Mark Henry to RAW

Henry just needs to lose tony atlas.

I could be wrong about this, but I remember reading that the reason Tony Atlas was hired was to be a trainer/road companion to Mark Henry. It was said that Mark didn't train properly, kept really bad hours and had terrible nutritional habits. Tony was to oversee all that....... and be a WWE performer, too.

Well, I don't know if all that is accurate, but look at the huge change in Mark Henry since Atlas came aboard: Mark hasn't been on the injured list for a long, long time. Earlier in this thread, someone said that Henry's problem was the lack of a good push and bad storylines, but I don't agree. I think his problem was that he got hurt every time he started to gain some momentum. The company saw that they couldn't depend on him to stay in the ring and wound up canceling his push. You couldn't blame them for that when Mark's injuries would keep him sidelined for months and months.

Now, he may have been around long enough for the company to plan around him again. So I agree....... I like Mark Henry.

Tony Atlas, too.
HE is ok but will be the next big show which is jobber. That is my opinion and is nowhere near a spam. Thats all I THINK OF HIM. sORRY IF YOU THINK iM SPAMMIN!!! I hate spam actually it is a cheap rip off of ham but in a can!! Just because I dont babble on and on about something doesn't mean I should get a spam. Thats my opinion on henry. Short and sweet.
I definitely agree. Good for Henry and I hope he makes the most out of his time on Raw. I never thought I'd say this but I truly admire how ECW is helping wrestlers get into their groove before they take on the bigger brands.
Well... I haven't actually seen RAW yet this week, because a) I live in the UK and B) I have a job, so stayign up until 3/4am to watch a programme which I have no idea if it's going to be good of not does not appeal to me in the slightest.

That being said, when I do watch RAW tomorrow night, I am going to MTFO for this. Purely because I love Mark Henry. Mainly because I am a powerlifter and Mark has done so much for the sport and strength sports in general and also because I beleive him to be the best big guy in the WWE today. Laugh at me all you want but who portrays the big guy better in the WWE?

Big Show? no... he is a joke. He's been booked terribly and his moveset offers little different for your typical big man

Khali? A dancing, singing, kissing joke compared to how awesome he once was as a heel

Taker? Well he doesn't really do the "big man" thing so well, as much as he does the scary man thing...

For me, Umaga WAS the best big man in the WWE, but this is now Henry. He may be slow in the ring, but come on he's 400+lbs. The stuff he can do in the ring to showcase his strength, is both innovative and entertaining. For example, the "holding up the ladder" spot in MITB this year and the powerbomb/suplex to Dreamer and Christian on Sunday. When he did this, I actually thought it's time to turn him and it's refreshing to see a NATURAL, BELIEVEABLE heel turn. Where WWE dropped a bollock with MVP, in having him all of a sudden become corny, happy, smiley and friendly instead of acting like a baller. They have done the complete opposite with Henry, with keeping him a badass, strong as hell, beast, but one who instead of attacking the faces, is now doing over the heels, because he now feels its his time.

Good booking WWE, lets hope you stick with this.
I disagree, people were excited because the big guy was going to come out and beat up Orton, when hes thrown into a actual story people will find him boring just as i have since he started in the WWE.
I like the reaction that Mark Henry received on RAW Monday night. I hope they continue that in the weeks to continue. He is severely underrated and everybody shits on him for stuff he is supposed to do. He's intimidating and powerful in the ring and sells well and takes care of his opponent except for a few occasions.
I say bout fuckin time! WWE has pushed every other big guy in the fucking company except the best one in Henry. The guy doesn't have to even be billed as strong. he looks like he can legitimately rip your ass in half. He is a good worker, and has been loyal to WWE doing most of what they told him to do in his career with them. I also loved the way they began this push. Having him COMPLETELY decimate Orton. At first i thought he was gonna pull a Swagger, but when his big ass stepped back int hat ring I marked the fuck out. The best big guy in the industry today is finally getting pushed, and it's about time WWE realized what a talent the man can be.
good thread.
i realy never liked mark henry up untill raw this week. i defenently think being in ecw has done him a world of good and im glad to see mark henry as a face and i think he is better then big show/khali/ maybe not so much kane but i realy think mark henry needs to be floating around main event scene while on raw.
I disagree, people were excited because the big guy was going to come out and beat up Orton, when hes thrown into a actual story people will find him boring just as i have since he started in the WWE.

