Should TNA Sign Mark Henry?

They shouldn't. They won't. Everyone wins.

I like Henry, and it really is a shame that he had to wait so long to have his loyalty rewarded but it was nice while it lasted. I honestly thought he'd hold the title up to Wrestlemania, until the injuries.

It's been said so many times it's getting tedious, but TNA needs to concentrate on continuing to build the talent they already have to main event level. They've got more than enough name recognition on their books already.
STRAIGHT UP............
He is the man that company (smackdown) when major star were missing and seeing that WWE has lost all its star power as of lately ( majorly falling out from 2003); they will try and keep Mark Henry (HE IS TOO LOYAL WITH WWE;not leaving company for ages.... till WWE decides to do) as far as possible (but certainly not with injuries); on other hand they should possibly eliminate one of their giants squad (especially Great Khali). so................they should let Mark Henry go away............
FOR TNA ITS GREAT ADDITION TO THEIR ROSTER............Mark Henry will become Champion or just a threat (like abyss).

Henry joining TNA would be an awful decision. It would be yet another step in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, I think it is likely to happen as they love to push older stars so much. Henry is hardly a star and an absolute joke. If he indeed leaves WWE then I hope he just retires instead of joining TNA. I have no desire to see him on Impact because his matches are boring and he will never be believable than anything more than a midcard monster or a jobber to the main eventers. Their booking is complicated enough, there is no need to make things even worse by adding Mark Henry to the mix.

TNA need to focus on building up their own stars. If they are going to recruit someone from outside of their federation then it needs to be someone who either has the potential to be a great top star, or someone who already is. Mark Henry is neither of those two. He'd show up, destroy jobbers for a month or so, get fed to a top face, lose, and then fade into obscurity when the fact that people don't care about him catches up to the creative team. Oh, wait, it's TNA. He might be alright. Still.... This is something I hope I never see happen.

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