featured superstar again, but he's been useful to the company these last few years. If he really is going to retire, I wouldn't be surprised to see one more push in the last months before he goes. Nothing major, but a nice way to thank him for his service.

And Mark Henry deserves it; a statement I never thought I would make when he was spending so much time out of action due to injury.

Here's to him.:)
I will miss Mark Henry, he seems to be a good guy out of the ring. As for him retiring at a young age, well when he started in WWE he had a huge 10 year money deal so he is definitly set for life. I heard he made some good investments so even at 40 he doesn't have to worry about money like Ric Flair, unless something bad happens in his personal life. Yes he will be remembered for giving birth to a hand by some people, but i will remember him as a member of the Nation of Domination.
I always liked Mark Henry. He had the ability to work a decent match and put over new stars. He's not a technical wrestler, or a high-flyer. You pretty much know what you're gonna get when you see Mark Henry walk through he curtain. I think he's gonna stay around obviously in a trainer sort of role, or maybe just do what Finlay did and put over new stars occasionally on TV. I don't see why he needs to stay around, i'd be at home relaxing after a long career like he's had.
I will miss Henry I remember his debut in that american flag outfit to him joining the nation and he was best when he was with d'lo brown.

the mae young story lne where she gives birth to a hand was awsome I found it funny and people are still talking about it ..

I know he also been injured a hell of a lot and when he frst signed it was a 10 million 10 year contract and when it was up he took a serious pay cut and still stayed around cause he loves being a wrestler and loves the bussiness.

him talking at the raw is owen episode was touching.

lets face it henry wont ever be the bigest draw or world champ but everyone whos a try wwe fan will miss him if he's gone.
I deffinately will be remembered for his infamous angle with Mae Young, but I personally will remember him for being the man who put on the worst match of all Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak matches. His casket match at WM22 was a absolute fucking dud. The crowd was dead, it was predictable as hell and the action was slower then Khali sprinting in the 100m.

Personally I am glad that he is retiring. He is boring as hell to watch, and whenever he appeared on a 1-on-1 at a PPV or TV it was ALWAYS my toilet break. Mark Henry seriously wont be a big loss if he leaves. Like TUFFY54 said, he deffinately had the potential to be a brilliant monster heel. He had the belivable look, the legitimate strength and great size to be a GREAT monster heel but he failed with his dreadful in-ring skills.
I think he had a solid tenure in the WWE. He wasn't great, but he wasn't the Brooklyn Brawler either. I was more impressed with him as a person than him as a wrestler cause I actually met him and had a decent conversation with him at a resturant. He wasn't the typical A-hole superstar that doesn't have time for the common people.
As far as how he will be remembered, it's hard to say. He was a hard worker and he seemed to do whatever role was asked of him. When he was sexual chocolate, that ish was hilarious. I can still remeber his theme music. I hope nothing but the best for him if he actually does decide to retire.
Mark Henry leaving.... It Stinks!
Really not a huge loss but the man has hit a prime with his relevance. He looks strong as temporary big card fill in...on a RAW..hes insanely over.

Best thing he can do is put someone over Jamie Noble style....

Ill miss him though.
Whether he leaves this year, next year, or three years from now... he has had a wrestling career better than anyone predicted. When he was signed by WWF in 1996, he was given a ten year deal. He's been going almost fifteen years, and made money through so many failed gimmicks and ignored pushes. This day and age, most wrestlers don't last FIVE years before being released. He's outlasted the Hardcore Hollys, the Mike Knoxes, the Kurrgans, and he even outlasted some world champions (Lesnar, Lashley, JBL).

Like it or not, Mark Henry made it in wrestling, and he can cash out and enjoy the money he made.
Yea, I think anyone who manages to last this long in the WWE has done well, whether they are main event status or not. The Mae Young storyline was deeply disturbing, but he will be remembered for his days in the nation of domination most definately for me. It was in the 90's he was at his best. He could perhaps have done with a character change in the last 10 years though, another talent that the WWE could've used better.
Ah Mark Henry....

The nation of domination, teaming with D lo Brown, Sexual chocolate (and that depressing Mae young horribleness), and all the other changes he's been through, and still manages to work and get paid in a business he obviously enjoys.

Not the best worker by far, not the best wrestler but good enough to make other people look good and not be selfish about it. The very definition of what it means to be a mid carder and be good at it.