I suspect this as well, I think Mark should be given a chance anyway, hes worked for the WWE for something like 10 years now, give him a push, who knows, maybe he will do great things with it.
I'm quite stunned at the people here who don't know why the crowd went insane it's simple really he beat ORTON by far the most hated man in the E today and to say that it was completely clean is an utter joke Orton was selling the beating he took last week a LMS match and 3 stages of hell the night before he was beaten with a chair relentlessly in the first match at the bash for god sakes he fought two other matches I know they were short but they were matches.

Point is people are over reacting Henry is not getting pushed he was just seen as the most believable credible guy to beat a battered wwe champion.
I'm rooting for Mark Henry, and I hope he can actually make it as a face, as it's been a while since he's been one. The crowd was very much behind him on Raw, and though it may have only been because of him fighting Orton, I can see this developing into a good push for him. As long as they don't immediately stick him in a feud with Big Show...
I actually don't see a push coming. He only got a reaction because like someone else said, Orton is a very good heel and very hated. I also read the spoilers for next weeks RAW that on that same night in front of the same crowd Henry went against Rhodes and didnt get half the reaction he got earlier against Orton. I do see the dreadful Show, Henry feud in the near future though.:glare: and btw isnt this the pg era? having "someones going to get their ass kicked. someones going to get their wig split. beat him up beat him break his neck break his neck" in a entrance theme doesnt seem to pg to me but maybe thats just me :o
I said Mark Henry deserved something bigger a couple of weeks ago in a thread I started. He has progressed well over on ECW, and I'm glad he's on RAW and I was entertained by his Orton Squash.

Something tells me that he will be the face Big Show as he will look strong now, but in a couple of weeks he will be jobbing to Main Eventers. WWE for some reason doesn't want to give us mark out moments on a consistent basis, and they have consistently did one thing then spoiled it by going back to their repetitive formula with no new faces in high profile feuds. Lets see if they prove me and us wrong here.

I'm seeing hopefule world title gold in his future from some people's posts. Now, I honestly don't give two fucks who has a world title run, as long as its not HHH, Cena, Edge, or Batista. So giving Henry the strap wouldn't be a bad idea in my eyes, but then again giving the strap to anyone (Main event, high upper mid-card of course) other than the 4 mentioned isn't a bad idea to me at this point.

Let's see how the WWE Title scene shapes up after NOC.
Mark Henry will be like Shawn Michaels in the sense that he will always be around the main event scene, but he won't grab the big one. The main event is just too crowded on Raw. We've got Batista, John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, and soon Ted DiBiase. He'll have to turn face soon, because I've never seen the WWE push a movie with a heel in the lead role, which is interesting, because Randy Orton was supposed to lead that movie, but he had his collarbone injury.

However Mark Henry will be in between upper-midcarder and main-eventer. He might get one reign if he's over enough, but he really doesn't have alot of time, he's 38. So good luck Henry, here's to you fuckin other people's shit up....
Mark fucking Henry, that's who!

I not even a couple weeks ago mentioned how much I'd love to see the aggressive side of Mark Henry turn face. Mark Henry got decent reactions as a comedy face, and he's gotten World Championships as an agressive heel. So what's to say he can't get both, as an Aggressive Face?

Example? Tonight's Raw. Henry flat-out dominated and fucked Randy Orton's shit UP!

I, for one, am excited to see this. I've never given more than two seconds of care for Mark Henry.. and that was during the time I just cared enough to feel sorry for him, because he was "screwing" a guy dressed in Women's clothing.

All in all though, Mark Henry - tonight - did every bit of what he wanted to. He made an example, and may have finally fallen into the category and place he belongs.

Will he ever be a Main Eventer that lasts on Raw? I doubt it. I truly doubt it. But the fact is, as a face with aggression.. he could be better than he's ever been.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?

I remember that last Raw. I was sitting at my computer, with Raw playing just inside of my peripheral. I was aware of what was going on, but was mostly engrossed in this page long post I was posting as a rebuttal. I heard Evan Bourne was first, and winced at the utter lack of reaction he got. Absolutely nothing when he was going to the ring. I hurt for the guy.

Swagger got in, did some shit, then got himself counted out. Noticed his "My first match on Raw" hiccup, (he had fought Cena on the Draft Raw if I remember right), but other than that thought "Yep. He's got that heel thing down."

Then Mark Henry got in. I thought "fucking hell, this wasn't a gauntlet match at all. A walk in the fucking park for Orton, really." Then I saw Henry step out of the ring, and thought "Fuck me. A match for the main event, please." Then Henry stepped back in, and I heard the roar from the crowd. I literally stopped mid-sentence in my post, looked at the tv, and said out loud "Is that Mark Henry getting a fucking pop over Orton? Fucking Mark Henry?" When he pinned Orton that crowd shook.

Now, some could say "They just hate Orton that much." Meh. The point can be argued. He is heel after all. But. Look at Mark Henry. He played that role perfectly. He was doing some of that crowd work, swear. He and Orton played that crowd. Fucking played it.

Henry's getting a push through the mid-card at the very least. But after that reaction against Orton, I wouldn't be surprised if he was brought up to challenge Orton for the title after Triple H gets done with Orton, to give a breather between Orton and Cena feuding. Shit would be awesome, if Henry would be on his game like he was Monday.
Son of a bitch. I switched swagger and Bourne's names around in my post. Well ya caught me folks, damn it. Point being he had already fought. I didn't say Orton wasn't squashed. I just said in the truest sense of what a clean win is...that wasnt one of them. the same argument was made back at no mercy i believe 07? the one hhh had 3 fights. Some said, "sweet Orton got a clean win over hhh others said "the hell he did hhh had to fight 3 times, hows that clean" to be fair Orton definitely didn't have 3 matches or even 1 match on raw like hhh did at the ppv, but you can kind of follow the logic. After all, every one hulks up a bit at ppv's, wrestlers who can be knocked out cold from an rko without even having been in a fight to end a raw can go 20 minutes and kick out of one at a ppv not a complaint but just saying you know how it is.
Correct me if I'm wrong because its the basis of my entire posts on this thread. a clean win= no interference, no weapons, both men start out on even terms as far as health goes, no cheating, match ends with a pinfall and a clean one no grabbing the tights or feet on the rope for leverage. Or all of that but a tap out for the ending
I have to say this. This was THE best worked piece of storyline I've seen in YEARS.

It worked us PERFECTLY. Jack Swagger showed his heel side by getting counted out for Orton.

THEN it was followed up by Mark Henry who we all thought was going to beast Randy around and end up getting an RKO. I figured that'd be followed up by Triple H coming and laying a beat down and the show going off the air. Same shit, different week.

Mark Henry then steps outside. Everyone boos; we think he's going to try to get into Legacy as well. The boos in that arena couldn't be denied. Henry can be a sheep at times, I bought it. Then he laughs and gets in the ring and tears Randy Orton a new asshole. Pins him cleanly.

The body language by Henry had me guessing the entire time and the result of what happened COULDN'T have been more perfect.

I'm in the group of people who've NEVER given a bucket of monkey piss about Henry, but I hope he keeps this up. If nothing, I absolutely LOVED this piece. Well done to the writers, well done to Henry and Orton for acting it and making me buy every damn bit of it. Brilliant.
I think the best part was how well the entire match/segment was done. Henry teasing a heel move then switching it up. I am thoroughly pleased with this. Mark has always been kinda meh to me. But lately I have wondered if he could pull off a face persona. I even started a thread about it. I think he can now. Heres to hoping he doesn't get buried. Btw! I fucking hate Orton, but he did an awesome job of selling his injuries last night.
I'm quite stunned at the people here who don't know why the crowd went insane it's simple really he beat ORTON by far the most hated man in the E today and to say that it was completely clean is an utter joke Orton was selling the beating he took last week a LMS match and 3 stages of hell the night before he was beaten with a chair relentlessly in the first match at the bash for god sakes he fought two other matches I know they were short but they were matches.

First of all. Periods. Use them.

If Henry wasn't at least a little over they crowd wouldn't give a shit who he was. Did you see the Bourne match against Orton? Bourne was doing some damage, but no one popped for anything. They couldn't give less of a shit about Bourne, so they wouldn't pop for anything he did.

Then Henry goes in there and cleans house. It was, honestly, equal parts the entire segment (Swagger played himself incredibly well), Orton getting his ass kicked, and Henry kicking the shit out of a heel for once. But to put it all on Orton is rediculous. Henry was working that crowd.