Not his biggest fan, but in light of all I remember about the big guy, I just might miss him when he leaves.
People on here can diss and make fun of Mark Henry all they want. Fact is everytime he shows up on RAW he gets a very big pop he is loved by the WWE fans. The fans loved seeing him destroy Sheamus( i did as well) anytime Henry came out and just crushed people he has always gotten a good pop especially as a face. As a Heel he was able to get pretty good heat as well he just wasn't the greatest inside the ring. Regardless he will be missed and him reitring leaves a BIG void in the WWE roster cause losing the Worlds Strongest Man is a BIG Deal. Vince may go out and find himself a new Worlds strongest Man to fill the strongman monster of the WWE role but Henry will never truly be replaced unless the WWE gets the Next Worlds Strongest Man, even then it is doubtful that person will be as strong as mark Henry who literally is most likely the strongest man to ever live on top of being 100% drug free. Like him or not he deserves respect for what he can do in or out of the ring. Many in the IWC claim to hate all the steroided wrestlers in Pro Wrestling well Henry was one of the few that NEVER took steroids and yet still doesnt get any respect when he is stronger than any of the guys doing steroids by a HUGE margin.
i have mixed feelings about him leaving. i saw a lot of unused potential with this powerhouse but on the other hand there is not much to do with him now. the biggest feud i have seen him in was with sheamus, i thought this would be his push but after that i have not seen him anymore. he has won two titles in over ten years and i do not think he will win anymore unless he turns heel during his last months in WWE.
I'll miss you, big guy. Not everybody that wrestles in the WWE is destined for greatness but there is an important spot for guys like Henry. He gave credibility to anybody who beat him because of the WSM moniker. Also, he can still play the monster heel real well as evidenced by his ECW run. 15 years in the company is a long time and I hope retirement serves him well.
Never rated the guy wrestling to be honest, But he looks big and mean so i can see why wwe used him as enhancement talent, As for the worlds strongest man gimmick i could name 10-15 wrestlers stronger than him, I've also never rated his finisher "The Worlds Strongest Slam" Either, However he seems a very nice guy out of the ring.
I don't see a problem with a guy his age claiming to be at the top of his game... It's relative, and since it's coming from the wrestler's themselves, it's probably more true than we know seeing as though they're opinion is closer in relation to the topic than ours.
Mark Henry isn't the first older wrestler to say he's at the top of his game when his prime was years ago. The way are looking at it can be seen in any number of ways they are viewing a combination of factors that make a performers career... from being athletic (physical), to technique (knowledge/experience/execution), to entertainment value (charisma).
Obviously he's not in as good a shape as he was when he first signed (who ever is after 12 years?). It's hard to tell about technique since his matches are short nowadays, but he seems to me to be as sharp as ever, relative to what he does and what his style is, and I think his charisma is as high as it ever was, in proportion with what they give him to work with. The man is getting pretty decent pops.
Give him his PROPS!! If he says he's at the top of his game, maybe he knows something we don't get to see every week.

If by the top of his game he was referring to the Worst Casket match of all time against Undertaker despite being personally handpicked by Vince over Kurt Angle to go against Undertaker at Wrestlemania 22, then what a sad top it was, eh?

to the guy who said Henry could easily be replaced, highly doubt....he will leave a pretty big void when looking at the roster...i doubt many guys could have a 15 year career and stay somewhat many of those guys will be billed Worlds Strongest Man? how many of those guys will face Undertaker at Mania? hes had good enough mic skills and has been a part of alot of memorable moments....a win over Mark Henry still counts for something regardless if he is used for enhancement nowadays...

Why do u act like his match with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 22 is one to remember? No other Casket match was as horrible as that, for God's sake! Stop being a Henry mark and see for yourself that he's worthless, even after Vince had personally picked him over KURT EFFING ANGLE to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 22 and hoped the match would give him a legendary status!!!

I, personally, will remember Mark Henry for being in the main event of one of the most disappointing nights in my life.

The Royal Rumble has always been my favorite PPV, and lo and behold, the 2006 Royal Rumble was in Miami, Fl and I just happened to be no only in the U.S, but right there. Golly! The WWE live and it wasn't just some crummy European tour house show, but the best freackin' PPV of the year. I was SO there!

Then I saw the half-assed stage they had set with some weird gladiator theme. Bit of a let down, maybe this was a crummy house show after all.
Then the Royal Rumble wasn't on last. What the hell? But ok, Orton was going to win. I was sure of it. His time had come, besides noone else made sense. Orton had the number 30. Cool, I was sure Orton was going to be the one who broke the No. 30 curse by last eliminating the numbers 1 and 2. Sweet.
But then Rey Mysterio won. WHAT. THE. FUCK!!!! Worst. Rumble. Ever!
And only after this monumental letdown Cena (whose special entrance stage was way more elaborate than the actual one) regained the WWE title from Edge. Ugh.
And then the main event: The Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle defending against the challenger... Mark Henry.
ARE. YOU. F***ING. KIDDING. ME!??!??!!??!????
Angle did his best, but at one point some fan a couple of rows in front of me shouted: "You know you suck if even Angle can't make you look good."
Oooh, burn. And so true.
After the match, I can't even remember how it ended, only that Angle won (as if there could be any doubt), the reason was revealed why this match was on last. Out comes the Undertaker and with his magical powers he made the ring collapse. Oooooh, spooky! Of course he could just have announced that he wants to be the next challenger for the title, but that would be too easy, I guess.

Well, the show was over, and we went back to my car. We hadn't parked right next to the American Airlines Arena because parking there was expensive as hell. We had to walk a bit to a more secluded area.
Pure stroke of genius, I know. I had lived on and off in Miami for 6 years. You'd think I would know better than some nincompoop tourist parking my car in a remote lot in Downtown Miami. Of course my car window was broken. Fortunately there had been nothing of value in the car.

Ugh! What a day! And Mark Henry was the main event. I'll always remember him for that.

To this day, I can't believe Vince personally pciked Henry over Angle to face Taker at WM 22. The most horrible Casket match ever performed over a wrestling clinic, what bargain!!

I deffinately will be remembered for his infamous angle with Mae Young, but I personally will remember him for being the man who put on the worst match of all Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak matches. His casket match at WM22 was a absolute fucking dud. The crowd was dead, it was predictable as hell and the action was slower then Khali sprinting in the 100m.

Finally someone who agrees with me. Kudos for not jumping bandwagon, dude!! :)

Personally I am glad that he is retiring. He is boring as hell to watch, and whenever he appeared on a 1-on-1 at a PPV or TV it was ALWAYS my toilet break. Mark Henry seriously wont be a big loss if he leaves. Like TUFFY54 said, he deffinately had the potential to be a brilliant monster heel. He had the belivable look, the legitimate strength and great size to be a GREAT monster heel but he failed with his dreadful in-ring skills.


And let's not forget the worst wrestling main event of all time against Undertaker at Unforgiven 2007 after a massive 4 months build up, nonetheless.

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