Point is people are over reacting Henry is not getting pushed he was just seen as the most believable credible guy to beat a battered wwe champion.

Oh geez, someone who thinks they know more than they do. If Henry wasn't getting a push, then they could have had anyone else go out there and get the credit for destroying Orton. Cena would have made that crowd pop the roof off. Kofi could have gotten it. MVP. Any face that's at least mid-card level, really.

Wait until Raw. See where Henry is. I guarantee you it's at least a mid-card push. He owes it all to that crowd, really.
First of all I'll use punctuation this time. Secondly your second point is dead wrong Batista the acting GM. Stated that this would be a gauntlet match between Orton and 3 of the 5 newly acquired superstars which means MVP and Cena were not eligible obviously you did not watch the show.

Mid card push ? yeah most likely but main event please. Orton is the reason he got a huge pop like it or not the crowd there was giving him heat throughout the night. When Swagger stepped out of the ring they thought Orton would get of the hook again insert Mark Henry who proceeds to destroy Orton bam the crowd goes insane.

Henry worked the crowd to an extent but he said what 2 sentences to say he really worked it is a joke. Orton is the reason henry got over with that crowd period.
First of all I'll use punctuation this time. Secondly your second point is dead wrong Batista the acting GM. Stated that this would be a gauntlet match between Orton and 3 of the 5 newly acquired superstars which means MVP and Cena were not eligible obviously you did not watch the show.

Mid card push ? yeah most likely but main event please. Orton is the reason he got a huge pop like it or not the crowd there was giving him heat throughout the night. When Swagger stepped out of the ring they thought Orton would get of the hook again insert Mark Henry who proceeds to destroy Orton bam the crowd goes insane.

Henry worked the crowd to an extent but he said what 2 sentences to say he really worked it is a joke. Orton is the reason henry got over with that crowd period.

So if Henry hadn't did what he did, do you think the crowd will be booing Orton more than Henry? They probably won't but that's a story for another day. Henry did work the crowd and Orton isn't the only reason Henry got over. If Henry doesn't get a reaction Monday night, you better be blaming Orton as much as you would praise him if Henry keeps getting that reaction.
Randy Orton fought Evan Bourne in what looked to be a pretty even match-up, until Bourne finished the last of his "spot-fests" and Orton hit a top rope R.K.O on him for the victory. At this point, Orton was tired.. Swagger entered, hit a basic "takedown slam" on him, then wasted a good couple of minutes, telling Orton he respect him and got counted out.

Orton wasn't as fresh as Mark Henry, but he damn sure wasn't worn down beyond everything, that he couldn't of even put up some type of offense.

Watch that match again. Mark Henry didn't just defeat Randy Orton cleanly as far as having a pinfall went. Mark Henry flat-out SQUASHED the W.W.E Heavyweight Champion, then pinned him in the middle of the ring to make a damn impressive statement.

Orton was also selling the beating he took from "THE ALMIGHTY TRIPLE H' at The Bash in Three Stages of Hell. Then he had two matches against Bourne and Swagger. The match with Bourne was pretty competitive with Bourne hitting quite a bit of his offense on Orton. Swagger didn't so shit but one move on Orton but Randy had maybe what a minute and a half of rest then Henry dominated him. Come on the champ had five matches in two nights before facing off with the World's Strongest Man. I'm not saying what Dark Henry did wasn't impressive but would he have done this if Randy was fresh? No. Gimme a break Will you know better than that.
The only reason Henry had the crowd worked over was because of what Swagger did before him he set it up and Henry ran with it. Pretty good booking which for raw is rare and watch Henry will get a positive face like reaction because he will get the rub from beating Orton the first thing that will be said about this guy for a month is he pinned the wwe champion Randy Orton and the crowd will treat him accordingly.
Henry to RAW, Allright finnaly raw gets the world's strongest man. Henry was wasting his time on ECW fighting guys less then half his size like finley, christian, and swagger. Now that Henry is on raw he can take out his anger on some of the wwe's better competitors. The gauntlet match on Raw shows just how devistating Henry really is. He took out one of raws finest in Randy Orton and did come to raw with a good first impression. I think if Henry keeps up this good pace he will be fighting for the WWE championship in a couple of months.

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